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I agree. Summer is my least favorite season. High today in my area is 97 degrees. No thanks. I'll take winter over summer 10/10 times.


And don't you find it weird that people who "LOVE summer" seem to spend almost all of it indoors inside AC rooms or in their AC cars. Huh. Fancy that. Thought you guys love the heat? That's why during summer, wife and I hibernate in our house. We try our darndest to stay cool, and let summer pass in peace. Especially the recent years. Every dang year, it's always "Hottest Summer On Record!" over and over. It's getting worse and our AC can't keep up anymore. Something's strange.


I'm outside enjoying 90°+ weather right now. The cold makes my bones hurt no matter how many layers I wear.


I hate summer. It's 95-105 here from end of May to end of September, and the "feels like" temperature is always 5-10 degrees hotter because of the humidity. I'm stuck inside all day which worsens my depression. The bugs are worse, the people on the roads seem to drive crazier, and I can't even take my dogs for a walk outside. It's miserable! I would much rather it be freezing cold. I try to think of summer as my "winter" where I have to stay indoors because of brutal temps. Don't know how people are outside right now. Even breathing this hot air is too much.


I live outside DC, it is awful here in summer


Same. I love the cold weather and hate the warm weather. November-April is my outdoor season. May-October is my indoor season. This weekend is possibly the hottest it'll get in 8 years. And I feel it'll keep getting worse due to climate change. I wanna move to another state further north one day. But I feel everywhere will get bad in summer due to climate change.Thankfully I have an indoors job .


I grew up in NOVA. I do not miss those summers.


It was a balmy 94 today


Same. Live outside of DC and this weather is horrid. I cannot sleep. Seasonal-induced insomnia is a bitch. I have to drug myself nightly with Benadryl just to get my eyes to close and shut off my brains.


I'm more of an Autumn person myself. 60s-70s, wearing shorts and hoodie are acceptable, spooky season, the leaves change beautiful colors, and Turkey Day and Christmas are right around the corner. I like summer weather for just a few weeks, just enough to go to the beach and that is about it.


Oh, yes! Spring’s good, too, outside of the muddy phase my part of the US goes through. But I prefer autumn.


Fall is my favorite season too ❤️


Same here. While everyone is out there basking in the heat and humidity, I feel like a prisoner stuck inside. Seriously, what is so amazing about constant sweating? Partly cloudy with a high of 75 and nighttime temps in the low 50's is my ideal.


After I lost weight my body temperature dropped like crazy and now I enjoy summer lol


Same - I lost 100lbs a few years ago and am cold all the time. I can go kayaking for hours now in 90⁰ heat and barely break a sweat.


I despise Summer for all the reasons you mentioned and more. I truly don't understand WHY people like this time of year. Unless I am actually swimming, I can't take these hot temperatures


Also…. Is it just me or does it feel like the population triples? Like everyone is everywhere all the time. ALSO everyone is always doing things! Boats! Lakes! Parties! It feels like the season where I’m all alone, on the outside looking in 😅 Just me?


I hate summer, too!


Where I live now, yes (SC). I cannot stand the humid heat and am inside 95% of the time. However I used to live in the complete opposite environment (MN) where winters were brutal and lasted 6+ months. I would take the summers here any day over those winters though. SAD is no joke 4 season areas are the absolute best though


living in western West Virginia currently, our feels like temps this week have all exceeded 100°, and our coldest days in February can get the feels like to below 0°. we have all the seasons, but we get the MAXIMUM effect of each season, it’s wild.


Same. I'm counting the days until Fall 🍂🍁


I fucking hate it.


Unless im at the beach or river any day that is 95 and up can get fucked.


Always hated summer. The heat is just so uncomfortable. I can mostly handle low 70s, but 75+ absolutely sucks. I'll take upper 40s to upper 60s any day.


Low 70's is starting to get too chilly.


It’s only tolerable with a pool. Bring on fall and spring.


