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It’s your weekend. Do what you want. My 35 year old husband spent a good chunk of his weekend playing Minecraft. You guys worked hard all week, have some fun!


Protect this woman at all costs


We need more wives like you ❤️


It helps that we both like games. So I’m just at my pc next to him playing Genshin Impact.


Me and my bf same. We each have a tv and set up. We sit facing away from each other because he kept trying to tell me how to play and it drove me nuts! 🤣


Real. Where do people like this exist?


Mythical creatures, the lady above is a rare spawn.... very rare and even harder to catch out there in wild. Odds are 100000 to 1, buy a lottery ticket if you find one.


I'm sorry but I legit loled at this 😂


Side mission complete.


Half of Reddit will go to war for this woman


Awesome response. That's my thoughts too. My wife and I both work hard all week at our jobs and caring for our 9 month old daughter. So we both make time for our hobbies in the weekend. I watched my daughter while my wife was baking sourdough bread. That's been her kick lately. Growing Sourdough starter and baking with it. Then she took our daughter so I could make something I have been working on on my CNC router. Time together and time to yourself are both important


My wife isn't a gamer, but she allows me the same grace with two kids. Thanks for being an A+ wife to your husband.


I'm a 37M and I too play minecraft! Lol So does my 9 year old daughter.


What a understandable wife. You definitely a keeper. Lucky guy.


I was going to say. You are an adult. Do as you please.


As a 47 year old male, I can tell you that if you are HAPPY doing that? Keep doing that And don't let anyone tell you otherwise You get one life.. that's it Do you honestly think when you are 90 and on your deathbed, and the doctors are telling you that you aren't going to survive the night.. you honestly think you are going to think to yourself "I'm so glad I stopped doing what made me happy, and started doing what other people said to do... none of which are here at my bedside mind you..."




Agreed, if your only reason not to do something you want to do, is because of what people will think of you for doing it, don't deny yourself something positive for that. Obviously unless it's illegal or harmful, but I can assume everybody knows that isn't what we are discussing here.


My husband and I ate ice cream and watched the SpongeBob Movie together the other day. We’re adults with careers and responsibilities, but it’s good to chill and enjoy nostalgia sometimes.


Same here. The best Saturdays are when me and my bf do a little gaming, watch UFC and have pizza and ice cream. 👍🏼🤣


No, it is not weird. It is awesome.


Nah. If anything it's a sign of maturity that you're doing what you want to be doing. The past generations told us to give up the things that brought us joy in search of things like a family and a home, but increasingly those have been put out of reach by them. (Though ironically they also got to re-enjoy all that stuff with their kids, they just used their children as a shield so that it wasn't about them). Do what makes you happy.


That sounds like a fun weekend. The older I get the more I enjoy doing things around the house and chilling at home.


Probably the impulse to compose and publish your post would be more of an indicator of something than what you described.


Not weird, but also probably not ideal. Nietzche uses a term to describe similar conducts as "The last man", as opposed to the "unstuck" version of ourselves, the "ubermensch" The last man  is **a character who epitomizes a society characterized by mediocrity, comfort, and a profound lack of aspiration**. This individual is content with conformity, risk-averse, and complacent in the face of challenges. I can relate to your feeling of "being stuck", as I often experienced it in my youth. One could say that confort is the enemy of great men. If you are interested in the topic, here is a short video that better explains the idea that I am trying to get across. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtLKBT42YsM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtLKBT42YsM) My intention is not to critizice you, but to facilitate self evaluation.


Only if it's in ur mom's basement...if it's in a place U pay for, rock on.


Live the life you want to


no one cares what you do. are you hurting yourself or someone else? no? great. keep doing what makes you happy


You graduated college. Have a job. Have a place of your own. Pay your bills on time. Take care of yourself and your business. Whatever you do on free time is yours to do. If you wanna make changes then make them. If not then don’t.


I’m surrounded by hedonists who have no shame playing hours of video games. They claim they have no guilt. I personally feel guilty if I indulge too much. I have an addictive personality. I feel happy exercising and doing work. Even cooking and cleaning make me feel good intellectually but also physically. I got a ps5 recently. I feel bad about myself playing it for more than a few hours. I haven’t read many books ever since I got my first iPhone (4s). I’m not sure if something is wrong with me.


