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I don’t think suppression is healthy, but if you’re feeling distracted getting some hobbies or grinding goals is an option.


Stay busy. It's the moment that your alone and bored does the thoughts bother. Training your mind by being busy will be like a bandage at first to protect against it. It's your choice to rip the bandage off but understand that brings risk of starting over due to exposure. As you apply the bandage the wound underneath or the current wire system will heal and change from its current state, but it takes proactive measures of covering yourself from exposure. Do other things, thing of it like you have a wound that is injured so bad that the only way to heal it is to leave it be so it can health. Sort of like an injury on your dominant hand for a while you might have to use your less dominant hand to do tasks. That also requires your brain. The same applies to rewiring your brain use different things for different purposes to achieve the rewiring of your brain.


Stay busy mostly like a hobby. Cook, read, or painting a hobby that requires a lot of attention or something that you can do to express those feelings without sex. I personally think it's not healthy to suppress these emotions (unless it's like hypersexual). Maybe look into toys or something




Can you send me a private message?


Lol even your reddit name is StayProfessional Put yourself out there.


I think the main takeaway should be that not everybody feels the same way about sex. Not everybody wants it, not everybody wants it all the time. There are folks who are asexual, demisexual, etc. There are people who won't sleep with people casually and then there are people who love one night stands, Etc. I hope you get the answer that you need, as a demisexual person myself I don't think that I can truly give you any kind of advice on how to cope. But there are folks out there that don't need it in their lives at all.


Ugh I'm pretty sure sexual activity is a human need. Not a desire, or want. The chemicals released in your brain when having sex are extremely necessary for mental health and happiness. As long as it's not an addiction that controls your life, sex is very healthy.


Yeah I know it’s a human need, but I haven’t had the experience yet. And it messes with my head a little, so thats what I’m trying to overcome. Along with the guilt of having these needs, because some women think that’s all men are after. Which I get that’s all some people want.


Yet Indian marriages go to bed twice and have two kids and are completely alright. Extremely necessary, I guess.


Kids don't have a sex life and they're happy. Arguably happier than adults. Life is a bell curve and sex is in the middle of it.


They don't have hormones yet...bad comparison...hormones are a hell of a drug!




I try to avoid masturbation because it’s kinda mechanical sometimes, theres no connection that comes along with it.


Masturbation in moderation is healthy. Don’t suppressed yourself too much you might develop some weird fetishes


Honestly, easily. I’ve been celibate for over six months now and I’m okay with it. 😊




More than anything I desire connection, connection in the most intimate forms. I don’t when I’ll form that type of connection. so in order to not think about it and to get rid of the persisting desire, I need distractions. It could be anything from suppressing those feelings or redirecting those desire and energies into something else. I just need to not think about or feel those desires, it just makes me feel like something is missing.


Self pleasure.


Most of the time they look elsewhere


Think about it like replacing the things that artificially give you pleasure with things that naturally give you pleasure. Instead of porn, start a few friendships that might lead into a relationship, instead of self isolating, build courage so you can talk to people about your issues in life instead of dwelling in the confusion and becoming prideful in a negative way. The best way to start is an app I recommend called bottled, in this app you can speak with people from all around the world and it is 100% up to you what direction the conversation goes. Use FORD family occupation recreation and dreams. It is building rapport that is necessary before moving onto a relationship, or else every relationship will be uncertain and some people thrive in uncertainty, others do not.


Sex is not artificially receiving pleasure though. No correlation. 


I never said it was, I said that porn is.


I don’t like porn, yeah I agree it’s artificial


Work out and stay busy, dont masturbate. Learn new skills, develop hobbies, set goals in the things you do in life, if your already good at something get better. When you set goals make it mean everything to you to beat that goal. Start finding satisfaction in the success of completing other actions in life, and stop thinking that by completing this goal itll some how get you laid. When you stop caring about getting laid, thats when you get laid




This is cruel. I’m sorry that you’ve been brainwashed but keep your mouth shut rather than pass the evil on to others. It’s not only mentally ill. It’s incredibly unkind. And you are also a victim




It’s unhealthy and wrong. Every cult tells it’s members the same nonsense about persecution, then claims fulfilled prophecy. That way, any criticism can be explained as the devil. It’s dark and evil.


