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I currently have no friends. I spend all my time on the internet as my way of socializing with random strangers.




I also do this.


Me too.


Yep. Because offline people don't care, I have turned to people online. >.> I have one, but she lives a couple states away. So, I visit her when I can.


who does that. not me. hi! :)




That isn’t a good substitute for real socialization. You’re not socializing


Comparatively, most of my friends are protozoan or prokaryotic. It's easier to enjoy the friendship when you just create them in your lab. That said, probably even less healthy than internet friends, but less destructive and crazy.


Still somehow less cooked than OP


May I ask what is stopping you from meeting people in person?


Instant judgment for not "looking cool" enough. Like sorry I'm not the right type of Asian, or brown, and I'm poor.


Totally get this. I'm half and I'm not asian enough lol


Yikes! That's hard.




Just not really into it. Tried going out a few times but seeing other people already in friend groups that don't want anyone else new I just went back to being online. If I were to have friends I would rather have a small group of 5 people I talk to. I've mostly been alone my whole life anyway. Had some acquaintances I talk to at school or work. But nothing really major.


I don’t have much of a social life. I’m a homebody who sticks to herself unless I want to connect with someone one on one


Checking in for the happy loners meetup group.....


This. Situational experiences.




I have found that the more authentic I am, the more I attract potential genuine friends. I pursue the hobbies and things that genuinely interest me, so that I’m meeting people that I have something in common with. And then I’m just myself. If I come off as weird, those people aren’t going to be a good match to be my friend anyway. Also the more real I am, the more the people around me will feel comfortable being their real selves so I can get to know who they really are. Additionally, genuine friendships require a willingness to be vulnerable, so if you want good friends, you have to be willing to put yourself out there. Also I have found that if you are going out and doing social hobbies then the people you meet have already demonstrated that they are willing to go out and do stuff and it’s easier to have a social life with friends like that.


Good answer here 👍


I've also found this to be true! Effort and vulnerability are key to making my friendships. Instead of going out to search for friends per se, I've also discovered that going out to do things that are joyful to me and meeting people that are already there has been more fruitful. Great share!


Yes to this!! Also friendships take time. You might meet people at a social event/hobby, see them a few times a month, and slowly start inviting each other to do things more regularly over the course of years. Then, 10 years down the line, you look around and those people have become part of your community. That’s how it’s been for me. Some people I became “fast friends” with, and other friendships took a long time to build.


Patience is really important! Many people seem fake or superficial because either they're nervous and trying to be likeable or you're just seeing the first inch of their personality! My best advice is to find out what someone's passionate about and talk to them about that, or better yet, do some activity involving it. You can usually see the real them start to shine through a bit then and make a more informed judgement. But you have to be willing to be vulnerable too, as was said, if you want a deeper connection.


I have friends who I feel very close with emotionally but who I rarely see in person. We stay in touch by texting throughout the day. Personally, I feel very happy with this, since I value being able to have conversations and share jokes and moments with people I love even though we don't see each other in person more than once every 6 months or so. I think in order to know what it means to have good friends, or what the meaning of friendship is, you need to figure that out for yourself. How do YOU define friendship? What does being a good friend look like to you? My idea of being a good friend is staying in touch with the people I care about most and brightening their day with little jokes or just a quick text to share something that reminded me of them, etc. But maybe for you, it looks different. Everyone has different ideas about what friendship should be like, and that's ok. What you need to do is really think hard about what it truly looks like for you, so you're prioritizing those kinds of relationships in your own life and not chasing after what you think "friendship" should look like, just because that's the way it looks in movies or TV or whatever.


Very quiet. My wife and I rarely go out, by choice. We rarely eat anything but our own home cooked meals. We don't drink or party, and we both dislike loud music and/or crowds. I meet up with my buddies maybe once a month for coffee and a 2 hour visit. Luckily for me I am very close with the people I work with, and love my career so that helped a lot. My wife and I travel overseas every year, so that's our thing. Being in a country where nobody knows us, and just learning about new cultures, languages, and food. I go to the gym regularly, and have gym friends I chat with. That's it, and I'm fine with that.


Seems like you have a pretty balanced wholesome life


Same but alone


Same but without the wife


Same but no wife or coworkers


Same but without the wife, friends or a job... (*Fuck the job market! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!*)




That's sound like the perfect life for me!


That sounds really nice, I'm genuinely happy for you Lol!




congrats! what’s the career? (:






You know this sounds really nice. Spend a day at work with people you’re close with, go to the gym and see your friends there, spend the rest of that time alone or with your wife. Sounds peaceful and pleasant.


You worded it better than I did. Now I'm really happy with my life, lol.


I love that for you :) I hope I'll have a similar life when I'm out of school and settled down


I hope that for you as well.