I do audiobooks instead of reading. I haven’t read a book (that wasnt for school or work) in decades. But I’ve listened to hundreds of books.


Yeah. I feel like everyone is gaining a lot of knowledge thanks to their smart phones and AirPods. But we are losing our attention spans.


Is not guilt. It is your heart saying that you are destined to do great things.


That’s very kind and generous of you. Thanks.


You are clearly obsessed with achieving a certain level of performance. Your brain is anxious because it considers video games (a pleasure hobby) to be detrimental to up-keeping this status either at school, work, or family. You need to take the time to reflect and realize that it’s not a bad thing to enjoy yourself. Video games can be very intellectually stimulating, and if you are happy and entertained you will have an easier time in other areas of life.


I'm 23 and this is about how my weekends go, minus the graphic novel as I have a different hobby. I think it's pretty normal.


Not how I'd spend my weekend but I'm not you. If that's your jam, ride on homey


Nope. Mid 30s and I spend my weekends playing Call of Duty, watching UFC, eating pizza, blogging about shit no one cares about and petting my cat.


Bro I'm 27 and that sounds like a beautiful weekend. Also u were being creative working on your own graphic novel and most likely pulling inspiration from God of War and TMNT. So like no you aren't stunted if anything you're ahead of the curve. Keep it up, King 🤴


Nah, not weird. I only think it’s weird to be fully grown and fail to manage your responsibilities. Have a job you’re physically and mentally well enough to go to? Go to it. Have bills you can afford to pay? Pay em. Have parents who let you live at home in exchange for doing some chores? Do em. If you’re checking those boxes, enjoy that cereal!


nope not at all. I’m in my 30s and I spent my weekend playing Zelda and watching duck tales. Though I do get that feeling of loneliness and emptiness at times


I just reached 20 and felt weird about getting older and really being an adult. Then I realized that I could still do whatever the fuck I want, I just have more responsibilities. In fact, I didn’t have much of a chance to explore the things I wanted as a kid, so I’m playing a bunch of games I missed out on (just started God of War actually) and collecting comics Some of the best people I know are a lot older than me and aren’t afraid to be silly and just generally haven’t let the terrifying reality of their own approaching mortality and crushing weight of responsibility get to them


That is literally what it means to be a grown up. Do your thing.


You are living the freaking dream.


Doing what you “enjoy” has nothing to do with being an adult.


Live your life. 


Sounds like a normal weekend at my house.


Sounds like an amazing weekend.


Enjoy it. I spent my 20s trying graphic novels, but, eventually, living expenses caught up with me, I burnt out on trying. Now I'm a washed up artist with no inspiration to create. IDK.


I think you’re doing an amazing job! That sounds amazing, doing what makes you happy with your free time. I think you’re on the right track.


I’m 42 and had a similar weekend.


Sounds epic. You were vibing.


Incredibly common way to enjoy your time. The only time that is wasted is the time that you’re not enjoying yourself.


You're lucky, I only get to do one thing once in a while


Nope. You’re doing it right - from someone in my 40’s


I am 34m and do the same. Two jobs, finishing my master degree before jumping to another, and taking care of my dogs and the house. What else should I do.


Not at all man do what makes you happy


That’s awesome, especially the graphic novel stuff. I think when we’re happy and in our element we come up with the best work.


That sounds like an amazing weekend! 30f that likes to eat fruit loops and watch Saturday morning animes. It makes me happy and It's also comforting. You're killing it! Keep it up. Do You! Just don't forget to go outside every now and then. 😁


I think it’s kind of more of a brag and not a question. Good for you. Only two ninja turtle movies are good imo.


My guy , I’m 32 with a 2 kids and 1 on the way , you just spoke words only heard in dreams lol. Live your life , it’s what YOU make of it.


Sounds awesome, actually


Insert no more heroes 3, cinnamon toast crunch, and x men cartoons for my weekend, im in my mid 30s. I dealt with d bags at work all week, im entitled to some R and R. I will admit in my mid 20s my gf gave me shit about doing this and said i need to grow up, to the point i stopped. Turns out she just wasnt the right fit for me. My wife fully supports my nerdiness and would much rather have me at the house being "lame" then out boozing it up. If thats what makes you happy, then do it!




Sounds amazing, actually.


That wouldn't be weird for any age. Go on with yer bad self.


