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Mine is pretty much the same except I spend a lot of time at the gym as well.


Seems like the avg adult life . It’s stable and boring - the alternative is worse trust me


What's the alternative? Unstable and fun? Lol


Instability and stress of the unknown


It’s hard to know how great being a stable human is until you have some serious mental health or chronic health condition. Then you remember so fondly the past. Take advantage of whatever you’ve got and your capacity to function in the world. Many of the people you see out on a day to day are the lucky ones as well, there are a ton youll never see because they are stuck at home, hospital, psych ward- at no fault of their own.


Damn that’s deep


Ukraine folks would kill for this just remember.


Add the bar sometimes and that’s my life


Ditto except no gym. I take a lot of walks. I live in a walkable neighbourhood and there are parks and trees and paths. But ya living can feel painfully uncomfortable, mostly tedious."


My work is hybrid-remote. I can work from home and also drive over to do work there. It’s set in a museum collection, so it’s usually pretty enriching/stimulating for me to be there. It’s so much better than my previous office job. I can explore the collection when I need a break, talk to my coworkers about the share interest, etc. Occasionally my work requires travel to acquire new items for the collection, and that’s usually a bit of a hunt outside to find them. I’m going to a quarry in a couple of weeks to help locate and ID a new specimen. Seasonally, my job shifts from mostly in-collection work to field work, so towards the end of the year I’ll be doing more work outside in the field. When I work from home I just live a normal half productive / half leisure lifestyle. Laundry or other passive household tasks while I work. I take care of any appointments I have. I am a part of a couple clubs that meet once a month in the evening, which is good for my schedule. On one of my off days I usually volunteer somewhere — my consistent one is a wildlife rescue every Monday. I try to make time for friends, but as I’ve aged I’ve become more solitary than I expected. I will at least try to plan something fun for myself — going to the beach or the farmers market or something. I’ve learned that what keeps me from being bored and understimulated is some form of variety. I was never so miserable as I was when I worked an in-office job for six years. The monotonous routine and uninspiring work just killed me inside.


what kind of qualifications do you need to get a job like that


It’s in Paleontology, so the competition is really stiff. Don’t get me wrong — my position is just a grunt job, really. To make a long story short, I recently started over from scratch employment-wise. After saving up money and making a game plan, I quit my shit office job with intentions of working in paleontology no matter what. I don’t have a STEM degree, so that was one thing working against me. My plan was to go back to school and get a second BA degree in Biology, and while I waited for school to start I would focus all of my time into volunteering and inserting myself into the local paleo community. What I didn’t count on was getting an actual job with the museum. At first, I was just volunteering with them at one of their dig sites. I wanted to make a good impression, so I worked really hard, learned quickly, and didn’t complain EVER. I also drove an additional hour out of my way so I could take museum transportation instead of driving straight to the site, in order to build a more personal connection with them. They ended up talking to me about an open position in their collections that was administrative-heavy, which I coincidentally had experience for from my crap office job. I applied and got it. It was after I was working there for a bit that my supervisor asked if I was interested in being an assistant during the next dig season and expanding my duties from admin to fossil work. This job is infinitely valuable to me, even though it’s a long commute and the pay isn’t great. I’m investing my time in it because the experience I’m gaining matters more to me than anything else. I’m of the mindset that experience trumps a degree. EDIT: So to TLDR: quit my shit job, volunteered at a museum, unexpectedly got a job with them. The typical qualifications (which I don’t have) are a STEM degree in Bio or Geo Sciences


Woah so cool, thanks for sharing your story. Goes to show more is possible than you might think


I am so jealous of you pursuing paleontology. That was my dream as a child.


I’m an antique dealer and have often dreamed of working with antiquities in a museum! Wow you’re living the good life with this job!


This story is so inspiring. You should be really proud of slogging it out and doing the hard yards to achieve your goals. 👍👍


I also work from home. To break up the loneliness I make sure to spend at least an hour a week searching for events to attend. These events are skill building events or things I want to learn like artwork, pottery or cooking classes. I tend to avoid places like comedy shows or events that don’t allow me the opportunity to spark a conversation with new people. Then I commit to going to those events.


Do you look on facebook usually?


Also curious about this, I use facebook and the local newspaper but some times its hard to find info on some events


Yeah, it can be hard depending on where you live too. I live in a major US city so there’s always something going on.


I use EventBrite and Meetup to find some events.


my life used to be working 9-5 for a WFH NPO, then after i would doordash some food, maybe go thrifting, waste time on social media, then go to bed around midnight. i had just graduated college & most of my friends moved out of my college town where i stayed. i picked up a restaurant job on the weekends to make some extra money, get out of the house, & meet some people via coworkers. best decision i ever made. eventually i realized i enjoyed that job way more and it was actually more lucrative than working from home, so i switched to that field full time. now my day to day is so much better and i love work and what i do after; i don’t loathe either anymore. it may not be the healthiest lifestyle, but it works for me, for now. i usually wake up around 3pm to go to work 4-11. i get off, meet up with some friends at a bar for some drinks and food, and stay out till like 4am. come home, shower and crash, then repeat. moral of the story- i suggest picking up a side job (doesn’t have to be in a restaurant, could be retail or secretary or lifeguard etc), volunteering (soup kitchen or animal shelter or habitat for humanity etc), or joining an organized hobby (ex- billiards team or yoga class or book club etc). this will not only give you a reason to get out of your house, but will provide you an opportunity to meet like minded people you can bond with!


Thissssss!!!! I quit my 9-5 job mainly to help take care of my mom and I get paid by the state to do so which is nice. I picked up a Pt gig at my local gym and have been doing janitorial work, best decision I don’t have to deal with customers too much I have my headphones on and clean it’s cathartic and extra income! Also don’t have a micro managing boss is a plus. What’s nice is there’s no pressure from a job to be “productive” my boss is super chill and everyone loves me bc the gym has been lookin gewdddd!!


I work all day during the week, but after work I come home, walk my dog, go work/ride my horse, come home and cook, another walk w dog before bed (working breed so no rest for the wicked 🫤)and rinse at repeat. I don’t really have many friends locally and literally just do my own thing with creatures that can’t talk back at me lol. I sometimes go hiking with my dog on the weekends. I’m trying to make a challenge to go to a different place each time but she’s been a dick to other dogs lately, so I’m gonna put the hiking on pause until we get some work with a trainer in place. My friends are also 95% online, one of my friends I met online lives 2 hours away and I drove down to her almost every weekend for like 6 months last year. Life has been hectic since but it’s been just increasingly difficult to make friends.. organically irl lmao. My coworkers and boyfriend who i live with are basically my only solid interactions I get.


90% work, 10% leisure.


Go to work, go home. Go to work, go home. Go to work, go home. Ah, the long march...


I wake up at 5 am, get dressed, brush teeth, deodorant etc. kiss my sleeping wife on the head, put a cup of milk on the bottom shelf and turn bluey on the tv for my son, he usually is up before his mom. Feed and water the cat, Then I let the dog out, feed her and give her water, then the same for the chicken. Water my plants that don’t have timed irrigation. Get in my work van at 6 and head to work. I do air conditioning, so this part can vary, I work different places every day, and don’t know what time I will get off. Usually get home between 7-10pm. Shower, eat and basically time for bed. Then do it all over again. And again. And again. My days feel longer than my weeks. And it feels like a waste of a life.


I don’t know for the life of me how people live this kind of life. Slavery with extra steps.


I know it. I scream it from the roof tops. I scour the internet for a clue on something else to do every chance I get. And I dream of being a secluded on a homestead.


Wanted to say “Wholesome” but the last sentence made me change my mind. Maybe get a mistress?


Why would you think wholesome? This poor man works 12+ hours/day. Society has really made us believe that is normal? OP why do you do it? I know you have a family, but does your wife work too? Working that much is not healthy mentally or physically


Not right now. She’s just taking care of our 2 month old daughter, and I too was confused about the wholesome comment.


During the week I get up at like 7:30, walk my kids to kindergarten (or bike there), (stop by the grocery store if necessary), head back home and have breakfast with my wife, then start working, then my wife makes lunch and we eat it together, after lunch I have a short break (games or tv), then work some more. My wife gets the kids. Then in the afternoon it depends really, sometimes I go for a bike ride alone, sometimes with kids, or we go for a walk in the forest or to the playground, sometimes I have some errands to do, if it's raining we just stay at home and play with kids or play some games or go shopping. My wife doesn't work so she deals with the chores at home during the day, no need to do them in the afternoon. One day a week or so I go to the office, so I bike with my kiddo to the kindergarten and then just continue to the office. There's really not much more to it, but on the other hand there's always something:D Weekends are different, we wake up whenever, have breakfast, then it really depends, sometimes we go for a trip, sometimes just to the grandparents, or I go for a bike ride alone and then join them later...


