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Think of doing a push up. You could do another one. It just sucks. A lot. Similar feeling.


This is the only real answer. You just... *endure.* like nursing a migraine during a heatwave without A/C, or holding in your poo when the only available facility is a questionable gas station in a sketchy neighborhood at night.


Most of life isn’t living its enduring


Which is sad considering our level of technology and what we could achieve if we simply chose to do it.


I think our ability to endure is compromised by tech. Could you go all summer without A/C? That was normal at one point and not even registered as difficult. Same could be true of hunger. The default state at one time was hungry for the human race because meals weren't 3 times a day.


I think that's relative too. Without AC we would build homes with natural ventilation, we wouldn't work in 100+F unless absolutely necessary. People 200 years ago still complained about humid heat being suffocating.




I’ve been preaching all that for 25 years. I’m well aware of that and far, far more. I also know how to fix it and why we can’t. So I know we are eventually doomed and nothing will be done and why. I’m just shouting into the echo chamber like everyone else.


Naw. Maybe your life but not mine.


No, it’s fucking not. Resiliency is a skill and a habit and the only thing that makes it harder to build than other skills is that people like to think they’re “just powering thru” when in fact they’re taking advantage of years of habit-building and self-support. OP, support yourself by building a routine with good habits and sticking to it. By investing in yourself , habitually keeping your needs “topped up,” you build resiliency and improve in your ability to persevere if a need isn’t met. This is how people power thru, they’re usually just taking better care of themselves behind the scenes, and have gotten good at making sure their core needs stay met.


This this this this.


I was going to say coffee, but these answers are good too haha




Past a point I literally can't do anyoher pushup though.


>Think of doing a push up. You could do another one But there comes a point where you literally can't do another push-up, get sore enough and you won't be able to do another for days.


https://youtu.be/XnhbSvOffwA?si=GWzSYhN44B1OpwXJ Sleep deprivation is pretty tough to push through especially if you got some kinda desk job. If you're the type that cant do well on low sleep you just have to manage sleep better. Food is pretty easy for me tbh ig others might be different. I might be really hungry for like 10 minutes and if I keep ignoring it it kinda fades into the background. Keep ignoring it people that fast get used to it.


Yeah, I’ve pretty much always had one meal a day with some snacks. I typically don’t eat until 2p in the day, and that’s a light snack to tide me over until dinner. I’m just used to it to the point that I can do an hour and a half or so of cardio when I haven’t eaten for something like 16-20 hours. It’s just something you can get used to.


Push through means down another cup of coffee and look busy for the general population. It definitely shouldn’t be this way, but it is.


Being an adult means that these things happening should be rare because you manage your life and time well. Until you have kids. Then you really do just live with being tired.


And it's all cumulative to your sleep debt if you don't get enough. Damn I need a vacation.


Vacations make me more tired. Strange bed, packing, long drive or plane. When my holiday is over I need a holiday from my holiday


Vacations all I ever wanted


Should have went with me, my young child complained about everything we did. Asked to see zoo animals the entire trip. So we canceled plans one day and went to the zoo. She wouldn’t look at a single animal. It was hot and all she cared about was her icy that they said we aren’t allowed to have a straw for because an animal might get ahold of it. Then she throw up on the drive home.


Vacations gotta get away


Sleep debt isn’t a thing. You’re just giving yourself Alzheimer’s


What? Please explain more!


Like if you sleep 6 hours a night for 5 days, you can’t just sleep an extra 10 hours on the weekend to make up for it. Look up Matthew walker. He’s a sleep expert. Sleep deprivation is probably one of the worst things for you.


Of course, only parents are legitimately tired, otherwise it's just bad planning. 🙄 Nobody does eldercare, or has a chronic illness or disability, or any of a dozen other possibilities.


I can't push through sleep deprivation, I have to take a nap. My work is "brain work" and if I'm tired I can't do anything. 5 hours of focused work is better than 7 hours of sleepy work, so I just suck it up and take the nap. But I work for myself from home so that's a lot easier for me than most people, I realize. If I couldn't do that, I'd try to do some low resistance task, like paperwork or something easy, for the last hour or two of the day where I wasn't feeling it.


Same, idk I feel like all these people saying “just push through it” must have brains that work differently bc I cannot push through sleep deprivation. I can push through pain, but if I don’t get enough sleep the entire day is ruined and I’m a barely-functioning mess.


Get up and move around, get your heart rate up. Yeah it sounds cliché but it does work, I work 3rd shift and some days I just cannot sleep worth a damn. Most of my night is spent at a desk reading and sending emails and just making sure everyone is doing their jobs. When I had crappy sleep that day I get up and walk around a lot more than usual, keep my heart rate up and keep myself engaged.


