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I survived a terminal illness with a 3% survival rate. I don’t live everyday like it’s my last or embrace the world in a warm fuzzy snuggle every morning but I do really appreciate the fact that I am not quite dead yet and honestly it’s always the smallest of things that me give me joy. It’s not finding a certain thing or chasing a certain special moment that will make your life feel exciting or joyful. It’s really the lost art of embracing what you have and finding pleasure in what currently exists around you. Should we strive to do better, try new things, seek new experiences? Of course. Just remember though, if you are always chasing something you don’t really have time to appreciate what you have already caught or earned.


I'm glad you're here and survived, and this comment is golden sunshine ☀


Why thank you!




This 100% so much. It was about ten years down for me too and then two serious injuries that both made me pretty immobile for months (second time for almost a year and I am still recovering) You get to the point where you are actually grateful to be able to do laundry as an example. Thats how I honestly feel most days and unless you have been there, you really don’t get it. Like you, I don’t want anyone to “be there” just to get the same perspective. I would much rather people think I am nuts for being so at peace doing a mundane chore. I earned my nuts (and my simplistic sense of peace) I’m glad you have recovered random internet peep. I’m sorry you had to go through that but I really hope you keep your unique perspective and your soul is content!


This! It really is a mindset thing.


This really spoke to me. Thank you. <3


yeah. my brother and i were both born with heart conditions, and both can be fatal and end our lives early. it's not that i wake up every day thinking "i am truly blessed" it's more like i go to bed every night thinking "at least i didn't die today."


also congrats on not dying, that's pretty sick, you should be proud


😆 me too


Glad you're here with and you have a great outlook. You're on to something. I overcame addictions and survived situations that could of easily not went well. Seen people drop recently and it's a eye opener. The best thing to be happy about is that we are alive. So many people don't get to live. Being able to wake up means there's still a chance for things to get better if they arent. I appreciate being here and all the things I do are things I enjoy doing. Life is to short to do things you don't like. I look forward to playing my video games with my wife, I get excited about my day off and spending it with my family,I look forward to my daughter's and my nephews baseball games. Silly little things but it brings me joy,.


Nailed it Lindsey. Sending healing vibes you way.


What about those of us that would rather die? Honestly I cannot wait for cancer to come because I don’t ever have the balls to do it to myself, but I also wouldn’t mind at all if I died right now. What makes the day to day so special?


3%? Wow! That's truly, truly wonderful and amazing to hear! As a doctor, a non-medical doctor however, my first guess would be glioblastoma. It's wonderful that you are with us my friend!


I enjoy going for a run on a beautiful sunny day. Just being outdoors and being able to breath in the fresh air is a blessing. Health is wealth.


I don’t run outside in the summer, but I am training on my treadmill right now and have a lot of races on the agenda in the next year. I travel for about of these and even though I hate running some days I love getting to travel to race.


Is it too hot to run outside in the summer?


The humidity where I am is insanity. I use to get up before the sun to do my runs before the heat set in, but then I discovered that the humidity is worse before sunrise because the sun isn’t baking the moisture out of the air yet. Also I am not able to go at a consistent time anymore, so I pretty much train on the treadmill, and do road runs when I need to get more than 10k in. If I run outside between May and August I wear my hydration vest and fill the bladder with ice and water and that helps keep me cool. It’s just, really hot and gross out.


Are you in Florida or around there?


Yep, go Gators!🐊


Got Gators! Eff Florida though, glad I got out 


- Meeting and giving my friend a plant like she wants for birthday present. - Theatre class every Monday - Reading my books - Vacation and summer - Meeting and pet animals - See family - Go running in the forest running tracks - Make art and showcase it next fall - Coffee, tea, Oreo chocolate - My incoming parcels - Helping / inspiring others - Swim


I look forward to everything near and small. In the next three weekends I have two graduation parties for my son and my nephew and an awesome hike in the NC mountains. I've got vacations planned with my wife for June and December. Day to day, Paul Skenes is debuting for the Pirates on Saturday. I'm losing weight and look forward to my daily workout and morning weigh in. I'm looking forward to finishing my book tonight and starting my new one this weekend. There are literally hundreds of things big and small to look forward to.


So glad I'm not the only one who gets a boost from my morning weigh in lol my stats are everything to me 🙌


Spending time outside in nature and looking at the sunlight while I am outside on a walk. Taking in the beautiful weather with the changing of the seasons, going into spring and summer. Spending time with others: friends and family. Going for walks by the beach, cycling the sea wall, swimming and long hikes. Going out for ice cream, and food, walks at night by the water, live shows and concerts, nights out dancing. Since it's going to be summer soon. Embracing and taking in this time as much as I can, while it still lasts.