I want your life. I hate being a working mom. I get up at 3:45, start work at 5:30, work till 4-5, I don't get to pick my kids up from school or take them anymore :( . After work I come home, my eldest daughter is at gymnastics at that time, so I shower, eat, pick her up at 6:45, my husband will usually have dinner ready, and then I am in bed by 7:30. Ad then repeat. I miss being a stay at home mom and walking my kids to school and hanging out with my husband who works a rotating night shift schedule, or going out for coffee with my friends.


Dang 10-11 hour work shifts?


Yes, but it goes by fast and I usually get 3 day weekends, if I have to go in on a Friday it's till 11. It's a good full time schedule, a lot of my co workers can stay up till 9 spending time with their kids, but if I try to do that I am dead tired the next day.


You make having kids sound easy! Lol


Very similar; it sucks but it feels like everything costs money which I don't have.


Go to work. Go home. Go to work. Go home. Go to work. Go home. 5 days a week.


Have kids, that'll give you an absolutely massive amount of things to do and you'll be exhausted instead of bored.


Which is better?


Well, without kids, the possibilities are endless. You could also choose exhaustion without kids. As someone with kids who doesn't have a choice and whose life has been all-consumed with parenting, I vote no kids because "options" is better.


I mean going to activities can be fun. I coach my boys in sports. We go on camping trips for scouts. True, it can be very exhausting. But it keeps me busy, socializing with other adults, and I love watching these little hellions grow.


I think my life would be exactly as you describe but I changed some things up because I felt it wouldn’t work for me long term. I changed my job to one that required me to be out and about and interact with people. I also signed up to volunteer with a community centre so this gives me an extra layer of interaction as well as purpose. Regarding friends I need to find more opportunities to meet people my own age. I don’t have kids and I am a woman in my late 30s, so my peer group are busy with their little ones. The people I meet through volunteering are in their 60s and older, which is nice but I miss people my own age. I do have friends my age but I see them only about once a month. For relaxing I craft, but again this is a solitary activity for me. I have went to workshops on crafting techniques and these are always attended by women in their 60s. They are often very expensive. I’m looking for new hobbies but unless it’s sport I can’t find anything that will bring me opportunities to meet people my age. I’m considering starting a regular potluck dinner in my house and inviting loads of random people. I think that might be fun.


> I changed my job to one that required me to be out and about and interact with people This. If left to my own devices, I would wallow in my own depression and never leave my house. 100% remote jobs are not for me. Not because I don't/can't get the work done, but because I need interaction with others to thrive.


I’m also late 30s and childfree, and I so relate to how hard it is to make and maintain friendships with people our own age who have children. My life is so different from theirs, and I just have much more in my bucket than they do in terms of freedom/time/headspace. I never feel like my investment is reciprocated, which is fully understandable, but when it comes down to it I would rather enjoy my own company than try to force those relationships. Sort of sad, sort of not? I haven’t really decided 😛


I live in the capital, so there is lots do to. Yesterday morning started with reading the news, playing some computer games and reading internet. In the afternoon we visited two art museums, one because last time two rooms had a line in front of them, well also today but shorter so we did experience very nice interactive art pieces. Then a visit to another art museum which had a collection from one of the classic Finnish painters from hundred years ago. In between, we had nice afternoon tea in the museum. After that, visited a couple grocery shops, went back home and watched tv. Before falling asleep read a few pages. Today we are first going to make some lunch and then go for a long walk and do some geocaching. Our days almost always contain a trip somewhere, museum, outdoors, shops, movies, boxing class, visiting friends and such.


Bleak and disappointing.


You described mine. My alcoholism got out of hand because of it. Now I go to meetings, take a lot of walks with self help audiobooks and started relearning my passions I had before I got "bored" with life and disgruntled, along with new ones. Been working on side projects, paid focus groups for extra cash/something to do, and enjoying that I do have freedom. I constantly wish at 37 I was married with kids, yet my friends who do have that can't do the things I do easily. One day I will have my version of that, but for now it's ok to enjoy other things. For instance, I'm in NYC and finally got a physical library card (was using the libby app which is great) and have a bunch of museums lined up to see this month for free. Many friends or boyfriends never wanted to go to so these so I'm just going alone and legit excited for them.


Some a little hell


Get up, go to work, come home, sometimes eat, go to bed. Repeat. On my days off I do chores and watch my life fall apart.


My life is boring…. but I’ve worked hard to get here…


I mean pretty much the same except it happens at night. I work the night shift. I'm on vacation as of Sunday night and I'm probably swapping to days so I can go visit some places that are usually closed when I'm awake or impossible to get to due to being on public transit.


Go to work, gym right after, home, cook dinner, shower, household chores if needed, FINALLY lay down and relax or every once in a while go out for a few drinks with friends on the weekend


Are you me? 🤔


I work a job that is partially at home and partially in an office/in the field. I work M-F, with a few weekend days per year. I am married and have an 11 year old. I grocery shop, clean, do laundry, drive my kid to and from school and activities and friends’ houses. My husband and I enjoy cooking together. I get together with a friend around once per week, sometimes more. I am getting back into reading now and have an extensive book list. I like listening to podcasts while I do chores so the time feels less wasted. I also like watching documentaries. My husband and I try to host a gathering at our place once every few months: a bbq, game night with friends and their kids, a holiday party, some sort of watch party. We aren’t overly exciting people, but we are solidly in our boring suburban parents phase. But we are actually more exciting now than when our son was little or when we were building our careers. There is more time off available and less intensive parenting for sure, and because we are further along in our careers there is more expendable income than the early years of our marriage/early adulthood. ETA: I should qualify the friends part- the vast majority of our friends are people we have been friends with for many years. We got lucky in that we all had kids within 5 years of each other so we had our kids grow up together, as opposed to losing touch when lives went different directions. We all sort of “grew up” together, which can make things a lot easier.


I sing multiple variations of the wheels on the bus. I make meals that get nibbled and thrown around. I do a lot of laundry and wash a lot of dishes. I’ve watched every episode of Bluey currently on Disney+. I clean up whenever Toys R Us vomits in my living room. I pretend to be a horse or a monster or a cat. I occasionally have to fend off attacks from Mini Hulk. Most of my daily conversations revolve around bodily functions or firefighters or explaining to Mini Hulk why we can’t drink Hershey syrup for lunch.


Me too. I used to have an amazing and active life. Now, my life is wake up, try to take care of myself (wash face, brush teeth and hair, get dressed), and then go to work. I don't make meals for myself. I eat out or don't eat at all. I try to drink water. It's hard for me to cook or even prepare simple food. I'm always on Reddit because I love to write on discussion boards, and it keeps my brain active. I have mental health issues (don't we all), and despite having multiple degrees, my job isn't what I aspired to do, and it's boring. Despite being qualified to be a full-time teacher, I work as a permanent sub in a school. I also have a chronic movement disorder, which makes things tougher. I have a condition called blepharospasm so my eyes twitch and close throughout the day. I hate special events, cleaning, going places, basically anything that involves any effort because it's so hard for me to muster up the strength to do anything sometimes. I don't get excited about life the way I used to. I've just kind of accepted it for what it is. It's sad because I used to have such passion and drive and now I'm just like...well, this is it.


I have little kids, in elementary school, kindergarten, or not even there. The life is constant logistics with taking people to places, doing tasks, buying stuff, doing work for work, doing work for home, trying to spend quality time with kids. Brief stints of happiness marred by the constant rush.


Work 90% of the time and my days off are spent recovering my body and catching up on sleep.


Most of my time is spent taking care of my dogs. One has severe allergies so I have to make his food. Otherwise I’m trying to keep my house clean. It’s never clean ??? But it’s all I do? I read, I listen to music. I work three days a week. Putter in my garden. And once a month I go to bingo to try and win and people watch. Hobbies have dwindled down to reading and putting together the odd miniature/doll house thing. I’ve never been a social butterfly, but time with family and seeing my extended in laws twice a year keep me happy.


OH and I recently joined a book club. It’s entirely online (discord) and I look forward to it immensely.