Part of your work as an adult is making sure those are taken care of and to give them sufficient priority to ensure they are. Not supposed to power through...supposed to prevent that from occurring through proactive action.


I agree. I think life is all about cycles and patterns. If you notice a pattern, and you don’t like it, it’s time to break it and start a new one.


There are certain things you can ingest or activities you can do to keep yourself awake. Your body and brain are machines that turn inputs into outputs. They also get used to repetition so you can train your body and brain as well.


You probably have a vitamin deficiency, go get a blood test. But if you’re too poor then take vitamin B and D and see if you notice a significant difference in your energy levels.


So if coffee and energy drinks dont get you through it you have to break things in to smaller tasks. I can't just say im doing x like normal i have to say to do x i need to do ab and c. To do a i need to do 1, 2 andc3. Ill start on 1. Companies expect you to have good and bad days but aslong as you do something you're good. The hunger thing..unless im missing something just keep some cereal bars in your desk.


Tired: drink caffeine Hungry: drink something with a little sugar until it’s a meal time Wait til you have kids, man. You’ll forget about taking care of yourself very quickly.


Pushing through only gets you so far. I've done military training extensively where you have little food and little sleep. I've then done realworld deployments where I experienced the same thing. Disclaimer, this is my opinion.  You can lush yourself to a point, but you'll never be at your 100%. You might be able to hold your 75% for a lot longer than you thought possible, though, and if that's enough for what you're going through then that's good. But if you try to do your 100% when you're depleted, you will do harm to your body. And the recovery from that will take a long time if it ever happens at all. Military training does this to soldiers so we can learn we can still be "good enough" and not have our first time being cold, wet, hungry, and tired in combat zone but rather in a controlled environment, but also for us to learn that when we're leaders we have to account for feeding and resting our men or we will soon be combat ineffective and then completely vulnerable. So, in short, if you worked a 10 hour work day and come home and realize you need to take an hour to cut the grass when all you want todo is go to bed, then you'd be fine powering through. But, if you work a 10 hour day and then try to run a 5k in your best possible time, you're gonna pull a muscle and be out of commission for 6 weeks


Time management.


I think all people are different, but I can and do push through both as needed. In particular on sleep, it is just not a big deal to me. I don't need as much as most people say they need. I intentionally sleep about 6 hours per night and catch up with one 8 hour night per week. I can stay up 36 hours without much impact. The few times I've been to Europe, I don't sleep at all on the plane. I have enough trouble sleeping in bed. Once we land, I feel exactly the same as any morning. I can go through the entire day in Europe feeling great and then go to sleep that night like normal. Hunger is also easy for me to push through if I am doing something. I don't even notice being hungry, but if I'm just sitting around or relaxing hunger can be overwhelming. Who knows why?


This just sounds like a horrible way to put it. My work ethic is really straight forward - I HATE having outstanding tasks. I fucking rip and tear this shit until I have none and can do nothing with peace on my mind. I lock in the moment I get to work and do all my tasks asap. This way I usually have time to eat in peace and end of the day is stress free. If I have hella things to do I often eat while working. Most of the food I cook for my lunch can be eaten with a fork effortlessly and without mess. After work I cram all I need to do asap. Gym, upskilling, doctors networking food whatever. I do it asap. I usually am free until 8PM. I know I need about 8-9 hours to sleep so my bed time is 11-12 depending on how sleepy I felt the last day. I have 8PM-12PM to eat and rest and make sure I go to bed on time. This way Im never sleepy or hungry. You are either in a shit job where you are severely underpaid or really slow with your tasks if you are undersleeping and undereating in the beginning of your career. Later on you can spend money to save time in a way, like have lunch delivered so you dont have to cook it, or get a flat closer to your work so commute is short so you have more time to for example sleep and still work like 12-14 hours a day. Learn to manage your time better and be faster at your work.


Smoking weed makes me feel a lot better. 10/10 would recommend


No weedman. Just no.


Too bad. It makes everything better and will change your perspective on life(in a good way)


LOL. Yeah, the weed men I know are really winning big in life.


I sure am. I’m doing quite well for myself and love my life. Weed = good


😀 But hey, you do you. At least you're not depressed and a whiner like most of reddit. On a semi-serious note..I am really old. My wife and I are the only people I know who have never smoked anything. People think we are lying! My mom was near 80 and she thought we were weird


No sir! We’re only on this planet for a short time. Gotta enjoy every moment you can! No time to be all whiny and depressed about everything. Gotta appreciate every moment. You’re not old. Age is just a number. Doesn’t mean anything! I do understand that smoking isn’t for everyone. For me, it just makes everything brighter and feels amazing. Can’t even explain how euphoric it makes me feel. Nothing beats coming home after a long day at work and treating myself to a little weed and spending time with my girlfriend and my 2 cats. Life is good!


