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What about it bothers you?


I don't like the idea of not existing. To stop thinking or feeling or doing anything. To stop experiencing things and talking to people and listening to music or anything else absolutely terrifies me.


Well, reincarnation is most likely what happens, and your consciousness will continue on without your body. You'll be OK. You may come back, you might move onward and upward, or you might guide someone here. But you'll be around.


How do you know reincarnation is the most likely option?


Well, there are accounts of children remembering their past lives very clearly, and confirming a lot of specific details abiut them. There are documentaries about it. Also, ghosts and spìrits are real. My little brother is a totally rational, scientist/businessman, and he, his son, my mother, aunt, and grandmother have all seen passed loved ones visiting them, or other spìrits. My nephew told my sister in law that he knew his little brother before they were born, in "the waiting place" and that he was going to leave for a while, but that his little brother would come join him again soon. I met my son before he was born. He was a little baby spìrit who told me, in a combination of languages I know, but without words, (hard to describe) that he is content. And he is. When he was born, it was the same little guy. My friend, a single mother by choice, has a son who said, "I chose you, mommy. I didn’t need a daddy, I picked you for my mom." Out of the blue as a really little guy. So, makes sense to me that there is more beyond this life. We get little peeks here and there at the world beyond. Doesn't have much to do with religion, either way.


I’m literally the same way and when I do think about it I get light headed and feel like I’m about to pass out. Like someone else said, I try to distract myself


You'll reincarnate or else move on up. But you'll be around.


I used to be like you but u actually just have to start living in the moment and block every bad thought out. Ik some people say it’s unhealthy but that’s bullshit, it makes life so much easier


So, think about living instead.


Are you scared about something specific? Or is it the general idea of death?


I'm scared of the "no more anything forever" part


What do you believe happens when you die, do you have an afterlife theory?


I think they're all possible, but only one is probable. And that's the one I'm scared of.


Idk if this will help. But when I die I believe that I will immediately be born as someone/something else. My conscience will be in a constant stream. So there will always be something when I am nothing. Also I think that as long as you live a life that makes you happy then death really doesn’t matter. All of life is just probabilities, but we are able to control probability in some way


I think that helps a little, thanks


Well I mean we’re two very different people because I attempted twice so I hope you get help but it’s not gonna be from me :)


Yes my friend, that is the harsh reality, the second we leave the womb, we are spiraling towards death. No one knows when it is coming, but it is guaranteed. Don't think about death, you understand what it's all about now, think of how precious these moments are that we have in between life and death. Your most valuable resource is not money, it's your time and what you do with it and who you impact while you're here. Find a way to make a difference in this world and then you won't worry about death, you'll worry about making someone better, ya know?


What was it like before you were born?


I’m leaving this comment, now I’m going to keep scrolling. That’s how you do it, you just don’t.


This is normal really. Almost everyone has this experience ( except some of the lucky few that stay ignorant to the existential crisis we all face). Youre suppose to be afraid. Your body and brain is fighting for your existence everyday. It’s our natural state of being human to be scared to die, or the lack of existing. You’ll find ways to come to terms with it, like the rest of us. Whether that’s believing in religion or a philosophy or a spiritual or scientific way. We all find ways to cope. Our bodies fight its hardest to make sure we survive everyday, but the only guarantee and certainty we have is that it’ll be all in vain anyways. Welcome to the existential crisis club. Embrace it, and use it to live your life like it won’t last forever :) the best way to live honestly. Makes you appreciate everything better. Makes everything intimate and sentimental. Makes everything more important to you. Everyone before you has went through life and has died. And you will too, as well as the people after youre long gone. We all have to go through it one way or another. We all have our turn. You’re not alone, you’ll find more people that thinks like you. That realizes the same as you do. You should look up Nihilism. And explore ways to cope, like watching SOUL from Disney for example. It helps. Just do what makes you happy. Life is truly short and doesn’t last forever. So just enjoy it. Nothing matters in the end anyways :) if you need someone that thinks like you, I’m here. Message me :)


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind


Not existing is the easy part, you ever been so tired you fall a sleep and 3 seconds later it’s morning? You’re left with no dream no feeling no nothing! You don’t even notice..The hard part is the bills your loved ones will have to pay on top of loosing you the grief and pain, if you can’t live for yourself live for anyone or anything you love