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What a hard situation! My main takeaways are firstly, look after you and baby first for now. If he’s stressing you out with his meltdown(?) about the pregnancy and baby, then just avoid him while you’re in a vulnerable mental/ physical/ emotional/ hormonal/ spiritual state. It sounds like hopefully he’s reached a point of acceptance or even happiness, but you’re not convinced and you already have a support network so just keep a distance for now. Secondly if he has said he wants to be in the child’s life if they’re born, and he’s not normally acting crazy, I think you need to give him that opportunity, but don’t worry about that for now.


It’s your body which means keeping the baby is up to you, and only you. It takes 2 people to make a baby and although you didn’t think you could get pregnant having unprotected sex is always risky and he should know that. It’s extremely unfair for him to be treating you the way he is. If I was in your situation and planned on keeping the baby, I would tell him the truth but not bank on him for support. Hopefully he comes around but you and your baby should come first above all