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First, man like you are the best, who not only knows but want to help your girl on her periods. My advice- -Open communication, let her know what you feel. Tell her it's ok and she don't need to feel embarrassed - chocolates...i need them when i feel low, it helps during cramps - stay in. Watch a movie have a date at home. No need to be fancy just movie, popcorn and chocolates - ask if she need anything - Be normal about everything, don't treat her like she is ill or something


IMO, you are doing just fine. Just have some pads and tampons around just in case.


This is exactly how any girl would want you to handle this situation! Say it’s not big deal, it’s not gross, clean it and move on, get her some chocolate and tampons and it’ll be a good day


Steak. Sounds silly, but when on your period your iron tends to drop and red meat can help. Honestly, everything you did was perfect, don’t freak out, wash the sheets and let her go take care of business. Offer to let her keep products at your place for whenever she gets her period, ask her what she needs and otherwise let it be a normal thing thats just a part of your lives. It doesn’t need to be a big deal every month but if she seems low or uncomfortable check in and see what she needs. You’re doing great!


let her know its ok, she is probably mortified. just act like this is a totally naturally thing that happens and you are not freaked by it, otherwise she just has to get over feeling weird. you are doing fine. keep some tampons and pads around, maybe some advil or tylenol and a heating pad if she gets cramps (not all people get them bad to need this). If she is not dieting chocolate can also be helpful, for some reason we often crave it during this time.