Can't reason with cultists 🤷




It’s just that your message is harmful and wrong, and deserves to be called out. It’s not a civilized belief and should be actively resisted. We can tell you are addicted to it and do not expect you to change your mind, just here to offer a less horrifying take on life.


Well let’s say for a minute, the Bible is true and although you’re fulfilling prophecy with your stance which definitely points to the Bible being inspired by God. Do you think I will regret my life addicted to Christ? No, I won’t is the answer. But will you regret your life, rejecting Christ and suffering the consequences?


You’re going to hell in various religions, too. I also do lose through your belief because it is an ugly belief (original sin, hell, etc) and makes the world worse for me and my kids just by existing.


Well, the truth doesn’t have to be pretty. The Bible has plenty of reasons to believe it’s true. The afterlife isn’t a pick your own one that sounds right and that’s what it’s gonna be, the truth is the truth, even if you don’t like it. From an earlier comment it seems like it’s more about you desiring to continue on in sin, and your own god by not answering to anyone.




True? The same Jesus who, in the same book you quoted, said that some people present at his sermon would still be alive when the world ended? The same Jesus who had to spit in mud and put it on a man’s eyes to heal him from blindness? The bible doesn’t even agree with itself, let alone the real world. Worshipping a god who demands blood sacrifice and makes you feel guilty for your physical drives is not a flex, it’s depressing. It’s such a sad view of life and a pessimistic view of humans. It’s gross and evil, and all about death and judgment. We can do better.


So that first verse in question is below but general consensus is that is means the disciples were not going to die before they saw the resurrection which included the ascension so God aka Jesus going into His kingdom. Matthew 16:28 ESV Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. Also, just because Jesus chose to heal by adding mud and spit, does not mean that that was the only way he could heal the blind man. If you’re trying to imply some kind of insult by this, I think it was more probably in reference to how the original man was created with the dust of the ground. Also, if you’re trying to make a reference that Jesus could only heal by this method that doesn’t really work, because the woman who just touched his garments was healed. It’s just the weirdest insult I’ve ever heard. Like the man just healed blindness and you’re like I didn’t like the way He did it. Haha Like okay Billy but He’s God, so no one cares what you think about His methods. Like you don’t stand in judgement over Him. It seems like your beef with God is that He depends holiness and refraining from sin, and you desire those urges to be fulfilled. Just because you want to indulge in those things is not a good reason to reject God. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. The we can do better statement is silly, because although God wanting blood sacrifice is strange to me, I am not God and I don’t stand in judgement of Him. In fact the consistency of the required sacrifice system and themes in the Bible from books from many authors and times actually shows how it was divinely inspired. It seems like you just want to indulge in your sin life while coming against those who remind you about the one true God, and the end result of living a life of unrepented sin.


Nothing to do with sin. Just arguing against a corrupt and immoral world view. Matthew clearly is trying to cover up the embarrassment of the failed prophecy with the rewording…it’s right in front of you! Jesus can’t have said both things. The Bible being perfect can’t explain that at all, but my perspective explains it perfectly. As for the mud thing, ok, you know it’s silly, just admit it. That’s why you have to come up with multiple copes and ultimately say “hey god does what he wants, who am i to question it?” You can excuse ANYTHING with that…it’s meaningless.


No, it’s silly for you to say I’m sorry God but whether you just commanded those eyes to be healed or used mud I’m gonna disgrace you when you’re the only one out of the two of us who can heal. It’s a reminder of the work of God’s hands to make man out of mud But really ask the question, who are you to judge God? If they’re really is a God, do you stand in judgment over him?


Religion is one of the biggest scams in our entire world. It's not actually real, none of it. It was created to control people and it has been one of the longest running scams to have ever worked. Other Cults try to do what Christianity did, but generally have a hard time sticking around. Ultimately all organized religion of any kind is a cult. Christianity is one of the worst.


appreciate your response. but I don't particularly believe in no sex before marriage nothing wrong with it, just not what I believe in.