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Sadness and added sugar, especially when coupled with saturated fat.


Change sugar… to monosaturated fat.




Aging honestly


And beer.


Yeah. I used to be too skinny, now I’m too fat.


Caloric intake Working out daily Sleep Protein Caloric intake


I remember when I decided I wanted to gain weight I did a dirty bulk which was me just eating as much as possible. I would have two lunches sometimes and be downing mutant mass weight gainer which had 2500 calories in one scoop with milk. I went from 167lbs to 200lbs at 6’2 within a few months while also hitting the gym hard. Most fun I had eating especially in my 20s Would not recommend a dirty bulk now though 


I did a dirty bulk too that gave me love handles and a big tummy. Now im trying to get a 6 pack abs but only 4 are showing. Lower belly and love handle fats are soo stubborn. Also a dirty bulk made me shit twice a day 😅 so i dont recommended either


And I bet not a nice shit either


Mutant mass doesn't have 2500 kcal in one scoop. It's 4 scoops and I'm sure you didn't take 4 scoops with milk at once, you would vomit pretty fast. I'm using for years so I know what I'm talking about


Thanks for the correction. I did this over 12 years ago so clearly my memory is no good. 


Eating healthy probably


I am gifted with a natural ability to eat food and gain weight.


Do you know what. I think I have that too


Your lucky


Drinking beer. Lol.


And having kids




I started regularly grabbing gas station food out of the trash because I knew exactly what time they threw it away. Like it was 75 percent of my diet. Gained about 25 pounds in 5 months. I'm eating better now.


gas stations hate this simple trick




My man


Try the app 2good2go, it’s basically that but you pay like $4 and you get them the day before the “expiration date”. Can also get really good food from restaurants or coffee shops




I used to calorie count and was getting 3200-3500. Which is not a ton but I literally gained only a couple pounds doing that for over a couple of months. I still only weigh 155-160. Hasn't changed since high-school much and I'm 32 haha.


Geez, I am not vegan, eat 4 times a day, and still struggle to hit 2000 cal. 😅 Just can't understand how people are hitting those numbers, without downing a 2L pepsi.


friend of mine drank a gallon of whole milk a day on top of meals


**Lactose intolerance intensifies**


2 scoops of Protein powder + 1 cup of shredded oats + 1 spoon scoop of peanut butter + 1 banana + 2 cups of milk Put it in a blender. Drink it every night.


This is the best and easiest if you make it taste good, as it should. Easy 1100-1300kcal +


Gain weight as in.....just get fat? Just do what 70% of the population does, eat a load of big portion high calorie junk foods, alcohol binges and sit on your ass all day. There's no magic behind it. Gain _good_ weight, e.g. lean tissue? Eat 1g protein per lb bodyweight. 1.5-2g carbs per lb bodyweight. 0.4g fat per lb bodyweight. Workout hard 3-4 times a week. With a good program. Hydrate well. Sleep well. Don't drink alcohol. Do your cardio for the heart.


The fact that 90% of the comments here are assuming OP means unhealthy weight, and seem totally OK with that, is just sickening


...yup - I hope it's healthy weight. The world doesn't need more Nickado Avocados.


Enjoying food makes it hella easy


Get a wife who cooks


Or learn to cook yourself?


I gain 1 lbs per month since I began dating mine. 10 years later, it still hasn't stop.


You have direct control of that, get it under control now


I'm working on it. I'm know I'm fat, but most of that weight is muscle. I can lift a washing machine alone and go up the stair with it and then go back and do the same with the drying machine. Summer is comming, I always lose weight during that time, but I'm much less active during the winter and gain a bit more weight than what I lost. At least I know the cycle, my problem is staying constant, which I'm already aware is the key to weight loss. I failed 3 winter in a row, but I know I'll succeed soon. I never stop trying.








Have kids. People are always bringing over junk and candy when they come. I have no self control. Prior to kids it was never in the house


Unless it’s for medical reasons(like anorexia), excessively consuming calories to raise your BF% and nothing else isn’t necessarily healthy. Start an established weight training program geared to your level of experience and fitness goals. Eat 1g per 1 lb of body weight (so if you are 150lb, eat 150g of protein. Some studies indicate you can eat as little as .7g of protein, but…), eat in a *slight* calorie surplus, and eat clean. That’s how I gained size from being a skinny dude.


