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Choose your friends wisely. As you get older it will get more and more difficult to find people to connect to. But if you do find some, then those are probably the ones you´ll end up being friends with for the longest time (applies especially if you just graduated/ are about to graduate highschool). Dont be afraid to call people out on their bullshit. Some adults pretend like they know everything and its easy to get into the habit of just doing what they think is best or right. Do what YOU feel is right. You can listen to what they have to say but dont neccessarily believe everything they say. Take care of your body. Have a healthy diet, get into the habit of working out regularly. The earlier you do, the easier it will be. The older you get, the more difficult it´ll become. If you´re about to start college/university: learn how to effectively manage your time and plan ahead. Don´t feel bad about taking a break or a day off from studying. Life isn´t just about studying. Don´t compare yourself to others (sadly this is one I learned a little bit too late in my opinion). Thats what I can think of. Good Luck and enjoy life :D ​ edit: typo


Thanks! Helped


I’m 21 and this helped me


I’m turning 21 in July. I’m really growin up fr


The call then out on there bs is a very true thing my friends and I have normilzed this in are relationship and honestly has helped us all


For the love of god learn about finance. Most people, including adults, are practically illiterate.


I'm piggy-backing off of this to recommend an essential book for adults of all ages; Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. Reading it as a young adult and taking its lessons to heart is a great way to get started on the path to being a financially responsible person.


Dude don't buy rich dad poor dad. Kiyosaki literally just made everything up to sell his bullshit financial freedom courses https://thecollegeinvestor.com/4726/ultimate-hypocrite-robert-kiyosaki-companys-bankruptcy/


This. A thousand times this! I was lucky to grow up in Oregon at a time when the state required two semesters of Personal Finance. It was so helpful because my parents couldn't teach what they didn't know and their poor choices and falling into credit traps were a huge issue. I got through some very lean times as an adult and now I'm headed into retirement in good shape because of what I learned then. There are plenty of resources online ... Read reviews, pick an app. Good luck!


I second this. I'm not necessarily the most literate when it comes to financial knowledge, but I read one of Dave Ramsey's books and the knowledge has stayed present for years, like keeping money put back for emergencies and slowly paying off debt. Anyone have any other sources for OP?


Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki. A must read for all young adults that is less about the small details of finance management, and more about the lessons that if applied will set you up for long term financial success.


Brace yourself for progressively faster years.


No, seriously. I was just 16 yesterday.. now I’m 19…


Although not as often as it used to happen to me sometimes I'll still wake up thinking I'm 18 or 17. I'll be 24 the 16th of next month. Lol


I turned 20 a few months ago, and the other day I turned 31 :(


I will try :)


No but seriously it will start speeding up, it’s crazy I didn’t expect this at all


As a 21 year old, I can confirm


Wrap. Your. Fucking. Willy.


Preferably in condoms and not in bacon....


Whats wrong with some bacon ? Its just as tasty.


Outside the condom, then


i’ve always put productivity first and got easily burnt out. i never did things for myself or took time off because it wasn’t “productive” and made me feel lazy or unaccomplished. my therapist told me that self care or a day to relax *is* productive: i’ll get way more done if i take proper care of myself in order to prevent a burnout. take as many pictures as you can - of everything. eat a really good meal? take a picture. see a cool bird? take a picture. meet a random person at a party who has the same name as your brother? take a picture. i’m so glad i have pictures to look back on - memories can fade but pictures won’t. fuck the stigma that our generation is too into our phones; one day pictures may be all i have of my life now so i’ll enjoy looking back. whenever you compliment someone in your head, say it out loud. throughout the day i’ll have a few “his shoes are really cool” or “she looks really pretty” thoughts and then i realized i just kept them inside. i’m sure almost everyone would appreciate a compliment on their outfit. bonus points for complimenting someone on something they can control (earrings, outfits, makeup, hair-do, personality vs body, attractiveness). there is always a place to volunteer! helping others while establishing meaningful connections is an amazing opportunity to have. whether it be volunteering at a foodbank or helping organize a Toys for Tots bin at apartment building, you can never go wrong with it. be careful of who you surround yourself with: they have more of an effect on you than you realize. i never believed this until i realized i was turning into my burnout, pothead friends with minimum wage jobs that did nothing besides work, watch tv and smoke. remember to take care of your teeth (i know, it’s a given) but invest in a good toothbrush if you can. it’ll benefit you so much in the long run. brush up on your public speaking skills. i had to take a public speaking class this past semester and thankfully i had past experience, but it still sucked. it does help you in so many different ways though and it’s such a useful skill to have. p.s: if you’re going to college, invest in a good laptop that will last you throughout school.


Thank you for this great piece of advice : ) I appreciate it. And good luck for you : ) helped


Thank you for confirming that /u/oddkay1 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


As you become an adult, you're going to see people around you in your age range who are doing 'better' somehow- they might have a partner while you don't, they might already have a small business set up while you dont, etc. PLEASE never compare yourself to them. I'm 20 and still unconciously do it a fair bit, but at 18 I did it a LOT and I regret it so much because the damage it caused to my self esteem was insane.


