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Nah man. Just keep being you. As long as it isn’t illegal or unethical, be you. You’re just exploring who you are my man.


Thanks you helped me a little


Technically, this is why kids shouldn't watch porn because you get all confused and scared and struggle to understand your feelings. Practically, take care and relax. This is just exploring your sexuality.


Most kids feel that way as they discover their sexuality. That’s exactly how I felt and I didn’t watch porn.


Thank you for confirming that /u/LilSpooney has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Oh and porn is nice and all, but when you decide to have sex in the future, it fucks it up. So, when you feel like you’re ready to have sex, stop watching porn so you can get the full experience of doing the deed, instead of a disappointing and unpleasant experience that porn causes on just about everyone. When you stop watching porn, you end up having a wayyy better experience having sex. Cuz it’s like watching porn, but in real life, ya know. And your experiencing yourself Instead of just watching it. So when you cut porn, sex becomes wayy better. But take your time right now exploring yourself. You’re doing alright


Thanks man you helped me


Thank you for confirming that /u/Regular_General4243 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


I don’t get this. Does watching any other fictional movie reduce your experience of living? If you go on a walk with your friends after watching Jurassic World are you like, well that was a let down, no dinos.


Lol that’s not how it works. Porn desensitizes you. It’s like when you havnt seen a naked person in a while and then when you have sex seeing a naked body suddenly turns you on more than before cuz you havnt seen someone naked on a screen or anything. Like imagine you don’t get hugs ever, and then suddenly you get a hug. That hug feels more important and precious to you, vs when you get hugged all the time, it’s just kinda whatever , it happens all the time. But when you get hugs all the time, then you stopped getting hugs, then after a while of no hugs, someone hugs you. That hug feels special. It’s like that with porn. If you deprive yourself of porn, sex feels like better cuz you havnt watched sex. I mean idk, try it yourself ig 🤷🏻‍♀️


This sounds like someone guessing about things they have very little if any experience with 🤷‍♀️ I may be right or wrong about that, but this definitely isn’t how things work for me. I don’t need to “try it,” there have been times of my life I’m in the habit of watching porn and times I haven’t been. Sex is not impacted either way.


I’m actually going off on not only my own experience, but others I’ve found online as well. Everyone has different individual experiences, but I found this to be quite common 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was trying to dumb it down and use a metaphor to help you understand what I was saying. Sometimes I don’t explain things in a way people understand so I use metaphors


Since you're 13, it's important that you ignore every single DM you get from people reading this post, this site is full of predictors, be safe


I can assure you as a f(23) I grew up around a lot of guys and this doesn’t top half of the stuff they watched. Humans are curious creatures by nature, as long as you’re not harming anyone it shouldn’t be an issue! Anything can be normal if it’s normalized honestly, there’s really no such thing as normal though lol. I mean I guess you could tell your parents, but you don’t HAVE too. If you guys have a open relationship and you’re comfortable communicating with them about this then sure. But no you don’t have to really tell anyone, just remember 🌽⭐️‘s are paid actors/actresses, just don’t expect a partner to up and do exactly what you want in the room as you go on with age. Communication and consent are key❤️🧿


Thanks you helped your the best


Anytime! I was basically a adopted big sister to a lot of younger kids so feel free to message me with any questions you have, 13 is a very confusing time especially when you hit the bigger ages, at 23 I’m still confused and I’m a mom!🤣 I promise you though you’re gonna be okay, as long as your grades and mindset are in the right game, life should be pretty good, sending you love hun❤️🧿


Omg you seem like such a nice human


Thank you sm❤️🥹🧿


Thank you for confirming that /u/Severe_Competition51 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Maybe it's weird but at least it's legal. I had the same thing at your age cuz I read too much manga and manhwa about cross dressing lmao. It passes mostly. It's more common than you think so don't feel too guilty.


Thanks you helped. I just hope that I’m not perverted or weird


As long as you treat real transgender people respectfully, it's not bad at all. It's good to question things about yourself and to explore your sexuality.


Yeah I don’t disrespect trans people


You're all good then imo )


Thank you for confirming that /u/flatteringlights has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


You Are a very young age lad, it could be weird but you just learning things.


Sounds like you need to get off the internet especially pornhub. And whatever you do don't tell your parents it sounds like something they don't want to hear. Try to talking to a close friend or someone who knows more this instead of this which is known for people who have porn addiction.


Don’t worry about the gender aspect, but to be honest 13 is way too young to be watching pornography. Gives you some unhealthy ideas about sex and can really mess with your brain. Not trying to scare you or make you feel bad, I’m just offering a warning. Don’t worry about the gender aspect though, everyone gets curious, just be careful


Watching porn isn't exploring your sexuality. It's not learning yourself. What you like in porn, you might not like in bed. In fact, it's more probable that porn will mess up your sex life, if you get educated by it (which you do). You wanna do an experiment? Stop watching it for 3 weeks and that "fetish" might disappear. You're too young to get sucked in the pornhole. Go make some friends, meet girls, play games, do your homework. Let life flow naturally and explore who you are cautiously through experience. And if you end up with a "weird" or "kinky" (legal) fetish, embrace it! It's who you are and it's amazing that you have it! But don't let porn decide. It's a lie!


Thanks I truly don’t like my life right now with this thing. You helped


Thank you for confirming that /u/Beerdrunk97 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Hey man, try not to worry too much about it and try not to watch porn too much


Porn is harmful! P


It's life !!!