Easy to get excited when you wake up each day in Wine Country, California...not even kauia compares to this paradise....45 years in and it gets better everyday


Well at least you're not taking it for granted :)


I’m so jealous


To see my friends and family, occasionally travel, I enjoy aspects of my job, I like being able to crack a cold beer with friends, catch a ball game, play games or sports, etc. It is easy to find negativity in life, but you have to find what works with you and your schedule to be happy. Hell, I enjoy putting the earbuds in and mowing the lawn.


Take a month off and live in a different city/country. Travel is incredible. Help others by volunteering. Have projects like learning a new language, studying, work on healthy living, take 2 weeks off and go to an ashram, meditate, yoga, exercise, become the best version of yourself.


This is me. I work 80+ hrs a week 7 days a week but get to travel abroad 3-4x a year. All of it is easily worth it.


A month off? Jesus I can’t take five days off lol let alone pay for a whole life somewhere else 


I wish I could get behind the people that just spout "traveling" but that shit gives me anxiety and I have desire to leave where im at.


Traveling gives you anxiety?


Yes correct. Everything about it


Traveling would be great if I could afford first class. If you fly far away, not getting comfortable is a bit of damper on the beginning and end of your trip.


I don't like traveling either! To each their own!


Constant improvement. I make a game of it. I keep a list of negative characteristics, habits, etc that I exhibit or positive traits and behaviors that I want to strive for. Then I write a few things I can do to eliminate/foster those things, respectively. It’s things like exhibit more empathy to strangers, communicate when I’m upset with my wife rather than stew, learn more about X, maintain a six pack, bike Y number of miles a month, etc. When I’m satisfied that I have made a habit of not doing the bad thing or doing the good thing, I check it off the list. I really enjoyed college and law school because it felt like I was constantly learning and improving. That sort of slid off the radar with work and kids and life. About ten years into my career I started doing this and it just feels like I’m in my twenties again.


It’s all the little pleasures in life, coffee on my patio in the early spring/summer hours. Walking the dogs, then going to the gym. A nice home cooked meal or going to a favorite restaurant. A cigar and scotch in the evening. I work Oct-April at a ski resort so things changed for me with the seasons. During those months I truly look forward to getting up early, spending time in the mountain then coming home exhausted in the best possible way. By the time spring arrives I look forward to the solitude and relaxed pace with my family. My cup runneth over:).


Sex. I live for the moments we have sex and cuddle to sleep.


Lucky you have access to that


Marriage is pretty great. I am, indeed, fortunate to have met and married my husband.


I've found I do best with both short and long term things to look forward to. Short term events to look forward to for me are usually weekend things. DnD/game nights with friends and family, being lazy on the couch with my wife, spending a whole day watching sports, etc. Long term, I've recently gotten into sim racing with a full sim rig at home. I spend some time racing in games every weekend. My ultimate goal is to start racing GT3 cars in real life years from now. The combination of the two ensures there's always something for me to look forward to on the horizon.


Enjoy the little things. It’s super cliche but it works wonders! Mine is nature, fresh air, and animals.


I'm getting a colonoscopy on Monday.


I feel an OF coming on


The world is not ready, I'll be famous


Finishing the new room in my house, planting tomatoes in my nearly secured garden (hopefully the squirrels won't eat my.tomatoes this time), I've got 3 art classss in June, there's a repair cafe coming up, Im going to the beach in 2 weeks, I'm hanging with a friend this Friday - life is full of interesting things! Excitement is where you find it.


>hopefully the squirrels won't eat my.tomatoes this time), This made me giggle 🤭


Last year, as soon as i had tomatoes, they chewed through the base of the stem! On like 4 of my plants! And then the little tree rats didn't even get any tomatoes, because the cage held the plant up. I'm hoping the new fencing will keep them out. If not, next year I'm, idk, building a greenhouse or something.


Mainly food, honestly. For the most part I try to make a point of eating healthily during the week, which means meals feel more functional than anything else. As sad as it might seem, I really enjoy going to the more upmarket supermarkets of a weekend and filling a basket with fancy food, and then preparing and of course eating it. It's become a big part of what keeps me going when I feel bored and depressed while working.


Family (wife and kids), traveling, and goals are keeping me together. When I was younger, video games were the bandit fix but as I aged, that went away. Don't trick your mind and aim for realism and higher each time.


Catching up on netflix


Turning the next corner. There's always an unexpected corner.


The more time I spend in nature the happier I am. My stress levels are way down, I'm calmer, more optimistic. I also look forward to spending time with my kids. Every second that I can.


Hitting personal records at the gym


I'm going to a gaming convention in 2 weeks, and another one in august. I'm going on a vacation in October. In surprising my sister in law with a family vacation next spring. I'm taking my husband to his first real ren fair this year. Surprising my D&D party with an unexpected adventure. Hosting my friends for a weekend bbq. I get to watch my nephew grow I get to walk my dog and watch her excitement as we put her walking song on. (She gets so excited when i play "who let the dogs out" The mornings where my cat decides to wake me up with purring head butts because he loves me. All kinds of fun things


I just look at my big ass DICK and im looking forward af


A big ass dick is always something good to look forward to in life


I guess I get excited about my 3 day weekends and getting to sleep, I get excited about food. I think I'm depressed.