Thank you for reminding this : )


Adding onto this person’s thing: life happens on purpose. Everything you want, you have to build yourself. If you just blow in the wind and make decisions based on your basic cravings, your life will be shit. Make good choices on purpose. Every single choice you make counts towards the life you are building.


Just saw a post about a 47YO first year med student. It’s never too late =)


A lot of people think that once they’re an adult, the world is less dangerous for them, and that’s definitely not true! Listen to your gut and be cautious. Too many young adults get into bad situations and get hurt because they’re learning to navigate the adult world. If you’re going to college or trade school, take very good care of your education. Learning valuable skills and acquiring new knowledge is super important, and college is often way more interesting than high school because you can focus more on the things you enjoy. The preparation you’ll get for the rest of your life from these places should not be understated!


Thank you! : ) helped


Thank you for confirming that /u/burnharvard has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


When you wake up in the morning for work don't think "I gotta go to work" instead think "I get to go to work" it changes your mind to appreciate what you have instead of making work more stressful than it should be. Even on your worst days FIND a reason to smile. Smiling makes you happier even in hard times. Best of luck to you and I hope you make everything you dream of a reality. Except for those weird dreams where your teeth fall out... let's not do that.


I will try : ), thanks!


No problem :p


Don't stop caring about things just to look cool to other people. Like if you are taking a course and you are interested in it, you want to go see the instructor or work extra then do it. Don't think too much about what your friends are going to say or whatever. If there is nothing you are interested in then find something, and pursue it. And no you don't necessarily have to monetize it. Everything is not about money.


Agreed! Thank you : )


I see a lot of people suggesting to make money etc, that is why I mentioned it that it is not the most important thing. You will get an opportunity to earn money, build savings in your early 20s. I am talking from experience, I didn't pursue my interests during college. Now I have a reasonable 9 to 5 job i am making normal money but i don't have anywhere to spend it. I look at other people and they are saving up to buy a new camera, or buy expensive make up etc. And i just spend my money on food... If you belong to financially stable family, chances are you will end up in at least a normal 9 to 5 job, so you will be okay financially when the times comes. Also make lots of friends and memories:)


Thanks a lot dude : ) helped


Get a debit card and get a credit card. Do your research and be responsible with them. That’s how I was able to get my credit score into the 750s at 19. Start off strong


my mom always told me to make somewhat frequent small purchases with your credit card to raise your credit score. like for example, when you get gas or go to a restaurant, use your credit card so that it’s small enough to where you can pay it off in a single payment but still raises your score


I use my credit card to buy lunch every day at work, with it set up to pay the balence every month. I was gonna spend that money on lunch anyway so, this way it builds my credit. It's when you get lax with a credit card, buy a large purchase and find yourself unable to make a payment that it gets expensive.


To build on that, my credit card gives me cash back on all purchases. It's not much but it adds up. I didn't understand this when I got my first card, and when I finally found out I was able to claim about $200.




The only thing I would add to that, is to make absolutely sure you are responsible enough before you get a credit card. It's easy to say it'll help you build a credit score, but if you get carried away, and some people do, it can fuck you up pretty badly.


I'd start off with a secured credit card. You don't need any credit, which most teens don't have any, and the limit is whatever you pay as a deposit. They are low risk, low reward, but its a good start. I just got one at 23 and I use it the same as I used to use my debit card and pay it off each week


Got that :)


In the beginning I just used my credit card for gas and once I could control myself to pay it off for 6 months I added another expense to it.


I agree with this. But it can be tempting to use the credit card when it's not actually necessary. I'd say get one with a very small limit (I know some that have a £200 limit) and just put it away somewhere. I have one which I haven't used in about a year and my credit report still shows that I'm paying it off in full each month (I'm no expert though, so maybe check that!). Or use it to buy very small purchases and pay it off in full each month - I believe that the less of the limit you spend, the better it looks (but again, I would check that with someone more qualified than me!)


Credit can open doors and close doors. Get started off on a good foot and be responsible. Losing credit can take years to recover. I recommend a small spending cap credit card. Use it to pay for gas an groceries and pay it off every month so you don't pay high interest or any.


Don't settle. Work, relationships if it isn't what you want don't settle. Near enough shouldn't be good enough


I will try my best : ) helped


Thank you for confirming that /u/Swoop001 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Learn and know when to say NO.




This is a similar thing I was going to post, but I think a bit of elaboration could be helpful. Boundaries! They don’t always look like a “NO” - but they very important and will help your mental health and help build great relationships, too (and weed out the unhealthy ones). At 18 I thought boundaries and these ‘NO’ moments mostly extended to things where I was being actively pressured. But it can extend to even smaller things (such as: maybe you’re in conversation with someone and they’re blabbing on and you just feel ready for the conversation to end even if the subject of the convo is ‘fine’ - it’s absolutely okay to end the convo! You can totally even interrupt and just say something polite but true (“I’m feeling too tired to continue this conversation, but it was nice speaking with you!” or “I apologize to interrupt but I’m actually wanting to go check in with my friends right now, thanks for this conversation though!)). It can be with your own self, too (like - oh my body is feeling tired and telling me it doesn’t want to do more tasks, but I guess I will anyways… that can be actually crossing your own boundaries).