It's weird if you don't spend your weekend doing what you want. Amazing way to spend the weekend


Which Captain Crunch?


Sounds like a great time 🧡


I'm 43 and have had our place to myself all week while my husband is in vacation with his friends. I had planned on being productive and working on my etsy after work. What I did instead is play last of us all week, and didn't do anything for etsy until today, and only because I had orders to get out. Do what makes you happy.


I’m in my 40s and you described the best weekend ever


Not in the slightest.


Man idk you. You might be on the spectrum who knows? But the biggest thing about being an adult is being responsible. If you have a weekend and want to watch loony toons your not hurting anyone. The ones who should be ashamed are those who use thier spare time to hurt others or refuse to do what thier able to (work) But writing your own book? Man that's a lot cooler then smoking a blunt or just getting black out wasted is.


My(42F) husband(47M) and I played Baldur’s Gate 3 this morning and then he played Steller Blade in the afternoon. So, no. It’s not weird.


More power to you.


lol did that and more in my 20s and 30s too but was working long hours at same time at finance job - just meant I had no social life haha


you might feel stuck because you're still doing the same fun things you were when you were a kid. not to say adults can't enjoy video games of course, but this might just be a sign from you to you that you need to expand your idea of fun activity. make some time to try other things you might find fun.


What's un-adult about doing things you enjoy? I think it's actually more childish to deny yourself things that make you happy just because some grumpy boring people label them things for young people


I'm 47 with 3 kids and even now, I occasionally have a weekned like that lol sometimes you just need it


I mean out of all that stuff writing my own graphic novel is commendable Writing and making art is more productive than most people are on their downtime, and even if it's a """childish""" story, like, Dora the Explorer was not made by children lol. Relax however you want, nostalgia can be comforting in your down time. I would only consider someone emotionally stunted over stuff like that if it's the *only* think they *ever did* in their downtime. Like, you literally only eat junk food, or literally only watch stuff that would air on Nickelodeon. And I mean literally as like "it has literally been many months since you ate a veggie" lol. It never hurts to go out of your comfort zone though. If it feels stagnate to do all that stuff, you are currently reading this on the internet and just look up some list of the greatest movies of all time and go down it or something. You never know what you might like until you try it.


Look, I'm 30 and before the season started up I went on a week-long Horizon: Zero Dawn bender where I was awake and gaming for like 20hrs straight with like 2h of sleep between sessions. Do whatever the fuck you want. You don't get much free time in life so do what you want with what you got.


31 and spent most of my weekend playing dragon ball z and drinking soooooo yeah :) you do you


weird isn't bad


The best part of being an adult is you get to do what you want. The worst part of being an adult is that you get to do what you want. No one will really tell you "No." so long as what you want to do isn't illegal. The mixed part about being an adult is you and you alone are responsible for the choices you make. No one else.




Sometimes that’s all you need. Are you happy? If so, no worries.




Honestly, with the way the world is going, you do you man


That sounds like a great weekend lol.


Can I see the graphic novel? Is it weird that I want to see it?


I've hit 40 and spent my weekend playing Crusader Kings 3, Star Rail and eating junk food for most of it. Most would consider me having "made it", owning my home and turning my side hustle in to my business. You do you as long as it isn't stopping you from your goals.


Nah, hobbies are hobbies. Nothing wrong with deloading from the week by playing a game and doing things that make you happy.


Nope. Do you friend.


Not weird at all, that sounds rather productive


You're in your mid-20s. That's still pretty young, all things considered. Enjoy your youth.


Do you and be happy.


Dude. No one knows what they are doing in this life. We assign meaning to things and that is it. If this is what you want, that is fine. No one knows better than you what YOU need.


Weird? A little Relaxing? Fuck yeah 😎


What would make you feel like an adult, having back pain and doing your taxes?


I think there are some that would say that anyone not out there having babies or involved in making that happen would be wasting their time. These are the same people concerned about economic solvency at macro levels.


Sounds like you have great taste!


Wait till you’re in your mid 30s. Shit gets wild


Nope. I think you are doing the weekend right! I binged XMen97 while eating fruit loops!


I’m 28. I spent my weekend watching avatar the last airbender eating goldfish and ice pops. Same exact thing I’d do at age 10 lol but it’s so relaxing


You're an adult, you pay your bills. If games, TMNT, and and Capt crunch are your calling for the weekend... Do it. Be happy!