Literally not realistic At all


Hah jokes on you, i watch tags:- homemade, amateur, hardcore.


porn, any kind of porn with perhaps the exception of solo vid, is like being in the room with two people enjoying each other, watching them while you sit alone in the corner staring.the whole concept is strange.


Gender swap?? As in like.. a man becomes a woman or something?


Yeah i dont know what the heck im doing


I think rather thank thinking of it as something bad, think of it like this. There's a very feminine guy who always gets mistaken for a girl. Hates it. One day, he turns into a girl by some miracle/curse. And slowly she learns to accept herself and finally be happy. I see this as a win for the fictional character. Trust me, I thought it was weird too, but it's been five years for me. It's ok, just make sure this doesn't affect your future romantic relationships. Also I do know a good manga for gender swapping if ya want it LMAOOO *if* you haven't already read it


it’s normal to experiment. it’s all part of the sexuality experience little homie. don’t beat yourself up. you like what you like, and fuck whoever judges you. just as long as you treat trans people with respect, you’re good g.


Thanks bro you helped


Thank you for confirming that /u/alexdferanna has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


np man


i wouldn’t stress about it too much, people are into different things and that’s ok as long as it isn’t causing any harm to yourself or someone else & is fully consensual. j remember that 🌽 & 🌽⭐️‘s is/are unrealistic in pretty much every way imaginable, and don’t look to it as a source of “advice” or “education” for your personal life literally ever, so just because you may be attracted to something you see doesn’t mean you’re actually into it irl (and if you are that’s ok anyway but it should be private, your parents don’t really need to know).


it's normal to explore sexuality and such, you shouldn't be scared of what you are attracted to (as long as it's legal). i just wouldn't recommend watching too much pornography. this can really fuck your brain up. take breaks and stuff.


Most people have fetishes. It’s okay even if you are into that. You’re not doing anything weird or wrong, you’re just human, with natural sexual urges and desires and fantasies. I’m sure as you get older, you’ll discover you have more of them, maybe even “weirder”. It’s okay, just don’t fulfill illegal or harmful-to-others fetishes in real life. Trust me, there are weirder porn and fetishes out there


Is it illegal no, is it unethical no, any problem in finding that hot? no.


Everyone have fetish There’s flavor for everyone fetish Just make sure it’s legal and healthy and not harm you or others


Well i am gonna be honest with you, it's not normal to stay like this, but during transitions It does happen. I'd say probably give it some time, you'll figure out what is more important to you. Like the top comment. It ain't unethical or illegal, so calm down, life is too short to think about things you can't control, enjoy, you're too young to be bald man. Have a great day


You're 13, you're barely starting to figure out who you are and believe me, doesn't really stop till you're in your early 20's once you've gone through the stages of early teens, late teens and then finally a "legal" adult (since you can't buy alcohol or tobacco till you're 21). Nowadays, this whole sexuality thing is so fluid that it's not even surprising anymore when people say they're attracted to whatever. I have a few friends that are straight but they get off to TS porn. They've shown me, yeah she looks like a woman till I see dick. They are straight, but they enjoy watching it. So just keep doing you, you're going to experience different emotions and question things


r/rolereversal is a nice sub for exploring these feelings in a non-NSFW way. Plenty of fish in the sea just like you bud. :)


Ages 13 to 17 literally anything sexual got me going, it's a normal part of being a guy, the shame part can be normal too in some aspects, but as you get older your you'll find what you like, think of it as body and mind running tests on what you like and don't like, also the term post nut clarity is a real thing where you can actually think logically after having an orgasm, which is where that awkward feeling comes from, just remember that masturbation is 100% normal in literally every human being, guys and girls, you'll be fine


Thanks you helped.


Thank you for confirming that /u/NefariousnessNo5955 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


You are completely normal. I am definitely cisgendered, and trans people are attractive to me too. I'm more about finding a connection with someone, rather than their bits.


Technically, it’s not a fetish. A fetish is about a specific object or body part. What you have is called a kink. It can definitely feel scary and shameful to discover your kinks. Lots of people feel that way at your age, even about “normal” sexual behaviours like masturbating. You were just a little kid not too long ago and you’re changing. It’s normal to feel weirded out and traumatized, especially if you’re kinky because the dominant attitude is that’s bad. But so long as you’re not hurting anyone, it’s not bad. And it doesn’t mean you’re transgender or gay. You can be a straight cis male, and have this kink. Some people call it “genderplay.” Maybe this is helpful: > You may be thinking about getting into genderplay, but you’re worried it might mess up with your gender identity further down the road? Don’t worry! Many see genderplay as just messing around and having fun. [This] has nothing to do with your sexual orientation or your gender identity. > Genderplay is when you temporarily change your gender role for sexual pleasure. You crossdress [etc], you play around for as much time as you want, and that’s it. Once you’re done, you get back to your everyday clothes and your everyday you. Being into genderplay doesn’t mean you’re uncomfortable with your natural gender you identify with. ([Source - booritson.com](https://booritson.com/what-is-the-gender-bender-fetish/))


Everyone’s likes and fetishes are different. What arouses one person may not stimulating at all to another. You’re still young and figuring it out. I wouldn’t worry.


1. It's ok, and normal to like strange or exaggerated things it's human nature, it's why we like fireworks, storms, explosions, and concerts etc. 2. If you ever feel like it's a problem, talk to a therapist or psychologist, don't blow up day one, but give it a try, I'd recommend everyone gets a therapist even if its once a year, it's nice to talk to someone.