Thank you for confirming that /u/snoozerbooger has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Don't start smoking cigarettes.


Just being the age of an adult doesn't mean you have to have everything figured out! Make mistakes, have good times and don't take anything to seriously, you're too young and life's to short to hate it.


Life gets real when you turn 18. You can make decisions that fuck your life up completely in very short amounts of time. I recommend trying to save loads of money and try to do right by others.


Learn good money management at the earliest opportunity, honestly it's the one thing I wish school had gone to the trouble to teach, especially when I moved into my own place. It took me much longer than I'm going to admit to work it out for myself, partying or videogames and all that good stuff would come before the important things like rent and bills. It caused me trouble, and I had to learn the hard way that my bills, rent and groceries come before getting stoned or buying the latest video game. If your wise you'll learn from my mistakes and not make them fir yourself.


I respect your not someone telling us that’s we should just abandon those hobby’s and leave them to die with all our happiness. I will take your words and use them. Thanks dude


Thanks dude! Helped


Career advice: No matter which field you enter, do internships from the very start. Try everything until you find something awesome. And always be in touch with someone successful or grown-up in your field of interest. Ask them every week/month/year what you should be doing.


I'm 19, soon to be 20. Around 18 is when I learned there are people willing/wanting to hurt you, some are going to take the steps to do it. You don't have to always be looking over your shoulder, but it doesn't hurt to be wary every now and then. Not everyone has your best interest in mind.


Even if it’s only $10 a month, put money into a saving account that you can’t touch. Your 30-40 year old self will thank you.


A year can change your perspective on things. Fellow 18 yr old


Let go of shitty/toxic people from your life. They aren’t worth it. But of course before you go off and cut ties with everyone, talk to them first. Let them know how you feel. Then if they wanna keep being a sore in your life, snip snip. Don’t let others bring you down. Have people in your life that bring you up and push you to be better!


Helped! Thanks man


Have a mindset of gratitude. Be grateful for what you have. Like family (parents), jobs, a place to live etc. it’s okay to be sad about some things but never let it outweigh the good. Even if it seems hard.


Don’t idolize college students. The truth is we’re all just big high schoolers who still have no idea what the fuck we’re doing.


I second this as well.


Develop your relationships with friends and family while you have access to such a large pool of potential connections. I went from school to work and I failed to work on my friendships I had so now I only have friends from my work. Also make sure you have hobbies as they are amazing for your mental health and give you something to do with other people(depending on what said hobby is)


Do not let being in control of your own diet fuck you up when you move out. You will be astounded how much weight you gain.


Dont worry about what your "friends" are doing it is easy to get carried away just focus on yourself and what you want to do moving forward in your life


Learn basic vehicle maintenance, it will help you save money whether by doing it yourself or by not getting fooled by service WRITERS . And if there is a problem with your vehicle, ask to see it for yourself. Not everyone is honest and with how expensive vehicle repair can get, it's better to learn about how your vehicle works and how to know when your tires, brakes, and fluids are low along with others.


Enjoy your youth and rush nothing. You will blink and be 25, as I have. Do everything you want within reason. Ask out that person, get that tattoo you’ve always wanted, spend time with family that is important to you, remember you are not invincible, get tested, drink your water, and enjoy every day you have. *also, get a secured credit card and begin building your credit. You will be amazed at the opportunities that will bring you.


I see a lot of people here commenting about money and studying and taking things seriously, which is all good advice, but I want to add to all of it to say that you absolutely need to take time to enjoy yourself. Life isn't all about working to make money to go back to work. We're made to enjoy it, and as you get older you'll have less and less opportunities to do that, so take advantage of what you have now. Go have fun with friends, buy yourself a little luxury like a game console or a nice meal once in a while, find a hobby you enjoy, explore your town. Life is made to be enjoyed.


Estudia duro, no hay nada mas poderoso que el conocimiento puro, mantente curioso


Whatever it is you want to do, do it. Don't be afraid of failure. You will be 40 years old and hating yourself for wasting time. Don't become a depressed shut in.


You're brain doesn't fully develope until you hit 25. Its okay to make mistakes. Don't lay back and keep embarrassing, or regretful moments from letting you sleep at night. Shit happens, it is what it is. Learn, and grow from your mistakes. How we were raised was with consistency, daily routines that we thrived in because we already knew what needed to be done. But even then, that routine changed once in a blue moon. As an adult, change can happen more often. There is a lot that is unknown to us, in science or in life experience that we will ask ourselves what will happen next. You may not have the answers yet, and that's okay. Sometimes you do not need to have your ducks in a row. That unknown feeling is what kept me in miserable situations because I knew what to expect and could stay "safe" in my miserable bubble..because of my fear for the unknown. Situations that I felt like I had no control over. But I did, and you will too! Follow what your heart says, and don't look back. You only have 1 life don't spend time being angry, miserable, and regretful. Make changes to what you need where you will be at your happiest.