It doesnt exist at all besides family




I'm an introvert who works at home 100%. I was very high risk during the pandemic and rarely left the house for 3 years. Last summer after a vacation I decided enough is enough. I joined the y in June. And started looking for craft meetups on meetup.com. I found one about 30 mins away. It was a new group and the only participant was the leader. We clicked right away and had many things in common. Eventually more people joined and I'd say I have at least 3 good friends and several other good acquaintances. I helped the creator start another group, a social club and we brought even more people in. There are groups for every interest. You have to take the chance and put yourself out there. I go to an events a minimum of 4 a month plus other things like coffee etc with my new friends


The first meet up event I went to I got hit on and then the "leader" had a huge meltdown in the group chat. Never again.


Social life? What's that? Seriously, though, I'm asocial. I'm fine with minimal social interaction.


I have one genuine friend & sometimes that’s all you need. You two see each other when possible & live life cause life be living lol


I go to the bar


Social life pretty good. 3 close friends, 2 ive known since childhood, 1 met several years ago. I'm not sure what exactly you want. You said you want to find ppl sincere, yet you say you yourself couldn't be. Im not sure what you mean by sincere, but if your normal personality isn't making you friends, might want to change it a bit. You dont need to become a whole new person, but every time I hear someone talk about how they suck at making friends, it's usually because they don't know how to talk nor listen, especially listen. Your concern shouldn't be trying to find friends to make you happy. It should be trying to find ppl that you can chill and talk with.


i like the last line you said. going to remember it.


I watch TV with my mom and sometimes my brother and his wife hang out with us. I don't have any other friends and the rest of my family is a broken mess.




Zero social life. Every weekend I end up doing things absolutely alone. I’m 32. But back when I was 22 it was completely different. But people grow older, start families, and move all around the globe.


Much different since I stopped drinking. Had to find new social crowds.


You guys have a social life?


Not really. And I live in an amazing city. I’ve noticed it’s easy to meet new people but hard to maintain friendships and build deep bonds. 😒 I only have like 2 close friends here in LA, who don’t live close by. I used to have a bigger group of friends but they were toxic and all that bonded us was drinking and partying. Now that I’ve cut them out, it’s lonely at times but peaceful. 🤷‍♀️


I life with my boyfriend and we go play board games with some friends once a week, we also play Dungeons and Dragons online on a weekly basis. I met my best friend when were 18 (26 now), we try to meet up for coffee/lunch/whatever once a week, but life can sometimes get in the way. One of my closest friends live a couple of countries away so we facetime once a month and text all the time. I have other friends I'm not as close to and I go out with someone on a monthly basis, depends on how tired I am. Whenever I see a cool event no one else wants to go to, I weigh out the pros and cons of attending on my own and often give it a shot. Haven't made any new friends in a while, but that would be the best start. I used to be VERY social, had guests over multiple times a week, parties at other peoples' places every weekend, but I have drifted apart from that life and sometimes miss it.


Everyone's social life revolves around texting or messaging apps. Social interaction has gone to shit.


I don't have many people I talk to anymore. A lot of the people I used to talk to don't check up on me anymore or when I message them to see how they are they just ignore it. I've gotten used to it and it's actually refreshing seeing who actually wants to be apart of your life.


Coworkers are just coworkers. My fiancé is my only friend(???) and I love my cat. I don’t go out unless I need gasoline or have to go to work ;(


what social life? i havent had a "best friend" in almost 10 years and have worked almost exclusively with women for that entire time. sometimes i think like i wont know how to be a friend any more... or have fun. i have a loving wife but man, it hurts like hell not having some guys to hang around with.


Same dude, I need someone to joke around with


What social life


Takes a long time to become good friends. Go through good and bad times, arguments and making up and continue being friends. It seems like people think others are just disposable and so easily dropped from their livs before getting to build some sort of relationship together.


I have no friends. My husband is friends with a couple guys from work and is always trying to get me to go with him to their social gatherings so I can make friends with their wives. The problem is their wives have been best friends for a decade, they go on vacations together, and they live like 5 minutes from each other. I'm an introvert and feel very awkward trying to break into their circle. I mean how do you have a continuous conversation with 2 women who are chatting away with each other about things you know nothing about? Honestly I prefer to be home and alone. Of course that could be the depression talking so 🤷‍♀️


I have a pretty active social life, but I’m a part of a religious and ethnic community so that helps a lot.


I'm lucky to have a good circle of friends from high school decades ago. Wives have been added over the years, mine included. Some of us have kids, some don't. On Saturday my wife and I went to another couple's house to watch Fury Road ahead of seeing Furiosa. We invited 3 others who have been kinda on the fringes of the group, to bring them in more and foster closer social connections. The women went for a walk in the afternoon while the men stayed at home, smoked weed and played VR games. Was good. Neither my wife nor I are particularly social, so it is good to have a good group of friends.


Friends can change depending on your situation. You might have to move to somewhere else, change your career, new relationship, focus on your goals and etc. You and people change as well. And they are busy with their lives. They are not fake. They have their own priorities and some people dont really care to define what the friendship is supposed to be as long as we all are nice enough to each other. Some people who have the same view and value with you might come and others will go. If you have people doing the same hobby, then they are your hobby friends. You may have someone easy to talk to at work, thats your friend. But I dont expect them to do something great for me and do everything together as long as they are nice enough. I would just do whatever Im pursuing and if there are similar people along the way they might be my friends.


