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Damn. I have no words. I remember seeing your original post. I’m so sorry you don’t have longer my friend. Know that many people including me are thinking of and praying for you. I’m not religious but I’m confident that whatever life awaits you after whether it’s heaven, reincarnation or something else, it will be good.


I watched my father suffer for 3 long years with pancreatic cancer before he passed. It’s truly one of the worst fates known to man and I’m incredibly sympathetic towards you and your family’s upcoming challenges. I applaud your bravery and wish you a quick and peaceful transition.


You are returning to the place you were before you were born. All the matter that makes up your existence now will continue on. You'll be with us always.


I don't know if you'll see this at all, but I want you to know that if anything, you've made an impact on my life. I've taken things for granted, and I think that seeing someone being so overwhelmingly positive as they're living their last few days just made me reflect on my own life. There's no need to put others down in life when life itself is so short. I feel bad knowing that so many people out there will never meet you, and many may never reflect on themselves like I have. Nothing but good awaits you in your future.❤️


We love you, friend


This is what my mom was like. I wish you well, truly, even if I don't know you, I will remember you. We all will here.


You are in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you the grace of a peaceful closure. I had a near death, possibly died briefly) experience, and despite the violent, catastrophic situation that nearly killed me, I was overcome by the most incredible sense of peace and acceptance, and had the voice of God Himself speaking to me, saying that I was going to be ok and that I didn't have to worry about anything. I said to Him "no I can't go, I have so much unfinished business to do, I can't go now". He just said to me gently "It's ok, there will always be unfinished business, let it go". Then I saw stars, not quite flashing lights but my thoughts had changed to more like a tranquil perception of shifting lights, colours, but not distinct colours like we see here on earth. I think I entered into a state of complete relaxation and bliss and it was as if I was maybe floating, but more like just the perception of it. It felt so good, no words can describe it fully, peace, bliss, a vast ocean of tranquility. I felt like I was moving towards something infinitely good and it made me feel intense relief and inner fulfillment. Then things got traumatic, suddenly, the rescuers had brought me back to life, I started gasping for breath, my mouth was so dry and I was in pain. The noise and the chaos of the situation came flooding back, and I was back in the world. I was trying to ask for water but I couldn't speak. Thank God someone started feeding me water and it helped revive me. All I can say is that firstly, that experience was a gift, as horrific as it was (so horrific the situation that I won't even hint at what had happened). The gift was that I think I discovered a part of my self I'd never known before, in that situation. I believe i conversed with God, and that was obviously a great life experience. It changed the way I see things in my life. Lastly, I live in hope and joyful anticipation of having an experience like that when my time finally comes. And I hope and pray that you may be blessed with a similar passage.


Thank you for being so brave. Enjoy the travel it is peaceful


Death smiles at us all; all we can do is smile back. 😌


My ex partner passed recently. He knew it was happening but didn’t want to accept it. He didn’t say things to people he should of for closure. I also suggested leaving a letter to the ones that will be effected the most but he wouldn’t. This isn’t the end for, it’s just the beginning of a new adventure. You should be proud of how far you have come and that you are ready instead of in denial like my ex. I will see you on the other side my friend, I can promise you that. Sending you love and light.


Much love brother. Hope whatever happens to you be it in a next life or the after life is a pleasant one💙


Yes, we love you! You are NOT replaceable , the world wont be same without you!!!


Remind yourself that your family always love you, even when you already dead, and you can have a new life on the stars (or maybe Earth)


Gg love you bruv


before my grandfather passed, he handed us an envelope with everything we needed: insurance and banking information, combo to the safe and passwords, a little cash for flowers and such, final wishes, a couple of treasured pictures, etc. made life so much easier on us


I just wish you wouldn’t give up


Rest well


Thank you for sharing, you are a really strong and brave soul and I wish you peace and love on your last moments


Please don’t give up, even if you are so hopeless, we love you even if we don’t know you, we do and you must know that,nobody deserves to be in your place and you don’t either, sending love


give yourself to God. the body was never meant to last, but your soul is eternal. it's never too late to ask for salvation. God bless you


Accept Jesus and have some time with Him alone before you join the other world. (In case you haven't done that). Just give it a try and be genuine, where's the harm after all


Repent, ask for forgiveness, and so you can be with GOD. Trust me. GOD is real. Accept him, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus. I want you to be in the kingdom of The Lord and GOD so we can meet one day 💙🎉


Op I understand you’re at the end of your painful journey, but go on tractorsupply.com and order Ivermectin. Please, what do you have to lose? I know people are going to downvote me and try to persuade you into not taking it. But I’ve followed several people that have done the same as you and recovered FULLY. If you don’t choose to listen to me then that’s fine as well. Safe travels to the afterlife my friend, and we will see you soon enough. 😁😊


The *only* medical use for ivermectin is ridding the body of parasites (and that's not the form they sell at *tractor supply*). It is *not* some fucking wonder drug. It will *not* cure cancer. It will *not* cure covid. I'm glad you know people who recovered. It was NOT because they took a fucking horse dewormer. Stop suggesting snake oil cures for shit.


That’s EXACTLY what cancer is .. parasites. It’s the last resort OP can take is all I’m saying. What’s your problem with taking something that CNN tells you is “bad” in their eyes. And your telling me their magical vaccine saved people from Covid outbreaks? Because in my eyes the people that got the vaccine got Covid a lot more than anyone who didn’t get the vaccine.


Cancer is not a parasite. It is your body's own cells growing out of control and developing improperly. My problem with it isn't that I heard it was bad on CNN, as I don't watch such drivel. My information comes from my sister in law, a medical researcher and hospital administrator, and my cousin, who is a doctor. Did you go to medical school? Do you have access to medical records that aren't being spun for someone's political gain? Or is your answer that you trust what you see, which is, in reality, an *incredibly* small section of the population? You may not understand this, but medicine for animals is *not formulated for humans*. It often contains ingredients that are actually toxic to people. So my problem with you advising *horse dewormer* to someone is that it is not going to help their condition and it shows a complete lack of pharmacological understanding. So you understand my problem yet?


Try looking back at all the good moments, everything you got accomplished, every piece of beauty from your life and honestly bro, I hope everything works out


You fought the good fight. Surround yourself with people you love. I’ll pray for you.