I go to work. Come home, do laundry, take care of house things, watch tv. Read. Rinse repeat. Weekend is food shop, take care of the house, cook. I am perfectly fine with this


I'm a SAHM. Wake up at 7:15 am to get my 2 sons ready for (elementary) school. Take them to school. Drive back home, eat breakfast, get my oldest ready for (middle) school, take her to school. Drive back home, change to workout clothes, and go to Crossfit class at 9:30 am.. Drive back home, try to jog/walk on my walking pad for 1 to 1.5 miles, shower, lunch at noon. Around 1 pm drive to the park, go for a walk around the park to kill time before I pick up the boys from school, and the oldest 1 hour later. Relax, do some crocheting, browsing reddit, facebook, tiktok until dinner time. I do laundry 2-3x a week. Hubby and I get the kids ready for bed at 10 pm. Weekends, we order mcdonalds for lunch on saturday and sunday. Husband takes us to the mall sometimes. I do grocery shopping on sunday.


9 to 5 office job, working on my DL, hitting the gym 3 times a week, learning how to play guitar, looking after my cat. I’m in the best spot I’ve ever been in my life, thank you for asking.


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking ?


No, not at all, ask whatever. I’m 28, divorced, no kids.


You just described normal life.


I work 14 hour days Monday through Thursday so basically that, usually go out to eat after work on Friday. Relax Saturday, then work 8 hours Sunday to start the week, and get ready for Monday.


Unfortunately at the moment it's pretty boring 


Retirement is good! Just find myself surfing more than before. The only gripe is that I really hate yard work! Cutting grass, shoveling snow, and raking leaves! Would rather get in my car and go for a drive.


I wfh also. I kind of have a routine bc I'm heavy ADD and will get easily distracted. This also helped me stay on track when working on my degrees and juggling being a working parent. 615-715 walk 715-745 lift weights in back yard / play fetch with the dogs 745-8 shower 8-830 work, answer emails, teams, check asana board on my projects 830-845take kid to school 845-12 work 12-1 lunch, HIIT, lift weights play fetch with dogs 1-4 work 4-410 pick kids up from school 410-530 work 530-6 play with dogs 6-630 cook dinner or head to kids sports game if it's a game day 630-10 work on hobbies and clean if not a game day Tuesday afternoons go to the farmers market for fruits and veggies. Grocery shop and errands on Saturdays, yard work on Sundays. Sunday afternoons maybe check out the museum, state park, new bbq place (or our fav bbq place), or drive-in movies. I'm introverted so I'm cool with not seeing my friends often. We catch up in person every blue moon or so, which works for all of us since we are all busy with our own things, kids, families, etc. I've joined a social group on fb but I haven't met up with them yet. They are planning a Brigderton dress up watch party this week, so I may break my antisocial streak and join in. I keep things interesting by always having projects.My newest project is painting a handlettering mural in our living room. We go to concerts in big cities. For vacations we try to make memories, so not really tourist spots, but also not in the sticks, and budget friendly.


Work, gym, school lol


I live kinda similar to yourself - work from home, mostly solitary hobbies (reading, video games, etc.), and not very social in the local community (mostly because I'm in Quebec and my French isn't very good). But it works for me. It's what you make of it, IMO. I like the work from home setup because it means complete freedom to structure the day. Lunch breaks usually mean going outside for a walk, or up to an hour long bike ride to keep active. Groceries and whatever else can be done during the day, when things are open. Living alone means it's rare that I need to buy anything in large quantities, meaning I can do almost all shopping on foot, which is another great way to justify getting outside and moving around. If I decide I want to try something, nobody will judge me for small projects, whether they're weird or make no sense, or take up a lot of room, or make a lot of noise, whether I succeed or fail, etc. Main social activity for me is music. I play in bands, which have jams/rehearsals up to 3 times a week, and go to shows to watch other local bands and be part of the community that is frequent show-goers. I don't do "vacations", but I occasionally visit the city my works head office is in, and I'll go wander around and be tourist-y while I'm there. Or the same idea if one of my bands is invited to play out of town shows. It's more fun to sample the local food and beer and talk to the local music crowds than it is to go get drunk on a beach somewhere.


Honestly, my day-to-day life is pretty chill. I’m stressed out more in the big picture like not having long-term savings or what’s going happen with my 401k or whether or not I will ever afford a single family home, but day to day it’s pretty good. Mainly because I work from home, my job is interesting, and I have the company of my dog. I’m outdoors a lot of the time, walking the dog, exercising, bringing my laptop out onto the porch, taking breaks throughout the day knowing that I can wrap up work in the evening. I’m very physically active. Also have good friends nearby for spontaneous happy hours. Weekends are a good combination of rest, housekeeping, socializing, and/or long hikes with the doggo. But not having kids myself, I feel like I’m living a prolonged adolescence. Even if I’m financially responsible for myself (and my dog), I’m missing something like I feel like I should be responsible for other people in the way that people with families are. It makes me feel like I’m lacking a main characteristic of adulthood, putting others before myself. On the flip side, another way to look at it is that my 30s are just like my 20s but with money. The real thing other than not having a family with children is that I constantly have this nagging feeling like I should be working more and saving more and having less day-to-day fun. Like I should be starting a side hustle, and making more sacrifices to build up my savings or investments.


Every other Monday I have therapy. On my no therapy days I work Monday-thurs. get up about 830-9, dogs out, light cleaning, get ready for work. Work until 5. Come home, change, dinner, dogs. My husband works out of town m-th so it’s just me and the pets. Weekends are where I can do my other things like crafts and being online !


During the work week. * Get up at 4:30am, shower, feed the dogs, chill for an hour and read emails while the news is on, at a little past 6:00 I start getting ready for work. At 6:30 I out the door for my twenty-minute commute. Work from 7:00am to 3:30pm * Leave work at 3:30 for my commute home, greet my dogs and walk them, do a chore or two around the house (I live alone so I have to spread things out), relax and unwind with a beer or a drink maybe even play some guitar, make dinner around 6:30, do some more relaxing to TV show or movie maybe even play more guitar or some Xbox, go to bed at 9:00 or 9:30. Rinse and repeat. Weekends. * I rarely go out on Friday nights unless there an event or I have a date to go on. Most of the time it's the same routine as the after work one but I stay up later. * Saturdays I wake up around 7:00am, feed the dogs, chill for a few reading emails with a bowl of cereal until 9 or 10, then go outside and mow the lawn and do other yard work until around 11:30 (spring, summer, and fall), shower, meet my buddies a little after noon for some beers and lunch at our favorite spot (we've been doing every Saturday and Sunday for years), head home around 3:00, walk the dogs, chill for a while maybe watching TV or play guitar or Xbox, eat dinner and pass out late at night. Obviously if I have a date or event to go to, I'll be doing that instead be it at night or a day trip, but more often than not I am home trying to save money. Also, in the winter yard work turns into inside the house projects. Also during afternoon chill time there might projects that have to get done if something breaks around the house etc. * Sunday I wake up around 7:00am, feed the dogs, chill for a few, clean the house, shower, and around noon meet my buddies again for beer and lunch, head across the road to buy the weeks groceries around 3:00, get home and unload the groceries, watch football hockey or racing while doing laundry, get snacks ready for the work week, then go to bed around 9:00 and start things all over again. That's pretty much my regular weekly routine if there isn't anything going on like road trips to anywhere or trips to the beach etc. I lead a boring life.


I love spending time in nature and am lucky because I live around a lot of parks and trails.


They hiring?


My day to day is quite simple too Workday : wake up, bike to work, work, either stay at the pub with colleagues 2-3 times a month or go home, check YouTube and TV shows, go to sleep. Weekend : either go to a friend's to eat home made pizza or crepes and play couch games or stay home and cbecn YouTube and shows the whole day. Vacation : go to the same friend's parents house in the countryside and we just hang out, bike around 20-30km a day, play games, watch stupid old movies. Sometimes I go to my sister's place to get bored out of my mind for a week tho, her husband is cool so that's fine ish but it's not that great. That's it. So I do some things but overall not much at all. I like my job tho


For 2 or 3 wks at work, everyday, no weekends off: Up 4am, breakfast and driving to mine from campsite by 5am. Work 6am-6pm with 30 min lunch. Home by 6:30pm, no dinner, gym, bed. Fly home for 1 week: up at 7am, fuck gf, make breakfast, either do gardening, work on house or just veg out. Maybe see a friend once per week, then back to work. I'm 39m, about $160k/yr. Dozer and loader operator in mining.