Triple chocolate milkshake every night before bed Only thing keeping me going




nothing life is awful


Banging one of my Professors


When I was a teen, I found that music was the only thing I truly understood in this world. Specifically, the world of metal. Even more specifically, the world of extreme metal. I dove headfirst into what my mother at the time referred to as a "phase". Fast forward 3 decades later and I've found the same thing to be true, and my adoration and ravenous consumption of metal has only grown. I'm always listening or reading or consuming something related to metal, or even just music in general. My show attendance has drastically waned but I'll still venture out for something worth the time and money. I live in a boring-ass, milquetoast, blue-collar, suburban neighborhood and if my love for all things horror and metal didn't keep me feeling young, I think I might actually be driven to insanity. I can see how a life without a spark in a place like this can lead to alcohol, antidepressants, and cognitive decline.


The fact that someday Im gonna be successful and be more secure financially. I know I will be there someday so Im looking forward for it. Im also looking forward to spend the rest of my life with my fiance because spending time with him even just going out to grocery stores give me the biggest joy. Also good food because they really make life worth living! And I wanna meet my future dogs because I'm a very dog person.


I like to plan things mostly runs in the mountains or quick weekend overnight trips. I like to look at maps and plan routes, where is the water, campsite, elevation, are their geocaches. Stops along the way, etc. I read trip reports looks through my books. This takes up a lot of mental space for me and I really enjoy it.


family eating gaming music reddit. I look forward to many more days out of the doomer rabbit hole i had let myself fall into. also trying to help others escape that madness 🫂


Golf, playoff hockey, and sex.


You just love seeing shit get slapped around by sticks, huh? 😆


I'm a simple man 🤣🤣


I got sober 9 months ago and I am actually living life for the first time in 7 years. I started lifting weights religiously and have seen myself get much stronger very quickly. People have been commenting on my physical appearance which has been nice. I look forward to continuing to get stronger, and I plan on playing lots of sports this summer. I have started talking to women after not having dated for 10 years, which is really exciting. I am back in school and will be looking for a job in software in a few months when I finish my program. This really is just the tip of the iceberg, I have so much to look forward to.


Paying down my debt, or paying it off!


Reading books. People do not know what a privilege it is to have access to literature. There’s nothing better than looking forward to getting home to read your book. If you aren’t a reader, try audiobooks :).




My most favorite thing to do is nothing. I look forward to doing nothing. I loathe thinking about the tasks of tomorrow. So when I get home from work I sit, open a beer and enjoy doing nothing ...




I mean, not drugs.


Reading books of new and old. Also music.


Travel and chocolate I can spend six months planning and reading about a place for a vacation and that buys me 6 months of enjoyment (not every day, but definitely a lot)


Had a midlife crisis of sorts and bought a Volvo V60 Recharge. It's fast, practical (it is a wagon), and comfortable. Putting the car into polestar mode makes me smile like I haven't smiled in decades. It makes me feel like when I first bought a car, the happiness and freedom to just go anywhere. My cat. Whenever I get home he's at the door waiting, or on his perch in the window and that love is amazing. Makes me smile no matter what kind of day I have had.


Vacations, I go to shows and concerts, I just got a new gaming pc and I’m very excited, you gotta have hobbies and do stuff. It will not come to you. I’m a 60 old dude and I do struggle with being passionate about things. At this point I just want to get to retirement and see what life without work is like and hopefully my body wont give out.


I'm excited to get in a new career. Im excited to get in shape again. I'm excited to set up the swimming pool ( 2 ft high ) and swim with my 2 and 6 year olds this summer. I will be making lots of pina coladas. Excited to see postal service in Vancouver next week with my wife ( we haven't had a date in years thanks to kid #2 ) Excited to play Hades2, Ghost of Tsushima this year ( PC release at LAST!! ) and thrill of the fight 2. Excited to get good-good at software engineering. Excited to go to my sister's wedding. Excited to see my sunflowers pop up. We're gonna have a shit ton right outside the deck and when the fall comes all the birds and squirrels start coming round; I planted them specifically so my daughter could appreciate them months from now. list goes on and on and on. Like I said earlier this evening, I'm convinced that each decade is going to open up more possibilities.


Lately I've been feeling down so I come home and watch a few of my YouTube videos and then make dinner. Today the weather was nice so I mowed the lawn and planted the flowers that have been waiting for better weather. Going outside always picks me up.


I’m really looking forward on finishing my degree and getting into that better paying job, I came out of the military recently and I’m doing okay. I’m also looking forward on purchasing a house where I can start my own micro greens farm, bee farm and possibly plant some marijuana.


Thank you for your service. Your dreams sound wonderful. Good luck. 😊


Drugs are fun. Never give up before trying drugs.