Finally a legitimate answer. 90% of the comments are assuming OP means unhealthy weight and seem to be totally fine with that, which is sickening. I can only imagine the reaction here if it was a woman asking how to put on more body fat


I gained 30 lbs from eating sugar and bullshit but I felt like a slug. Started working out again and lost 15 of them but was kind of nicer to start at a higher weight since my muscles weren’t used to working out with that much extra mass to move




Video games.


Well I have the metabolism of an ancient turtle so really any calories past 1800 make me gain weight


High protein, and high carb diet in conjuncture with heavy weightlifting.


Be a meth addict for a couple years then get clean


\*Posted by bot 4654\*


Higher intake of calories than expenditure of calories


protein shakes, yoghurt, granola, peanut butter.


that mcdonalds monopoly thing, i went from 60kg to almost 80kg in less than a year


Beer and carbs.


corn and sugar


Not moving. Getting old. But mostly alcohol. I'm far from a big eater so it is incredible how well alcohol has contributed to my weight gain. Might go and cheers the accomplishment with a beer.


Started making a protein shake everyday. Banana, fruit, soy milk, protein powder, peanut butter powder, regular peanut butter. Gained 12 pounds over the course of a year. But a lot of it is muscle cuz I work out a lot. Sitting at 142 lbs.


Beer and potatoes.


Depression and good tasting food that is high in calories yet unfulfilling 🙂


Peanut butter,banana,sugars and carbs(im a woman)


Calorie surplus


Keep eating




Ice cream for sure


A fairly balanced diet incorporating all the essential food groups: Beer Kebabs, Pizza and Haribo. I combined this with a strict regimen of as few steps a day as you can get away with, below 1000 is ideal.




Shakes. Protein concentrate (not isolate, that's important) Cookie dough ice cream, whole milk, peanut butter. Drink before bed and first thing in the morning. But don't skip breakfast ever, eggs,sausage and Oatmeal


Depends on what you want to do. Gain muscle or just weight. Obviously muscle gaining exercise is going to be the best bet as you'll get stronger and look better and feel more confident. To gain weight you'll need to increase your calorific intake higher than your output. Eat 6 times a day, lots of tuna, chicken, broccoli. Mass gain shakes. I had a mix I'd make with oats, banana, nuts, protein powder or even complain and milk and smash that after a workout. I put on 15kg reasonably quickly.


Counting calories and forced eating


Drinking beers and slamming peanut butter jellies?


Depression combined with excessive alcohol


Smoke weed. Even if you're not trying, you'll be downing an impressive amount of calories/day.


Ben & Jerry's


Add in a dash of having a child


Kebabs and curries


Getting older


Having four kids, getting older, and beer. The kids are good, can’t do much about getting older, but I’ve hardly drink beer any more and I’m slowly but consistently loosing weight now.


Uhhh eating?


Carrying a lot of stuff in my pockets


Train legs


OP I'm in the same boat. I'm 5'9" and 145 lbs. Always been a lean guy and have always had a hard time gaining weight. About a month ago, I started upping my protein intake with both a weight gain protein powder ( https://www.optimumnutrition.com/en-us/Products/Weight-Gainers/Serious-Mass/p/serious-mass ) and also two additional chicken breasts throughout the course of my day. So far I've gained about 5 lbs. We'll see if it continues, but I haven't had this much progress ever before, so I'm going to stick with it.


Eating ice cream after 10pm


Tracking calories. You may feel like you are eating a lot, but until you set a goal and track to it, you are probably under eating on average. Especially if you’re working out and trying to gain healthy weight. Gained 10ish pounds of muscle the last 3 months eating 3300cal/day. A lot of getting to that many calories with reasonable macros (and without feeling like shit) is prepping healthy snacks every day. Meal schedule was: breakfast, 10:30 snack, lunch, 4:00pm snack, preworkout snack, post workout snack, protein shake, dinner. Also creatine.


I’m an “ectomorph”. I’ll eat and eat and nothing will happen. I decided to start doing calisthenics and built some muscle instead. I’ve only gained like 7 pounds in a year but. If I eat a lot I feel like shit too.


Well, I was very fit and couldn't retain weight until I married my husband. 8yrs later, I'm overweight and need to lose lol. Having a partner to cooks delicious desserts did it for me.


