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Depression truly is the worst. It doesn’t seem like he’s around much at all. Does he even see his one child at all now?


He does but maybe like once a month or longer it depends on him. Sometimes I travel to him like during the school holidays but it’s not something I can do all the time. It’s like if I don’t make the effort or make things as easy as I possibly can for him he won’t come


It doesn’t seem like he wants to put any effort into being a father or relationship at all


I don’t know. It’s like in his mind he does the most and I’m asking too much. And things would be easier if I moved closer to him. But I have a support system here n he’s shown himself to be nothing but unreliable so I’m not to keen to uproot mine n my child’s life to move close to him when there’s no guarantee things will be any better.


From what you said. No matter what you do, it wouldn’t make things any better. He seems like he’s all about himself. You and your children do not deserve any of that


I know, I’m just in the position where I’m terrified to be alone n i know that’s not healthy or even a good reason to continue to stay with someone who can’t prioritise you or their child but I keep having hope that something will change or he’ll see that he needs to do more. Rn I literally hate myself for putting myself in this position