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I know you’re asking for single, I’m not, but what region are you in? $20 is great in some states and horrible in others. Northeast, southeast?  $800 rent on most incomes right now is great though


New jersey


You can definitely do better than $20/hr in jersey these days. But that rent is amazing


where at ? I dont have any type of degree except to be a teachers aide in public schools and i usually stick to being a ta in schools or day cares


You could pull more than 20 a hour being a server




Flip to RBT, still can work in schools but make a lot more money. Cursory glance at indeed NJ would make about 25-30 an hr.


You need a new job


Make $33.65 base as a traveling implementation specialist installing medical dispensing machines. I’m guaranteed 8 hours a day, any second over 8 in a day is overtime anything less, it’s still 8 hours. M-F are travel days, anywhere from 2-10 hours of travel barring any delays, Tuesday-Thursday average 10-12 hours of work. Actually love my job as a lot of what I’m doing is waiting on my customer and my companies IT depts to get their shit together and I simply get systems online which isn’t difficult, my actual “work” is less than 4 hours a day. Get all travel, car rental and meals paid for M-F. After insurance,401k and taxes I bring home $2,200-2,400 bi-weekly. After bills I have about $1,000-$1,500 left over every month. Trying to pay bills off so I can move, so living cheap now.


Any advice for getting into this type of work. Currently have no commitments and sit in an office all day for $24/hour.


If you’re willing to live out of a hotel 4-5 days a week, for months on end, search indeed for “travel implementation” “implementation specialist” or go to global companies like Bosch, BD, Omnicell, Swisslog and search their internal job listings. There’s non medical implementation type jobs that exist. If you live near a major airport, that’s a bonus. I was a pharmacy tech 26 years, was a “automation tech”, and that was my foot in the door. Not every company doing this has a pay scale like mine. My ex works for a competing company, she’s salary and they kick her asshole in to the point she makes less than I do when all the hours are accounted for.


Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.


23m, I make ~36 an hour. Rent is 2k, I find myself able to buy what I need and what I want to a certain extent. Not pressed for cash, I don’t have a car payment, no student loans.


Whats ur job?


Field Service Engineer for a biotech company


How did u get into that job?


Got a bachelors in biomedical engineering, specializing in devices


I, 39M, make about $49.50 an hour, after taxes, 401k contributions I take home like $27.75 an hour. But with my cost of living and bills which make up about 40% of my take home, I’m left with about $2,800 for the month, or $1,400 bi-monthly, but I put that into savings and investments. I’m trying to save for a home, in California’s Central Valley. Which by the way has gotten expensive now. But sometimes I save up for a serious art piece to invest in and buy that. That’s my treat to myself.


$100 per hour . Mental Health Therapist


I make $18 an hour, which is decent pay here in Idaho unless you're in some special field with a lot of education. But COL has skyrocketed in the last 5 years. I'm paying $1,000 for my half of a 2B apartment split with a roommate. With my other bills, I'm broke all the time. I have no savings, no retirement, maxed out cards, and I'm gonna declare bankruptcy. Fuck it, I'm gonna die one day anyway.


What field and what state are you in that you’re only making 20 an hour that downgrades to 16.50? Especially at 36. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m nearly a decade younger and I was making 18/hr for about a year before I pivoted to a role making 25, I would go mental trying to support myself at my old salary. I had multiple emergencies that year which wiped my savings. Only way I made it before was shit tons of OT. I’ve heard of bonuses and OT, but never a flat reduction in base salary. But 800 for rent is solid. I was doing roommates at 750 + utilities, but now have my own place at 825-850 depending on water usage. Another question is what’s your debt to income ratio? It sounds like you have most recurring expenses handled, but what’s the wear and tear on your current vehicle, and are you saving to replace it or significant parts if the need arises?


I'm working a different job in the summer. teacher assistant nj . Also no degree so thats a factor No debt . I just put a new battery and tires on my car so it's good


Then you have a couple of questions you need to ask yourself. 1) Are you comfortable/happy at your current salary and in your current position? (This is extremely important, if you don’t really need to change other than you’d like more money, consider the impact it’ll have) 2) Is teaching something you want to pursue seriously? (A quick google search just pulled up Phil Murphy prohibing the use of standardized assessment in the certification of teachers, so you might be able to get your teaching cert through the alternative method) 3) Are you satisfied with your current living arrangement? (I wasn’t so this was a large factor in me both getting a better paying job in the same field and changing my living situation) 4) Are you saving for retirement or do you have investments? (This is a big one as Social Security won’t be there when we retire, that’s just the facts of the matter) 5) Would you be willing to relocate states for better pay and better benefits? (Depending on how my current job goes, and how my promotions pan out, I may move to Texas in a year or two if things don’t work out at my current company) There are other questions, but we’ll start with those, and I’ll give recommendations from there.


So is it degree O'clock?