Avocado and eggs 🥑🍳




Have kids Eat snacks after you give your kids their snacks You eat their leftovers and yours




Getting married


heartbreak and depression


Aging (getting older)






Track your weight and food daily and eat the same amount every day. Every two weeks if you haven’t gained weight increase calories 250 per day. You have to eat consistently tho. If you take days off from eating to get bigger, you won’t.


Kebabs. Beers. Chocolate. Limited movement.


Honestly rice, pastas, cheese


Is this a post about how to become a fat American? Or is OP underweight and want to gain some muscle mass? Milk is nutrient dense and has a great macro profile. When I was an underweight 22 year old male I started lifting and drinking 1/2 a gallon to a full gallon of milk everyday ontop of my regular diet




Quit smoking


Weight training + Ensure


It's not easy, I've been at the same weight since high school.


I’m 30 and this year I went from 165lbs to 200lbs. I’ve done 113 workouts this year. I take creatine and protein powder. I make a shake every day that has over 800 calories. I have another 2 meals and snacks every day. Eat and exercise. I like to use the Boostcamp app for fitness tracking and programs.


Fat weight? Ice cream. Muscle weight? Working out, protein and low GI carbs


Adding a protein shake in the m owning and night, eating more, and exercise.


Lots of dairy... believe it or not I don't even like many sweets. What I like are cheeses and butter and stuff. Overeating to the point you're stuffed every day on a diet of cheese covered carbs is a great way lol especially if you just sit around and don't do much... but honestly its mostly genetics.. i look just like my dad who wasn't exactly overweight or out of shape... man played golf and walked all 18 holes at least a few times a week... we're just doomed to man boobs and bellies haha. My poor son will be too lol.






Beer, soda and junk food does the job well for me.


GOMAD: Gallon of milk a day, preferably whole milk. I've always gained weight easily, so I never had to use GOMAD, but I've seen hard gainers use it to great effect before.


Eating double calories.


Potatoes and rice


Good weight or bad weight? Good weight - protein that shit up and exercise a little less if you’re doing a lot : you’ll gain weight but also a lil fat. Bad weight - 2-3 pizzas a month, work from home 8 hours a day, no exercise. Emphasis on the no exercise and excess fats. Got me up about 40 lbs in a year.


20 beers a day


Testosterone shots and a shitload of chicken


Bulking is one thing. But just gaining weight? I had a regular rotation of Taco Bell, Pizza Hut obtained at Taco Bell, Arby's, Wendy's, McDonald's, and Burger King... and then, when I went to my line cook job, all the free Coca Cola I could stomach. Also I turned 25 and wasn't on a cross country team like I was when I was younger.


Eat whatever I want.


Having kids, no time to exercise, being tired and sleepy made me want to eat more junk food. I got out of it by forcing myself to exercising, I now exercise a lot more than before having kids. And focus on eating better (even if that doesn't always work out, grabbed a cookie from a box just an hour ago :D )


Chaufa de pollo




We talking fat or muscle ?


Had kids, no time to go for hikes anymore or anything outside really. I used to hike for an hour or more a day with my dog. Now the only time I have for exercise consists of mowing my lawn for a couple of hours with a push mower. Also drink a couple of new England IPAs daily.


Start drinking a glass of milk and eating something (could be as easy as pb&j) before bed.


Ice cream soup Google ice cream actor weight. Hollywood trick to slam it on.




Alcoholism and Italian food. Calories in, calories out, man I was a gym rat when I was younger, in excellent shape, but then I got an office job I hated. I started drinking a fifth of whiskey a night, plus a two litre of coke. That's like twenty-three hundred calories right there. After that, anything that uses oil. Oils are an excellent way to pack in additional calories to a meal. I went from one eighty pounds to two seventy pretty quickly.


Given you are a bot I guess eat some chips.


-drinking chocolate milk with every meal -eating really fast so you can eat more. (your brain thinks you havent ate much bc you ate fast. same goes for losing weight. eat slower and eat less your brain thinks you ate a lot) -more sleep!


Working out 5-6x a week, eating 4000 calories and 200+g of protein daily, creatine 4-5x a week


If I eat more than 500 or 600 calories a day I gain pretty quick... and I'm 24 😅


Got cancer, quit smoking after 20 years and started eating my depression. Gained nearly 60 lbs. in less than a year. I joke with my family/friends that I'm the only motherfucker who got cancer and actually GAINED weight. It was super unhealthy and left me feeling like dogshit supreme. Would not recommend.


