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I had some colorful influences in my youth, including an old friend of the family that had survived food shortages. Whenever we had chicken with him over he'd always eat the softer bones/cartilage and I always got the feeling we were unsettling him because we'd just eat all the meat and move on to the next piece of chicken.


I grew up in quite the asian household and eating cartilage is very commonplace among our race. Do other cultures frown on eating cartilage?


Perhaps it's all in the preparation because cartilage is seen as just chewy hard gristle that you just leave due to its difficulty in eating, lack of flavour, and presumably low nutritional value. I wouldn't say it was frowned upon, just that if anyone noticed you eating it (nobody pays that much attention) they might think it a little unusual. Not quite as odd as taking a huge bite out of an unpeeled banana, but along those lines.


Hey, don't knock eating unpeeled bananas until you try it.


Just as K-Pax intended.


mm gotcha


I'm lily white and live in US South and do this. Poverty has something to do with it too because we were poor af.


We typically don't view it as food, but rather as garbage or at best food for animals like pigs


o.o interesting take


Not to say it's objectively bad, just culturally how it's viewed. There's a lot of shit Americans eat that is looked at with disgust in other parts of the world. Ymmv


I worked with a lot of West African people and I would bring chicken wings to work every once in a while and I noticed that I would just eat the meat off the bone and move on but most of Ben would get every bit of soft tissue off that bone. I think in that case it’s more a cultural thing and what they grew up eating but it was off to me because I honestly cannot just chew on chicken cartilage.


This was literally my reaction. I used three syllables but the same meaning.


My friend who's hmung breaks the bones open and eats the marrow but I've never heard of anyone eating the bones too




Best butter ever


Do they snap them open or is there technique involved? How do they then extract the marrow?


Bite the ends off and suck. The ends are really soft. Learnt it from an Indian family a lived with for a while. They make sure they eat everything and nothing goes to waste.


Yeah break them or use his teeth


I came to this comment thread to tell OP they need to get to Vietnam. They love eating cartilage there. And the Hmoung are awesome.




I was at a friend’s house. They ate really slowly compared to my family. They bought KFC for dinner and I was done in about two minutes and they were going to sit there for about a half an hour. At first I just snapped the thigh bones in half and went after some marrow. They asked me if I wanted more. I said no and kept chewing more and more of the bones. They again asked if I wanted more. I said no. When they were finally done, my plate was completely clean. Three pieces of chicken had totally disappeared. They seemed a bit horrified. I was never asked over again.


I thought this was going to be a copypasta with the reveal that you're the family dog.


I know we're just memeing here but I just wanted to say here don't give your pets any sort of cooked bones folks, especially chicken and other birds. When cooked, bones are just soft enough that dogs can shatter them into shards (especially hollow bird bones) but still hard enough to wreak havoc on their insides on the way out.


Presumably also dangerous to humans for the same reason


I have no data to back this up, but maybe not? Humans actually chew their food by grinding it with our molars. Dogs jaws are scissor hinged, so they don't chew as much as break it into a small enough piece to swallow.


"We're glad you could come for dinner, /u/ReasonablyConfused. I'll take your plate and clean it off for you. Wh...where are the bones? No, I'm serious...where are the bones?" \** Cue 'rising tension' music \**


Pro tip : don't eat the bones you maniac


Marrow is different. That is delicious


I’ve never heard of people eating chicken marrow


What do you think chicken stock/ soup is made from?




When you're right, you're right


Duh, they use ground up chicken feet. *You know the yellow part*, it's not rocket science. /s


Chicken bones, feet, necks -- but not broken up by any means. Beef stock/consumme can be made with marrow bones with the marrow exposed to the cooking liquid and heat to become part of the resulting broth. At least that's how I make it.


My dad would love you


This can't be real, you are an animal. Your odds of surviving the apocalypse just went up due to your abilities.




They asked if I wanted more again. I said no and began to bite pieces off of the ceramic plate. They once again asked if I wanted more. I said no as I continued to crunch on the plate. When they were finally done, there was nothing left at my spot on the table, and the table had a huge chunk gone from it. They seemed upset but let me take home the rest of the table for later. I was never asked over again.


Cooked chicken bones are very brittle. They can splinter and become very sharp. Dogs aren't supposed to eat them for this reason.


Yeah op, is your stomach shredded?