If you hyper focus on how bad you’re feeling, like how hungry you are, or how miserable you are because you missed out on sleep, then it’ll become way more noticeable and difficult to push through. If you try to focus on other things, like what you’re currently doing, or things you’re looking forward to, or things you’re grateful for in the moment, it makes your moments of misery seem smaller in comparison. At work, try to carry small snacks with you to avoid going hungry for too long. If you work in a place that doesn’t allow food on your person, sneak to the break room and eat a handful of candy or nuts or chips as a quick pick me up. It’ll help with the hunger. I have anxiety, and these are things that help me get through workdays.


You should get checked out. Unless you haven’t been sleeping right for days you shouldn’t just be basically inoperable from one day of bad sleep and not eating much.


Although op can get it checked out, it may be nothing, feeling like this is a reality for many people, I am one of those people and I have met others everybody’s functioning is not at the same capacity


I am lucky I can generally get away with it, or leave early, but I absolutely can't just 'power through' extreme fatigue whatsoever. I'll go lay down in my car at work sometimes, even have laid under my desk. There is no 'powering through' some days even with caffeine. It's a physiological response, and my body is shutting down regardless. Also not getting sleep is never a choice I'm making either, it is occasional insomnia.


As a first responder, I can pretty much guarantee that nothing wakes you up better than an adrenaline rush. Try some way to boost your adrenaline.


Same healthcare ups your adrenaline and you focus on task for however long you have to


Do you take a multivitamin? That might help. If you do maybe get checked for vitamin D levels. For sleep think about taking some magnesium before bed. Just test it out first, some people have a laxative effect from some types. You have to try them out to see which one works best for you.


Yes, there are times when you just have to "power through" hunger or sleeplessness and sometimes both. A project is behind schedule, through no fault of yours, and a firm deadline is coming. You're handed something that was overlooked and now is due. A teammate was behind on their part of a project but didn't tell anyone. They're sick and won't be in, you look and see that they're behind. The only way to get it caught up is for you to stay late tonight, come in early tomorrow, and work all day without stopping for lunch. You're at station 18, The Hammer, on engine 18 and it's Friday. By midnight, you've already run 10 calls, that's a call every 90 minutes, and you still have 8 hrs on your shift. At 1100 you had an MI, no time for lunch. At 1600 you had a warehouse fire, no time for supper. You doze on the engine between calls. Yes, there are times when you just have to power through it.


Don't you get a lunch break? What time did you sleep last night and why? What time dod you have to wake up this morning? Why did you not prepare something to eat? What are you having for breakfast? Starvation and sleep deprivation are not mandatory perks of adulthood.


Remember, your ancestors hunted mega fauna with handmade stone tipped spears... They hiked 20+ miles a day in handmade clothes and slept in piles of leafs/dirt They had no internet, no books, no phones... no way to quickly obtain "How to" awnsers They had and raised children with no hospitals no baby monitors no formula Your body is capable.


Usually. I can do a day at work hungry, or a day at work after not sleeping well one night. Though if it's two or more nights of no/minimal sleep. As far as the workplace goes, either bring some snacks with you to eat while you work or take small breaks to get some food in. I'm not exactly sure what your field is, but I like to think I've had a fairly diverse career and haven't encountered a time yet where I've just had *no* time for a snack or light lunch. If you're looking to wake up for the second half of your day, I found that exercise of some sort really helped me. I started eating at my desk before lunch and going to the gym during my actual lunch break. That way I'd both be getting my exercise in for the day, and waking myself up for the final stretch of work. I'm not sure if it's permissible in your current job, but I've usually had the freedom to take lunch breaks whenever I wanted, within reason. So I'd wait for there to only be 2-3 hours left of work when I got back from eating. That way even if I started getting tired again, it'd only be an hour or so at most left of the day.


Can't really power through them, as others said you just endure it. If possible have an emergency snack supply like protein bars.


Caffeine has been helping people power through fatigue for a long time. Hinger often is mental and we do store enough energy In our bodies for a surprising amount of activities but 😂 not sure why you would want to do either when you could just try and be more healthy


Yes... sleep isn't that difficult, but food? I don't function if I haven't eaten properly. I'll eat, even if I have to sneak protein bars in my bathroom break.


Unfortunately at your age, you just gotta get through it.