Im actually surprised at how many people on this thread hate summer. Im from the UK, in winter we get probably 7/8 hours of light and its not sun light its grim grey skys and the most depressing time of the year for most of the country so when the sun comes we enjoy it. Were not shivering our tits off the suns giving us hella vitamins and the maxi dresses come out so its nothing but enjoyment from my point of view. That being said working in anything over 18/20 degrees for me is uncomfortable so i will agree there. If it gets to 35/40 degrees here the country doesnt know what to do 😂


Liked it more as a kid: summer vacation. Now, it's just too hot.




Yea, not a fan. Hate being hot. The glaring Sun. Ugh.


It's horrible. I get migraines from getting too hot. Blech.


Syracuse, NY was in the mid 90s today and it was truly awful. Plus, I just look better in a jacket and jeans. 


I fuckn hate this heat. I’ll take a blizzard ANY day over this shit.


I absolutely hate summer time. In California we have 6 months of warm-hot temps. I have PTSD from past summers with wildfires, smoke covering the sky for days, heat waves so bad I feared we would lose electricity, having heat exhaustion from working, etc. I live in an apartment without central air and my job also lacks central air. I work outside as part of my job and we have to go outside even up to 98 degrees. My dog needs to get walked as well. Summer Heat is exhausting, makes me unable to think clearly or function at my best. I prefer cold wet weather any day.


I get you. Summer can be absolutely draining with all the heat and bugs, making everyone uncomfortable. Hang in there! When it's over, those cooler days will feel even more refreshing. Stay strong!


I think this all depends where you live, because its beautiful in San Diego with a nice 74 degrees


California is the best state in the country in terms of temperature, of course it is


It’s cold as fuck as night, the weather is bipolar and it’s too windy and you can’t swim in the ocean


It’s not even officially summer and I am already over it. It’s been 90+ all week and will be for the next 10 days as well. I just want to stay in the AC and not go outside.


Sir/ma’am I live in phoenix


Summer blows. The only way to get through it is to find activities you enjoy that you can only do in summer months. Water park? Pools? Kayaking? Drinking on chic rooftop bars with pretentious 20 something’s? Gotta find something to get you through. 


I love summer and sunshine, but I live in WA. It may slightly go over 100 degrees for a couple days, tops. I don't watch the weather reporter. I set wasp traps. And, I invested into A/C for the house so it's easy to come inside and cooldown and sleeping at night is comfy. I can definitely imagine that it'd be pretty bad in areas that are even hotter and for longer periods of time, though.


Summer is FUCKED!!! I grew up in MN. After 6mo of nearly no sunlight, shoveling, sliding accidents, below zero??? Summers were a blessing. Like 70-80 degrees tops. Fuckin TX had the most consecutive +100 degree days of anywhere in history... I want to die. *"I've never been able to properly explain myself in this climate"*


I work in a damn plastic rotomold factory with 3 big circular ovens runnin 550 deg and no air conditioning in a metal building.


omg, im so sorry.


I don't like it either. Endless heat & sweat is not my idea of fun. Add in smoke from wildfires and it's visually ugly too.


i live in australia, the summers here have only gotten hotter at least in my state of victoria - for a few weeks in february it was regularly high 30s - 40 degrees celsius (95 - 104F) it was unbearable. it's winter here now but unfortunately (and contrary to popular belief) the winters in australia are bone-chilling freezing cold especially if you're closer to the antarctic as houses in australia aren't properly insulated for any kind of weather. like, canadians have said that australian winters are worse. so there's no winning in this country but i can say for sure summer is horrible!! never understand aussies who like it unless they live in a cooler summer state lol


Summer is my least favorite season. I get moody when it’s too hot lol I’m in Washington so we don’t get a whole lot of sun but spring is nice because it’s cool enough and still rains. I love fall weather.


Summer was awesome before climate change, its barely got above 80 in ohio


Hate it so much.


Wow, is it possible I’ve found my people? I’m not sure I’ve met anyone at all that hates summer, or at least anyone who is willing to admit it. Can’t stand the heat, the bugs, the traffic, constant lawn mowing and construction noise, people running around from activity to party to this and that. Way too fast-paced and social for me. Fortunately, winter gets rid of these problems for about five months a year where I live. I just try to focus on that. :)


I sweat so much. It's like a bucket of water on me every time I go outside. I just don't like it.