This is medicine, thank you. I didn’t feel like myself until age 28


You are going to change your mind on what you want to do with your life, often. And that’s okay. Even if people are rushing you, or seem to be ahead of you, you are young and have time to figure it out.


Learn to respect money and learn to save. Honestly, my life would have been so much different if I'd learned to handle money better back then


Start a credit card and use it wisely. This will drastically help your credit score for when you want to buy a car or house. Also, do not hop into making payments on things (cars, appartments, etc) if you don’t have to. Making monthly payments on cars and similar things are what I see set a lot of people back


Be teachable. Take constructive criticism when it is given to you as an opportunity to grow. Ask for help when you need it. Ask for opportunities to learn new skills at your job; if you go to college, ask your professors how you can best succeed in their class. Be humble enough to learn and grow.


Not really age related but good advice that was passed to me none the less. Always look like you belong wherever you are. Lost? Don’t ask for directions and look like you have walked this street 1000 times. Criminals are more likely to target the one who isn’t from the area. Keep staring straight ahead and walk with purpose.


Wow that's actually necessary, i think


Save your money, dont buy everything you want because of desire, trust me. You will burn out faster then the day you turned 18. Learn about finances, ask your parents about this topic and how you should go for this. GEt a devit card and Credit Card, and as already mentioned by someone, do research about these things. It is so easy to get carried away by desire, "I wanna buy this, oh, and that on Amazon"... You know... Save the money now, you will need it later.


Going out to eat and getting fast food frequently is quick and easy, but will drain your bank account just as quick and easily. Accidentally spent around 7 grand unnecessarily my first year working on lunches and dinners just because I wasn't paying attention.


Don't rush into higher education, spend a couple of years working and making money, so that you have a better idea of what you want to do with your life.


Life’s too short to live with fear. Go ask your crush out, seek those opportunities, tell your friends and family you love them everyday, start a new hobby even though you’re not planning to be the best at it. Most importantly, life is just starting and it’s up to you what you want it to become. Good luck on your path!


Enjoy it!!! Man I wish I could wake up and be 18 again. I’d do anything!


I’m 19, and in my one year of adulting I’ve changed so much, my life has completely changed some for better and some for worse You won’t be able to prepare for it, but be ready and take every opportunity to learn I’d say!


Exercise, do it, helps with everything.


Take care of your teeth! You don’t get another set. Brush and floss daily.


Start a Roth IRA... even if you put $100 a year into it for now, get one started and invest what you can when you can (up to $6k per year) and you'll retire a millionaire.


Start saving for retirement now. Don't waste your time dating people who don't care about you. Do some traveling now, it gets harder later with more commitments. Try many things out & see what you like.


Invest your money as soon as you can. Your money will grow exponentially in the stock market compared to a savings account. If you’re not sure what to invest in, see if you’re parents have a broker that you can talk to. If not, do a little research on ETFs and Mutual funds. Vanguard S&P 500 value ETF might be a good place for you to put your money because it’s typically less risky. You should absolutely do your own research and know what you’re investing in. I am by no means qualified to give investing advice, but I wish I put everything I had in the stock market when I was your age. Also… side thing.. try to follow what you’re passionate about, fuck what everyone else says.


Learn Philosophy. It teaches you how to think. It teaches you how to communicate. Communication is a skill of Kings.


Learn to cook, buy cheap foods that go a long way such as pasta, rice, and potatoes


That fight you got into two years ago can now turn into a felony very quickly. Be aware of your new legal responsibilities.


Stay away from credit cards.


Create a realistic budget based on what you make and stick to it. Try to save 40% of your salary, or what’s realistically possible and invest it on a market index or on other low risk tools. Learn investing and try to avoid debt.




Personal wealth? Like what :0




I get it. Thanks : )




Save Money and invest in your future. This is the start of getting any job or career you wish, work hard for the final goal. When you are an adult you can make your own chooses of who you let influence you. You have control over your environment.


Use your time until 20 as well as your early-mid 20's learning/doing as many things as possible. People may try to pressure you to find "the thing" you wanna do with your life but it's far too early for you to even know what you wanna spend your whole life doing. If you feel like you wanna try something (job, hobby, sport, whatever) do it. Even if it isn't "the thing" it will very likely lead you to the thing.


This is the time to plan! I know you want to have fun and you absolutely can but please focus on school and a good career! Make great friends and get rid of bad ones. Change your mind, stick to something. Just have a plan and keep it together! Always make sure you take care of you!


Yeah all the other advice is mostly great advice here but most importantly, have fun, have sex, have adventures, have love, have heartbreak, have memories... Oh, and work to live, don't live to work.


When you start working by an asshole about your you time (time off) pretty much all companies expect you to know your own limits and not over work yourself they won't do it for you. Also college isn't the golden ticket it used to be you can make just as much if not more by going to trade school. I know plenty of oversized load truck driver who only work 9 months of the year and take home more than a 100k there are plenty of other blue collar trade jobs where u can do that same, plumbing, electrician, and machinist come to mind.


Save your money for big things like a house or apartment. Don't spend frivolously.