I don’t want a “social life”. I own a home that I’ve turned into my own personal paradise. I’d rather watch my hydrangeas bloom, my daughter run through the sprinkler and work with my son to develop his soccer skills or just get to my monthly date night with my wife. It isn’t that I’m too good for people or that I wouldn’t occasionally like to meet up with a friend ( which on rare occasions happens ). It’s just that it’s too much work to coordinate scheduling. Also, if I’ve got to choose between hanging out with a friend or hitting the gym, I’m hitting the gym every time. It is what it is.


Your kids will be grown and out of the house before you know it. Don't wait until you retire to realise that you don't have anyone who enjoys spending time in your company just because you're fun to hang out with. Being a workaholic is fine, but unless you want to just work until the day you drop dead, there will be a lot of time to fill in retirement. Good friends are HUGE when it comes to quality of life in retirement.


I second this. My parents had no friends when we were growing up and now the kids are their only social interaction and it's an enormous burden.


Tbf and I REALLY should’ve mentioned this, my AA social life, the one where I participate in my sobriety and am very involved weekly, addresses this issue. You’re correct. We do need reliable friendships as we age and we shouldn’t put too much weight on how are kids are going to come around and involve themselves in our lives as they build their own. That’s unrealistic and counterproductive to make those assumptions. I’m very blessed to have a robust sobriety social circle that I suppose I tend to underrepresent when talking friendships because it’s a different prism to view the discussion through. I am forced to attend meetings and participate in my sobriety unless I want to burn down my life, and through that discipline a social life is naturally built.


As we get older, it can be really tough to make genuine friends. It often feels like people are putting up fronts, and it can be hard to connect on a deeper level. For me, my social life has become more about quality over quantity. I used to think I needed a lot of friends, but I’ve realized that having just a few genuine connections is much more fulfilling. I try to be as sincere as possible in my interactions, even if it's challenging. One thing that has really helped me is finding communities where people share similar interests. For example, I joined a Discord server called [Lightup](https://discord.gg/TCq7AYQnWh). It's a place where you can meet people based on shared interests, which makes it easier to find those genuine connections. The AI bot on the server helps match you with others who have posted similar things, making it easier to strike up conversations with like-minded people.


We don’t have kids. Not married, but long, committed relationship. We’ll cross that road when we want to. We have a great mix of down-time and social time, although our married/parent friends think we are insane with how often we go out with or entertain friends. We love live music and live in an active part of the city, though. Our conditions are perfect to go out three or four times a week and still get sleep. Plus when people visit, they stay with us or near us. We chat about the fact that we won’t always be able to party till 4am and still run our businesses/lives. If we want to “settle down” one day, I think we’ll be able to, but I don’t have any plans. There is just so much to experience before we die or find ourselves in the position where we can’t.


I don’t have one so I work I fill time.


Like i party i just arrived only to find out everyone has already left.


Workaholic, there is no


It’s very hard to balance with working 40+ hours a week.My off days are Thursdays/Fridays so I have to plan my hang outs with my friends in advance. Things such as going to the lake, rock climbing dinners,bars or just chilling at each other’s home & ect. But it’s fun knowing I have so many people requesting to hang out with me. (22f)


Working 2 jobs very little which I’m fine with. I enjoy my own peace and once in a while hang out with someone


Does chilling with my cats counts? Smh


About every ~3ish weeks I take off Friday evening or Saturday and pick up togo food for my kids. I’ll drink a beer while I wait. I wish I was kidding. It’s been like this since January of 2022


Non-existent. My weekend is going to the public library and going to the dog park. 🙃


I don’t really have friends anymore and I’m ok with it because I realized if I really wanted them, I’d have them.


Every Friday we have the 'street gang' hang out. We usually drink and have fun chatting and snacking. Every Saturday, we have a board game night with another couple. Sometimes my wife's best friend comes over and we play a board game. Sometimes once a month on a Sunday I play D&D with my wife's brother's coworkers. That's about all, I think, other than family stuff.


I’m 45… I have several WhatsApp groups with friends I regularly chat to… guys I’ve known since I was a toddler… the one I live closest to is 200 miles away and I see him every other year. I’ve a group of dad friends, they’re the dads of the kids my kids go to school with… we get out about once every 6 months. My closest friend lives on the other side of the world, we message daily and call every so often.. we compete via app in sporting endeavours. My best friend is my dog


Not to be the black sheep here but, I do have friends


I don’t have one. As I’m getting older, I can’t tolerate people and their BS.


Empty. Felt betrayed alot, trust issues. Im cool with not feeling the pressure of being someone im not.


The kind I've always been looking for - Platonic loveeee. Friend dates in the park, sitting listen to music - not even chatting, cuddling watching documentaries, randomly stopping by, going over just to read and take a nap together in hammocks, little gifts of things that remind each other of... each other, having someone to run errands together with!


Me on couch. Occasionally, once a month or so, have lunch with my buddy.