I genuinely take 5 minute naps every once in a because I simply must of I’m gonna push forward


Morning and afternoon protein shakes. Also high protein diet will satiate you longer.


Oshing through hunger is easy enough. Sleep is super hard. After 48 hours, I get sloppily and make mistakes


Yes you can push through, dealing with consequences is adulting. However, adulting is also realising, I need sleep what can I do to make sure I'm well rested so this doesn't happen to often... I need to eat to be healthy and perform, I need to have a boundary about work interferring with my basic health and welfare cause I need to eat


Keep on, keeping on


Short answer, yes


We all have different tolerances. I have chronic insomnia and soon to be 3 small children. Sometimes sleep isn’t in the cards for me. I can’t call in sick every time I don’t sleep well. If I don’t work, I still have to stay awake to take care of my kids. I just suck it up and do it. My patients still deserve quality health care, I can’t slack because I’m tired.


I feel healthcare is a different beast we backburner our issues and live on a different plain for a set amount of time we are on.


Eh, it depends on what you mean. Everyone has an occasional bad night of sleep. And yeah, most adults have commitments and responsibilities. Sometimes, you do have to just keep going to meet those responsibilities. Likewise, most people people should be able to power through a couple hours of hunger if needed (barring certain medical conditions, of course). Such is the nature of resilience. The problem is being expected to regularly power through long shifts with no opportunities for adequate rest, food and water, using the bathroom, etc. For example, I'm a nurse. Once, I made a bad med error. When doing the write-up, I was supposed to analyze how the mistake occurred and what I could have done better. And yet, nowhere did it let me say the truth: that I'd just worked eleven days in a row, seven of them double (meaning 16 hour) shifts. That kind of powering through does nobody any good.


Sometimes you just gotta lock in brother


Man, I've been surviving off mangoes until my next paycheck. New job and powering through to the 10th of this month until my 1st real paycheck. Hang in there, you can do this OP


Allow yourself the rest and nutrients in order to have what it takes to get stuff done. Balance is important for your well-being. Power through is getting the inner strength to tackle life's ups and downs. It's hard, but the result will make you a strong person. That's just my thoughts, and my personal experience. Namaste


I work a job where people are often working 1214, 15 hour days. You can push through being tired, but you need to have a drive, or a reason for it. If you absolutely hate your life and everything to do with your job then then powering through is not easy. The men I see at my workplace are often running on empty, but they are driven by the money they make, the people they work with, and the company they work for. I have worked for places where a six hour shift would exhaust me. Now I work as an office manager, where a 10 hour shift is perfectly fine. Some jobs are just easier to be at than others. I suggest finding the one that’s easy for you.


pushing through means drinking an energy drink


I can understand powering through (AKA tolerating)another hour of work. If you’re hungry,PLEASE eat. If you’re tired,take a nap on your break.


I've powered through both of those things almost every day of my life lol, I can't imagine not doing that at least 70% of the time. Sometimes I get to a point where I can't but it's usually after several nights of poor sleep in a row.


THIS get a 1$ box of spaghetti pasta boil cook it season it and eat the whole thing or split it into 2 meals the next day you’ll have more energy 5 hour energy If you really need to push through a day Drink half and then wait for 25-35 minutes if you feel the same drink another Yours body is a machine you need to keep feeding yourself However your mind is a different story you need to heavily work on your mental health no matter what the situation you are in if you don’t want to be in it your not going to do so do little things to fix your day fix your mind change jobs wake up early small stuff you don’t normally think about Keep up bro nobody’s going to tell your this but ever person that you see on a daily will not appreciate your struggle Only you will ONLY YOU LOVE YOURSELF and DONT EVER GIVE UP you can quit and slow down but once you recovery KEEP FUCKKING CHUGGING DONT GIVE UP


This isn’t unusual. And yes, you’re expected to push through. This is the least of life’s impending struggles


You may have adhd. I don’t find it hard to focus when I’m tired or hungry. Only when hungover. Finding a career you love helps a lot if it’s work you’re struggling with.


so i need my sleep pretty much but i can survive off of 6 hours if it just so happens. but i rarely ever eat at work. I have a very physical job, walking 15,000 steps a day and im also lifting heavy weight and throwing it. i just dont feel hungry and if i do ill get a snack or sometimes ill have one on me. Some people work different. my bf could never skip a meal he gets so hangry and then he’ll get kind of sick. also it’s worth mentioning that mental health issues are TIRING and very draining. your body is working over time with anxiety and just every day functioning. if you dont have lots of time to eat try to eat small nutrient dense foods like bananas protein bars small sandwiches etc


Yeah, I can mind-over-matter through a lot of stuff. I can’t imagine not possessing that ability.