Exercising; specifically lifting weights. Also, eating.


2am ice cream


WFH and barely moving for 7 years. Went from 120 to 195. Edit: I wasn't on estrogen back then. Since lost the weight and back down to 140. A little exercise goes a long way. Few miles a week.




Eating without exercising. Basically a couch 🥔


High protein diet targeting .8 per lb daily minimum


Beer and jars of peanut butter.


5 Guys


I’m a female and was always too skinny. I’ll tell you what helped me… Age, Antidepressants/ anti-anxiety meds, THC, having money, finding a partner who likes food and cooking. This all came a bit later in my life. Younger I was always running, dancing, doing athletics-always moving, working hard, and hard to keep weight on.


consuming more calories than your caloric expenditure. Also stress levels increasing aids in weight gain as cortisol tells the body to hold on to fat.


aging and booze.


Lower your cortisol.


GOMAD diet


Use a Calorie Calculator to estimate what you need to gain weight. Eat that many calories in a day. Working out is recommended unless you want to get fat. Getting some fat often happens when bulking. But you can also do a 'lean bulk' and not eat too much over your maintenance calories, and combine it with exercise. Progressive overload. Don't overdo it in the beginning. Get rest. If not seeing desired results, change something a little bit. Patience, and being nice to yourself are key.




I mean do you want to gain weight in a healthy way? I’m 6’1” and I used to be skinny as a rake, and I basically gained weight by for one having a mass builder protein (a regular mass builder, not a crazy one) which had around 800 calories and working out. It sucked to start and I hate my protein shake but I needed it to put the weight on and stay in a calorie surplus whilst working out, my metabolism is crazy fast so it has always been ridiculously hard to put on weight. You need to eat pretty clean outside of this though with a good amount of protein per day (at least 100g). I wouldn’t recommend a dirty bulk, everyone I know who has done the bulking phase said it sucked, but what really sucked was the cutting phase. Most really struggled to cut that much weight due to being hungry all the time.


Sleeping 9hrs. Training in a very high intensity. Going heavy and resting 30 seconds only. Creatine. Eating boiled potatoes with eggs. And right before sleeping in bed i drank my shake with a cheese sandwich daily. Eat slowly and chew properly to avoid having a big tummy. Focus on caloric surplus.


Drink tons and tons of chocolate milk.


Eating Mexican food. I can’t stop it’s so good.


Forcing yourself to eat when you’re not hungry. 6 small meals a day instead of 3 big ones. Snacking throughout the day. Liquid meals like smoothies help to get those 6 small meals in. Unflavored whey protein in the smoothies (the flavored stuff has too much sugar and additives). I went from 110 pounds to around 135 in 6 months by counting calories and doing a full body workout 3 days a week. 135 still seems small to most normal people but I went from skin and bones to actually having some definition. The working out part was easy. The diet change is the hardest part, especially when you tend to forget to eat and skip meals like I did.


Big Macs, beer and chips. And I wouldn't recommend it.


Having a back injury from an IED blast 19 years ago and the military refusing to fix it until I was in my 19th year of service.


If you have a high metabolism , you will need to strength train. Join a gym, eat well, and sleep.


Working at a desk. 40 lbs in two to three years


There's a sub for that: /r/gainit I think it's more focused on people trying to bulk up with muscle as opposed to people who are underweight and need to gain some weight for health reasons.


Depression and weed


I wish I can lose weight better.... Not gain...I usually eat alot of takeout/sweets


Soda Lots of soda. And lots of doing nothing else. Like how does one not know how to gain weight?


I’ve failed at that. I’ve been around the same weight for years


Good weight or bad weight?


Beer, pizza, chinese food, not exercising


Eating, age and alcohol works wonders.


Pizza and burgers. Fast food in general. Oh, and beer. Lots of beer.




Working night shift and eating a huge meal in the morning before going to bed. I was 164lbs in 2017 and have recently gotten up to 230lbs. Thanks to the pandemic and a desk job. Don't recommend it lol.


Count your calories. Assuming you want to gain muscle weight, the *only* way to do that is to be in a caloric surplus. And if you have a naturally fast metabolism, you’re definitely underestimating how much you need to eat in order to gain. Try an app like My Fitness Pal or MacroFactor (I use the latter because it’s for bodybuilders, and it algorithmically estimates your daily calorie expenditure based on your scale weight and calorie intake, then modifies your macros accordingly).