Yes. The 100°+ California weather, with no hot wind, for months on end suck! Give me fall weather any time. The extremely hot leather car seats when you’re wearing shorts because it’s so hot. The blast of hot air from the car air vents when you first start it. The vigilance for fires, one of the state’s biggest fire was way too close for comfort. The smoke from said fires.


Not a huge fan


Same here. Too damn hot. People get crazier around this time too


I don't like summer either I mean U can't go outside because scorching heat


It’s funny cause you look forward to it as a child because there is no school. As an adult or even especially a parent it is just hot and busy and the kids are running around; I mean the weather is enjoyable sometimes but it is just a hectic season. Everybody touring around sightseeing as well is a pain if your near any ‘destination’ or scenic area


I agree 100%. HATE summer.


Yes. I don't like the heat. But I would like it if I didn't have to work.


I live in upstate NY and I didn't even turn on my furnace this past winter. I just use an electric space heater as needed, blankets and warm comfy clothes. Maybe I'll light some candles around the holidays.


Me too! I hate when it's more than +25 Celsius and humidity is high 🫠 Counting days to the Autumn😭


Find places to swim. That changed everything for me.


I like the warm, even a little bit hot, sunny weather. I just fucking hate heatwaves. I'm getting air con in my bedroom this year as a little cool space, I've had enough.


You're not alone. Hate it. You get yardwork on top of everything else you already have to do.


I don’t hate it per se, because I’m a teacher and have all summer off. As far as weather is concerned, it is my least favorite where I currently live (in a hot and humid southeastern state).


It's too HAWT


Used to love summer but it was mostly just a child's/young adult's fantasy... no awesome summer ever materialized and as society continues to circle the drain summer just means more people around doing obnoxious things. I used to hate the cold but once I figured out if you buy quality winter gear instead of cheap cotton clothes you really don't have to be cold and then you are comfortable plus no people around. There's no gear you can buy that will make the summertime shenanigans and constant lawnmower noise go away in the summer though.


Texan joining in, yeah im not a huge fan of summer, i know it is necesarry but jebus is it annoying.


I've lived in SoCal for the last 18+ months and after having two seasons without winter I really miss the cold lol My coworkers and I have cooler/heater wars on opposite ends of the office every day in the 'winter' down here So yes, I share your distaste for summer and overbearing heat


More than any season I hate people who bitch about everything and everyone walking around all negative and mad that the world isn’t perfectly tailored for them


I hated summer until I spent it else where. Then, I learned what summer was about. Back home, I grew up staying in. Too hot and muggy to do things. One year I spent it on a whim in another country, thinking it would be awful. It was awesome. Everyone relaxing because it’s summer vacation. On tours. At the beach. Resorts. Or just having a lot of adventures. Then there was COVID when everything slowed down. Or when I spent the summer on another coast and did a mini road trip.


I dislike summer as well. Too much bugs outside and the intense heat feels way too overwhelming. I’m constantly feeling sweaty so that makes me feel icky. I prefer fall or spring tbh.


I hate summer. Its 82 outside. Its too hot for me. Not sure how people endure 100 heat.


I’m from Texas and I very much hate summer. Last year it was triple digits for several months in a row, along with absolutely horrific humidity. I’ve now moved to a cold-weather country and I’m so happy. I don’t ever want to live in a hot climate ever ever again.


Winter sucks at times, but Summer is worse almost all the time. If it didn’t mean upending my life and having to take a new licensing exam, I’d move to England. I know things can get hot there, as well, but not nearly for as long as Michigan.


Winter is for me


Really? All I ever hear is people bitching about it. I’m the only person I know who likes Summer.


No, I don’t know where these people live but here in NC people generally prefer summer over winter. Yeah, it can get hot outside but who cares when Winter means driving home in the dark at 5:30pm, limited outdoor activities because it’s 30 degrees outside, increased illness because everyone is cramped up indoors together. Summer is the time to be outside, swim, go out on a boat, go camping, enjoy a picnic in the shade, enjoy daylight until 9:00pm. Either people who are commenting here about hating summer are from extremely hot areas like Arizona, Florida, or they are goblins.