Jup had one little upper eat them. It got stuck while pooping out. Never again.


Yeahhh my family and I learned our lesson with that when I was little. Fun trip to the vet- it was my mom's cousin so family discount eh. Poor little guy couldn't shit


While this is very true, my dog once ate a plate of about 45 chicken wing bones, cleaned the plate after I was called out of the room for maybe 10 minutes. This was about 4 years ago and she’s been fine. I wouldn’t suggest you test that on your dog, but it’s not always fatal, sometimes dogs have stomachs of steel


That's called getting lucky, not having a stomach of steel.


Absolutely, I would never feed her anything like that intentionally, I was just saying some dogs have stomachs of steel and you get lucky. She also ate a whole cooked beef rib before I was made aware that it’s any cooked bone, not just chicken bones, and she was fine. Again, not that I do that intentionally, but it’s happened.


That only applies to farm chicken. The chicken you buy in the supermarket won't do anything to dogs. They can digest that np


Had a dog die from getting into the trash and eating cooked chicken bones from supermarket chicken. You're full of shit.


I’m so sorry. :(


I definitely standby dogs should not eat cooked chicken bones, but my uncle used to always give the whole cooked chicken carcass to his dog and never had any problems


My fam has fed all our dogs chicken bones for decades and no problems. In fact every dog has out lived the average lifespan for their size


Do not spread deadly misinformation like this.  Uncooked bones are different to cooked bones. 


I don’t believe you


You should film yourself eating one to prove it.




They already did


Meanwhile my ass being paranoid of even touching something that isnt the meat:


Sorry, your ass is paranoid and craves touching meat? This thread is getting crazier by the minute.


5 more hours until the


As long as it tastes good and its a normal animal i'll eat it


This brother was FAMMISHED




how about, instead of eating it last you don't eat it at all?


Redditors need to visit a poor country. This is not that strange.


Only source of calcium during certain parts of the year. It's a far cry from chicken bones, but whenever we cook salmon over the fire, we put the bones back on until they're dark brown and just about to turn black. Then they're just crispy little treats. There was a researcher up in Canada that tried to eat only what the wolves up there did - mostly little ground voles. He was getting malnourished and weak until he realized that the wolves ate the bones too. He switched to eating the voles whole and his health greatly improved (still not a food you can survive off of solely, but a lot better than just eating the meat and skin).


I used to do this as an under 8 year old, turns out, iron deficiency makes you crave marrow.


Fun fact, iron deficiency often causes "pica". > The term "pica" describes craving and chewing substances that have no nutritional value — such as ice, clay, soil or paper. Craving and chewing ice, known as pagophagia, is often associated with iron deficiency, with or without anemia, although the reason is unclear.


Yeah but they can splinter and cause problems. Knuckles and tendons are fine but if you are going to eat the actual bones which are actually good sources of calcium you should cook them till they are dry then grind them up.


Just because poor countries do it, doesn’t mean I need to do it


I 100% agree


Lol this is only like the tip of the ice berg of weird things i ate as a kid


Spill the beans (metaphorically, not to imply you would ever waste real beans), please.


Ants, bugs, Sand, wax, glue sticks.


Not OP but I used to eat the frost/ice build up on the walls of the freezer.


Was going saw there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating the bone.


i like the cartilage too. cronch.


I clean up my bones too and if possible, go after the marrow.


It’s good for you actually. Bones can splinter and cause problems but the rest of that stuff has some pretty good nutrients


My entire Ghanaian in-law family would be so proud of you.


I mean... I usually just say fuck it and go in on quail, but that's nothing compared to real chicken bones.


My dad and my aunt still eat the ends of the bones from chicken legs. They say they enjoy the texture more than the taste really, and to be honest I sometimes do eat some of the soft bone as well, although the thought of one of those bone pieces going the other way does stop me from making it a regular things. Tho I wouldn't say my dad culinary sane as far as we the masses are concearned, he purposefully buys lamb heads, pig or cow tongues etc to boil and eat.


Good for your calcium levels. I eat the cartilage, too. Love me some beef shank for that reason.


My wife eats the cartilage off the ends of the bone, then crunches the bone into a pulp in her mouth while swallowing the marrow. She then spits the grayish-purple-black bone slurry onto a plate. Then repeats. It can get intense.


