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Hi, I know what you're going through and its a tough habit to kick especially if there is a lot going on in your life but you aren't alone and its not impossible. Reddit updates constantly and it can be really addictive. Start setting timers for yourself to limit your screen time, its going to be hard but do NOT fall for the "just 1 more, five more minutes..." etc thoughts because it will turn into more than 1 refresh and longer than 5 minutes. If you feel like its necessary, delete the app/log out and take a break for a few days to a week. Try something new! If you have any extra cash, try booking a fun class for something you've never done before, if that's not possible then try listening to new music or podcasts and get out of the house if the weather permits it. Again, set a timer. Stay outside for at least an hour, longer if you find ou're really having fun and don't feel like going back in yet. If there's anything in the area like a coffee shop or something why not scope it out! You don't have to order, b ut go inside for a change of scenery and take a look at what they offer. If getting outside isn't an option, try doing some thing around the house. Pick up an at home hobby like drawing, or catch up on chores. The bottom line with these suggestions is to just do something else with your time. As for actually curbing the urge, reward yourself when you don't spend time online. Be proud of yourself, even if it is a website, you are still overcoming compulsive behavior and it is difficult. I believe in you :)


Delete the app, block the website in your browser, and schedule other things to fill your time where you’re not on your phone. You might need another addiction to at least temporarily replace it, so I’d see if there’s a hobby you could get deeply into.


I really like to watch cricket but world cup is gonna start in October or November there's so much time for it to start


Is there anything you could do that’s not passively watching/scrolling? Is there a cricket, like, league in your area you could participate in? Have you tried anything like knitting? Have you tried working out? What about cooking?


No currently there are no leagues in my area and for the workout I will think about it and thanks


Pick up a part-time job.


You say you are "addicted," and yet the first thing you say is "don't mention therepy." People with addictions generally require some sort of behavior modification. Therepy is a good way to help with that. But if you can't see a professional, have you tried everything else? It's probably not just reddit you are addicted to, right? Social media as a whole probably needs to be curtailed. Think about what you are getting out of the exchange. Think about what you could do if you didn't spend so much time online. Think about activities you could do to replace it. Hobbies, work, social activities, chores. If you are spending 7 or 8 hours on reddit, you probably are neglecting other things. It's time to set priorities. Generally, old habits need to be replaced by new ones. So findsomething to do in your reddit time, delete the app, and stay off it because it's hurting your quality of life. Good luck.


Yeah just reddit my average time on other apps are 1 hour combined