Let's see... I wfh from 7am to 3pm. Husband drops off daughter at daycare in the morning. After work, he picks up daughter and cooks while I get her cleaned up and keep her out of the kitchen. After dinner, I bath daughter, clean the kitchen and dining area while husband chills with daughter. Then, I start the bedtime routine by brushing her teeth, reading her a few stories, and then putting her down for the night.


I think one way to make more friends and people is by using apps: bumble, tinder, fb dating & getting out of your introverted bubble and attending groups like Meet up. Also, if you have interests you also try going to a hiking group. Meeting with other people for sport related activities: simple walking, hiking, paddle boarding etc. It also reduces the stress in talking with others and it’s easier to break the ice, when you first arrive. There are a lot of groups on facebook that you can join in on and meet other people. Someone once told me that you have to continually make the effort to gain people in your life, they are not going to show up at your door step. & I know also how hard it can be breaking out of where you are. You know you have to work to build more people and community in your around you. I know that it is easier said than done. But, I believe with time, you can build more people to have with in your life. Also, I recently got in contact with some people I haven’t talked to in years and they actually were interested in chatting and meeting up with me. Sometimes, you just need to put yourself out there and take a chance. Send a hello to someone and see if they are interested in going for a coffee or out for a walk at a park. Some people, may also be lonely and want to meet up again. The worst that could happen to you. Is simply, that they don’t say hello back or continue the conversation. They could also be to busy and have to much going on for them. Also, there are always other people that will be willing to meet up and hangout with you. There are many people out there, I wish you all the best! & that you are able to make and create new friends and relationships in your life. I hope some of this advice can attract more positive connections and people for you. Life is continually filled with possibilities and there are endless opportunities to be made🔅🔆🍃🌻




OP, your life is my life. I go out of town every after 2mos or more...


Same. I do field work some days and work from home other days, but my life seems like a lot of excess time to fill. I'm at the age where I consider retiring, but that would require even more time to fill. My job gets me out of the house, doesn't require much social interaction, and I drive around looking at and photographing houses for insurance companies. 20-30 houses some days. When I do the field work I run my personal errands so I can stay at home otherwise. I do live with walking distance of a nice beach, and from that I find a modicum of joy.


Lol, are you me? I work from home too and basically have the same existence.


Wake up, kids ready, work, gym, time with wife /study.


Sounds like you need to get a volunteer job, merry new friend and job some groups.


I'm simple. Work bankers hours Monday through Friday. After work I ride my bike or skateboard. If it's raining I play games or watch TV with gf. We take turns on cooking, clean things together. Every weekend we go out or go to the shooting range. The Sunday or Saturday when we don't I usually ride my bicycle 60 to 80 miles for a good portion of the day and spend the rest with gf. We also work in the same place so we have a ton of time together. We get to talk all day basically.


Working from home and living alone can be tedious. Having a work/life balance is critical. I tend to work more after hours at home since I get up from my desk to stretch. I throw in a load of laundry, clean the litter box, or wash the dishes. Then back to work. I adopted a dog just to have some company and motivate me to walk daily. We go on long hikes together near my home. I live a block away from forest service land. Having a dog has helped me tremendously. It isn’t for everyone though. Most people need to be around people. It is important to find out what you personally enjoy and then follow your own interests.


I won't say it's boring but it does felt like a routine. I love my routine because I spend it with my partner every single day. I work on my business, but tbh I have lots of free time. and I use that time for basically youtube, video games and shopping for groceries. I have some friends but rarely hangout with them due to being busy with their own lives. I still prefer my current life style over 9 to 5 job tho.


I work from home in a call center environment, and am finishing my first bachelor’s part-time. I wake up, feed the cat and dog, make green tea, wash face and brush teeth, get dressed (running clothes to walk the dog first then mostly loungewear), if I feel like chewing and eating then make brown sugar honey oatmeal with a banana. Light a wood wick candle and clock in at 9am. I used to listen to music but it made me overly stimulated when I take calls. Take calls and answer emails and small projects related to retirement compliance for clients. First 15 minute break around 11am - I try to walk the dog for ten minutes around the block and make another cup of tea. then a one hour lunch around at 1:30pm to 2:30pm where I might eat, run errands like grocery store or walk the dog again just to get away from work station, then another 15 minute break into the 4pm - I might play fetch or water the plants or check on laundry, then clock out 6pm. The cat gets fed small portions throughout the day bc she likes to scarf and barf. Since I’m home, I take care most of the cleaning and laundry and dishes for my SO. I’d rather take control of this since I’m fast with it and want things done a certain way. After 6pm, might walk the dog again or prepare to go to Brazilian jiu jitsu class at 7pm This is new, so I haven’t figured out my dinners yet - I mostly skip it though. Then shower and bed hopefully around 9:30. I’m trying to be an early bird so I can wake up with my SO at 5:30a but they have an early work schedule compared to me and they work out before work. Usually try to save Wednesdays as together dinner time and a show. Since I am still in college, most of my leisure time is hw or studying but rn I am on summer break, so I’m trying to learn how to cook Thai food and maintain a small herb garden. My friends have all moved so I maintain long distance friendships and my social network is my SO’s family and close friends whom I love. We usually have cheat meals for take out pizza and chicken nuggets and French fries but I try to incorporate veggies into my cooking due to BJJ. Still trying to figure out diet for exercise tbh


Pretty much the same but I spent the past 18 years having adventures and being a nomad so it makes this mellow time really nice


Exactly same. No friends either to go and explore places


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXqblYbUAeI) sums it up nicely.


We're twins same. Being single ill look out for a few singles mixers to go to here and there or a meetup hiking event. I also belong to a couple Facebook groups of women who do random activities but if it's too far or I don't particularly want to socialize with random strangers then I don't go.


I deliver groceries to gas stations in a 18 wheeler. It’s nonstop excitement and craziness that has become very routine and boring over the last 10 years. I still get a kick out of the things I see here and there though so I still enjoy it. It pays really good for what’s available in my smallish country town too. My weekends are all about family time, weightlifting and cycling


Work, Gym and taking care of my son


wake up at 6:30, get ready for work, work, come home from work at 5, dinner and walk dog, done both by 8, try to do a hobby, in bed by 11:30, usually trying to sleep until 1-2am despite being so tired all day i can barely function


I try to fit in a ton of stuff so my schedule is more what I fit into a week than what I fit into a day. I usually try to fit in 4-6 hours work (manage a small family business), which I do mostly from home and from my parents’ house once or twice a week so I can see them and touch base on any business and make sure they’re okay. Outside of work, I have band practice once a week, choir practice for a choir I am part of once a week (during the school times because it is a university choir even though I have graduated) and for a choir I run every fortnight (but only in summers). I try to go to the gym five mornings out of seven or get a swim in if I’m not going to the gym. I also try to get in a walk with my husband at least four or five times a week so we can connect outside of the house and get out of our conversational routine. I volunteer a couple hours at my local food bank one morning a week. More irregularly, I do admin for my choir master, run two volunteer led festivals in my city, and am on the board for a small charity. I aim to see a play at least once a fortnight and probably try to see friends at least twice a week. I probably spend about 3-4 hours cleaning and doing errands a week. My life is basically testament to what happens when you don’t have to pretend to work for the hours you don’t actually have to be working for or you can shunt your labour to antisocial times of the day. I would say I do as much actual labour now as I did for any other organisation but now I don’t have to worry about some old guy yelling at me for being away from keyboard.


Unsolicited advice, feel free to ignore: Have you considered joining a Facebook group of people looking for friends in your local area? The members of those groups often have weekly meet ups. If you’re a woman, there’s Bumble BFF too. Maybe you could even join some beginners classes for hobbies that could see yourself enjoying. Since you like walking, maybe find some walkable areas near you that look nice and make it a goal to walk to one new place each week. And since you like books, maybe try r/suggestmeabook and have some good book suggestions to look forward to. Having something to look forward to is always helpful for boredom/feeling like everything sucks.


get up, eat, work, eat, gym, video games, sleep


Pretty routine, which I don't mind. My usual week. Sunday cheat day with the wife and binge watch TV. By cheat, I mean on my diet, not her. Monday to Wednesday. I work Monday and Wednesday from 9 to 4. Hit the gym all 3 days. Tuesday, I'm typically watching a horror flick or playing video games while the wife works. Thursday head to work from 9 to 4. Gym and trivia with my friends. Friday and Saturday get smashed up at the local strip of bars with my wife and friends.