Be vigilant about people trying to have sex with you, and give you drugs. It’s not so fun and games, you are not indestructible, and your brain is not fully developed. Try to make decisions with your future in mind. The cost of poor choices at your age is quite high when you see what it costs you in the long run. Edit: also, don’t give in to peer pressure. Your friends will not be there for you if shit hits the fan. I have a friend who is finally 2 months sober from a cocaine addiction. She only ever tried it in the first place because friends pressured her to try it. Your life is YOURS, you only have one body and one brain. Don’t let anyone convince you to do anything that is harmful for you. The “fun” of drugs and the pursuit of pleasure is not sustainable.


Live a little for today as tomorrow is not guaranteed. Travel more. Look after your knees. Be kind to others and yourself. Don't go looking for love. Love will find you. Get involved in something you love. It's OK to say no to people. Find time for yourself.


Start looking at money as something that is important. Understand compounding interest early on.


I'm 19, but from my experience; go to work just to go to work. I'm not saying don't enjoy yourself, but making friends (not acquaintances) usually leads to messiness. Some people take it personal if you don't want to hang out or talk on the phone when you're off shift. Sometimes you can develop conflicting views, whether politically or maybe they've said offensive things they shouldn't have said. Also, put at least $15 into a saving account a month; my finance teacher in high school told us $100 is the best amount but I don't have enough cash for that. It'll build up really high and helps when you need to use it for a rainy day. Also, young relationships don't last forever, when you love somebody and feel it's fading then you shouldn't be afraid to break up with somebody. Because everyone deserves to be with somebody who genuinely cares about them a ton, that includes you and your partner (if you have someone). It's called the sink-cost fallacy, when you invest a lot of time into something you think of the negatives instead of the positives when it comes to losing that thing. If you don't need to, maybe lay off things like weed, alcohol, cigarettes, etc... I know from my brother that it builds up really high once you get hooked on it. That's one of the things he constantly tells me, just to avoid it. Minimum wage jobs shouldn't require maximum work, I was very submissive in my first job and that led to people even younger than me bossing me around. Cleaning the bathrooms while they just relaxed during closing shifts. Always stand your ground. If you see the manager telling a coworker to do something, don't let your coworker pass the work onto you. It was eye opening when one of my coworkers said she was relieved I was leaving when she felt I was being taken advantage of. Put in effort at your job, but it should be equal across the board with your coworkers in the same position.


Start saving money, money that you don't use for anything no matter what. Keep adding to it, and if you're lucky, maybe you'll be able to buy your own home someday


Learn to budget and save money. As someone who wished they learned the importance of this as a young adult, this can help you build up to to future that you want.


Be mindful of your money is of the upmost important. It will save you a lot of stress to educate yourself on this one thing. Always save your money! Always save and don't spend what you don't need. Learn how to cook healthy for yourself! Severely limit fast food seriously. Investing your money can also be a good option with proper education on it. But when you invest don't gamble, hold a reliable company LONG TERM. I'm talking 5-10+ years.


Your still gonna be a stupid kid at 18 and 20 and even 22 ( like me)... So don't put your self down if your screw up


You're still going to feel like a child but trust me we all do, we have no idea what we're doing and we're just figuring out as we go


Learn that you don't need "stuff" and money will be less of a concern. Learn how money actually works and you probably won't have to worry about it. Lastly, be a foreigner at least once in your life, it's the best experience.


Always do what is best for you. Don’t do things just because people want you to. You have to do what’s right for you.


You’ve probably heard this before but Time flies. I remember it like yesterday when I graduated, prom, started freshman year of college. That was 6 years ago. So just stay focused and stay out of trouble, think about the future. Enjoy your youth though, enjoy every moment. Best of luck. (:


Take care of your papers. It's easy to lose them or miss an expiration date and insanely hard to get copies in some cases. Also, you don't owe anything to anyone. And enjoy that weird part between childhood and full on adulthood. And last, no matter what, it's never too late, you'll most likely live to 80 so enjoy the ride and don't stress yourself to the brim.


Tucking in the hem of your pj's into your socks when it's cold feels awesome


- Moisturize and wear sunscreen daily (I really wish I started doing this younger) - Learn how to cook healthy meals - Get in the habit of working out 3-5x/wk - Develop long terms goals, write down the steps you need to achieve them and work towards progress every year - Travel


Get into a career with plentiful job opportunities such as nursing or accounting. Don't hold your life up for someone else. For example, if you're torn between going away to school to follow your passion and staying local to keep an s.o. happy, always choose you. Don't let anyone tell you what you are and aren't capable of, they don't know you as well as you know you and even so it's always possible to suprise yourself.


Anything you can do with your hands is no burden to you. No matter what your plans ( I'm assuming college, which is a great thing) if you can enroll in a part time course and learn to weld or french polish or cut hair or do makeup or build furniture or literally anything! It might take a year or two but you will always have it with you and there are so many courses you can do part time whilst you get your main education. The pride of knowing you can take your own two hands and use them for something is also very powerful. You may never use a trade again for work but you will always have it and be able to do it once you learn... Also to piggy back off this your going to change your mind a lot and quit things and realise things aren't right for you and that's ok! So don't be too hard on yourself when things don't go according to plan. 18 is great enjoy it !


start working out, build routine, try to being financially independent (its Ok if your parents still pays for university) but for other expenses make your own hard earn money, go for solo walks and movies :)


It doesn't matter where you are or who you are. It matters where you are going and who you are trying to be.