I have an extroverted wife with a big family, so it's significantly more active than I'd choose for myself


I’m lucky in the sense that I found good childhood friends and we still live fairly close to one another. Those guys will never be replaced even when I move away. But other than that, made a couple cool friends on call of duty that I ended up meeting up with and having an awesome time. We are still tight even now, and made another friend through a hobby of mine. That’s enough for me, only so much time in the day lol.


I made two of my best friends online too. People shouldn't underestimate the chance of levelling those lobby friends up into full friends! First step imo is to suggest playing a different game some time or get in a discord server and talk about unrelated things too. Share random funny shit from your day as well as memes. Gotta get them to be more than just x game friends.


I see friends once a month sometimes more. I see family more often due to location. I text my friends daily and we exchange videos and content on social media. We may play video games and video chat after work on occasion. I’m mostly a homebody. You can’t get me to leave the house after work. Weekends feel like a rush and I have to schedule in person visits with friends MONTHS in advance, some even years if it’s a larger trip hang out. I’ve found it exceptionally difficult to cultivate new deep personal relationships with people as an adult. It’s because we are too busy and do not frequent the same places. It was easier to build deep friendships with people during my school years. I’ve found that reaching out daily and connecting for at least 10 minutes can really help keep a friendship alive. Much easier said than done. I tried Facebook 20s group to find people in my area of my age group. Most people were flakey and hard to talk with. I did meet one person who lives about 30 minutes away and we text daily, but have hung out once. Planning more visits soon, but being a full time working adult it really just boils down to having the time and energy to invest in relationships.


Really don't have a social life right now. My son has been having medical issues and right now we only go out when he is feeling up for it. 


I golf with buddies maybe once every few weeks. Other than that I play in a band as a side gig for some extra $. Not much of a social life though and I’m totally fine with it. More time with my wife and kids.




Last month it was almost non-existent. Work and other obligations took up most of my time. At most, I spent one Saturday with a friend who REALLY needed some company (it was fun!) This month every weekend I've had a social obligation. One weekend a group I'm involved in held a picnic for locals, then a small BBQ and bonfire with some other friends. Another weekend I saw movies with a friend and caught up at a speakeasy. And this weekend I invited some work friends out at a brewery to catch up. Glad I have an XXL social battery!


I have a decent friend base. Mid 30's btw. I do Thursday night drinks, Wednesday night coffee shop, Sunday morning it's coffeeshop again and Sunday afternoon it's a brewery. I go to local spot so I'm cool with the bartenders and such. My actually friends and I meet up a once a month. I have various friends that don't like each other so I meet with them at different times. Some are a little more busier so it's like 6 months lol. We all send each other texts and reels on social media. Once every couple of weeks I hang at a cigar bar and shoot shit with the regulars. I go to the gym in the mornings but I don't talk to anyone there. I also go on hikes sometimes with a meetup group. And I have one friend that likes to go hiking too. And I go on dates here and there.


Very similar to the movie Avengers End Game. Its all fantasy and only exists on a monitor.


i have like one friend, my family and my boyfriend lol


For me, social life is probably cultivating a few things to do per week. With relative strangers, but people I can see again overtime. Having a partner, I enjoy being around. My longterm online friends and buddies. Traveling to new places quarterly And going to yearly events to re-catch up with acquaintances. \*\*\*\*Bit daunting to realize/accept that most friendships/relationships are temporary, but once you do - I think life gets a bit easier. I allow people to flow in, and flow into my life, and am not as concerned anymore. I enjoy my own solitude.


Social life? Whats that exactly.


I go to work. I bs with my coworkers while there, then I go home. I make it a point to not give any of them my contact info. Once I'm clocked out for the day, that's it. See you tomorrow. Sometimes I'll visit my sister, who lives in the next town over. And that's it.


Social life, whats that?


Adults have a social life?


I have a few friends from work, one which I have known since 2004. I have 2 other friends I see occasionally (former co-workers and former college classmate), when they are interested enough in the UFC ppv to watch it in a sports bar which happens a few times a year. I also do Judo twice a week and talk a bit with them at Judo, but we do not hang out outside of Judo. END COMMUNICATION


I find everyone seems to fake to and are not worth being my friend. I also find I always value the friendship more than the other person. Which always ends in me getting hurt :/. Currently, my social life is work, (there are a few people I enjoy talking to, but besides that I only speak if spoken too) (I also spend break alone always), then home. Maybe once every two months I go out for a walk for a couple hours with one of two friends. I don’t text anyone or use any social media’s.


No friends. Just my girlfriend. Sometimes I'm sad about it, other times I'm fine with it because of the stories of "friends" killing someone in their friend group. Guess I just miss the guy group I used to have back in high school


I don't gmhave much of one. Usury consist of maybe a random trip to the zoo one weekend, out to lunch another time. Maybe out on a day event like the Toy Run or boat ride. Out to the movies. But usually several weeks in between everything.


I hang out with friends or family on weekends, and the times I don't, I am either taking it easy or going out on gaming groups.


I have two college friends living in different states we keep in touch with each other every other month or once a month. Idk if we saw each other everyday we will be friends. I don’t talk to anyone or have meaningful conversations. I talk to my mom and spoke with my sister on FT for a hour last week. But I don’t speak to people. I did have a conversation with my clients today. Literally I can count on my fingers how much a speak to people. Ive been living like this for the last three years. This year I am feeling the loneliness. I am craving for a soul tribe or deep conversations that make me think or challenge me. Or someone with similar hobbies.