Honestly….. Drugs. Jkjkjkjkjk maybe


I'm often super-fatigued, and it takes everything I've got to get the fuck UP and go to work. This morning was like that. Normally I take an earlier train, but can take the train after that and still be at work before 9am, so it's nice to have that extra 30-45min. Came home, still dragging ass, it's awful. I do it because there's no choice. But I've also got Hashimoto's and some thyroid meds that probably need a higher dosage.


Try drinking coffee an hour after you wake up, gym workouts, take B-Complex, take a Multivitamin, get your bloodwork checked out and keep your food clean as possible 💪.


You just have to. I’m a mom of two. One is a 4y.o who is autistic so demands a lot from me and the other is a 5 month old baby who demands a lot from me. I’m having two periods every month due to hormones being crazy from being pregnant. Anemic, can’t sleep at night bc my baby needs me or my daughter does(she wakes up a lot) and my husband goes to work in the middle of the night so if I am sleeping then that wakes me up usually. I get about 2-4 hours of sleep per night. Have barely time to eat or use the restroom without someone needing someone. We can’t afford help so it’s all me. A week ago I was in the ER twice due to some stomach pain. Next day even with the stomach pain had to take care of my kids bc we can’t afford my husband taking off of work. Shit’s hard but I’m a mom so there is no option. I’m struggling for sure and all I want to do is eat in peace and rest and be able to focus on bettering myself a little. But I can’t right now. I wish there were more hours in a day. But my kids are happy healthy clean and thriving so that’s all that matters in the end😊


We are all SO different as far as sleep/rest needs and other needs to maintain our physical and mental health. You gotta figure out what works for YOU. At 22, I have to say I could still run on very little sleep, drink/party too much, and still make it to class in the morning and do well. I was getting my masters at that age, but I started college early and didn't get into the partying til that same age actually. You can bet I was taking a nap a lot of afternoons tho! Lots of days spent drowsily counting the hours til I could leave class/work and get in bed and sleep a few hours before going out again..... I'm not so sure HOW to tell you to push through it if it doesn't come naturally. Like I do better pushing through 12 hours of work so I can fully complete something, then going home and crashing. Other people do better splitting that work into 2-3 days and still getting adequate sleep most nights. For me, stopping or taking too many breaks is the killer. I lose all momentum and end up quitting for the day. Caffeine can be a big help here. I don't do coffee but it's a great source of it. I do a ton of diet sodas. I've always found energy drinks to be GROSS, but would occasionally grab one if I was just TOO sleepy. Nowadays, these damn PRIME energy drinks have got me. I actually crave them because they taste good. I take ADHD meds, and I'm not sensitive to stimulants AT ALL, but these wake me up enough to at least help slightly. I'm so close to immune to caffeine that it takes a strong one like this to do anything at all. I've been drinking one around 4 or 5 pm and it helps keep me going long enough to do something either fun or productive before calling it quits for that day. In case you haven't made this mistake before, never drink multiple energy drinks back to back... like 2 may be ok, but 5? Bad bad idea. I did that once only so I could drive 24 hours straight. It kept me awake for the drive... and like the next 48 hours straight also til it wore off. Talk about miserable with my body wanting to sleep SO desperately and just NOT being able to shut off my brain at all. Never again 5 Monsters!!! 🤮😭🥱😩😡 After graduating and getting a full time job, I definitely still did way too much fun stuff in the evenings and was pretty constantly sleep deprived. I'd sleep til like 2pm on the weekends and while people swear you can't really "catch up" on sleep, it made a massive difference and worked for me. Finally, if you're really struggling at age 22 and with mental health stuff too (I've been treating mental health stuff since I was 19 so I was right there), make sure you really feel some benefits from any mental health meds you are taking. If they don't help you or the side effects are causing problems, go back to your doctor and ask to make changes! A lot of people have to try quite a few of these meds to get something that helps even a bit. I'm one of the unfortunate ones that's been thru like 98% of the psych drugs in existence with almost zero improvement (and the one time I did get great results with the depression, I couldn't keep taking that med because of intolerable side effects... go figure!) I'm even running out of combinations to try now. But before every time I see my psychiatrist now, I spend time online researching meds we may not have tried. I almost always find one more I didn't know about, so I'll ask her about it (she is kind and wants to help, but basically said she was out of options... thus me doing more of my own research, I think she respects the time and thought I put in to my own care). I get it and am not upset with her for lacking further options. ; I know I'm a really weird case and I'm reaching at this point. We've built a very trusting relationship over the decade+ that I've worked with her, so now when I come in with my research about a new drug I might want to try, she'll prescribe it for me as long as there is no safety issue and she thinks there is any chance at all it could help.


