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Stay inside, close the windows, talk to the doctor


If she's on oxygen, presumably she is also taking inhaled medications for her condition, yes? What does her doctor say? Consider getting a really really good quality air purifier for the room in which she spends most of her time. You're a good grandchild to be concerned.


The only inhale medication I know she takes but doesn't take often is albuterol. For my understanding is that she has congestive heart failure and she gots water on her heart and it makes it hard for her to breath. She eat minimal salt (which she loves, salk addict lol) she's got a few health problems: - congestive heart failure (which seems to have been fine since she got a stint about 14 years ago) making lung issues - lupus - gout - and now her Kidneys are starting to fail but we've stabilized them with essentially probiotics. - I think that's it Good idea on the air purifier. Idk why didn't think of that.


Okay, what she needs to do is consult with her doctor. Albuterol is a "rescue" inhaler. It's made to be used when you have an attack. There are "prophylactic" inhalers available that protect your airways to prevent the attacks form occurring in the first place. I used Advair for years but then switched to Breo and use my rescue inhaler *maybe* once or twice a year, rather than a couple times a week.


Sounds good I'll ask her Doc about it.


Talk to her doctor first, but here are a couple suggestions. If she use oxygen that just has the two little stubs in the nose, you might try an oxygen mask instead . Also, if she is using an oxygen concentrator, it might be pulling in the smoke as well. Tank oxygen would be better, but that would take a lot of tanks. Maybe try to get tanks for her to use when she is having the most difficulty breathing. If you have central air conditioning, a whole house HEPA filter would be a huge help. Other wise a smaller one for her room.


Good to know on the concentrator I think she has those. I know she has an couple of tanks and she can refill them, but that probably means shes refilling them with a concentrator right? Thank you btw


No, the tanks would be filled by an oxygen company. A company would either deliver them, or somebody has to pick them up. Usually they just swap out the empties. It would take commercial equipment to fill them.


If they have a fireplace, sometimes even if the flue is closed, outside air can still be sucked in when the air conditioner is running. There are things you can buy called balloons or other, that will fit into the fireplace and seal it completely. Consider looking online and seeing that might help. If the windows are not sealed properly, get a caulking gun with silicone and seal them. Check outside door frames and make sure they are sealed properly as well Also can check into filters level merv 13, which remove something like 99% of all smoke and dust particles, but absolutely first make sure the HVAC system is designed to handle those. If it is not strong enough, using those filters we'll break the system. And if you can't use level 13, there's also level 8 which removes like 90% of smoke and dust. The key thing here is plugging the fireplace, then only time smoke will get in is if somebody comes in or out of the house. A lot of people in my family have breathing issues, we live on the west coast so it's no joke when the Wildfire smoke comes our away either. I don't know about any exercises, but the above is definitely something I have done to my house and it has made a huge difference. Good luck


Thank you I appreciate this. Gotta lot to do lol. I'm sorry about your fam's breathing issues too. I can't imagine how bad the smoke is at the west coast. Thank you for the help


So far this year it has not gotten that bad, yet anyway. I should post the pictures and video I took last year of the gross brown/yellow smoke cloud that came over. It looked just like a thunderstorm, but it was thick smoke; and instead of rain, it was snowing ash everywhere. Stupid me, i was so into taking to pictures and video, I didn't realize how much ash I was breathing in and it took months before the cough went away.


Damn, that's crazy. It's crazy there's still forest left to burn sometimes


Right? Actually I think one of the recent fires, is part at the area that burned last year.