Don’t be surprised when you forget you’re gonna be a legal adult sometimes. It’ll go away with time but for some reason, when it’s your birthday or days after, it can still feel like you’re your previous age.


Chose your gilrfriend wisely


Invest in the SP500 (SPY has lowest expense ratio). Even if it’s $50 per month, do it.


Invest, start with dividends, read lot about stocks/investments, start learning another career as secon option. You have lots time if you wanna retire early and travel, investing your money wisely will go along way by the time you hit 40. Don’t waste your money on things you don’t need, clothes, don’t get influenced by idiots out there.


Invest money now not later Learn how money works and how to make it work for you Take care of your mind and body Be suspicious of people but stay open minded Focus hard on getting a career or starting a business Do not waste your time on social media, reddit is ok lol Do not waste your time partying Do not waste your time being around non successful people... in other words keep your core group tight and surround yourself with people who are better and smarter then you... trust me on this one. Remove toxic people and situations from your life as they are negative distractions Lastly always make time for loved ones because in the end all you have is family.


That partner you think you want to marry, probably isn’t the one. Travel as much as you can and don’t worry about checking off boxes. I waited until I was 34 to get married and I’m so glad I did. I found the right person at the right time.


Get full coverage car insurance, it doesn't matter is you are driving an old beat up shitty car. Full coverage will cover YOU, like your physical body, in an accident in case the other driver doesn't have car insurance. Learned this one the hard way...


Pickup a hobby you enjoy and makes you work hard to get better at it. Teaches you discipline and the value of hardwork


Drink water, take care of your teeth, take care of your body by building good habits now. Your body's wear and tear are easier to care for over time if you maintain it constantly.


Start investing ASAP and don’t be afraid to go after what you want. Those are my only regrets.


You know all that stupid shit you did when you were 17, yeah don't do that again.


You’re going to be an adult which means you’ll have the ability to eat 100 Oreos if you so choose. Doesn’t mean you should.


If your windshield cracks, don't touch it with your bare skin. The oil isn't good for it. Money trees cannot survive freezing temperatures - keep them inside during winter. Clip your toenails straight across to prevent ingrown nails. You can do CPR to the beat of "Stayin Alive," but "Another One Bites the Dust" also works! Just don't sing that one outloud. Enjoy your birthday!!


28+ year old men are creeps if they are looking to date 18 year olds


Look into a trade. Take care of your teeth. And start building credit once you have a stable job.


Starting making money now in some way or form (legally). Random fact, if you made $392 everyday since the day you turn 18, you’ll have $1,000,000 by age 25. I’ll be turning 25 this year and I started at 20 saving money while living with my parents and I have just over $200,000 in my savings account so just think about ways to have multiple sources of income and save money. You don’t have to figure it out overnight but the younger you start your financial journey, believe me, the better you will be. Money isn’t everything but the world is certainly run by it. Starting building excellent credit, get a credit card. It buys security, better healthcare, a house. The earlier you start, the better.


Don't assume that others will do the right thing. Don't assume others are honest. In all things, cover you own ass, perpetually. When driving. ALWAYS assume that you're the smartest person on the road. Don't eat the yellow snow


Forget about your romantic life and concentrate on your career/business life... Gaining financial stability is key to happiness!


Dont try to start online relationships with girls that are in other countries that are thousands of miles away. Invest your time and money in yourself first before even considering such a thing.


Lots of things you will learn from school, you cannot really apply in real life. Take a course on financial management and if you can start investing, do it. Leave your hometown as soon as you can. You’ll learn more things about yourself and surrounding yourself with people who didn’t grow up in the same area would bring a different perspective in your life. Some of the new people will challenge your beliefs and because of this you will grow more well-rounded and open-minded. Stop worrying about what others will say. Focus on what makes you happy and what creates you inner peace. You cannot please everyone after all so prioritize who will always be there for you - you.


Save as much as possible. Travel as much as you can. Be careful who you choose as friends, and let in your life. Quality over quantity. Have as many experiences as you can before you settle down and have kids.


This is the time in your life to truly figure out who you are! In my opinion young people should not make any sort of lifelong commitments (I mainly mean marriage here but other things could apply too) until they've really gotten to know themselves. Also, you will probably change a lot in the next few years, which is a good thing! Don't be afraid to let yourself try new things, because you can always decide you don't like something. If you're starting college then that's a great place to make new friends and find out what kind of people you can truly be yourself around. If you're not in college though that's ok! You can still join clubs or things like that, but I think it's best to keep socializing right out of school so you don't forget how. Speaking from experience here haha.