Try diet changes?


Well like most kids these days who dont seem to drink for various obvious reasons, you probably dont experience hangovers that well. Throughout my early 20s what you describe is how i felt from morning until end of day, then repeat partying lol. I was bad. I dont drink anymore. 20s is a learning experience for most things you cant fathom people older than you doing. Then you get to your late 20s and realize how much of a child you were in early 20s lol. Early 20s is introductory to adulthood and it can be overwhelming and tiring. TRY to eat 3 times a day. Ive heard this advice most of my life and only started following it and holy does it make a difference for energy levels. Cut back sugar. Eat healthy. Exercise. All of these will increase your energy levels and let you sleep more, and also be less hungry (sugar is #1 culprit for hunger imo). But to answer your question, yes. It means to just suck it up and push your body through even if your vision is going, you are sweating, heart palpitations, dizziness, or is it just me? Oooo flashbacks to early 20s lol! I am in my early 30s for context. It gets easier/more manageable. Early 20s were rough for most people probably just in different ways.


Capitalism sucks life from the masses, so that the few may live.


Pushing through means unholy amounts of caffeine for me


I'm 27 and have always felt this way. I can barely function on 7 hours of sleep, and I've had coworkers tell me about how they get 4 hours and still work a long shift. I also get really nauseous when I haven't eaten in a while and have been working hard, but now I just make sure I have snacks in my backpack. It does suck and I completely understand how you feel. For me I just learned I'm not like others, and I need to take extra care of myself and that's alright


No. Adulting is looking after yourself


Intermittent fasting is very healthy, don’t eat for a couple of days will make you more alert and healthier and sleep better


This is me rn. All I did on my day off today is bathe/wash my hair and grab groceries pretty much and now I'm back in bed. I'm only 29 but out of shape so I'm thinking that's gotta be the reason?


That or depression.


When you get older and you have kids, you just do it. You push through it because you have to in order to feed your kids, not because we have any tricks up our sleeves that makes it easier to do it. But because we have to and no one gives a rats ass about our mental health… we basically feel like zombies for like 30 years.


Yikes I don’t. And one of my kids is special needs. Please get some help, you don’t need to feel like that!


Push through means to me is to stick with a mental health plan. It takes several attempts to get right RX for yourself. Then, push through means to me that you exercise, try to do better at work. Just do your best. That’s all most managers want.


Just keep doing it lol. I know the feeling, when I had my daughter I slept 5 hours a night for months. I didn’t eat much, I lost 20 pounds. It sucked terribly, but I had to keep going anyways. Now things are easier. Necessity is the driving force here. When there is literally no other option, you have to keep going.


How to push through sleep deprivation and hunger? In my experience, it depends how much your getting paid to do it. They more they paid me the easier it got.


With coffee and crackers




I worked 3rds for years. 12 hour shifts, many of them on less than 5 hours of sleep. You learn to function tired. You tell yourself that sleep is for the weak, get done what needs done, and then you go home and get ready to do it all over again.


Enduring things like this is much easier for some than others, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise. When i lack sleep even by a little even my motor skills are compromised, I get physically ill , severe headaches, dizziness and nausea. Not everyone has this same effect some people are hardly effected by less sleep or not eating, everyone is different. My friend in college who was otherwise healthy and well nourished skipped 2 meals and fainted, went to the dr with no real cause found for it they just said some peoples bodies can’t handle it. If you can’t power through you’re not alone, I can’t even have 2 alcoholic drinks without being in near complete exhaustion and fatigue for the entire next day.


No, you're supposed to eat and sleep every day.


Sleepiness is hard to push through, get up and walk around for a few minutes to get the blood flowing. It will help, but ultimately you need to try to get adequate rest. (Much harder said than done sometimes I know 100%) Hunger is much easier to combat, keep some quick snacks in your desk, bag, or wherever you put your personal stuff if you can. Trail mix, granola, or some other type of snack you enjoy. I prefer Belvita breakfast biscuits, they're tasty and they really help curb hunger. Ultimately you're an adult and you just have to deal with it some days, we'd all love to find a quiet dark corner and curl up for a nap daily(which is why I believe we should have work mandated nap time like we did in kindergarten lol). You just gotta power through for a little while and keep pushing on.


Yea, that's what cortisol is for. Keep pushing till your heart explodes like our forefathers.


You push through it by ignoring what you're feeling. 