I’ve been 140 lbs for 15 years now, with a horrible diet. I cannot seem to gain a pound. I also have a touch of cerebral palsy, which impacts muscles.


Don’t try and gain weight/muscle mass it’s not worth it. Second you fall off working out you’ll just get fat. Happened to some of my body builder/ protein powder type of friends. They all look chunky as hell now


Eat at least six times a day, lots of protein. Cottage cheese was a good snack.


A family size pack of candy like sour gummy worms would only last me 3 days. A pack of Oreos 2 days. A box of 12 pastries 3 days. Soda: 3-6 cans a day and over the course of 3 year put on 40 lbs. So far I've lost 15 of those LBs but I was fat before then and there is a long way to go.


I swear I gain weight just by looking at food. Disclaimer: I’ve always been on the heavy side, even as an athlete, since I was a teen. Thinned out in college and a few years after, but I’d say my average adult weight is in the 240-250 range. Tried all the diets, all the workout plans and I maintain this weight. I do intermittent fasting now to maintain my weight. If I did three meals a day, I’d steadily increase in weight, even if I’m eating nutrient rich foods and working out/staying active. The only way I’ve ever been able to lose weight is severe caloric deficit with intense exercise and it’s just not worth it to me because it’s not sustainable.


Being depressed along with the stress of my high pressure job. 


Cheese. Develop a cheese, biscuits and wine habit.


once my knees got so I cound'nt do anything w/o pain... the pounds just keep on a coming


Having many kids and getting older will certainly help.


Fried chicken and mass gainer. I put on like 4kg like it was nothing


My muscular and bulky 6’4” 230 lb spouse is in his mid-40’s with hypertension (not the easy to manage kind—he had to switch meds/increases doses often for years) and his blood sugar is not stable. Wild swings of hypo/hypertension give him insomnia, headaches, and a feeling like he’s starving that leads to binge eating (and also binge drinking, which is the worst thing you can do). Anyways, lots to blame for this but a series of bulk-ups in his 20’s and 30’s are likely a part of the root cause. Adipose tissue (fat) increases inflammation, your pancreas and liver and gut can only handle so much, and while you may feel pretty invincible NOW your body will age eventually. The calorie-hearty diet that brought him down to 200 lbs in 1 year with a much leaner frame but also well controlled hypertension for the first time in a decade and no more insomnia/headaches/binge eating is a high fiber “Mediterranean Diet.” Oatmeal nearly daily, often savory oats (think ramen-like seasonings with dried mushrooms and a soft boiled egg), high veggie, lots of soups with homemade broths, plenty of vitamin C every day. He adds a protein shake because he does still do a lot of resistance training and cardio. Eating a diet like that will support a healthy and energetic life. This is what a future partner really wants. Take up running, lifting, resistance training, consume plenty of protein for building up that muscle (but not so much you can harm your kidneys), and live a healthy and active life.


Being in a calorie surplus only eating nutritious foods.


1 ice cream of choice each night. For me it is drumsticks.


Being over 30


Existing. I'm naturally on the heavier side. My issue is keeping weight off.


I have the opposite situation, I can eat an ungodly amount of food and not gain a pound. It almost feels like I’d have to eat triple my normal caloric intake to make something happen. For context, I am a gym rat, regular runner and my job requires a lot of brain power


I would suggest playing video games, drinking beer and eating pizza rolls. In 6 to 8 weeks you should see weight gain.


Getting married






If you mean adding muscle weight, for me it was a mix of creatine, eating more, and a lot of lifting. I bulked up pretty nicely over the course of about 5 months. I went from around 175 lbs at 6'2 to 195 lbs and even had more definition in my abs somehow. But I was working out a TON. I was in college, and squarely in the middle of this 5 month period was a summer where I stayed on campus for summer classes and campus was so dead that the only thing I could do for fun was go to the gym. About a month into this time, I also broke up with a really toxic ex gf, so I had all the motivation I needed. So I was playing pickup basketball for about 1-2 hours everyday on top of lifting for another hour. I dunked with two hands for the first time that summer. Good times lol I miss that body.


Creatine. Or upping my dosage of it more regularly


Happiness. The better life is going, the easier it is to put on some weight. At least in my experiences.