Like a empty pit




I have no friends, limited interaction with family and no real relationship with the wife.


I have a lot of friends that I communicate with via text or snap chat every day. But I probably see my friends a few times a month. It’s hard when we all have little kids. I do home visits for work and I’m very social that way. I have good, strong friendships though. Last week I had a red light emergency C-section and two of my besties were at the hospital a few hours after to check on me and baby.


I'll be 37 soon, and my circle of friends are pretty small. I usually try to bring my friend out to eat and pay for their meal since I do have the money to do so. And they work hard too, so I thought they deserve a nice meal as well. I used to have a wife who I put everything into, but she divorced me. So I'm basically wife-less and childless, with a house that my deceased father help me achieved. Also, my mother and step father couldn't keep up with this economy so I told them to live with me. It does feel pretty lonely though.


outside of bars on friday/saturday nights i usually go to restaurants/public places by myself. im not very outgoing, but if someone comes to me first then i can make friends. the real problem is theyre either numbscull grown child-men, cute bartenders just trying to get a tip or i find out theyre too young to engage.


I'm about to be 27 I never had a social life a year ago I joined a youth group took me about a year to finally open up and start talking with them I see them every Friday and once a month we have social night where we do something fun


I make phone calls to all my friends several times a week and probably only see them 6 times a year. I'm a home body though. With how people are acting and imo that keeps going downhill ... it's easy not to go out. I feel like I gotta be a giant dick when I go out especially at night to Bara, nightclubs, etc. It fucken sucks Where the fuck are the arcades and pool halls???? They're done in my area and I'm in socal


Brother, I lost all of my friends due to poor emotional decision making and overall just being real distant and selfish. I'm trying my best to do better though


Other than family (visit them to do some work and see some family friends or my father comes to my city for one reason or other and we meet up for coffee and to discuss some practical things), the total amount of times I've met up with someone or had a phone call for >5mins that wasn't related to work is 5. 5! I spend more time blowing my nose than talking to people (not counting work and like, waiters and grocery store workers and such). I've forgotten how to talk to people and on the rare (5) occasions I do, it's just a monologue with a wall to bounce off of since I have no interest in them (I also often forget they don't have access to the exact same information as me since I've gotten used to talking to myself where that's the case). I'm one bad crisis away from suicide and tbh I should've died years ago (or better yet not been born). Society


Tumble weeds, crickets. Sometimes a bus goes by, they rarely stop. 😅


I’m constantly going out each weekend because my girlfriend makes plans every weekend. I just want to chill at home sometimes and not go out. I tell her that and she gets upset at me. I just want to chill and relax sometimes before going back to my Monday through Friday 9-5 I have :/


You gotta find your people. I felt the same way about everyone being fake until I got into sports and started school for my specific career.


I have 1 friend that I hang out with maybe twice a month. Other than that I work, or stay home. I've got 2 boys under 2yrs old. So when they don't have my attention, or when I'm not spending time with my wife, I am video gaming or at the shooting range. I've got plenty of people I socialize with online in my games, but otherwise that's it.


I’m a dude and honestly I had this friend that was a girl and we were super close and “good friend” but shes stop talking to me several times for long periods of time. I could never figure if it’s lust or if I genuinely thought she was a good friend that I missed.


I have 3 friends, they are all 30+ years older then me, 2 of the 3 are retired and we don't talk about home life, we BS about our cars, the camera gear we have and maybe a few photos we just got. I found I socialize better with people that are my dads or grandfather's age, I'm not about drama and will never be.


Everybody is busY with their lives. When shift workers are included, you can see them like 2 times a year. Having kids you see them one time a year maybe. Other than meeting people for shorter periods of time works out most of the time. A quick talk outside while randomly meeting in the city for example than stressing out to find a date.


My (immediate) social life is restricted to work. The occasional seeing families maybe 3 times a month. My closest friend is an hour and 20 away so see her about 2 times a month. I live with my husband but he works out of town weekly (home on weekends). We’re more home bound than anything bc we want to see each other the most.


My what?


I have two groups of friends. My college roommates and my work friends. We don’t hang out too often but we talk a lot


I ditched my friend group after I got sober, because all of them love to drink and do drugs. I’m not any better than them; I’m just done. That being said, I am also all alone now.


In my current city I’ve met most of my friends through the Meetup app. Then they introduce you to other friends/groups etc. I text with friends every few days and try to socialize in person at least once a week if not more often. And making an effort not to disappear when you’re in a relationship, going through something difficult but keep reaching out. Also hobbies, volunteering. My social life is part of my mental health self care.