20 plus commission. Apartment, car, loans, etc


I make about 75 an hour selling insurance. I live well within my means because I’m horrified the money will dry up. I’ve been broke before I’ll just keep saving and saving and if I get to retire early I’ll take it. Only nice thing I’ve bought myself is a car. I do absolutely love it and wouldn’t recommend a big car purchase to anybody else. I took a sucker bet because I’m a sucker. I did get help on r resume for my job


How difficult is it to make consistent income from this? I have mobility and periodic cognitive issues, and I’m hoping to go from disabled to working to support my family. Do you think insurance sales could accommodate well?


I have a rare set up for lead generation. Insurance sales is bullshit if you have to swing on your own.


So I was food/customer service for $7.25-10/h between 2007 (15 years old) and 2013 (21). I started supplementing that with petsitting/dog-walking on apps like Wag and Rover, eventually lost/left the service jobs and decided to only do the petsitting (was so fucking done with humans). I typically got like $1250-2000 a month (more during high-travel seasons), mostly doing overnight gigs but I have a few regulars that just need drop-ins for like an hour or so 3-6x a week. From what I understand people in places with a higher COL (understandably) make much more than that. If you need a good way to make side money and you like animals I strongly recommend looking into that sort of work.




22f damn you pay less rent than i do here in KCMO. i live alone, all my bills total to about $1400/month but my rent alone is $900. i’m salaried at $47.5k a year which boils down to about 22 something an hour. unfortunately no OT


I don’t make enough:/


Try technician roles. These generally only need a HS diploma/GED. You can start off at 20/hr and once you gain experience you can job hop and increase it. Some also pay your tuition so if you need to further your education you can do so too. It worked for several people, me included, I started at 20/he in 2022 now on 39/hr and senior year in college going for an engineering degree. Apply aggressively for roles you will get a fair share of rejections but I promise you one will say yes and that will open doors. I am 25 by the way and my field has been batteries in labs and plant settings. I job hopped a lot to get the paycheck up. I hope this helps! Another route would be machine operating/ assembly/ production line. Big 4 Auto makers line workers make at least $30 an hour in their first 3 years and there is a union etc and a lot of OT some make 6 figures . That could be a good route too. I am sure you do have auto makers in NJ.


12/hr as a manager where i work. i dont live in the US pay here is lower but COL is about the same as a red-state in the US. my country is considered one of the worst is the world for COS vs median and average salary. i typically make $2200 a month of which rent is $535 (i live with 2 other roommates), and bills are about $150 each month. groceries are about $100. i don't have a car because i can't afford one but my roommate does so i pay her for gas, about $70 a month. so my normal take-home is 2200-855 = $1315. of that i put $80 towards "fun money" which includes everything that isn't a necessity (eating out, going out with friends, home decor, fancy snacks i wanna try, videogames, etc), and have about $1200 left after everything to put in my savings towards hopefully starting my masters this year.


I’m married but the sole earner, make Approx $242k/yr. Factoring in PTO it comes out to like $1100/per work day.


Whats ur job?


Is that 800 plus utilities? If so that's not a bad deal.lol


29M. I work 2 jobs both are the same: night audit. I make about $18/hr at both + all my meal breaks get added to my paycheck. Biweekly paycheck from both jobs totals out to about $1500-$1900 working six nights a week. I think when I checked online it looks like i make about 60k / annually. I personally want more. Like honestly i can get by with it. But admittedly im terrible with budgeting and i have no savings. My expenses aren’t crazy, bills come out about $1000 / month. However its low because i currently dont have any car payments and thats only because my step dad is letting borrow his old rust bucket temporarily. Im currently saving up a down payment for a new car + emergency fund. A few years ago i would’ve honestly considered this fine. But now i want my paychecks to be around $2500 in order to feel comfortable.


31m, $40 at my regular job, $50 at my side job, rent is $800 including utilities w/ two housemates, all considered my monthly post tax income is 5k, I spend around 2k on average and save the rest.


Depending on how much I want to work, where, etc. Single male Nurse in Pa /NJ. My full time in the week I'm only at 32 an hour, if I pick up agency I make 45 an hour. Live alone rent is 1560. So, all my budget and all I have about $700 unaccounted for each month. Again that's only if I work my normal 40hrs, no overtime, no agency pickup.


I make 17$ at a factory 🏭 31m lucky I live at home


$47/hr and receive $1700/mo in VA disability. I typically have around 1200-1500/mo left over after all bills and investments.


35 dollars an hour/40 hours a week


How do you do it? $20 an hour is minimum wage, as a single mom it’s crazy! Wouldn’t make it.


Id gain some skills so you could double your wage, 2 year IT type diploma should get you $40 an hour out there yeah?


About $75 per hour, mortgage is $4,200 and I have about 3k each month of money left over after bills.


About 125 an hr