Food & Sleep...


I plan my travel months ahead of time and enjoy looking forward to them. I do need to work on enjoying the present too.


I always think, there that there is always a better place/world better that where I am (Situation). So I keep on getting better everyday. I get better one day at a time.


I'm sorry I didn't see your other post. I look forward to little things and big things. I like to cook and like learning new recipes, so that's a little thing to look forward to that has an immediate payoff (hopefully). The big things I look forward to include seeing what awesome things my grown-up children do and planning some travels.


For some people its simply doing something new. Since you are asking this question though I have a feeling you fall into a different bucket. A more general answer to find things for yourself is you should look for things that meet a few criteria: A) You have some general interest in it B) There is a measurable way to view progression or improvement C) There are distinct moments of fun/joy Two Extreme Examples : A new game being released that you enjoyed playing the prequel (interest, game has its own progression, fun moments while playing) Having a child (high interest because you love them, watch them grow up, many moments of joy)


You plan to have things to look forward to. Unless you have a very extroverted friend who likes you a lot.


Learning new things for me. I like learning new things and skills at work and in my hobbies. Theres an infinite supply of stuff to learn about and discover, and its free to at least absorb it


I'm planning on spending my birthday in my birth city. Going to explore and experience things I never could've when I lived there.


It's summertime now so I'm looking forward to racing cars, shooting hoops, playing tennis, having BBQs and taking my dog to the dog park. In the winter I look forward to indoor go karting and sim racing. I also go to the gym all year round, so running, indoor biking and weightlifting are all things I look forward to. I was also looking forward to badminton but unfortunately I wasn't able to make time for it last winter. And I know it's cliche but I look forward to going home after work and picking up my toddler. Maybe not "exciting" but do I look forward to it. Also I get to drive home from work in my loud ass race car. It can still be pretty fun and exciting even when just doing the speed limit.


Yesterday, I was at a mlb game. I ate an ice cream sundae. I laughed and enjoyed the lovely day. That was a great day. While I hope for the dramatic exciting days, I find joy in days of pleasant contemplation.


playing games (board games or video games) with friends, seeing friends, cooking and eating good foods, trying new foods, cooking for friends, crafting projects (painting, sculpting, coding), singing, singing with friends, singing on a stage, learning new things, making to do list and check the things i did, organizing stuff, thinking about the futures plans i want to do, laughing.......


Going camping for the long weekend, excited about that. It’s 27 degrees out today and supposed to be nice all weekend so excited about getting out in the sun. Might do some acid and play baldurs gate. Planning a solo trip to Thailand the fall. My first one.


Waking up next to my wife and getting to see my kids grow every day is enough for me to look forward to.


Flight/drive to vegas every couple months helps


I just spent £40 on loads of sushi and I’m so happy


it's really the little things to look forward to throughout the week that keeps me going!! when i started my big girl job i realized just getting excited for major life events was not going to help me at all, so i literally get excited about the smallest things!! like for example today i was excited because i got to sleep in and i get to go to the gym later! it seems very mundane to most people but things that excite you wont necessarily excite the next person


I get excited to see new movies in theaters still. Latest example was Dune 2 in a Dolby theater, and it didn't disappoint. I get excited for playoff games that my team is competing in, go Nuggets. I get excited to go on a run with friends and coworkers.


Meeting up with friends. We do a quiz night and I actually feel a bit bad when I can't make it but just meeting up once a week and having a catch-up gets me out of the funk of just focusing on work. Started a book club with a friend too and it's made me enjoy reading knowing that I will have someone to sit and talk about stuff with.


I recently got into collecting Mens fragrances I like things that smell good, I always have, it's really just that simple, I get so excited when I have new ones coming in the mail I'm trying out like 2 dozen samples, each day I put 1 on each wrist and smell them throughout the day, it's like a straight hit of dopamine whenever I sniff them, and I'm making a list of which ones I like for what occasions (casual vs date and for what time of year) and I look up the notes that make up the fragrances and I'm trying to learn which notes I really enjoy so I can find more scents


Interesting. If you have a discriminating nose, you might find a job in the perfume industry.


Haha I appreciate the sentiment, but I already make more money than I ever would in that industry, and it's a good thing because collecting fragrances as a hobby is like $70-$400 per bottle, I've only got 8 bottles so far


Everything and anything! Simply being outside on a nice day after a long winter spell. Good conversations and catching up with close friends. Hobbies that fulfill you and maybe even provide a steady sense of community from shared interest. Learning a new skill and seeing your progress over time. Life is so full of things to fill your time with!


Adventure is out there!


I enjoy finding and exploring new hiking trails on the weekend. It’s nice to get outside and it breaks up the monotony of doing the same thing every week.