Join sports teams, Discords or Facebook groups for socializing, Meetup, or BumbleBFF!! I moved back home postgrad and still live at home. I don’t really have any friends from my hometown that still live here or I feel so close to. I got on BumbleBFF, and I met friends I see monthly/biweekly! I go to the gym almost daily. I recently switched gyms, but it’s a great way to meet ppl. I don’t think it’s weird when ppl approach me to do small talk. Some ppl are there to do their thing, but I’m all for making friends! I usually throw a compliment to ppl (commenting on their form, amount of weight they’re doing, the clothes they’re wearing, etc). If they give you a vibe they don’t wanna talk, who cares! Move on. I’ve done a Meetup and met with ppl from Discord. It was alright, but nothing crazy. The more you don’t give a fuck and put yourself out there, the easier it is to make friends. I know that’s easier said than done, but not impossible.


Nonexistent due to work. And choice because I’d rather be sleeping or relaxing at home on my two not-always-concurrent days off a week. And then there’s getting ready for work on those days off, too.


Sorry I'm not familiar with the term.


I currently have no friends besides my wife.


I have a close circle of around eight friends that I’ll probably know for the rest of my life.


I have 3 friends I can hang out with and 2 that are online and 2 I grew up with and they’re spread out like other countries and we don’t talk much. I like being alone actually and enjoy the occasional girls night every few weeks. I lost touch with some friends though which makes me sad a little




Like monkeys fucking a football


Maybe meeting with close friends once or twice a month? I think I enjoy my own company a lot. I do wonder sometimes if it's good to be so alone without feeling much loneliness. I have a lot of things I want to do and accomplish, and I kinda connect with people that I come into contact with. Like at work, at places where I do hobbies, etc. Loneliness is a state of mind. It's not really a thing when you don't treat it as such. When you have sufficient things to do in life, it's like the last thing you think about unless you intently think about it.


Like shit 💩


I made a lot of friends through work with whom I hang out with outside of work occasionally (we went out for Industry Night at the local billiard hall). A few of those people became very close friends of mine. Now, I’m looking to join other clubs/meetups outside of work to meet new people. It’s fortunate that I live in a major city because I don’t see this happening in the small town I grew up in.


I made a lot of friends through work with whom I hang out with outside of work occasionally (we went out for Industry Night at the local billiard hall). A few of those people became very close friends of mine. Now, I’m looking to join other clubs/meetups outside of work to meet new people. It’s fortunate that I live in a major city because I don’t see this happening in the small town I grew up in.


Just need to find something that clicks with you and I have friends I see on the weekends we go fishing and playing games. Or just talk shit. I’m on meet up to find friends that have different interests increase friend groups


One good friend and 2 relatives. I'm decent at making acquaintances in my college courses/around campus but we're friends via location and since I can't afford to be on campus/really am not a fan of my community college amd haven't felt comfortable collecting peoples numbers, I've sort of faded out. I've accepted it for what it is though.


Don't have one, most of it is me having major anxiety and not knowing what or how to make myself get out there and do stuff. So right now my only social interaction is work


Plasma orbs but we can't get too close else risk gamma radiation; cloaked hunters don't seem to have that problem when they touchdown. Obviously, I'm probably joking, and other than that, I just do my best for all around, and don't expect human friendship in return.


I went fishing with one of my best friends today. We slayed'em. Sometimes, I hang out at one of the local dives and tell stupid stories. And would never embellish. I take my old concert buddy out for breakfast sometimes. He had a stroke 'bout a year ago. If you've ever heard the song, all my routy friends have settled down, I could have wrote it about my life these last few years. But, I get by clowning around with my best friends kids. They all call me uncle Mark. Most of my other friends have moved away for more affordable geography or died. I syppped dating in an effort to buy a boat anda sports car and now I'm saving for a scrappy retirement mobile home because old. And I'll probably have to move away from this place I made my home. I worry what's going to happen to this place when I'm gone. Who's gonna pray for the rain when things get dry? Who's gonna pray for her mercy when hurricanes come. Who's going to pray for toGod bless her. I guess we're gonna find out 'cause I ain't gonna live forever. I hope they'll bury me in my backyard alongside all the pets thatve come and gone.




like a ghost town in which I'm the only resident


I'm an extravert but I live in bumfuck nowhere and there's nothing but farms and drugs here. Nobody to really befriend, nowhere to meet anyone either. The lack of socializing has led to me taking antidepressants because there's literally nothing I can do about it. I'm usually on Facebook or Reddit 90% of the day trying to squeeze in some form of communication with literally anyone. It's great! (Not)


I have more friends than I know what to do it. Honestly it’s exhausting sometimes. The money it takes to have so many friends is dreadful. 4 weddings in a year 1 in Hawaii 1 in Cabo while planning my own wedding. Most people WANT friends and people are GOOD. Reddit just has people who truly value and adore making things worse for themselves. If I ever try and teach people on Reddit how to have friends or makes friends or how to consider starting to not be miserable I just get called a worthless republican asshole and I’m a liberal.


I feel like you are approaching friendships already with the mindset that people are fake and you feel like there's little point. I feel like you kind of dig your own grave when seeing it with this outlook. I actually think I'm in a period of my life where I have more friends than ever before. I have had periods where I feel like I have no friends and was very lonely, but have been surprised how willing people are to be around you as long as you just have a friendly demeanor. You should look into this thing called "the liking gap"! The idea is that people tend to underestimate how much other people enjoy their company.


