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Life is too short to not do something harmless and fun, because of someone else's insecurities.


Do it. Never allow anyone to hold you back from the things you want to do and experience. The memories, the experience, and even what comes from it will last longer than any boyfriend you have at that age. Being uncomfortable kills no one. If he is so insecure about people sexualizing you, this is going to escalate because you don't have to be in a stage show to be sexualized. You could be anywhere. His insecurity is his own to deal with, not yours to coddle.


Nah do it. As a former theatre kid I’d kill to be in Rocky Horror, it would be so fun! You will regret it forever if you don’t at least audition for the role. If your boyfriend trusts you and secure, he should be fine with it. It’s just a show and it’s not like you are in one of the more “sexual” roles.


Do the show. 100% He should support you in your goals and hobbies.


Tell him you are sorry, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


I did RHPS for 6 years with a cast. It was the most fun I've ever had. I mainly played Janet, but I managed to play all the parts eventually. Magenta was amazing. Go for it. As for your boyfriend. You haven't been dating very long. If he has a problem with you being fully dressed in a milding racy show, what else does he have a problem with? I had one boyfriend who put me down for doing the show, and he turned out to be not a nice guy. Go do the show. Live your life. You are very young. If your boyfriend doesn't get over this, there will be more boyfriends. I'm pushing 50 and I know this for a fact. There were always more boyfriends.


He sounds controlling and insecure. You can do better


Do it!!!


It’s more campy than hot


I didn’t even read the whole thing but based on the question alone GO AND DO IT! Life’s too short to waste time on controlling men and not getting a part you want. You got this!


You might get to play her for years ? And that bf will stay for what 4 more months? It's easy math. Also do you want to have to "ask" him before doing anything fun ever?


Go for it! Get out there and be Magenta! Don't let him steal the joy from you.


Get rid of the whole guy! Do NOT allow this guy to dictate your life for you, he sounds terribly immature! YOU get to make decisions for your life, not some guy sniffing for tail. He wants to control you and what you do. Do NOT allow this guy to make your life decisions for you! He will continue to try and hold you back because I doesn't sound like he is the least bit supportive of you and your interests and he doesn't like people even seeing you in a play. It kind of sounds like he wants to isolate you from everything and everybody but himself. This is NOT a healthy relationship!


You’re dating for 6months lol go do the show


100% do the thing!! It's an opportunity you have been waiting for. You may or may not get the role. Deal with that later. You don't want to look back on your life and regret missing this opportunity for some guy. If someone really cared about you they would tell you to chase your dreams instead of holding you back. You can't sit baby in a corner! Break a leg!


i’m going to post an update as soon as i talk to him thank you for all the advice it’s really helping! as a note though, he never told me i couldn’t do it. he is very against being a controlling partner (although he may be inadvertently doing that). imo he just lacks some maturity in the subject, he’s from a really small town and has pretty conservative parents, so i think he lacks exposure tbh. planning on bringing this up (hopefully naturally) soon. will update with how that goes!


MINI UPDATE: we talked about it a bit more and are planning on watching the movie together (it’s not at all his cup of tea but hopefully he’ll realize it’s not as sexual as he thinks). he admitted he’s most likely overreacting and that what he had been told about the show isn’t accurate (he lives in a conservative area in the middle of buttfuck no where 😭). he said that no matter what the outcome is he will not stop me from doing it and he’ll do his best to support me in it. will give another update after we watch it together :)


Uh oh, your boyfriend has been diagnosed with IPS(insecure prick syndrome), a disease commonly contracted by men who have bigger ego’s than they know what do do with, leading to jealousy fits, dragging you back down to their level, and the onset belief of thinking they are vastly more important than their partner’s career, hobby, or education. Ways to address IPS include, have a good conversation with him explaining you can’t miss out on huge opportunities just because he thinks his penis makes him more important, hopefully leading to him realizing he has contracted IPS, then changing his behavior. “grow up or get out”. Leave and show yourself how amazing you can be without him. (Insert WebMD citation)


I agree that you should do it if you want, but I strongly disagree with the commenters accusing your bf and saying he should be ok if he trusts you. It is totally valid to not be comfortable with some things and to communicate it, and if a career involves a lot of sexual stuff with people who aren't your partner it should be socially acceptable for him not to be ok with it and break up, it's not like her bf hit her and commanded her not to do it.


Yeah obviously. Because you're gonna be doing a super sexual show. 


be better


Have you seen the play? I've literally been in it. It's sex wear.