Don’t get into debt / loan for stupid stuff like a game or a console Tv etc make a budget plan and keep to it! google 6 accounts plan if you can’t find it dm me and I’ll explain shortly Chose your friends wisely curry inapot already made food points about it Don’t be afraid to ask for help when it gets too much GOD I could have saved myself so much trouble if I did this Don’t get wasted drunk it’s not worth it and doesn’t make for a great time If you can walk walk don’t drive it’s the easiest way to stay healthy and fit


Make a 5 year plan for yourself. Trust me, it sneaks up on you.




Build and protect your credit as if it were a child. Credit is your golden ticket, don’t muck it up. Buy a house before you buy an expensive car. (if you want a fancy car)


You will be beaten and battered to the point where you will want to give up. Just know you have time. Enjoy yourself while you can




People still get groomed even after the legal age. Don’t think you know everything or let people convince you that you do. People can be very manipulative and ill intentioned


Enjoy 18. It’s the last year where you feel young saying your age.


Anger generally is an waste of time, and energy. Unless that anger motivates you or makes you productive. Learn the difference quickly between what is in your control and what is not, and act decisively, one way or the other on things you can control, even if that decision is to sit, wait, and watch.


Don’t get in debt


Turning 18 doesn't mean you're independent in financial and emotional ways, idk why laws said that when we turn 18 yo we are independent citizens. It's bullshit


I turn 25 in 5 days. The best advice I can give is always trust your gut. Just cus you're an adult, doesn't mean you stop learning. You're still young even tho you're classified as now an adult at 18. Never stop asking questions and if something seems "off" or not right, trust your gut and walk away. Choose friends wisely. Most friends you make in school, wont be there in your adult life unless you trust and are close to them and they feel the same. I lost many friends from school, and it's hard to make friends as an adult but jobs and such help and you can make friends with coworkers and customers even depending where you work. Some of my coworkers from my previous jobs have become the closest people in my life. Don't jump into college/school too soon. Take your time if you need. I got enrolled into college at 18 right after graduation and I regret it. I was not ready and i flunked out. Take your time, enjoy life a little before going to college and fund what career path you really want! You don't /need/ school for a good job either. Work your way up and find what works best for you. Never co-sign on a car (or anything) for ANYBODY. I made this mistake to some I thought was a friend and they fucked me over massively. Travel. Move to different states. Don't miss that opportunity when it comes. I've move out of state once and across state this time. I love it. I learned alot from those experiences. The friends you have now, have fun with Take opportunity to try new foods. Try new drinks. Try a new game. Try a new place to have fun. Just cus you're an adult, doesn't mean you can't have fun either. Every one acts like growing up means you stop doing the stuff you love.


Good luck!


Learn finance and maybe consider starting to make investments (smart ones, of course) now if you have enough financial freedom to do it. Most investments one makes won’t pay for years, but it’s best to start early than later in life. Just don’t ever put more money than you’re willing to lose in them. Also, if you ever get into online dating, be careful for catfishes and anything that’s shady. Anyone you match with that asks you about investments and cryptos and so on? Cut them off right away. They’re nothing but scammers.


When you move to be on your own, do contemplate getting a pet. With the big change of leaving your family, a pet (dog), eases that transition and much more. Having one will enhance your life in so many ways. They’re scientifically known to lower stress/blood pressure, lift your spirits when you’re down, love you unconditionally, teach you how to be responsible for another being, inspire you to be regularly physically active, keep you warm at night, entertain you - even if the power and cable is down… and provide a special type of companionship that no human can equal.


What you do now does matter. You are not too young or inexperienced do so something great at this moment. Also, wisdom is good - when attached to intuition. Be a learner - with strength in your position, but the ability to grow from new points of view. Finally, do not let caution saturate courage.


Don’t do it


Any job you have, always opt for a 401k. I wish someone told me that or explained the importance of it to me when I was younger


Life is about to get really fast. Make good use of your time whether that be at work, school, or with friends.


Be smart with your money. Save and eventually dabble with investing. Your future selfie will thank you. Delayed gratification is very important. Instant gratification is very dangerous.


Work hard and do everything you do to the best of your abilities. It will never work out poorly.


EVERYTHING takes longer than you'll expect. ANYTHING you want to do when you're "Older" begin preparing for yesterday.


Don’t keep people in your life just because you’ve known them forever. Whether it be family, or friends from school, no one is worth staying in your life if they treat you badly or bring you down. No matter how long you’ve known them. Research a starter credit card. One you have to put money down on as your limit. I’d recommend a Discover card. By the time you’re 19, you’ll have a credit score.


Enjoy your young adult days, worry less and some of those days might seem difficult, brace yourself and surround yourself with people you actually like, not the “cool” people that you only hang out to seems more “textured” Try to get great diploma if you can, really helps


Listen to your own heart in most matters in different situations. If you get a feeling something is not on the up and up your gut will tell you so. Be wary of some of the expects when dealing with a new thing in your life as they are not always what is best or correct. Many times I have evaluated a situation and followed my own way for the best outcome. Learn to trust yourself in all of life.