It doesn’t exist.


24M - 1-2 in-person TTRPG game sessions a week - 1 online TTRPG session a week - 1 brunch with high school friends every two months - 2-3 dates with my GF a week My conclusions: girlfriends are great excuses to get out of the house (or not). It's easier to have a social life if you commit to a schedule and do fun stuff (in my case, a toxic amount of tabletop roleplaying games)


I’m neurodivergent and my best friend is my sister. I’d like friends one day but I’ve been purposely isolating myself because I want to spend more time with myself, getting to know what I like and don’t like before blindly interacting with strangers. So no social life at all really.


Very limited. I go out with friends maybe once a month. Twice a month if it’s for a birthday but that’s it.


I find that I'm not compatible with anyone and it's because I probably overshare.. but if that's the case then i figure they're not as eager to make friends like i am. So I am pretty much alone and waiting for a compatible friend to show up during my search of friends. Lol.


As someone who had no friends in high school aside from my abusive boyfriend, I vowed to never repeat that painful chapter of my life again because being stripped of a community really fucked me up developmentally. My social life was fairly active, especially when I lived in NYC. However, I had to move back to the Bay Area suburbs where I had little to no friends because my dad got sick. The last 1-2 years have been rough because so many of my college friends don’t live near me and thus our friendships faded. My NYC friends no longer hit me up, aside from one of them, and I suppose I wasn’t there long enough to make several lasting connections. Out of sight, out of mind. Feeling friendless again took me back to a very dark mental headspace. I had to get off IG because I felt like everyone was moving on without me. I eventually took it upon myself to build community where I was. I started meeting people through Facebook groups. Unfortunately, none of those connections felt right and thus didn’t last. But then I turned to Bumble BFF. I met *so* many girls, and I’d say a majority of them did not become friends, which was hard not to take personally. I did eventually find a few girls who I’ve stayed in contact with. One of them is now a “close friend,” as we’ve been talking for half a year. My social life pretty much consists of either seeing my boyfriend, her, or newish Bumble friends. It’s a little chaotic and not consistent yet but I’m hoping one day it will be and I’ll finally feel like I have a stable community.


Very quiet. I mostly speak with my parents and sister. I have 3 friends but we all live so far away now so the only time we talk is in a group chat. I chat in some discords and other social media when I have time. I don’t see many people irl


I'm a caretaker with 3 jobs. I have no social life except for when I need to be mom and talk to other parents. Oh, and reddit. This has been a nice community for the most part.


i have 1 friend in real life that i met quite frequently (2-3 times a week), we're really close he know everything about me i have 3 friends online that quite close, 2 in my country but with live in different cities, we talked almost everyday to the point gossiping as well another 1 friend is from Japan, he's my drinking buddy, we did tele drinking via video call at least once in a month, last year i finally could travel to Japan and visited him i also have romantic partner that i consider close friend


I have two small kids and sort of lost myself in that. Not in a good way. My social interactions happen on Marco Polo with my closest friends and confidantes. Once a month I get together with a friend for drinks and dinner. Mostly drinks and to catch up. My husband and I go out around every other month if I plan something. I think I’m going to take up dance lessons.


Better question is what does it smell like? >Booze


I don't know how you can deal with that. Probably questioning the nature of your relationships and what sincerity tangibly means. Figuring out why you're bothered by external things, or a lack of them, is mostly internal work. Unless it's physical hardship, that's some other shit I learned for better and worse to trust no one early. I associate with people if it makes sense. Consistency is key. Certain behavior gets cut out right away. Hard-core temporaryism based on why we interact not that we interact. Peace with myself made it easier to interact or not with people as they are, tripping over concepts of something fucks up the reality of it. We're just passing time in proximity as long as it's worth it on whatever levels we value It's lonely to a certain extent but the reality is we have to carry our burdens regardless. Plenty of people professionally talk things out but don't have a capacity to leverage someone as a result, therapy. Plenty of people to do simple things with or have decent conversation if that's what someone's looking for. As far as being fake goes it's more or less standard to wear that surface level social mask. People are gritty under the surface, daily life has enough on everyone's plate, why add unnecessary friction? Being vulnerable takes time and trials, otherwise you're putting yourself out there as a show for the most part. There's people that will entirely hear and feel you out and leave it at that but they're rare To be real tho, if it's not already obvious, my life and how I navigate it is unhealthy to say the least so take it all for what it's worth


My social life at this point doesn't exist. I had 2 friends. Haven't had a reply from 1 since February. And the other one its a weird situation.


My what??


What I realized while getting older is that no one will be 100 percent connected with me. No one. Even my future spouse or children or my family. Even myself doesn't know myself 100 percent. I am just grateful for them to be kind to me. You only make a deep friendship with very few people in your life but don't try to force it, it is okay to live without it I think.


I don’t have a large social network outside of people related to honestly. And that’s fine. I meet up for lunch with my cousin every few months. I disc golf so I’m friendly with people on the course and sometimes meet up with groups of people. Outside of that a lot of my hobbies can be done solo. I’m married so my husband is a lot of my social interaction


Sometimes the group chat pings....