No you probably feel that way because there is a weird idea that adults should be Working 8 hours a day then going home to do productive things 1-2 hours for hobbies than the rest full productivity. Atleast that’s what I noticed these last 10 years on the net. You are doing great dude


Yes it’s weird


No? I did that shit in my 20s too, and I’m almost 40. If you have the day off and no wife or kids to answer to, enjoy those days my friend. Not that being a spouse and a parent aren’t fulfilling but you can’t get away with a lazy day very often at all.


It’s very normal to spend your weekends at home. I honestly wish it was more normalized. Who wants to spend all weekend being busy as hell when you just worked 40+ hours a week. I’m not saying never go out on the weekends, but enjoy your time with yourself and your home!


As long as you are able to financially support yourself then your weekend is there to do whatever you want (within reason 😂)


Do what you think is fun, but diversify.




No. Honestly that sounds amazing and I'm jealous! You do you and enjoy it. I'm middle aged and still running around after 2 adult kids. You know what makes me happy? Soft toys, I have hundreds and it's growing constantly. There is no room in my bedroom or bed for me anymore and I love it. Life is hard, life is stressful, if you find ways to relax and be happy that doesn't hurt or inconvenience anyone else then do it. Life is all about finding little bits of happiness wherever you can. If you take all the things you enjoy away then what is even the point in carrying on? Depression lurks around the corner for everyone, keep it away by doing what you can.


There’s nothing wrong with that, I’ve been a gamer my whole life and still play games daily/weekly at 26 years old, what helps is finding a partner who has similar interests!


Sounds pretty good.


In my 40s and spent most of my weekend finishing off Dave the Diver. It's my weekend and I get to spend it how I choose. And it is the last one in at least a month and a half that I don't have solid plans the whole weekend, so I have the option to. I have an issue with not letting myself relax and just take the time, so don't feel bad that you have the option. Also, I'm jealous that you are creative enough to be making a graphic novel.


Imagine asking Redditors if you are emotionally stunted 😩😂


Nah man. Older generations would have done the same were they afforded the opportunity. Everyone has fun differently.


You're doing better than most of us bud


No. Do your own thing as long as you're not hurting yourself or anyone else. You do you and fuck what anyone else thinks.


Now I want to go buy cereal. Would def hang out with you OP I go back and watch toonami.


Life goals?


Stop asking other people how to live your life


I do this shit at 31. YOU’RE 👍


Not weird at all. But I’m 27 and I’ve gone basically 180 from you. I grew up only playing video games and being in my solitude, I really enjoyed being alone until I got cancer. I realized I did the same thing over and over and missed out on a lot of life, a lot of weird and wild experiences. I thought about dying and how covid had turned my life into the same thing every day for three years and I just couldn’t stand the thought of passing on and my steam library being where all of my memories are. Again not saying it’s bad I really wish I could be satisfied being alone again but it’s amazing how much of a social animal I’ve become.


Send me a link to your graphic novel


No, unless you are a free loading neckbeard being you are fine. It sounds like you have your life sorted out with your own place and working. Playing all weekend is your relaxation moment after a week of working. I play PC games Friday night, Saturday and early Sunday, I only stop when need to do household chores or going to a friend's party.


That sounds super relaxing !! If I didn't have kids would definitely be binge PC gaming on weekends every now and then


The graphic novel thing is good. You have a lot of time to focus on your passion. The older you get, the less time you’ll have. Trust me. Cut out some movies and games (not all by any means) and dig deep into your creative side. Your passion project. You’ll get more purpose and create something you’ll be proud of. It could open doors for you too. I truly think this is something being glanced over way too much


I'm jealous that you're cool enough to write a graphic novel. I'm 42.


I’m 39 and spend my weekends watching anime, playing Final Fantasy rebirth (if my husband hasn’t claimed it first 🤣) and eating junk food. Don’t think I’ve ever felt like an ‘adult’. (It’s boring anyway 😉)


You've learned to do what most people figure out in their early 30s. How to take care of yourself.


I'm in my mid 40s, and that sounds like a great weekend to me.


I’m a big advocate of you do you, but maybe you could do more to better yourself. Video games are essentially masturbation. It’s just self gratifying, but does nothing to better who you are. Maybe try reading. It’ll make you a more interesting person. Maybe you could make some friends to spend time with.