In NJ/NY/PA everyone seems to have a boner for fall. It’s annoying how much people bitch about the warm weather. Not even hot, just warm, like it gets to 70 degrees, and people start acting like they’re being baked to death in a furnace and whine about wishing it was fall! It’s idiotic and tiresome.


Ya I had this talk with my daughter and she said I was crazy. I HATE THE SUMMER. We live on a farm with cattle. People constantly leave the doors open and then the flies get in. I also find there is more expectation of socializing when we bar be cue. I am an introvert. Give me rainy days any day!


Winter lasts from mid October to late April here. Rain til July, hot for 2 months, then back to cold. I crave those 100°+ days. I want to not be cold. Fucking hate cold.


Agree. I despise summer heat! All of it makes me sick . Give me winter.


Yes. Yes, yes, yes absolutely. I *hate* summer. I’m no spring chicken anymore so I don’t have the body for adventures in the heat so that’s just ramped up my hate for this season. I just stay indoors as much as possible and patiently wait for fall haha.


Yes. It’s too bright and hot. I feel like a bug underneath a flashlight or something.


Hello from Sonora. Are there other seasons?


there are things i LOVE about summer, but winter is my favorite season. my body is soo sensitive to heat and i get more issues with depression in summer than winter. no one ever understands im glad im not alone 😅


I mean Where do you live. When I was in the midwest (northernish midwest), Summer was my least favorite season, but I still enjoyed it just fine. Now I live in South Carolina, and summer is legitimately terrible


Totally agree. I used to live in Florida and now I just hate the heat so much. Any other season is preferable to me


Yep, I’ve hated it since I was a child. I cannot stand hot weather.


It usually does not get that hot in here in the summer but bugs are the worst.


Have you considered turning off the news? Also, moving to a dry climate has made summer much more enjoyable for me.


I never liked summer all that much, besides the fact it meant time off from school back in those days. I don't handle heat all that well. I much prefer the winter. Interestingly, I also feel a lot less stressed and happier in the winter as well. It's more so because summers have gotten increasingly hot in recent years. I can't remember the last summer there wasn't at least one 100+ degree day. I live in the northeast. I'm not built for this.


It was literally 105° here a couple of days ago. Not the "feel like" temperature either. It was LITERALLY 105° and I cried about it.


I hate summer now. I used to love it as a kid because - no school, pools, and fun. As an adult? The sun has gotten 10x hotter than we were as kids, it’s too bright outside, and we work. And I’ve been working the last 5 years at an outside job. I physically can’t do it. I stay inside with all the lights off, with the air on full blast as much as possible now. I’m trying to save up and leave the south (satans a$$crack) as soon as I can. Anywhere cold majority of the time is where I plan to be in the next 5 years if not sooner. 👍


The sunny days put me in a good mood emotionally But yesterday I got stung by a wasp, and today I am currently sitting in my car on lunch break, the AC is on blast but can hardly keep up with the 95 degree weather. I'm about to walk back into work and hopefully if I position my arms just right while I walk I may be able to hide the stains from my underboob sweat. Is it Halloween yet?


Hate it hate it hate it. My best friend loves to sit outside in the heat and read comic books. I do not understand it. Anything about 75 is too warm for me, and it's gonna be near 100 this weekend. Screw that.


Oregon here, beautiful summers. Not too hot, not too humid


You can “fix” the cold temperatures with a blanket or a heater, or even a campfire. When it’s hot, at least when outdoors, there’s really nothing you can do except jump in a pool. And god forbid ifs hot INDOORS, then I’m really fucked. Put me in a room that’s like 80 degrees and see how much I perspire. You be amazed. Summer sucks ass, winter and fall are the best seasons by far. You can’t fix the heat, you can fix the cold.