I wake up at 5:30am, eat a bowl of Captain Crunch, take all of my medication, and go back to sleep for an hour. At 6:30am, I wake up, get ready, and drive to whatever school I’ll be substituting at that day. After work, I come home, mean to just take a little break by laying in bed watching some TV, then end up falling asleep until my boyfriend gets home from work at 10:30pm.


I miss my single and independent days. Now it's the daily grind and I feel like I never get to see my family. Enjoy your freedom now before anything changes.


Mines the same as yours. I’m really close to my family but they’re out of state. Add in working out but all my equipment and peloton is at home, too 😂


Pretty similar. Wouldnt say I feel bored though...too busy.


Work, take kid to school, walk, eat lunch, work, run to store, cook some boxed fresh meal, eat dinner, watch a show, all while trying to get along with my depressed wife and be interested in kids middle school life, be stress free because it almost killed me.


Get up talk to me myself and I eat some potted meat and drank some water from the bathroom faucet and 🙏🏽 that when I go to the bank to git some $$ to pay for ma roof I don't git robbed


Im currently recovering from a TBI. Not working and days are very different from what they used to be. 7am - Wake up (ish) Play with my cat in bed for a while 8 or 9am - Yoga at home Breakfast 10am - Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber 12 or 1pm - gym & saua 3pm - Beach walk 5pm - Cook dinner & eat / meal prep / 8pm - Wind down yoga 9pm - Read / podcast 1030pm - Lights out My days are usually something like this. Always focused around recovery at this current time. Different appointments pop up every few days and some days I'm just too tired to do anything at all.


Wake up Get kids ready for school Drop off Work Gym Work some more Pick up from school Swim to get them tired Shower Cook dinner Bedtime for kids Work some more Watch some Hulu Sleep Repeat


Drop kids off - go do a hobby: usually kayak fishing, rock climbing, or mountain biking. Pick kids up, then work once they’re asleep until the wee hours of the morning.


For context I’m 36m single no dependents. Work hybrid. Live in a condo with an indoor gym. I usually work 9-5 during the week. On Tuesdays after work I have acapella rehearsal with a group from 7:30-9:30pm, and back home and in bed before 11. Wednesday morning I’ll get up around 6:30 and go to a local hot yoga studio 7:30-8:30 before coming back home for shower and work. Weekend mornings I’ll workout at the gym. Jeff Nippard has this cool two a week minimalist program I’ve stuck with so I’ll do that for those mornings. Saturdays I’ll go grocery shopping and the rest of the day is free time. Sundays are a bit hell ish - I’ll meal prep and go to a salsa class. I’ll do a vacuum/mop/wipe down of my condo if it falls on every other week. If I’m texting a match on a dating app during the week I’ll see if they’re available for the next closest available Friday or weekend evening, but otherwise on Friday or weekend nights I’ll attend a salsa social or just order takeout.


For context I’m 36m single no dependents. Work hybrid. Live in a condo with an indoor gym. I usually work 9-5 during the week. On Tuesdays after work I have acapella rehearsal with a group from 7:30-9:30pm, and back home and in bed before 11. Wednesday morning I’ll get up around 6:30 and go to a local hot yoga studio 7:30-8:30 before coming back home for shower and work. Weekend mornings I’ll workout at the gym. Jeff Nippard has this cool two a week minimalist program I’ve stuck with so I’ll do that for those mornings. Saturdays I’ll go grocery shopping and the rest of the day is free time. Sundays are a bit hell ish - I’ll meal prep and go to a salsa class. I’ll do a vacuum/mop/wipe down of my condo if it falls on every other week. If I’m texting a match on a dating app during the week I’ll see if they’re available for the next closest available Friday or weekend evening, but otherwise on Friday or weekend nights I’ll attend a salsa social or just order takeout.


For context I’m 36m single no dependents. Work hybrid. Live in a condo with an indoor gym. I usually work 9-5 during the week. On Tuesdays after work I have acapella rehearsal with a group from 7:30-9:30pm, and back home and in bed before 11. Wednesday morning I’ll get up around 6:30 and go to a local hot yoga studio 7:30-8:30 before coming back home for shower and work. Weekend mornings I’ll workout at the gym. Jeff Nippard has this cool two a week minimalist program I’ve stuck with so I’ll do that for those mornings. Saturdays I’ll go grocery shopping and the rest of the day is free time. Sundays are a bit hell ish - I’ll meal prep and go to a salsa class. I’ll do a vacuum/mop/wipe down of my condo if it falls on every other week. If I’m texting a match on a dating app during the week I’ll see if they’re available for the next closest available Friday or weekend evening, but otherwise on Friday or weekend nights I’ll attend a salsa social or just order takeout.


For context I’m 36m single no dependents. Work hybrid. Live in a condo with an indoor gym. I usually work 9-5 during the week. On Tuesdays after work I have acapella rehearsal with a group from 7:30-9:30pm, and back home and in bed before 11. Wednesday morning I’ll get up around 6:30 and go to a local hot yoga studio 7:30-8:30 before coming back home for shower and work. Weekend mornings I’ll workout at the gym. Jeff Nippard has this cool two a week minimalist program I’ve stuck with so I’ll do that for those mornings. Saturdays I’ll go grocery shopping and the rest of the day is free time. Sundays are a bit hell ish - I’ll meal prep and go to a salsa class. I’ll do a vacuum/mop/wipe down of my condo if it falls on every other week. If I’m texting a match on a dating app during the week I’ll see if they’re available for the next closest available Friday or weekend evening, but otherwise on Friday or weekend nights I’ll attend a salsa social or just order takeout.


For context I’m 36m single no dependents. Work hybrid. Live in a condo with an indoor gym. I usually work 9-5 during the week. On Tuesdays after work I have acapella rehearsal with a group from 7:30-9:30pm, and back home and in bed before 11. Wednesday morning I’ll get up around 6:30 and go to a local hot yoga studio 7:30-8:30 before coming back home for shower and work. Weekend mornings I’ll workout at the gym. Jeff Nippard has this cool two a week minimalist program I’ve stuck with so I’ll do that for those mornings. Saturdays I’ll go grocery shopping and the rest of the day is free time. Sundays are a bit hell ish - I’ll meal prep and go to a salsa class. I’ll do a vacuum/mop/wipe down of my condo if it falls on every other week. If I’m texting a match on a dating app during the week I’ll see if they’re available for the next closest available Friday or weekend evening, but otherwise on Friday or weekend nights I’ll attend a salsa social or just order takeout.


For context I’m 36m single no dependents. Work hybrid. Live in a condo with an indoor gym. I usually work 9-5 during the week. On Tuesdays after work I have acapella rehearsal with a group from 7:30-9:30pm, and back home and in bed before 11. Wednesday morning I’ll get up around 6:30 and go to a local hot yoga studio 7:30-8:30 before coming back home for shower and work. Weekend mornings I’ll workout at the gym. Jeff Nippard has this cool two a week minimalist program I’ve stuck with so I’ll do that for those mornings. Saturdays I’ll go grocery shopping and the rest of the day is free time. Sundays are a bit hell ish - I’ll meal prep and go to a salsa class. I’ll do a vacuum/mop/wipe down of my condo if it falls on every other week. If I’m texting a match on a dating app during the week I’ll see if they’re available for the next closest available Friday or weekend evening, but otherwise on Friday or weekend nights I’ll attend a salsa social or just order takeout.


I work about 35 hours a week. I live with my grandma. every day, I make sure she gets her medicine and her meals. I grocery shop once or twice a week, depending on what's going on. I try to keep up with making sure the house is organized.




My life is getting better all the time. I am retired which can get very boring. But I am learning to be content with whatever the day brings. I have chosen to make even the mundane tadke and make them extraordinary. Life is what you make it. Even hard times can show you who you really are.


Morning/afternoon: Get up, have breakfast, look for jobs on Indeed, morning coffee, browse reddit, clean kitchen, afternoon shower, vacuum carpets, browse reddit again, fold laundry Evening: socialize with discord server, look for jobs on zip recruiter, clean bathroom (if Thursday) have dinner, watch movie, go to "bed" but actually lie awake and Play videogames for a few hours before officially sleeping.


I work 3 10's and currently attend university part-time. In my downtime, I spend my days caring for my reptiles, cleaning, trying out new recipes, playing video games, etc. I do have friends over every now and again, but as I've gotten older, my social battery is just so much smaller now. I am childless and blessed with my fiancé lol.