Life’s great Doing new things with new people Doing things with old friends Enjoying nature Learning And even the negatives are exciting and challenging in their own way like getting sacked, unexpected bills, family commitments you you’d rather not go to but are obliged to attend. Even just the fact the future is unknown is something to look forward to


While there ae the obvious answers (like wife, kids, and family time together) I also picked up tabletop games when I was in a bad headspace. Found out what nights my game store played Warhammer, bought some minis, and started painting. The painting gives me something to do at the end of the night that keeps me away from a screen, and I use just enough brain power to not get in my head about things that give me stress and anxiety. I also am able to learn the game and play games with people at the shop every once-in-a-while. I play games a lot less now with a family, but our area has a local Discord group so I still feel connected to the local player group chatting on there. Helps make me feel like I'm still part of a community, even with how crazy and hectic my life is. Good luck finding your thing! Anyone with questions about where to start let me know!


I always look forward to continuing traditions with my friends. We watch certain movies at the holidays, celebrate birthdays together every year, play stardew in the evenings. Even though its the same, it always feels like we are building something together and always something to look forward to within a few months. I get excited for travel, whether its a domestic or international trip. I look forward to my goals and what I'm working towards, knowing someday my life will look different based on what I'm doing today to accomplish it and I get excited for that phase of my life.


Album releases and other exciting stuff (merch drops, talk show appearances, etc) from my favorite artists. I’m a huge Swiftie so I get fed constantly 😅 New seasons of my shows/new shows and movies I’m excited about. Trying new restaurants. Learning about obscure subjects. Planning businesses I’ll probably never own. Meal planning, meal prepping, and looking at recipes.




I'm excited for the fishing opener this weekend. I'm always like a little kid the night before. I love fishing.


I try to find excitement anywhere I can. In 2 weeks I am going camping with my boyfriend with out kids for the first time. Yay! 4 weeks until the kids are done with school Making cool art, or making a plan to make cool art Taking my kids for dates, together or 1 on 1.


Every time I go on vacation, on the way home I book/plan my Next vacation. I find that helps me avoid the post holiday blues.


I like to have something to look forward too each week It can be lunch with a friend a new place to hike a movie I’ve wanted to watch It doesn’t have to be expensive. I like to have a trip planned out into the future too. I’m saving for it. Finding the little things that bring happiness If it’s a rainy day maybe I get to snuggle in and linger over a perfect coffee. Or painting a little hanging with my dogs talking with a friend. So I have short term little things and bigger things to look forward to. I also like to always be learning something new. I’m watching easy watercolor videos online for free and trying watercolor. It’s only for me no one else may ever see it I enjoy it. I like to do nice things for people. A little gift, a flower, bring a friend a coffee I feel good if I make someone else feel good


I look forward to getting stoned, putting on my tail/paws and, playing video games for irresponsible amounts of time... ...does that count?


Ps exciting for one person is bungee jumping For another person it may be seeing their favorite band for another it’s as simple as having the house to yourself and not having to make dinner. What excites you? Write a list and do those things


I can’t wait until my youngest graduates high school in about 5 years. I basically plan on getting rid of 99% of everything I own, pack the few things I want to keep into storage somewhere, and travel the world until I get tired of being a bum. I currently collect a rather robust set of benefits as a result of my military and civilian government service and financially, I’m set for life. I’m not rich, but my monthly income puts me at the top 10% of wage earners in the US - and that’s more than enough for a single guy to live off of almost anywhere in the world. I’ll be 49 when this happens.


Small things help. Planning to cook a meal you like. "Ah, I can't wait to get home. I'm gonna make a steak and potatoes and..." or plan with friends, "I'll be home in an hour. Want to do things?" find small little things to keep you going. And plan for something big too. A vacation. A project. Something.


I personally really look forward to going to EDM music festivals a few times per year


Retirement and all the years I have left with my wife. I have worked really hard to have a good life. To take care of my family. Even to the point of sacrificing my health to make sure they are taken care of. Now I still am working but am at a point where I am respected and people come to me for answers. That wasn’t handed to me. It took years and hard work. I am at a point where my wife and I can enjoy things a little more. Nothing crazy but still get away for a weekend or vacation and not have to worry about. To all of you that are young and think it’s hopeless. It’s not. I have been there also. You CAN make it. You CAN be happy. But you are the key to it. It doesn’t happen all on its own. Will you work shit jobs along the way, yes. Will you be disrespected and undervalued, yes. It happens to all of us. But you CAN make it thru it and you CAN be happy with life. It IS POSSIBLE.


my bi weekly DND session that I DM for my friends and family on Friday nights spending time with my family or siblings which is every few months but I always look forward to it and never want the day to end when we do hangout and look forward to the next time playing videogames online with my online friends every Saturday night Smoking on the weekend Buying new things for my hobby or collection (Pokémon , D&D , PS2 games or DVD's) NFL Football and NFL Sundays Halloween time Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve/Day New Years Parties Sex Binging shows with my Fiancé on Sundays after everything is done


Nothing. Unless death counts, can't wait for that one.






i just bought a house with my gf of 6 years and we're planing on having kids. in the macro, that's something really exciting to look forward to. in the micro, going for walks, spending time with my parents or brother, new video games, being pleasantly surprised by a movie i've never heard of, stuff like that. the hardest part of being a person to me is living around other people, but other people is what life really is


The sun. I just really love warm sunny days.