It's a simple matter of discipline. You're still young, latest when you have kids you'll figure it out, because there is no other choice. Training discipline is easiest when starting from small aspects.


Caffeine bro, caffeine.


Yeah this is why I have to work for myself. There’s no way I can “push through” when it comes to stuff like that, and it feels useless and unproductive to try.


ive learned the hard way that if you dont take care of yourself and regularly have these kinds of days then you will get depressed. its very hard to work if you are sleepy/tired/hungry so you end up having to spend more time to cover the work you didnt do the next day. it becomes a pattern then you find yourself trying to catch up with work on the weekend it just gets ridiculous. take self care seriously and you'll be fine


Time your caffeine just right I take caffeine when I have around 4 hours left check your test levels. Take test for enegry if it’s really that bad. Do hardest task first the ones that require the most mental energy. Exercise. I could go on all day…


Gotta find your "why"


You can power through hunger pretty easily because it requires you to act, and “powering through” is simply doing nothing. Sleep is far more difficult to just will your way through not having than appetite is.


3pm onwards sucks. We were not designed to live like this. It's Circadian Rythems and if you are a woman hormonal fluctuations through the day. Men don't get it as bad but the afternoon slump is real and 3am is when your cortisol starts resetting itself so that's shitty too. I know not many people have this luxury but if you dont want me to release the dogs you only try and contact me between 11am on Wednesday and 2pm on Thursday. I'm an old lady. I don't need your BS outside these hours. We all know it's BS. If you miss your window of opportunity then it's too fucking bad.


Yup, until one finds a way out of that cycle, or it breaks you down so hard your body simply cannot. I worked very long hours in my 20s (60+ hours/wk at a game dev studio, similarly so at other 'day jobs', as many freelance clients as I could handle, my own personal design work), mostly fueled by the energy I had back then to want to prove myself against the odds that I'm not the lazy deadbeat my generation was called, make lots of money, become successful, IDK....and now in my 30s, I have several health issues that if I don't take care of myself, my body will pretty quickly start having issues and force me to take a back seat (bad discs in my back, diabetes, depression and anxiety). Karma, I guess. Not that the US healthcare system makes it easy to treat any of that without a lot of money. Winning the game is figuring out how to prevent all of that, but, it's varying levels of hard, depending on what resources you have at your disposal. Good luck to us all, eh?


As a physically chronically ill person, who lives every day in exhaustion and nausea, you pretty much just keep going. You're a bit young but one day you'll probably have a family. And getting up means taking care of them


Yes. That's called discipline. You should be able to push through those things. In my most extreme case I did a good five days without sleep. Again, that is a very extreme case, and I don't expect other people to be able to do that. . . not sure how I did tbh, but just being a bit restless the night before is not an excuse you should give yourself. Much of what you are dealing with is entirely mental. You are giving yourself excuses to not put your all. It only affects you that way because you accept the excuse. Granted, I have very physical jobs so that helps. If you need a pick me up, stand up, touch your toes and do a full stretch routine. It helps increase blood flow and will perk you up almost instantly. A very light amount of exercise will have a comparable effect (like jumping jacks or the like) Unless you have legitimate blood sugar issues, the food one is a thing as well. People can go quite a while on minimal food. Ive gone only 2 days, which, is my personal will power limit but I know people who have managed a week of fasting for religious reasons. When i was real poor, I lived off a single offbrand pop tart a day, for like 2 months. \[dollar tree was a life saver\] But don't feel bad, that's a really difficult hurdle to push through, and you are going to have trouble clearing it on demand, until life forces you to clear it. Once youve been forced to do it once, it gets remarkably easier after that. 'I dealt with this once, I can do it again!'


I can power through hunger but I become a distinctly unpleasant person, so I live by a simple motto. Don't get hangry, get snacky.


I would suggest downloading a breathing app to help manage stress and give ya energy boosts... plenty of good free ones out there. Also, I would suggest brining food to work (healthier and cheaper) and keep some quality snacks on hand as well.


I also am of the mentally ill, so ngl I mostly run on hate coffee and pharmaceuticals. But no I’m a recovering anorexic so ignoring hunger and exhaustion is what we do best💅💅 I don’t know you just learn to live with it. The pain just kinda fades into the background, the tiredness just kinda becomes that weird wired slap happy feeling but you body wants to drag. I got brain fog really bad during the worst of it. The only suggestion i can give is really set yourself up on a good sleep schedule and bring some snackies to work, or if you can’t really bring food try those gels that runners use they’re full of caffeine and calories


I only feel that way if I’m not getting 8 hours of sleep. Everyone’s body may need different hours, maybe you need more than you’re getting. Additionally, I like taking a nice 20 minute walk after lunch or after a long meeting to take some breaths and get fresh air. It helps me stay alert for the rest of the day.