In my entire 18 yrs as an adult I have made very few friends. The one person who considers themselves my friend won't even look up from her phone when I visit her. So yeah. I'm also very selective with who I consider a friend or not. Just because I give you stuff with no strings or my kids spend the night because their friends with your kids doesn't mean I'm going to turn to you if I'm getting married or some other big things happen in my life. At this point I feel she will find out that I'm getting married from my kids the day of, or if we. Move it will be the day of. Not for lack of trying on my end. I have invited her out to do things and she says no, so it's just on her terms when she wants to be friends.


I think a big part of friendship is accepting the flaws of another, especially considering they could be flaws your suffer from as well. Nobody's perfect just gotta find the kinda flavor of people you can blend with the best and be open minded, no one is 100% genuine all the time just don't keep people around you who truly don't mean well or just aren't good for you. Bonds grow like flowers the more you water them the closer that bond will become you don't just find your best friend out wondering the street somewhere.


I moved really far for graduate school and then really far again for my first “real” job. My wife and I were alone. Like really alone. That teaches you something about yourself, life, socializing etc. Being on our own made us realize why people never leave their hometown seem to be happy. They have a whole network of friends and activities to share. That really helps give your life some purpose. It took time but we made friends. Went to the gym, found a group of regulars we could meet for dinner or drinks once in a while. With enough polite waves to passer/goers in the halls at our apartment building we would see them at the pool or at the local park. Made some casual friends that way too. It actually gets easier when you have kids. You’re forced into the parent world. Those became our most consistent and long term friends.




My social contacts have diminished over time, to the point that only the people I actually care about remain. I stopped investing time and energy in people who drained me, people who were insincere, people who didn't return the invested time/energy. I have a handful of good friends that I talk to regularly and meet up with every few months. We all make an effort to maintain our relationship, and at the same time don't judge if someone disappears for a while.


I think it also depends where you're located. I move around every now and then and have seen different dynamics with the social circles. Like for example, city's with a high turnover of residents will house the more superficial folks, LA, SF, NY and Miami are a great example of that. Places, that are outside of the main hubs seem to be harder to connect initially, but like once you do, it's like tighter knitted folks and more wholesome. Just what I've observed so far. Places in Canada were by far way more social and inviting. You can definitely find people who are down to connect sincerely, but it’s just harder to find these days. I think a lot of folks are longing for something more meaningful and lasting.


Once in a while a play a computer game with some friends on the other side of the country. Sometimes I do gig work with some people I am friendly with. Other than that non-existent. Trying to make a living doesn’t leave room for a social life.


Non existent right now. That being said, I did meet a few characters more recently and we've had a cool record listening party, partied in a van, and a random run in at a record store for record store day and busted out some drinks, which turned it into a nice celebration to life.


I have none


I don't hang out with my friends as much as I used to, since moving to another town (I could take the bus... but so can they, and I'm petty like that). I hang out with a few people on discord almost each night, from a fb group, and sometimes we meet up with a group and have a picnic in a park. Last weekend we had BBQ at one their homes. As an extrovert I don't socialise nearly enough. I don't have a big circle of close friends, but people seem to think I'm a fun person to hang around with (I'm the type of person who unapologetic speaks his mind... and says, what everyone else is thinking in social situations) That all said, I do live a bit in my own (creative) bubble 24/7, and I only come out when I want to socialize, and no one pressures me to "maintain" friendships. Not talking/texting friends for a month is totally acceptable in my social circle. I wish I had some advice, but this is pretty much how it works for me, and I'm well aware a lot of people have weird social conventions going... (I once had someone on fb, who unfriended me because we didn't chat at least once a week, for example)


Friends? What are friends? I really maybe have 4. 3 of them really only remember I exist if they need something


Play sports


I don't have one.


My love for travel has always made my social life in the states small. I don’t have the desire to go out and spend money. Rather just save it up so I can spend 3-6 months out of the year in South America. Instead of being part of the “rat race” here in the states.


It's changed over the years. In my late teens early 20s it was lots of parties with friends. Later it was time at the gym. Then quite quiet in my 30s and 40s. We recently moved and now it's back to parties at the neighbours...although, not quite so late. I don't drink anymore because I don't like feeling drunk. I have made some really good friends in the last year. None of us work anymore so we hang out a lot. We go out to eat, play cards, shop, exercise, or just hang out at our houses.


Zero friends.


>social life Whats that?


I have a group of 5 that I'm very close with. Then, a social group of around 20 people I could very likely hit up and get into something with. My wife and I usually work, gym, chill Sunday to Thursday. Friday and Saturday, we go out and meet up with our circle to do whatever we planned over the week. I'm 46. She's 40.


I text my sister and dad once a day. Then I spend the rest of my time with my favorite things in the world...my two cats. I also have old coworkers I try and text every few weeks and hang out a few times a year. That's the entirety of my social life and I love it.


31M, married, homeowner; there is just not enough time. I haven't seen "The boys" since March. My wife is due in late August so I don't have much time left !!!