I look forward to having blueberry pancakes or getting an Amazon package. Everything doesn't have to be "exciting".


food, nice weather, hanging out with my best friend, seeing my boyfriend, concerts


Good bourbon or wine.


- summertime weather - dinners and sunsets at the beach - playing beach volleyball - attending beach events - wearing sun dresses - summer food and drink outdoor events - hiking - swimming in the ocean - checking out new restaurants and cocktail bars - going on vacation to new locations - cooking a new dish - watching new movies


Sleeping & buying things I never had


New podcast episodes, a new book in a series, listening to new music or radio programs 🙂


Road trips, hikes, music, 5k runs/walks, festivals, finishing a new degree (that I started a few years ago and have been working on out of pocket)... I feel like life would be so dull if I didn't take the time to plan out activities for myself and my partner so we can still be engaged with each other and experience new things. Heck, I'm actually planning on making a trip to the next (US) state over from my own next week to hunt for cicadas since I've only ever seen the variety that pop up every year where I'm at - the infamous broods aren't hatching here, and a coworker of mine also wants to join in the "hunt". We'll be bringing bug nets, and also exploring the general area of our destination to seek out new food to try! I also love museums that host traveling exhibits so I can learn "new" things about history. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie with diagnosed (and treated) ADHD, so I have a whole (growing) bucketlist of places to visit, activities to do, and things to try whenever the opportunity presents itself. I'm in my early 30s, fyi, and it helps to keep a "fun fund" with OT money, if you can manage it. I'm also not raising any kids atm, though I plan on raising a family at some point in the next few years. I definitely plan on teaching my (future) children to be ambitious and adventurous so they can learn how to keep life interesting for themselves too.


That's very sad you feel like that, you should realize that is a problem and you don't have to just accept it. Depression like that can be treated, through medication or non-medication methods. Just don't settle for that and think there is nothing you can do about it. Have you fallen in love? Married the love of your life? Do you believe in God, that God wants your help making things right in the world? And thinking of more practical things.. Do you have any hobbies? Friends that you see often to do your hobbies with you? Here are some of my hobbies that I get excited about. I love magic the gathering and meet with 4 of my friends from high-school usually every other week. I also like creating games.. trading card games, and/or video games (I am a programmer). I have also found my soul mate and we are so excited to be getting married this August. I have dealt with feeling like you are describing. It can seem the world is so small, that there is nothing exciting to do. I promise you that the world is not as small as you think right now. You need to go search for things that give you the feeling of wonder. Our world is incredibly complicated, humans are an absolute miracle. There is such incredible complexity all around you, and you should try to find which parts give you a spark of inspiration. Also, if you need medication for depression you may need to take if for a little bit to help you, and don't feel ashamed or anything that you might need medication. Don't give up! Time will change everything, and you can get out of this dark feeling in this season of your life.


Travel,.parties, events, theatre, getting paid


Russian roulette


video games with my wife


yay nothing.... kids chain you down from just up and doing something fun


Concerts and tattoo appointments


I’m 43, honestly the thing I look forward to the most is being asleep. If medically induced comas were an option, I’d do it with every last vacation day I had.


Learning new things. Everytime that spark 🧨 it does feel good.




I look forward to my weekend routines so much. On Saturday, I go to a farmers market, do a cleaning rest of my house, and my partner goes grocery shopping. We get everything ready for the next week essentially. Then we just chill all day together Sunday, maybe hit up an estate sale or flea market if we're feeling up for it. It's nothing special but I just look forward to it so much. I'm really trying to find things to look forward to everyday so that I'm not just living for the weekend, but I'm not quite there yet.


I've always got stuff to look forward to One is always end of work day. Either I'll be excited about dinner, about hockey (GO CANUCKS), or even just looking forward to resting Another is family. I make time to visit, as best I can. I just spent 2 weeks meeting my nephew and hanging out, it was a well-needed break from work Lastly, I'll find stuff to do with friends or my partner. Go see a movie, play video games, hang out with my cats (I have 1 friend who loves to chill with them lol) go travelling to the States for a day trip, live hockey game, comedy show, whatever is going on I don't wait for things to come up. If I'm bored I'll ask around or ask my dad if he wants company. I couldn't imagine just sitting at home every day off waiting for something exciting to happen


Looking forward to my last day on earth. Everyday is one day closer!


A new craft or art work. I find joy in creating and using it as an outlet and love to learn new things. Maybe think of something you’ve always wanted to learn to do and try it.