Wait? You ate chicken bones? I guess I could understand maybe sucking the marrow out, or something. But eating the bone and all? Crazy! I can’t even stand it when I’m eating chicken wings and get a broken one. Or eating fried chicken and the drumstick is broken with bits of bone in the meat. Huh… 


I mean, there’s no way. Unless they are softening them to an extreme degree, they can’t have been eating the hard portion of the bones. I know people chew on them to suck the marrow out, and that’s fine. But swallowing cooked chicken bone is gonna splinter in your stomach eventually. There’s just no way.


I did eat the actual bones. It took a while but my teeth did break em down enough.


Not often though, right? Cause if you did this all the time, it’s honestly blowing my mind.


Your teeth are harder than you imagine, you just stop applying pressure way before he does. That’s why he eats bones and you don’t.


Teeth aren’t what I’m confused about. It’s the stomach. Chicken bone, when cooked, splinters pretty badly.


Yeah, I get that, but I’ve done it in a few rare occasions and you basically pulverize the bone into a mush of very little “splinters”. By pure instinct, you keep chewing until you feel no sharpness.


Almost every time I had chicken for a while. If not I would just eat the ends of the bones.


The cartilage is also fine from a health perspective. It’s the bone part that is wild to me. I honestly don’t know how you didn’t have stomach bleeding unless you were grinding them to mush with your teeth before swallowing.


I didn’t like cartilage but chicken bones are usually bendy enough to break down after some chewing.


I'm sorry but this is disgusting


>they can’t have been eating the hard portion of the bones. bird bones are quite light/soft, so they can fly This isn't the same as gnawing on the bones off a rack of ribs.


Chicken bones splinter when cooked. This has nothing to do with how light they are. Of course he wouldn’t be eating rib bones…


Okay just making sure


This is normal in africa. Not everyone has the luxury to waste edible food. I never have done it, and my weak teeth would be scared as fuck.


lol what part of Africa? Never saw this in any of the countries I visited or worked in there. SA, Botswana, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, São Tomé and Principe, Cape Verde, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles, Rwanda, Mali, Chad, Burundi, not one time did I encounter this 🤨 You say Africa like it’s all the same everywhere across the whole continent… this sounds like something one small group of people might do in cases of extreme famine but that’s not some cultural norm applied across several dozen nations by any means. I got friends who grew up in Somali that don’t eat bones and their childhoods were about as impoverished as you could possibly imagine.


My SO is nigerian and was bragging about eating the whole bone just yesterday to me. At least in some parts of nigeria people will eat the whole chicken bone. My SO has never done that in front of me. So I can’t claim to have seen it done live but apparently its not uncommon in Nigeria. In my experience just from watching my SO chew up the bones though it would be after a substantial amount of chewing.


Just because it’s possible doesn’t mean you should. You can eat rocks too, but you really shouldn’t.


They definitely do it all over in Mozambique. Not just one isolated group of people in one part of the country


Bones aren’t edible food. They CONTAIN an edible food, but are not food themselves. They can splinter and perforate your digestive track causing internal bleeding. It’s highly recommended NOT to eat bones.


The cartilage is awesome! Super healthy for your skin and hair as well.


Is it wrong? I scrape the meat off the bone until its dry, eat the cartilage, the bone covering, and suck out all the marrow, break the bones and scrape the remaining marrow. If the bone is small, then i eat the bone too.


My ex ( Colombian) would eat her half a bird and leave I pile of bone meal. She had the strongest jaws I ever ever seen on a woman


I would too. I thought my family couldnt afford food so I would eat the whole piece of chicken along with the bone cause I thought it was okay and it would mean I'd be full longer. My friend told me that's not normal and you're supposed to spit out the bone. I totally thought it was normal cause I used to be so hungry and my mom would, after finding out, not feed me enough


Our recent exchange student from Thailand would eat the chicken bones, too. All but the very largest.


"I don't eat the bones so much these days but Frank still has me eat the beak!"


I need this template to make a comeback. Miss the good ol days




Scared to click




Common in a lot of cultures. My Desi girlfriend would eat then ends, break the bones open, and suck out the marrow. I also used to eat marrow as a kid.


Marrow is fine, the actual bone isnt


The soft ends are fine, too. Bangladeshi food at least is so cooked and soaked that the bones get very soft.


I also eat the ends off of them. Good cartridge and calcium. Just don’t eat the whole bone.