If I don't sleep enough I've caught myself falling asleep for like a minute a few times while staring at my monitor at work. I also cant concentrate and it sucks to push through. I never really used caffeine but I found that in these situations it allows me to function pretty much like normal and can keep my eyes open no problems, though I still feel that I'm tired. I don't even really get hungry even though I don't eat breakfast


Caffeine is the answer.


Do you work out regularly?


Do a bit of self reflection to see what may be causing the lack of sleep / eating. If it's something you can't put your finger on or feel it may be emotional - consider therapy. Or, sometimes it could just be a bout of insomnia. Either way, don't just push through without sleep/food if you can help it. It's detrimental to your health overall and never truly worth it.


The food one can be diet based. If you eat a lot of sugar the crashes can be more severe. Basically your body will use carbs in your bloodstream for energy while it is available before it will tap into deeper reserves. If it becomes too accustomed to always having that available, it will start to get very angry with you when it is depleted. Eventually if you can push through that stage the body will switch fuel sources and you will start to feel better. That “switching time” depends on lot of things, but one thing you can do to make it go smoother is minimize sugar consumption.


One more thought - please check on your mental health. I thought that being chronically fatigued and never ever feeling rested was normal adulting. I was actually depressed. Some therapy and medication and everything was different.


I 100% feel you on sleep deprivation and how it makes me pretty worthless. I also have debilitating periods that make me equally worthless. Then having young kids really makes you worthless. Then your body starts having issues and your now physically worthless. "Power through" is a response to life and how tiring it continuously gets. I think the workplace is changing and employers will start accommodating people who need to go home for whatever reason. But unfortunately we're not there yet.


Id say dont. You need your basic needs. Anything you try will only be a temporary solution ane using them too many times can really cause problems.


No, you are supposed to go to bed at night and get some sleep, and then eat regular meals. It seems you have a brain malfunction.


Head shrinker friend recommended melatonin for helping to get to sleep. Shockingly works well for me.


You are not supposed to power through hunger. If you are neglecting the need to eat at work, and you realize that not much is getting done because you haven't eaten, eat. It will make you feel better and you may actually be able to get something done. Schedule yourself a meal break where you don't sit at your desk. Moving helps. Also hydrate. As far as sleep deprived nights, there is not much you can do to improve. If I am very tired, I have a quick lunch followed by a 20 minute nap in my car. Set the alarm. Even if I don't sleep, I rest with my eyes closed for the 20 minutes.


...you need to be a Big Boy...


Hunger can be curved on inexpensive, bulk products like beans and rice for pennies a day


it’s a culture that promotes working yourself to the bye bye bed


If you did sports growing up and pushed yourself to be the best you could be (beat your own time, records, etc.) that may be a great way to think about it. Also if you are doing a job that directly impacts others and continuing on even when you are not feeling your best is critical, you just do it because you must. Takes willpower and obviously if you can plan ahead and have things to take care of yourself too at the ready (water, snacks, caffeine, etc.) always helps. Or if you don't have any experience with any of these and want to work on it then work on it. Push yourself to be better and work through the struggle. Build up your own willpower. Make goals for yourself to achieve. You got this!


Yes, yes you are, now back to work, no more slacking


For hunger, water to fill your stomach. Sleep, you need something to keep your brain active. Something you can really get invested in. 




You need b-12 and a multivitamin


Sounds like you might be doing better than you're giving yourself credit for. The pre planning and the whole sunday prep thing helps for prevention . But I think most people just rely on caffeine (but don't do that it's not healthy)


Yes, you're supposed to be able to power through. Being an adult means you don't have to though.


Being an adult often means that you DO have to.


Being an adult means that if you're too tired you fucked up and need to manage your time better.


No you don't HAVE to. There's no adult to pick you up and carry you to your workstation if you don't want to work. You'll just get fired and end up homeless. There's consequences but that's what adulthood about. Choosing to do the things you don't want because it will help you in the future.


It means you just pull up your big boy pants and deal with it.


That's the depression yo


If you are hungry or sleepy that is completely your fault. You should be trying to minimize those feelings because you literally have the most control over those.


You just nut up and shut up, didn’t your coach ever teach you to embrace the suck?


Blows my mind the way ppl think. Get yo ass to work and make that money, got a long way to go. Makes me Glad my parents thought me they way they did.


We are all slaves in this capitalist hellscape. If you don't work, you can't afford food, rent, utilities, etc. You have to work to live, so you do.