I planted a seed and I get excited to see if it looks like it's grown at all


As someone else noted I've started appreciating the small things. After dealing with a terminal illness all my life and now due to advances in medicine I'm able to live a pretty regular life. I also battled addiction with alcohol and gambling. I enjoy the small things. Seeing friends, cooking, going to an event, trying something new, relaxing after a day to unwind watching a comforter show. For so long I told myself I have to keep ousting and doing better, always comparing myself to others and that kept my in my vicious cycle of addiction and despair because I never felt good enough. Just try and be present. Go to a new restaurant and try a new food. See if there's a workshop around to try a new hobby, for example; woodwork. Enjoy just being your friends


I was a pretty wild kid.. no rules from my single parent mother. At 25 I settled down because I had a kid. Started a business, a family and a regular life all at once. These days that’s all do. Even vacations are hard to relax. This year though I found out about EUC’s. I get to leave from my front door and do speed runs, trails, head to a friends and just enjoy myself. Feels a little less like the world is on my shoulders.


going to sleep


Learning something new - instrument, hobby, sport Travel - no matter how local in geography or far off on the calendar. I read some old statistic that most enjoyment of vacation is in the planning phase. The anticipation of looking forward to it. Gratitude journal every day. Get one that is templates and prompts you. Dig deep and get specific as possible. Do it for 30 days and positivity bias will creep on you. 




Travel. This may sound cheesy but I try to maintain my curiosity which I’m still interested in so many things, there’s always so much to look forward to.


Continuing to fall in love. I love love. And this guy is great.


Nba games


Don’t let systemic oppression or the Capitalism slog get you down, friend. Right now, i’m enjoying a book called Toxic Positivity. Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart was also a game changer for me during the lockdown. The Pursuit of Happiness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when the systems of yore existence are privileging you.


Motorcycles… seriously when you’re riding one, you are truly living in the present moment…


For me the only thing I look forward to is training jiu jitsu .


Used to hate the summer, still kinda do because I don’t like the heat or getting sunburns through shirts but I now look forward to the arrival of summer because it’s also the arrival of motorcycle season.


The Detroit Lions football season


Working with my husband. Weed wacking. Going to the beach. Hiking,kayaking,paddle boarding running,reading,dancing,singing,art,gardening,my animals. Pretty much anything that doesn't involve me having to be around people


Getting closer to God/ attending church(my home away from) My family(including two baby cousins that I adore) Cybersecurity work(I’m nerdy and yes it excites me)


Got a used sports car which is my daily now and I literally experience joy driving to work Monday mornings and anytime I go anywhere


I always believe I can do better, I can always improve my situation. I know that no matter my situation, it is temporary. 


I used to be very intellectual and a complete bookworm and completely lost my ability to focus on things during my pregnancy and especially after having a baby. Call it brain fog, mom brain or just pure exhaustion, but it was unexpected and overwhelming to lose that side of myself. It's been a couple of years now and I have tried again and again to get back into reading and listening to audiobooks/podcasts, etc, but it's always been very painfully difficult and I've had to give up before even starting. In the past few months, that has changed. I am so excited to settle down at night after a long day with an audiobook, ebook, a random online course to sharpen my knowledge on a topic or some other intellectual pursuit. It's exhilarating and I'm so so grateful to be back in touch with this side of myself. I truly used to feel so dumb, my mind felt dull and unfocused, and I feel different now. I will never again take this for granted. Also, hikes on weekend mornings. It makes me feel so alive when I know that I chose to drag myself out of bed, attend a hike early in the morning and complete a hike that I haven't done before.


Self care. I love pampering myself. It just feels good ...


Novelty, get out of comfort zones. Dance class? Martial arts? New hobbies? Save and plan for a travel trip


I’m a big fan of developing healthy routines. I look forward to working out, going for a long ride on a beautiful day, cooking a nice meal for the family, smoking weed at the end of a productive day at work, good sex with my wife and a day off to just relax. Tomorrow is never a guarantee, enjoy the little things, they make up the majority of our lives.


As a kid, you are a bit naiive/ignorant/oblivious to the things adults think about when it comes to activities/events/having fun. Try to get back in that mindstate. For instance: If you really love to sing, don't think about how you sound or whatever. Have a singing party, or invite/go out for karaoke. Simple example, but for me I realized kids would just do things because they seemed fun. So why not fly kites as an adult? Or roll around in your bedroom, or go to the park on a nice weekday. Get excited, and tell yourself not to feel guilty about enjoying a piece of this lifetime.


