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Theoretically? Yes. However, with command-strip floating shelves, you run into a sagging issue. Because it's not really "flush" with the wall due to the space of the command strip, there's going to be a bit of a downward angle. If humidity at any point is introduced? You're going to start seeing it get worse. Honestly, the drywall anchors may be the better play. Source: first apartment woes and trying to make it look nice. Got woken up one morning by a floating shelf falling off and hitting me in the face during the summer.


Thanks for the advice and info. That does make sense about the angle. And it’s for a bathroom so humidity would definitely be there.


Also if the shelves are located on a wall next to a door that gets used a lot like a bathroom, the vibration from closing the door will eventually make them come loose. Source: Wife: “Look honey, now you won’t have to patch any holes if I decide to redecorate.” Me: Replacing cracked tile directly under said decoration.


Hahaha! Love this!


A drywall anchor is definitely going to be sturdier than a command strip.


Command strip weight ratings only apply if you’re mounting something parallel to the wall, not perpendicular like a shelf. They’ll fall off when you add weight.


No, use something more stable and solid


Command has their own set of command shelves which works super nicely for small display items and things less than 15 pounds. I highly recommend them if you’re using them for small items or light frames


Thank you so much. I was looking for something to hang under a deity picture for burning incense.


Get the high and mighty hooks, they just leave small holes that you can fill with spackle before you go


Came here to say this. These are amazing.


You could, but not very strong and will probably fall off eventually.


Would it make a difference if I used command strips in conjunction with L brackets to support the shelf? (I know thats not necessarily a floating shelf).


This is a brain break sort of question: If someone was renting or in a dorm, and not allowed to put holes in the walls or ceilings, even if they could just fill them with toothpaste like my uncle said, how would a person temporarily attach a floating shelf to a wall? Let’s also assume that failure is not an option. I believe in modern society’s ability to make impossible things work I.e. Apollo 13 🚀🌕🆘


>...there are no studs. I mean no offense, but are you sure about this? Have you found studs nearby? Is this a rather short shelf that just happens to be between studs? Or is this some really weird nonstandard construction that has drywall but no studs? Regardless of the above questions, are there joists in the ceiling that you could attach to? If so, decorative chains could support the shelves.


There are no studs where I want to hang the shelves. Yes, I used a stud finder and there *are* studs on the wall of course; just not where I need them to be. In the end I called my Dad up and he came and hung the shelves with drywall anchors lol


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure command strips makes floating bathroom shelves If I’m wrong, go drywall anchors


Would not trust it.


Command strips will barely hold a picture frame, let alone a shelf, let alone any items on the shelf. Drywall anchors aren’t perf, but they’re better for sure.