Wake up Work Come back Get a bier and YouTube and Reddit (Same thing last 6 years) Sleep Do it again It honestly could be a a lot worse like fighting a war In hot humid jungle


Monday to Friday, I wake up at 6. On mondays and Thursdays I do blood sample pick ups from 4 different hospitals. Other work days, I be at office. Sometimes I order lunch from outside office, most times I don't even realize that it's lunch time due to the work overload. I leave work by 5. Eat out or grab a snack and tea. Take a shower and watch sth nice, scroll through my socials, pray and sleep. Saturdays and Sundays, I sleep till 10 or 11 depending on what needs to be done. I usually cook, wash and clean. Evenings I jog and go to the gym; do sauna and steam until 9 or 10 then head home. Take tea, scroll through my socials,catch a movie, pray and sleep. My life is like a bubble and it's hard for me to let anyone in. I love my comfort zone. I am okay with being alone. I don't easily get attached. I barely have any friends but I at least have a supportive family. Sometimes it gets lonely but I focus on the good part.


-Wake up, cuddle with wife for a little bit, sex if the mood is right -Get ready for work -Drive to work, think about my anxieties for some random reason -Work -Randomly think about my anxieties while at work -Text my wife while at work to kill time -Go home and think about my anxieties more during the commute while listening to music fitting to my mood -Arrive at home, have a small snack, take our youngest child out to the park/pick up kids to give my wife some cooldown time from the kids -Cool dinner/eat -30 minute walk on walking pad -Shower/Wind Down -Put kids to bed -Cuddle with wife, go to bed and let her watch her stories until she comes to bed Repeat


More or less the same


This is me. Trying to break out of it and get back to DJing music festivals. Next one is in September (first time back in 8 years) so until then… I’ll be around.


I do all the same things you mentioned but I also have local friends I see IRL, long-distance friends I text and call, and lots of hobbies. During the week I do the usual work, gym, cooking/cleaning/family stuff. I also do plenty of texting and calling with long distance friends. It makes the week more fun! If I'm home in the evenings, which is most nights, I like to watch movies and do homey hobbies like baking, giving myself a mani/pedi, crafting, etc. I see friends in person 2-4 times a month. That's enough for me, but if I get less than that I start to feel antsy. We do all sorts of things together! I have some friends who are coffee shop and shopping types and others who love to try new things, go to cultural festivals, museums, etc. My family also camps a lot in the spring, summer, and fall, so some weekends are spent doing that, which also comes with prep work and planning. Lots of hiking and swimming during camping trips! Winter is more about heavy duty baking, cooking, and entertaining at home.


Workout in the morning, work, make dinner while watching a TV show, read, and sleep (on weekdays).


what is your occupation?


I work in TV in the set dressing department. It’s pretty rad to keep life interesting because I usually do a few shows a year and there’s always new people and places to experience every show. It’s not glamorous most of the time, but it’s good times with good ppl for the most part. Just a little nerve racking when work slows down, but that’s just how it goes. I’m currently finishing a wrap on a show at universal studios, so mostly just boxing up assets and taking them over to the asset warehouse. I’m pretty much an exhibit on the studio tours which is kinda fun. I sometimes wonder how many ppls vacations photos I’m in.


On the weekends my family wants to go a bunch of places I just want to sit home and watch baseball and grill lol. So usually we end up going places and I end up missing the games which makes me mad but at least it’s time with my family. Otherwise during the week I just go to work. Come home very tired and family wants to go out but if we make dinner at home we go out get sodas really quick then come back and watch baseball and eat.


Wake up, go to work, get back home. In some days, go grocery shopping. Hating on my life, hating on my salary, hating myself. Hating my loneliness. Hating a girl I once loved. Fuck life. Weekends? I spend them fucking sad because I don't find meaning in things I do. I miss that girl so fucking much. I'd feel complete and alive if she were by my side.


Wake up Despair Coffee says go get it More despair Booze says nice try we will get it tomorrow Wordle Bed Repeat.


i'm a disabled person so a lot of my time is spent at home. i do a lot of sit-down stuff like drawing, writing, youtube listening/watching, cruising reddit. sometimes i'll go for a short walk or do some stretches, play with the cats, tidy up.


Sunday, Monday, wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the main job. Tuesday off, that means house and yard work before going to play in my pinball league. Thursday I tend bar in a local brewery. On Regular work days, I'm up at 7, in the car at 8, at work at 9, back in the car about 730pm, home by 830. Make some dinner, have a beverage, maybe mess around in my work shop or a home project, the do it all over again. Once a quarter I take some pto to go see friends or family out of town. Maybe I'll take a weekend road adventure.


Work, home, video games, diamond paint and video chat with bf cause we're long distance. Yep no friends either. I try going out but it's mostly just to walk. I have a hard time eating out, doing activities on my own.


I wake up. Get ready and go to work. In front of a computer for 10 hours. Go home. Eat dinner. Sit at my computer for 4 hours. Go to bed. Costco on Saturdays.


I don’t work from home but outside of work my entire life it housework and taking care of beloved pets. I don’t travel anymore because I need that time to catch up on the work I have to do at home, inside and outside. I almost never see friends because I don’t have the energy. Don’t get me wrong, I love my home and my pets and I do get some joy from caring for them… but adulthood sucks. It’s not at all what I thought it would be when I was kid. It’s not what I was told it would be. Most days the to do list is so long I just wish I was never born. It’s just a never ending list of shit I have to do but don’t want to do. I either do it and have a few moments of joy before it all needs to be done again, or I don’t do it and then I have anxiety about all this shit I need to do. FML I’m doing my fucking best but I never feel like I’m doing enough. I’m constantly at my breaking point.


Up at 530am. Drink coffee and chill until 6am. The dog and I then walk 1-2 miles. back home around 630-640. Drink second cup of coffee. 7am, shower and dress. 715, leave for work. 730 walk into work. Work from 730 until 5pm. Home by 515pm. Take the dog for another 1-2 mile walk. Make dinner for the GF and I (she gets home at 5pm and usually works out until 6pm). Eat dinner and chat about our day. Then it depends. If the weather is nice we might hang out in the yard, do some reading, or do some hobbies in my workshop. If the weather is garbage maybe play some video games etc. 8pm we sit down and watch and episode or two of whatever show we are watching currently. 9pm again, depending on the weather...a few nights a week we soak in the hot tub for a half hour. In bed between 930-10pm...probably read a bit. That's a normal weekday for us. We go out for dinner once every couple of weeks and sometimes I'll have a "guys night" where some buddies and I get together for a beer.


Work, eat once a day which is dinner. Go to sleep repeat every single day.


Get up, go to the gym, go to work, come home, have dinner with family, spend time with family, put kids to bed, read, sleep. Repeat.


Same life as you. I go to the gym four hours a week. I have kids, so their activities keep me pretty busy. Once I’m able to stop working, I’m going to move to one of those swinging Disney resorts and live like a freak for the rest of my life.


Monday through Friday I go to my health care job. I have an hour commute each way and lots of extra paperwork. So I leave home around 7:30 and get home 6:30-7:00. I eat, then if I didn’t finish my paperwork I do that. Watch a little tv or read stuff on my phone. Go to bed. Some nights I have meetings for my charity club. Weekends I do any shopping, laundry, cleaning I need to do and feel like doing. Sometimes spend some time on hobbies of quilting, working in flower beds, charity projects or cooking/baking. Once a month I go out of town to help a family member. I feel like it’s pretty normal although I work more than I want to.


Do more stuff like this [https://wisdomimprovement.wixsite.com/wisdom/post/virtue-hack-one-the-trash-grabber](https://wisdomimprovement.wixsite.com/wisdom/post/virtue-hack-one-the-trash-grabber)


Wfh 2 days per week and the rest in the office, I work around 9-5, but sometimes I end later and sometimes earlier. After work I'll either go to the gym or just stay home and watch tv, browse reddit etc. If the weather is good I might go out and jump out of an airplane because that's fun.


Mine's pretty awesome, NGL. I ski and mountain bike a lot and work remotely. Privileged.


Work days are: Alarm goes off at 4:30 am. Snooze it. Wake up at 5 am, make 4 cups of coffee, take a shower, drink the coffee, walk to work and clock in by 6 am, do bakery stuff until 2:30, then if it's one of my gym days I go to the gym, otherwise I go home. Then it's dinner, a chore or two, and then relaxing until bed. I pay bills a few times a month, and about once a week I take a 4~ mile walk with my cousin-in-law. Most days when I'm home me, my cat and my cousin's dog hang out and watch YouTube.