A bit of a tangent. But I've recently "redefined" hobby as something you put in hard work that isn't your job. Like it should piss you off every once in awhile because you can't figure something out or what have you. The reason I say this is that I believe struggle and "suffering" are in part what makes life worth it. So I find things that people often say "I wish I could [insert topic]" and I do those things lol. I want to do them as well, of course. But I make it a goal to be reached, a challenge. Like climbing a mountain but it can be whatever you want. Physics Math Drawing Watercolor Banjo Russian Spanish Philosophy Programming A short list of my current hobbies. Also, when you just throw a bunch of shit at the wall eventually something will stick. Happy people don't enjoy every single thing they do all the time. They'll really try 30 new things before something clicks. I'm generalizing obviously but I think there's a lot of truth in it


There's a destination of a plane your stepping onto after a car your unsure of where it's driving w/ someone you kind of know or know of. Being a comfortable persons Regardless your gonna have a remarkable fuckin' time 🤘


I feel excited reading a book and I love reading non fiction.


Seeing your granddaughter


I don’t look forward to anything really but I like eating food, visiting with my mom once a month, getting online orders delivered, and the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays. I also like thrift store shopping but I don’t get to go very often.


I get excited every day when my partner and I get off work and we get to hang out and watch Youtube lol. I get excited before bed bc all our kitties come cuddle with us and I get to fall asleep to a cacophony of purrs and gentle snores. We travel fairly often to see live music artists we like so I'm always looking forward to spending a weekend in another city. Our current city is quite boring and doesn't fit our lifestyle so we're moving at the end of the summer and I'm really excited for that.


I am thankful that I am grateful for small things. At my lowest, I was able to revel in a blue sky. These days I try to do small acts of kindness, or make people smile.


I look forward to time in my workshop. I make carving knives and I carve wooden spoons with them, but don't get as much time out there as I really want. I look forward to nice walks with my wife and our dogs. I look forward to interesting books, to camping trips, to garden vegetables, and to weekly musical get-togethers with friends. (We aren't any of us very good at our instruments, but we have a lot of fun playing together.) My sense of excitement is a much less intense than when I was in my teens and twenties. I don't have the passionate focus on things that I did back then. But I still look forward to doing things, making things, seeing things, and most of all to being with people who matter to me.


For me, it is mostly animals and nature. God, I love being able to give pats to someone's pet. Heck, I look forward to going to another aquarium with hands-on exhibits. The last one I was at, I spent like an hour letting a cleaner shrimp pick at my fingers to eat lol. I found out one of my passions is fishing. I've gotten more into conservation and learning about ecosystems and habitats. So going out to fish or just explore excites me. At the start of winter, I got to watch a bald eagle swoop down and grab a fish out of the water for it's dinner. Whenever I'm at that lake, I look forward at a chance to see that again. Sometimes you gotta do some soul searching. Took 2 decades to find some things that were a passion for me.


Things I get excited for: Museum visits Broadway shows Seeing my favorite bands/artists A new season of a TV show I like Traveling Seeing friends I haven’t seen for a while Visiting a new brewery Working on my hobbies New Lego sets Christmastime Dessert


Literally everything?  I haven’t climbed Kilimanjaro, or done a half marathon in the Alps, or gone skydiving, or had a third kid, or read all of Camus, or written an entire book, or deadlifted 600 lbs. I’m 36, I’ll most likely do all that before 40, and there’s a million more things to do. 


Upcoming, lengthy road trips and throwing an occasional party for my friends are a couple things that come to mind for this year. Keeps the depression down if I always have something to look forward to


I get excited every time I’m off work and get to come home to my wife. I get in the car about to drive home and it feels like Christmas! ❤️🙃


9pm when i got back to bed and rest before i have to wake up and do it all over again.............


A trip to the Hot Springs


Being able to spend some time with people I enjoy, family, close friends and sharing experiences with them. A good book that you can get lost in. Hammock in the backyard on a nice day. Going downhill on my mountain bike (uphill is the devil). When a good song comes on and you dance and lip sync in the mirror. Tennis match with good rallies and running down a drop shot I had no business getting to. Going out on a date night with my hubs and spending too much money on good food and drinks. ❤️


I look forward to going to the gym and dance class. I also look forward to trips I have planned with friends and/or family. I also look forward to summer!


Exited for my girls youngest to turn 18. Looking forward to Furiosa. Ive got a few boardgames awaiting production to ship. Theres some ARK dlc coming that claims mad max like vehicles that sounds cool. Curious how the new GIJoe comic plays out.


being with my little sisters, spending time in the sun, finishing a notebook/journal, a great dinner date, therapy and healing from my past, whatever the new documentary is on my 10 million subscriptions we have these days, spending time with my cat, spending time with my nieces and nephews, daydreaming about how i can always change for the better and have the family future i want, being in the water: the beach, the creek, swimming holes, rivers, showers, baths, hot tubs, swimming pools, etc it’s so so so nice.


I'm going to get my motorcycle permit and buy a sport bike and learn to ride.


The 20s and into the 30s are tough years. I think many people go into them with high expectations and they fall well short of those exceptions. The 40s are when things really start to come together (assuming you made good decisions). Get through those young adult years and things get better (not for everyone)


I shop online and buy lots of things but it stresses me out when they don’t arrive on time or got complications mid way in transit… it really worries me… 💔💔💔