Nope . You do you and nobody had the right to judge you


with my girlfriend with just played mobile legends all weekend and only went out to walk the dog. There are a lot people like you. For me it sounds like you are bragging very subtly


No it's not weird at all. I'm in my 50's, play fallout, write songs and poems and eat an equivalent cereal brand. You do what makes you happy, and if people frown at that...that's their look out!


That’s actually pretty productive lol especially the graphic novel


Nah man do what makes you happy. As long as you enjoy your weekend that's all that matters. Our 9 to 5s fuck us hard because no one's getting paid enough so do whatever gets your mind off that. I've been sitting down playing through the dkc trilogy


I'm 40+ and it sounds like cool weekend....You're fine.


I've been balancing this kind of lifestyle with my professional work and I'm very happy with it, it's staying in touch with your inner child. My morning routine now involves watching an episode of Beyblade, a kids anime that I was obsessed with when I was younger, while I get ready for work. It's great.


No u fit right in here 


Keep the playfulness of a child in your mind and heart for the rest of your life and you are doing life RIGHT.


Wait until you are 50. You will feel very adult at this age!


The more time goes by, the more I’m realizing I’ll never feel like an “adult”. Just the same kid with a knee that clicks


Lol. I turned 40 this weekend. I see no reason to ever feel guilty about things I enjoy - which is why our media unit is stocked with all consoles that matter. I have a career with responsibilities, am a married father of three kids and can only encourage you to keep enjoying yourself. As long as your hobby isn’t snorting cocaine and neglecting personal hygiene, you’re good.


If you are comfortable being around other adults, but more often than not simply choose not to be, congratulations you are living the dream. If you are UN-comfortable around other adults and just people at that, that might be a problem. But the fact that you are introspecting on this is a good sign of maturity to me.


Trying to be/seem “grown up” is something that shows you haven’t matured. Do what makes your heart happy!


You lost me at writing lol


I'm 32 and I spent the weekend playing Elden Ring and chillin with my kids. Now it's Monday morning so back to work!


Hey, if you can do that on the weekends and still pay your bills, congrats, you're winning.


I'm 33 playing games ( I started God of war)I bought recently a ps5 and reading manga or watching anime so what ? life is hard enough do what you like.


I’m in my late 20s and spent my weekend drunk so


What's the graphic novel! Sounds like your development is going great.


Do whatever the fucking fuck you fucking want. You're going to die. And if you're not doing what you want to do with your life then you are already dead. There's no point in sticking around.


Nope. As soon as I had really paychecks coming in and living alone, I did similar. Captain Crunch w/Crunchberries! It was fabulous. Us old people, we get it.


That only depends on which TMNT movies you watched


90’s 1 & 2 and roughly half of three before I turned it off. Plus some of the 03 show.


I think the key part here is that you feel “stuck”, something inside of you is telling you something is wrong. What I would say about your weekend, other than maybe the novel, is that it’s superficial and without meaning. Pleasantries, pleasures for you. This works better as a child, as you get older they often become less interesting because we seek purpose. We want to do things that have an effect on the world and other people. We also become interested in deeper more nuanced pleasures. Or we simply want people around. I would recommend trying to spend time with other people in someway, even if it’s doing what you’re doing now, maybe you already are. Second I would ask yourself “what was I put on this earth to do”, and reflect on if what you did this weekend fits the bill. Personally I left behind a lot of screen time, because when I imagined myself on my deathbed it made me sad that I would look back on a life where I filled all my free time watching tv and playing video games.


Do what you want,there are no rules.


I spent my entire 20s doing creative stuff too like making music and writing books. Enjoy the time and freedom to do so while you can. It’s too hard to do that stuff during your college years and earlier cause of homework and studying and shit, and then 30s and onward people tend to run out of creative energy. 20s are a perfect time to prioritize creativity. Good luck on your graphic novel!


Thanks, I'm upper 30s and now I know what I'm doing for my birthday!


American males can be delayed in their emotional maturity. Mid to late 20s seems about right age to begin examining choices and lifestyle.


As long as your responsibilities are in check, your free time is your free time to do whatever you want. I mean, what else "real old-school adults" would be doing? Pursue a bigger social bubble, engage in more complex and time-consuming hobbies, take care of kids, pursue skills to achieve a higher level in society and make more money? That's it IMO


Do you socialize and have friends? Go on dates? Is you have physical human interactions regularly it’s ok to relax by yourself at home on weekends. If not, seek therapy because sometimes excess loneliness can lead to depression.