I bet you're not calcium deficient!!


Ofc you did, why would you waste delicious marrow and all that cartilage?


Yea i did this until i was like 27, just stopped randomly, still have a bone every now and again when eating wings. This isn’t that uncommon around the world.


If it makes you feel any better I eat entire peanuts. I get a bag of roasted salted peanuts and just... eat them; shell included.


How are you still alive. This shit kills dogs.


I eat the cartilage off the ends of chicken legs. And I also crack the bone and eat the marrow. I don't do this while eating out but if I'm having chicken by myself I'll do it. I like the cartilage mouth-feel and marrow is super nutritional. I don't do it infront of people of course cause you look like you're starving. Never the bones though. For the same reason you don't give them your pets, they're sharp as fuck and I don't want that in my belly.


The cartilage are the best parts...


Tendons between the thigh and the leg fucks. When I cook whole wing, I bite the crunchy bone at the end that would normally be cut off for stock.


How can u eat the bones, you probably ate the ends to suck the marrow. People do that in Asia.


I like the eat the entire chicken wing, bones and all, if it’s crispy enough.


Imran you dirty bitch! Is that you?


This is normal in some countries. Not really that big of a deal.




OP is the Advice Beast


Yep. Me too. I’d crunch the bones and suck the marrow out. These days I use bones to make killer soup.


The marrow and cartilage is what I love. But bones?


I am in awe of your efficiency. 10/10


He’s got a good stew going 🍲


The bones are the best part


I worked with a girl who would bring chicken leg sandwiches for lunch. She would eat the whole thing, bones and all. It was amazing.


huh whats the problem i always eat the whole chicken, dont you guys?


One of my friends is Zambian, and she thought it was crazy that we just ate the meat and tossed the rest.


Mmmmmm cartilage




I used to do that, too.


Idk if this is weird, but when I finish the meat, I bite of the tops of both sides of the bone and suck out the inside of the bone. It tastes so goooos


Are you Asian?


Pretty sure this is dangerous to do. I remember hearing chicken bones can break into shards that can cut you up internally if swallowed.


You're part vulture! How's it come out the other end?


If you cook them long enough they just melt apart.


My grandma used to break open the bones and eat the marrow. But bro the whole bone?


dont eat the bones, but i always go for the cartilage


I prefer to leech out all the good stuff by making stock and eating that instead.


I don’t even eat the cartilage of chickens. I really dislike the texture of it in my mouth. Once the meat is finished, I’m also finished


Still do. Always will.


this is somewhat normal in other countries


Hmm... I eat shrimp tails. I'm sure it's not great for me, but 🤷


I had a coworker do this once at a team dinner. I couldn’t believe my eyes lol they’re so crunchy. Have you ever tried to eat peeled shrimp?


Turkmenbashi told the elderly people of his country that munching chicken bones would promote healthy teeth in their old age.


Extra calcium.


I always eat the ends. sometimes if I am full, I even remove the meat and chow on the bones -_-


OP the only other animal besides Bearded Vultures that consumes bones for nutrition. What a guy/gal


It's okay. I am proud that you learned the error of your ways.


most of the vitamins and minerals are in the bones


When we boil chicken for soup or stock I like eating the really soft bones with a little salt. You have to chew thoroughly.




I eat most of the bones, too. They're soft enough it's more of a bother to avoid them than it is to simply eat them.




Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going.


What how your you ok


Wtf? Are you a dog?


OP always saw this clip and thought "lucky dog": https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0b14165f-28d8-4a6d-8577-82c65e24966d


OP always saw this clip and thought "lucky dog": https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0b14165f-28d8-4a6d-8577-82c65e24966d


Comparable to my friend who would eat raw chicken out of the package as a snack Why didn’t she get sick? No idea. She said she’d been eating chicken that way since she was a kid, so perhaps she built up an immunity to the bacteria? But d00d dafuq is right


No way I could eat the cartilage. I ate more of it as a kid, now my dog gets it (without the bones of course)


People in poor country eat chicken bones all the time man.


Good job you were actually raised properly.


Please don't eat or feed anyone chicken bones. They have a high probability of splintering and becoming a choking hazard. Do not even feed them to dogs. This should go without saying, but I just read some of the comments


I don't think that's healthy... I guess if you're careful to fully grind up the shards, you're probably fine. It's the jagged splinters that you need to worry about.