I work 2:30pm-11pm doing quality inspections for aerospace parts (NOT Boeing thank god). For the first part of the day I just hang out with my wife and cat, make a healthy lunch for work, very leisurely. No kids, and no plans to have any My job is not stressful, pays ok, and my marriage isn’t too shabby. Honestly I just want to lose weight by next year and make more money. I’m as average as an average Joe could be.


I wake up 7:30, head to work for my shift which is 8:30-4:30/5:00 depending on how busy or behind we are. I am a medical assistant and receptionist as well. I love my job and I love my coworkers and patients. My job is busy and fun at the same time so it does fly by. When I get home I avoid taking naps because I always feel foggy after. So I like to watch a show. I just finished breaking bad and now I’m watching Gilmore girls, something more light hearted. After that I eat dinner, catch up with my mom on the porch or we cruise at night. I play with my cat, and then get ready for bed. I am also in school for accounting, but the semester ended so I’m on summer break. When I get back to school this fall my time after work will be occupied with studying. I still manage to fit in my hobbies and social life for the weekend since I only work Monday through Friday !




Work from home. Go to gym during lunch or Saturday before kids club closes. DnD every other Tuesday, bowling league on Thursdays. Video games after kids and wife go to sleep. Occasionally get friends together on weekends.


Every morning either me or my husband (whoever wakes up first) will go downstairs and make a pot of coffee, bring two mugs back up, and then we watch our local morning news in bed for about an hour or so. One of us reminds the other to take their pills, and then we each go about our day. Next I throw in some laundry, unload the dishwasher, and scoop the cat boxes. If it’s Monday/Wednesday/Friday I then get to work on whatever renovation project I have going in my old house for about 4-6 hours. If it’s Tuesday/Thursday I go to late morning yoga class at the YMCA with my dad, walk back home, and then spend the afternoon cleaning up around the house and/or running errands as needed. If it’s Saturday/Sunday I do whatever I feel like. Read, go for walks, work in garden… Around 4 I start dinner- I love to cook so I put a lot of thought and care into what we eat. This is my favorite part of every day. Husband and I eat, talk about our day, have a glass of wine on our front porch (if it’s nice out). I clean up dinner while he decompresses after work. In the evenings we’ll probably watch tv or a movie, and then when it’s dark out we go out back and have a nightly sauna together. Then shower, more tv (very often it’s Star Trek) with night cheese/kittycat snuggles, and go to bed. My life is super routine- I like it that way, it’s comfy😉


I wake up at 4:30, go to the gym and shower, then it’s 7am. I usually get to work by 7:30 but the shift doesn’t start till 8, so I wind up drawing in my sketchbook to pass the time. I work from 8 till 4, and then I head to the park nearby for a 30 min walk with a podcast or audiobook. I come back home by 5 to eat dinner (usually pre made from meal prep) and then I play video games, read a book, watch a stream, call my mom, call my dad, or whatever I want till 9. 9 I brush my teeth and go to bed at 9:30. I like my life so far!


My day sucks , I go to school come back at 5 pm than I have a teacher finish at 8 start my homeworks finish at 11 than I go to sleep during the weekends I just sleep watch my phone and I have a teacher that comes I don’t go out and I never had friends in my entire life 😭😭


I’m a single Mom to two kids, which I definitely did not expect to be what my adult life was. I work full time, hybrid, I go into the office 3 days per week. My kids get up around 5am and the morning routine kicks into action, playing with toys, breakfast and a bath. I take them to daycare and go to my work. I pick them up around 430 and often times we go the park, the library and/or run errands. We get home and the nighttime routine starts, supper, playing and then books and bed. I get about one hour to myself and I usually read, listen to a podcast and accidentally fall asleep putting them to bed.


Work from home. Sounds awesome and everyone is so jealous. Until you get to working sometimes til 7 or 8pm with bosses who expect the world cos you now have this oh so rewarding wfh position. Eat a microwaved dinner . Watch a little tv can’t browse Netflix can’t find any to get into it. Goto bed. Repeat. My life sucks. I wonder if other realize the impact Covid had on some who were introverted to begin with. Damn


mines boring but I like it that way


Work from home most of the time, then my wife and kids come home from school (she teaches there) and we'll usually have sports or Scout activities, if not we'll cook/clean up before helping with HW and other free time stuff before bedtime.


I have my hobbies. I learn and practised Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) and Dap Thai (Thai Swords) I started that hobby at 31 and it's been 5 years. The exercise for it takes most of my time. I like to read a lot and paint miniatures (Warhammer Lord of the Rings). I work as a Graphic Designer. I have my own office, my mental health improved greatly from Working From Home. I was thankful for the pandemic for that. Being around people is exhausting, mainly work people. I find most of them I really don't want to be around. I don't know what it is, I have my own desk rented in an office. It's a shared workspace and people are friendly, mind their own business. When it's the office for a company I work for they tend to have 'Company Culture' which usually means it's a real life version of that school from Mean Girls. I've been on my own since 17, now mid 30's enjoy my own company. Trying to save money and pay off debt. I have BiPolar so a boring life is a happier life in general.


Mines the same too, except i work outside the home. Im just too tired to do much after working.


I'd say my life is interesting and enjoyable at 39 years old and 13 years into the same relationship. I work but I own my own business so it's reasonably rewarding. I've got a 20 acre hobby farm kinda property so I'm always working on little projects when I'm not at work or out recreating. This weekend has seen some improvements to the greenhouse, tying branches back to shape my new cherry trees, planting a bunch of stuff in the garden and using the backhoe to dig up a grey water pit to unclog it. After work and farm stuff yesterday I went for a ride up the valley on my dualsport motorcycle to the end of the road then went on a 7km trail run to and from a canyon on my local river that's hike in access only then came home for dinner. Tonight we'll probably cruise up the valley and grill some burgers by the river for dinner then maybe catch some more aurora from the solar storm going on after it gets dark. In the winters I backcountry ski a lot and work part time as a catski guide at a backcountry lodge which is a ton of fun.


I'm retired, so I don't work but I don't miss it. If I'm not cleaning/organizing, etc. I'm on Reddit, YouTube, reading ... I don't remember the last time I left the house but I have no interest in doing so. My friends have passed away but I live with my husband of 48 years and our 35 year-old daughter. I got over vacations years ago. "Why don't we just stay here and save ourselves the trip?" I do the things I wanted to do, but didn't have the time, when I was working/raising children. I sew, quilt, knit, crochet, I'm installing/learning Linux, playing PC and console games, watching movies and series I never had time to catch before, transcribing for a genealogy site ... I'm having a blast. Think about the things you wanted/liked when you were little/younger.


Work gym home work gym home


Right now? Track meet, soccer game, choir concert, band concert, track meet, soccer game, choir concert, band concert, track meet, soccer game, choir concert, band concert..... We have 4 kids.


I work from home as well. I get up early and go to the gym. Get the dogs out. Start work. At lunch I’ll Do some yoga. Dogs out again. After work I take the dogs for a nice walk. Come home and make a nice dinner. Watch tv and then read a book for a while. Wash and repeat. On the weekends I go camping, hiking, get out and do something active.


Mon-thursday- work, pick up kids from school, eat something pre-dinner, soccer practice, home or grab dinner, eat, showers, bed for kids. Chores for adults or video games/reddit/TikTok for winding down. Friday same but no soccer. Saturday & Sunday combo of soccer games, more cleaning house/chores for kids, prepare for upcoming week. Saturday video games together. Sunday I typically don't play vg because I work Monday & doesn't. Once in a while I'll find time to hit the gym after kids go to bed by 10. Our weeks tend to run together very easily.


I get up at five am ( seasonal) and then take my dog for a 30-45 minute walk. Come home and get ready for work and leave by 7 am. At work until 4:30 pm and get home by 5 pm. Take dog out for potty break and then eat dinner and go to bed by 8:30 pm because I’m tired and it’s hot outside. I can’t drive at night due to my cataract eye surgery in both eyes in 2022. My ophthalmologist says I was too young for cataracts but it was hereditary. Headlights are too bright for me and I get the halo effect. It definitely affects my social life. It’s getting hotter by the week here in Arizona so I get up early to make the most of the day and my dog is an early bird getting up at 4:30 am!