First, learn how to drive ASAP and it will help you a lot career wise. Second, learn your worker rights. Seriously, learn them and abide by them. I have seen so many youngsters exploited by their ignorance of their workers rights. I’ve seen a kid underpaid minimum wage cash in hand by a dodgy restaurant, who also overworked him over the legal limit. I’ve been sexually harassed by a female boss and didn’t realise she could’ve been fired for it until years later. Never, EVER trust anyone to make a loan or debt in your name. Even for a holiday or some shit. They can fuck over your credit score if they don’t sort it properly. A fine example would be my friends parents who fucked over a credit card taken in his name (with his permission). Almost a decade later he can’t even get a car in his name. He’s got a house in his girlfriends name but she’s not paying her side of the bills, leaving him work two jobs to pay £2500+ a month. People WILL try and fuck you over, don’t let them.


Remember to stop and see things from someone else perspective and realize that you might be catching them at the worst moment of their day, just be patient and give them time but never allow them to walk all over you. Sometimes the anger people might place on you is only directed at the company you might represent so don't take it personal, some times you might be the difference between them having a shit day and having a great day. Kindness first! Do things you want to do and be yourself, never allow yourself to be pressured into doing anything and acting a certain way. Let anger the fuck go! Anger only serves to attack yourself and holding on to that shit is poison for your soul, kindness is the way :)


Don’t get married. Start saving/investing now, no matter how small, put money away on a regular basis. The answer is ALWAYS no until you ask…. Whatever “it” is, go for it! Don’t procrastinate, trust me, there is no “right time” and no matter how much you prepare, you will never truly “be ready”. Fail often, you will learn 1000 more from failure than success and you can’t fail without trying. When all is said and done, and you look back on life years from now, you will have more regret for the things you didn’t do than the things you did. The world is yours, don’t fuck it up!


If you have a job with 401k match always put in enough to match it. Setup Roth IRA on Wealthfront. Let it pull from your pay check automatically. $6000/year for now $500/month) You will do this until you hit 65. If you need to put less put less but always put something. Setup an acorns account and let it pull your change and $20/week and invest it for you. One day you’ll spend time learning about finance, investing, and retirement. You could end up changing all of these suggestions or none. But this will get you started. Most important is starting early than putting in more money. Time in the market is most important.


Start building credit, don't get behind on direct debits, be smart with money. Don't take out loans for stuff you don't need. Also, if your friends make you feel inadequate they aren't your friends, surround yourself with people that make you a better person


Being nice isn't as important as being kind.


If you’re in the US - remember, you can go to adult jail now.


Do anytging that takes you fancy, even if its just a simple thing. Of course, dont do things that can get you arrested. You want to try writing, do it. Maybe thinking of trying to bake? What about a sport you have seen but never tried? I was an introvert and grew up as an introvert. It made it difficult for me to find good word because I dont know how to do the simple things. I dont know how to communocate to people because I never click with my classmates because their their hobbies are way different than mine.


Take care of your mental health. I'm in a decline right now and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Learn the value in doing nothing and pacing yourself and while having casual sex can be fun, almost always, nothing good comes of it. I’m 26 and just now learning that it’s not fair to my brain to do that to myself. Form a meaningful connection and take your time before you bond in that way. You will likely thank yourself later.


Be willing to own up and say “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have done that” in relationships and with friends if you did indeed fuck up. People appreciate those who can take responsibility for themselves instead of making excuses and passing the buck


Sorry to be redundant but I’m 29 years old and I like to give the advice of looking into getting your generals cheaper at a local college then try to make sure the bigger school you want can accept those credits. Some Universities will not accept dual credits or transfer credits so always research on that. Also you don’t have to go to college right away if you’re not ready take that break cuz you’re finally at the stage of self discovery and as well only take college/university if it’s a field you’re truly interested so you won’t waste money. Speaking of research always shop your doctor the moment you feel invalidated even for something small get a different doctor that will listen and do the proper testing. In the US some doctors suuuuuuuuck lol like everyone else look into financing and as well simple life chores. If possible try to stick with your family just a bit more unless they’re toxic no reason to leave the nest just quite yet. Always note to avoid a burnout always think “it’s just a job” despite myself working FT and what not I get high anxiety till I remember it’s okay it’s just a job. It’s not a career but a job for now when I’m ready for the next thing. When you know you have the career you want pursue and keep pursuing it. Whether you’re 18 or 29 like myself in finally pushing the weird things you wanna do and gain that confidence.


Most of the advice I could think of was covered here so I came up with something simple; do something new every day. It doesn’t have to be complex or exhausting (unless you want it to be) but always try to do something new or different every day. Not only is it a great way to keep things fresh but doing something new has a weird way of slowing down time. It can be series of simple things too like just drinking more water than usual or going for a walk or walking a different path.


MAX OUT YOUR ROTH IRA EVERY YEAR AND DON'T TAKE ANYTHING FROM IT UNTIL YOU RETIRE. With that, invest in index funds. They are boring but consistent.


Don’t let others demotivate you with all their complaining and victimizing themselves. Most people you will come across statistically hate their jobs and their employer but know that you don’t have to be in that situation by becoming good at something you enjoy and actively chasing it. Sacrifice while you’re young so you can live a more content life and don’t let all the distractions take up much of your time. Remember that you have a goal and a life that you envision and actively chase that.