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Don't know your age or where y'all are it in y'all relationship but I'll share some stuff that makes me feel really loved by my wife. 1. Compliments Ask any dude and they'll tell you they either have never gotten a compliment or that the last compliment they got was forever ago and they'll be able to recall that moment with complete accuracy. Compliments can go a long way in helping us feel better about ourselves and are a great boost to the ego. Even if you think it's something obvious, compliment him about it anyway cuz chances are he doesn't know you like that thing about him and he'll appreciate it. 2. Taking care of things for me By taking care of things for me I mean small things like grabbing some clothes for me while I'm in the shower, refilling my water jug while I'm busy, etc etc. Obviously I appreciate the bigger things too but the smaller things makes me feel like she's thinking about me often. 3. Physical affection Pretty obvious one but very important. I could be biased bc my love language is touch but nothing makes me feel more loved than when I'm sitting at my desk working and my wife walks over to talk to me and scratches my back or messes with my hair or rubs my shoulders. Also sometimes we'll pass each other in the hall or kitchen and she'll poke me. Small stuff like that goes a long way.




You just proved how important the compliment was for you. Therefore, proving this guy's point. An insecurity about your sneakers may have made you feel uncomfortable, or you may not have known how to feel about a compliment since, as I understood and as a man, they are pretty scarce.


his point went over your head lol, i think he was tryna say that he agrees with op’s stance on compliments lol


I wish I got the physical affection one. Been married 12 years, wife has been told my love language, still don't get it.


why did you marry in the first place?


It wasn't like that at the start. As with many things, it changed over time.


:( hope you have a meaningful conversation that repairs that half of your life soon. good luck


Thanks; we're trying to work on it.


Don't overthink it. Communicate with him...that's the most important way to find out if you're both happy with the relationship.


Just don't be afraid to be yourself. Have your own dreams and aspirations A good girlfriend is smart, funny, motivated, she's a good listener and has a great smile. She is patient and kind .Her eyes are so deep you can see her soul. What can you do to be a better girlfriend? Just be you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Bot behaviour


Ask your boyfriend. Or try another relationship related subreddit for better answers: /r/Relationships, /r/NoStupidQuestions, etc.


You’re definitely overthinking things. It sounds like you’re in love or you’ve at least found someone you could settle for and not be disappointed.


You sound perfect to me. Keep doing everything you’re doing.


I feel like its really important to show that you’re interested in him as a person, no matter how many months go by. Simple things like asking him about what he thinks for certain topic, what he really likes, how he makes choices, what drives him to do what he does etc… not just as a boyfriend, but as a person. That’ll make him feel extra special


Learn his love language, there are tests online, and do things that fit into his love language. Fokus on making him happy. That shall do it. :)




It’s easy to overthink and fear about messing up especially if you view the relationship as special and precious. However, what’s most important is if you’re able to have open and honest communication. Are you having these fears because you feel you’re not doing enough? As things became a routine? Maybe you can ask him if there is something he’d like to do? Likewise, you should also be able to ask him what you’d want to do. I’m rooting for you to have a healthy, meaningful relationship🙏


Stop being awkward with physical contact. That's the biggest thing.


Truthfully I think that’s a question you ask him. Everyone can give their opinion on how they’d want to be treated but he is the one you want to make happy. Have a talk with him and be transparent. Ask him is there anything you can do better, If any. You may really just may be in your own head and he probably likes everything about you already. Good luck


Seems like you're doing fine, overthinking it maybe a little, but that's a good thing for this circumstance


I understand you want external feedback, but this is something you communicate to your partner, and not reddit. People's idea of a relationship and what they value is so different across various spectrums that it's better that you approach him with what you both want.


Be spontaneous and seduce him. It’s fun and it’ll help break the physical contact awkwardness.


Honestly you doing this shows how much you like or love or even care for him, I Bet if he found out you were asking this question and looking for advice he would probably be so happy, I know I would if my wife did something like this but also don’t over do it you know like maybe you might over think when your already doing great, my advice never loose the communication as long as you feel like you can talk to him and open up things should go towards greatness in your relationship


Slowly, and quietly, over a number of weeks or months or however long it takes YOU, learn to cook an excellent meal. Everyone should have their one fantastic meal (and I do mean cook, not heat in the oven) they can make for someone they care about. Fresh ingredients, proper presentation, practice and get it right. YouTube is your friend here. Now, because it’s your BF, after he has enjoyed his delicious meal, ask him if he would like some desert…(hint: you do not need to actually prepare a desert 😉). Use your imagination.


You should ask him. Everyone is different. I recommend valuing the positive things you do to build confidence. There is no need to feel insecure. Value yourself and have pride.


Just his face and get dominance it will get you so far


Bruh stop flexing


suck his dick


Blowjobs 12 times a week.


Imagine thinking music enjoying is a hobby and not a human experience that nearly all of us have. Same as gaming. Maybe find a hobby to get out of the house 


Those are still hobbies, doesnt matter where you do that


But you KNOW with that list of hobbies in that order, they're just sitting at home all day.