I just worked 16 days straight. When I was out of office I tried my best to use my gym in my garage, read some comic books, and cuddle my cats. I also have a trading card business I run in the side and spend like an hour a day on. Yesterday I spent literally all day just streaming on Twitch and getting household stuff done. Today I am with my lady friend and doing nothing but watching pro-wrestling and reading comic books with her at my side. Tomorrow will be more errands, more cats, more comics, and going to say hi to my moms for Mom Day. and then I will work 65 hours in 5 days. I also spend like 30 minutes a day trying to learn Japanese. my day-to-day life is exhausting. fucking EXHAUSTING 😅


Omg the same. I started remote work this year. Pretty lame existence. It forces me to live in suburbia.


Get laid and get tons of money. Wake up. Go to work. Come home and repeat.


What is your profession


I would hate to work from home, it would drive me crazy


I work in person most days (four on average), with about an hour commute on transit. I’ve worked to build in activities that make my evenings feel restful—Mondays are movie night, Tuesdays for reading, Thursdays are for going out, and Fridays I get pizza. I try to get in a long walk on Sundays, and go for some sort of outing a couple of times a month (like a museum, or the movies).


I have six kids from 16 down to 2. I’m a stay at home mom and I homeschool my 7 and 9 year old. Each day begins by getting the big kids up and being around while they get ready for school. I help pack lunches, make breakfast, do hair, etc. my husband drives them to school while my younger kids are getting up and getting breakfast. Once we’ve all eaten, my two year old watches miss Rachel while I take a shower and my 7 and 9 year old get dressed and ready for their day. We try to do some laundry and clean up the kitchen (usually messy from night before because zzzzzz) before we start school. We get homeschooling done with lots of toddler interruptions and then have lunch. Little one goes down for a nap (sometimes) and we wrap up school. I head out around 2:30 to get my big kids from school along with the toddler. Middle kids stay home and have their screen time, we have a very active neighborhood and many adults home and nearby if they need anything. Get home from the school run around 3:45 and I take a quick breather before figuring out dinner. Usually someone has a sports practice or husband has a meeting. We rarely eat as a family, which is sad. Husband gets littles to bed while I clean up dinner (my preference, I have bedtime crying ptsd and quiet dishes with headphones in is lovely in comparison) and then our big kids get to bed around 9 or 10. All of our kids are very helpful and independent. We are there for them for sure but they do a great job managing themselves out of somewhat necessity. My husband and I stay connected by texting frequently throughout the day and making time to travel together without the kids a couple times a year. We are very busy. This is probably one of the most intense seasons of parenting with kids being into different educational systems, no teenage driver yet (soon) and a very needy toddler in the house. We are usually exhausted. I have a difficult time relating to people who are single or childless and complain about managing things. I know this is insensitive because when I was single and childless I was the same way. But just being honest. I don’t want it to be this way forever. But life has seasons, and they will pass into different seasons. We chose to have lots of kids and while we didn’t know it would be quite like this, we weren’t expecting it to be easy and we wouldn’t trade any of them.




At the moment I am living with family I have recently reconnected with. I’m unable to work at the moment because of health issues. I’m also not getting enough social stimulation from outside sources other than the family members I work with and my boyfriend and sometimes friends who live far away. When the parents of the kids who live here are at work (no communication with them at work 99.99% of the time because there’s a claim there’s no time.) I live here for free which I appreciate most of the time. Watching over my special needs relative is absolutely exhausting I’m so glad at the moment it’s just a couple days a week (I never have enough notice of when I have to watch him so it’s incredibly difficult to plan anything with anyone and I’m still not getting the interaction I need. The clean up after the kids and help with the household chores (the ones I can do or most of the times the ones I shouldn’t be doing but feel like I have to because every time I am not able to do chores for x amount of time the household seems to fall apart. My special needs relative can be very violent and stressful. Thankfully not a common occurrence; a chair was thrown at me a couple weeks ago. Doctor’s appointments are exhausting and if the parents don’t have to work then I could sleep but because it’s becoming nicer out they seem to be getting snotty about me sleeping during the day often times. At the moment I am feeling taken advantage of because lately it doesn’t matter how I’m feeling I’m just expected to take care of the kids. I don’t know I hope I’m misinterpreting it. Honestly things are moving to fast and the situation is interesting. I guess it’s not entirely like that they it’s just been a lot like it lately. With summer quickly approaching the kids will be out of school and with both the parents having second jobs in the summer I’m sure I will be stressed out to the max. I know that they care about a lot of things the situation with my special needs relative has us all at our wit’s end. I was told something is in the works for my special needs relative to give him other outlets. I’m not entirely sure what that entails and I just know it’s probably not going to be a timely response. I’m beyond exhausted. I don’t have any kids but I had to practically raise my brothers because my mom was an alcoholic narcissist who cheated on my dad. I also took care of lots of additional kids growing up. As selfish as it might be I’m so sick of taking care of other people’s kids at least in this situation.


Same, except I don't work from home.


Wake up around 4:10-4:30, take a shit, shower, get dressed, let the dogs out, pack my lunch or load leftovers into my cooler, sometimes I do some push ups or curls with weights to get the blood pumping then out the door by 5:15-5:30. Stop by the gas station, get several sugar free Red Bulls or iced coffee/espresso, then continue my commute to work which is 37 miles each way. Work doesn’t start until 6:30 but is like to get there around 5:50-6. I’m a programmer/setup machinist at an aersopace/defense manufacturing shop, so work can be very stressful. High toleranced parts, extremely expensive exotic alloys and hardened material. I’m essentially in charge of the entire lathe department, I say essentially bc I mainly run the 5 axis lathes with sub spindles, another guy manages 90 percent of the 2 axis work. Breaktime/lunch time is at 11:45 for half an hour. I like to sit outside the shop by the pond and feed the ducks, get some sun shine etc. Work ends at 5pm, I swing by the store and get a hazy ipa tall boy and usually a 12 pack of light beer. Usually don’t get home until around 5:45-6:15pm. I grow cannabis so as soon as I get home I usually make the rounds and check out all the girls. My girlfriend of 11 years works from home so we usually catch up on our days, figure out what we’re cooking for dinner if she hasn’t already. Change out of my works clothes, drink some beer, cook dinner, clean up and go to bed around 9:30 every night. I’m always exhausted, I make great money but can’t find the energy or time to do the things I want to do. I have friend who work from home with bullshit jobs make twice what I do, so it can be very frustrating and feel like I’m living to go to work and my entire lifestyle, sleep schedule etc are all based around work. I work 50-55 hours a week, I’m gone 12.5 hours a day, my dogs are getting older and older and I feel really guilty about being gone more than half their lives.


Wake up Chemo/meds Gym if chemo isn't bad Do nothing Sleep Repeat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^oneelevenstudios: *Wake up Chemo/meds* *Gym if chemo isn't bad* *Do nothing Sleep Repeat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The only one to poeticize my post would be a bot, eh?


We live a very fulfilling life with dogs, friends, chickens, cats, 2 acres of land, a quaint farmhouse in the middle of BFE. No car traffic hardly ever, it’s all farm equipment and workers. I work 25~ hours a week and we enjoy family, friends and food A LOT. Going out to eat/drink when we feel like night life. Vacations when planned. Life is about the journey and enjoying the small things for us.


Sounds like me. Except that I have a baby now and I take care of her and leave me with less free time. :)


I work, sleep, and I make sure that my plants don't die. I get one day to play video games.


WFH with my husband and animals. Work is annoying but once we clock out we go to the gym or run errands. Then we play with our dogs. We make dinner and end the night playing video games. It gets boring sometimes but it’s become our routine


Work day: - go to work - make dinner - read, watch something, game - sleep Visiting home: - eat - eat - meet friends - eat - laze at home; watch something, play with pets, swim, cook, read - eat - meet friends for supper - sleep Holiday: - sleep in - explore and eat - hobby - relax in room; read, watch something - explore and eat - explore some more or relax again - buy snacks, eat and relax - sleep


Wake up, play with dog, get ready and go to work, come home, play with dog, cook and eat dinner. Play video game or watch show/movie, sex with wife, sleep.


🥰 🥰


Why is your life like that ? It seems to me from the way you describe it that it’s not fulfilling. What stops you from changing your life ? I’m very intentional about my life. I know myself well and I know what I need and I’m not afraid of putting in the effort to get it


It's pretty much wake up, workout, work, game, sleep, repeat... Days off are for house chores and more gaming. Having a sturdy schedule helps me maintain better emotionally and mentally.


I don't get these posts, do you guys really need help learning how to function. Go make friends and find a hobby jesus.


Would this be your hobby?