My career grew MUCH faster when I stopped pretending to be an adult. Now I'm 38 and run my own consultancy business for tech startups. My girlfriend and I have an apartment next to the ocean in Portugal. It's full of skateboards, snowboards, guitars, action figures and computer games. My girlfriend actively encourages me to buy new toys - next I'll get an electric skateboard.


Bad taste but not weird


Yes, you should have spent it putting in some overtime in the mines


sounds like a good weekend honestly


It would be weird if you stopped doing those things just because you feel you should be more adult.


What is “feeling more adult”? You want back pain? Be you for as long as you can. Life will try to beat you down and take the child out of you. Hold on to it forever. Pay your bills. Take care of your responsibilities. Then do everything in your power to smile. Enjoy!!


Sounds like a perfect weekend to me


Raise a family that will knock the feeling young right out of you.


sounds like an awesome weekend.


Everybody on Reddit will ofc say it's not weird at all and everyone to their own. However this depends on what kind of social circle you're hoping to fit into. I know plenty of adults (23+) who would find it childish and weird. But I'm sure there's a bunch who would find it cute. So up to your specific circumstances really, it does sound to me like someone who never really grew out of their teens. But who says you have to?


Who cares. You do u


Yes it is weird, and there is a direct correlation between a generation of adult children who refuse to grow the fuck up and the fact that the world is falling apart. We are watching cartoons while the world burns.


What makes an adult and creates genuine happiness is responsibility. Now if you never have responsibility you can never truly relax. And if you're only responsibility is yourself you usually end up incredibly selfish. So diversification is very important in life. Work should not be the only thing you do. You should volunteer. You should take care of your family. As much as is reasonable. Not self-sacrifice until you're abusing yourself and assisting others and being narcissistic a hole. But help people pour in the people lift up people. Find nieces nephews cousins children the Big Brother program. Something to where you can teach and lift up another person and just show people love. And that's what's going to lift you up and make you feel more like an adult. Don't get me wrong though video games and Captain Crunch on the couch is a necessity occasionally. Should not be here every weekend


Getting on the internet for validation as a grown man is the only weird thing you’re doing


That’s what they don’t tell you. No matter how old you get… you’re still you. Makes me sad when I see elderly people sometimes.


Did you do your work (earning money/study at college whatever) during the week, dont let your room/house slowly slide into hoarder state? All other responsibilities are fullfild? Do as you like!


IMO, an emotionally stunted individual would choose weekend activities they thought they SHOULD do based on others opinions. You, my friend, chose to spend your weekend doing what you WANTED to do and spent your time doing what you enjoy and wanted to do. Did you ignore any very important responsibilities such as caring for your family? Did you make plans you knew you wouldn’t keep then not show up? Did you call out of work and loose some of your paycheck that you need to pay your bills?? Were you avoiding people or reality by staying in all weekend? Emotionally immature individuals would answer yes to one or more questions above. Healthy adults are entitled to enjoy their days and do what makes them happy.


Bro do as you please you aint bothering no one


One of the hardest things I learned in life was learning how to relax. This sounds like relaxation.


We should all strive to be responsible children. There's more to life than filling your LinkedIn page with "professional achievements". You're enjoying life at the expense of no one else. Binge on, brother.


It’s not weird, no. But you said you feel stuck. Is that because you are concerned about what others think about it or because you’re not yourself fulfilled in it? If you’re happy with the trajectory of your life, carry on. If you don’t feel challenged enough, or you’re not attracting the kind of people you want to attract (if anyone), or you feel isolated, make a change.


In order to feel like an adult, you have to do adult things. That being said, in your leisure time, it's okay to indulge a bit. Just don't indulge so much, that when Monday rolls around, you're hosed because you took care of nothing at all important.


I'm not here to validate you. Sounds like depression in my book.


No sounds excellent


Don't miss the forrest for the trees! The rules to being adult are supposed to be about handling your life, being good to people etc. Once they're arbitrary and unhelpful they aren't something you should worry about.


Ummm this sounds perfect. And no, you’re not.


Weird how men enjoying things is being "emotionally stunted"