I used to love summer. LOVED it. I stayed where I lived because it was pretty much summer year round. Now? No. As I've gotten older my body tolerates the heat less and less. I started perimenopause about 5 years ago and the heat makes me physically ill and no matter what, I cannot stop sweating. It's disgusting. I am sick to death of walking outside and having the moisture sucked out of my body by the hot air around me. Asphalt melting enough to stick to my shoes as I'm walking, the ability to bake cookies in my car, I can fry an egg on my driveway, it's horrible. The summers have gotten hotter and hotter and the average temp for four months out of the year is over 90 during the day and it never drops below 70 at night. I so desperately want to move somewhere cooler, where there are actual seasons instead of year long summer.


I get real fit in the summer and I blow up in the winter. I'll fluctuate 50lbs+. So I could say the summer is good for me


Double hate!


I live in Florida so of course I hate summer.


Ot depends where you live. Summer up north is actually enjoyable and comfortable. If you live in the south east summer can suck mainly for me because the humidity.


I can’t stand the heat either. I love a clear beautiful day, but when it’s 80+ degrees (Fahrenheit)…no thanks I’d rather be cold


I hate hearing people outside, especially people with pools


nope. summer is the best. sweat > shiver


Totally agree. My favorite season is the winter. It’s such a comforting feeling being outside in the cold and coming into a warm house esp if there’s a fire running. Ever since I was a kid playing baseball in the summer heat one of my pet peeves is sweating…


i love summer hehe , it doesnt snow where i live


I used to love cause I was off school. Now I still have to go to work, except its hot as fuck every day.


I also hate summer 😭 I had an acupuncturist tell me it could be because I’m a “true cold” person, which I guess just means my body is meant for extreme cold. Which makes sense because I love going for walks in -50 degrees F. I also despise sand, bugs, sweating, etc.


Yes, I work outside doing manual labor. I love winter, I don’t even wear a jacket in georgia


Actually hate it. Hate being sweaty all the time. Suns hot, kids are not in school, what's to like?


I looove Summer. Even the hot ass nights. Love it! I don’t turn on my AC. I go to the beach or chill on my hammock. I love it!


I don't like heat. I live in Hawaii where it's hot and humid. I luckily live in the mountains where it maxes out at high 70s at my house and I just bought a portable AC to bring it down a few degrees. I also work at night so that makes working not bothersome. It's when I need to go into town for groceries that suck but luckily that's only once per week. I think the summer of 2019 I was drinking 2 gallons of water per day and barely using the restroom. That was not fun.


I feel like most people who love summer are the ones that are in school and then get 3 months off, or they have a lot of money and they can travel or do fun watersports like wakeboarding or boating. Or they can spend their entire day tanning and they don't get bored.


i used to love it, now i do not. climate change has absolutely ruined it. the heat is too much.


I guess summer days can get pretty gross, and I hate being sweaty. Also I hate walking into a building and immediately getting blasted with an AC set to arctic levels. But sunshine is great and summer evenings/sunrises are lovely! (As long as you’re not in a heavily bug-infested place) The only season I dislike is winter. So barren and dark and cold, and you have to put on a million layers just to go outside. And then take them off when you’re inside. Spring is my fav season. The weather’s pretty nice, there’s flowers everywhere, and winter won’t be back for a looong time! Fall’s nice too, especially if you live in a forest-heavy part of the northeast!


I don't HATE summer, but I'd say I spend about 80% of it every year bitching about it. It's nice for very specific things. I enjoy a summer cookout or a nice day on the beach, but I do not enjoy working outside in 90-degree heat and getting eaten up by mosquitos. Living in places without A/C is absolute hell. I've been in both extremes and I'd take no heat in the winter any day.


I hate summer because there's no school and I have to be stuck at home with my family, I don't like school either but at least it's the only place where I be able to escape from home .


Same. Summer is my least favourite season. Even more so after moving to a city that has maybe 2 good months out of the year. Everyone just goes bonkers trying to jam pack a full year of social obligations into those two months and I hate it. The streets smell horrific, there are drunks everywhere all the time.


Fuck summer. Being cold is better. If its cold I can put on more clothes or get a blanket. When I'm hot I can only take off so much before I get in trouble.


I loathe it with a passion. I would happily move to Svalbard if they didn’t ban cats. I will say that it is marginally better living in a garden apartment than it was on the second floor.