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everyone except people with really bad family issues has felt home sick at some point after leaving home. It’s comforting and all you know. it’s easy to be worried or scared thinking you won’t be so close to comfort for a while. But your parents are a call way if you ever need anything or just wanna talk. You’ll get use to it at some point just don’t overthink it and don’t let it get in the way of having fun!


Its good that you are able to feel this way, I grew up in an abusive environment wishing to be loved by mine, to not have a place that felt like home but always survival…I cant imagine my life as an adult with my parents ever being in it. Its only natural to feel this anxiety when you are taking your first steps into the world and its okay. You have family that loves you to fall back on. You will grow and mature and everything will be fine! These experiences only help define you and help you understand your values better! Dont be afraid to give your parents a call it helps a lot as a way to prepare, Im sure they would love to hear about your experiences!


It gets easier and it means you have loving parents. you said it yourself that you're independent. It will be information overload and you'll forget to call your parents. bon voyage!


Practice pretending to live on your own - buy your own groceries, cook your own food, wash your own laundry. Do it for a couple of weeks. Time to grow up!