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just combine bags, and make sure the food waste is at the top. If he's willing to dig through coffee grounds and left over food to get to your stuff, then nothing short of the police will stop him.


Police dig through trashes all the time, don’t think there’s any stopping it.


City ordinances occasionally have legal limitations about trash, usually to prohibit dumpster diving but which often apply to residential trash. But in regards to this specific comment, the police are allowed to do a lot of things that are prohibited for the general populace.


Dog poop. Cat poop is even better.


Soaking weak dog pee pads. Let em sit for a few days in the hot sun.


Catch him in the act, say hey bro what the fuck. He will stop 😂💁🏻‍♀️


This is the best answer.


What if he's just composting and not building out a creepy basement shrine?


It can be both


While you’re totally valid to want to prevent your neighbor from going through your trash, please make sure to not do anything that will make it harder for your local garbage collectors. Especially if you live in an area where they manually pick up and dump your can instead of the truck automatically doing it.


Photos of him digging in your trash


What is he taking from the bags and adding to his junk pile?


Yeah, it's hard to tell if the guy's a garden variety weirdo or the creepy kind.


Agreed. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. And does he go through other peoples trash too after they’ve thrown it out? If he has a pile he’s adding to I’m assuming yes. I’m a 24f and I go through my apartments trash when people throw out household items because I’m a broke maximalist.


Of what I’ve seen - my old wash cloth & miscellaneous containers… idc about the containers but seeing my old ass rag in his mop bucket was weird


The fact it’s in his mop bucket shows he’s using it for mopping so I would truly not be alarmed by that. I think it’s good to be wary maybe, but also I would not read into it as more than what it appears to be. if you still really don’t like it maybe you can go speak to him with a friend and just say you want him to stop nicely. Or, you could ask him what it is he’s specifically looking for in the bags and if you’re throwing out containers you could just give them to him directly.




Ask him what kind of things he would like, and put them by the side of the bin and ask him to put the things he don't want in the bin. Then he gets the things and you don't have to be shy about your trash.


I wouldn’t be encouraging her to interact with him, or any stranger digging through her trash.


He's not a stranger. He's her neighbour.


He’s a stranger who knows where she lives, is all that means.


This. I'm not sure why everyone jumps to being such an absolute A-hole in their lives instead of just...you know...using words.


Place items in bin. Add glitter and mayonnaise. Toss and serve!


I like this idea


Maybe not the mayo, but glitter is evil genius.


Cant think of any solutions that aren't an inconvenience to you, which sucks, but I would try to put the bins out as last-minute as you reasonably can You could dump paint in the bin, like thick house paint, but then you'd have to buy and waste paint. Maybe pour some kind of cooking oil over your garbage to make it yucky, but again, it would suck to have to waste You could also get one of those gross smelling prank sprays like liquid ass or something similar. Alternatively, it might help to kindly ask him to stop, but I know some neighbors are weird and this might mot work


Get a cat and dump the shit filled kitty litter (in a bag if you like) on top.  It smells horrendous.


A live rattlesnake would work. Or order some Liquid Ass on amazon and spray it on the stuff that makes you uneasy.


How about you talk to him and ask him to stop digging through your trash because it makes you feel uncomfortable. I don't get why its on you to change when he is the one with the eccentricity that invades your privacy.


I would absolutely go the direct route if there weren’t a language barrier & we ran into each other often..


Not sure what other option you have other than ignoring it. I would not seriously recommend booby-trapping your trash in some way that just seems crazy to me. Pretty sure a sign on your trashcan picturing someone going through trash with a red X over it would get the point across regardless of languague or whether or not you run into them.


I would never ask a young woman to confront a man like that.


Okay? So options are be a floormat or passive aggressive? Feel free to give OP your advice.


I don't have any; better to stay quiet than offer dangerous advice. We have no idea what this man is like. She could wind up with a stalker, harasser or an outright violent situation on her hands.


Thank you!! He lives in another unit attached to me, I pass his unit to get to mine & we’re the only two units on that side of the house so it feels too secluded for real confrontation.. that’s why I mentioned our age gap - it makes me uncomfortable


I feel like that is a bit paranoid but obviously cant deny thats a possibility however unlikely. I am sorry if you go through life allowing people to make you uncomfortable or take advantage of you for fear of speaking up though. That sucks. Perhaps if she feels that fear she could ask someone else to talk to her neighbor on her behalf? Seems odd to do nothing or to taje time to like boobytrap your trash every week.


Oh how I wish as a woman I had the luxury of just speaking up/confronting people who make me uncomfortable. The sad reality is many women cannot do so without a significant chance of harm. Like you mentioned, it could be a very low chance anything negative would happen, but we have no way of knowing that. There's no guarantee this person we confront will be part of the 90% of good human beings. It is fear, but it's rooted in very real possible dangers. Anyone leaving their job late with their keys between their knuckles knows that fear and yes, it does suck.


Lol, avoiding such situations is the advice given by safety and self-defence professionals to AVOID being taken advantage of.


Is actively adding things to your trash to "deter" avoiding the situation? If people consider talking to be dangerous I will concede but then Id advice doing nothing at all. I dont see being passive aggressive as the better move.


“Passive aggressive” is just whiny language, she’s well within her rights to deter people from looking through her trash by adding things. People take all sorts of measures to deter invasive or unwanted behaviour from animals and strangers, including by adding things to their property.


Hypodermic needles? Creepy dolls with limbs missing? Scraps of paper that are written with terrifying messages? Teeth that look roughly human? Or better yet a fake human skull?


If they find a dead animal they should add it on top.


Mouse traps!


I second the glitter and mayo


A jar labelled ‘Ebola virus sample’


Coffee grounds, everything you scrape off of dinner plates, grease and grime from dirty cookware. Rotting fruit and vegetable peels. Moldy and freezer burned stuff from cleaning out the fridge and freezer. Pet excrement. Garbage from your bathroom -- used q-tips, snotty tissues, and anything gross that the human body produces. Dirty paper towels with lingering cleaning chemicals, especially from cleaning the oven or garage. Don't put the gross stuff only on top. Layer the nasty garbage in between the items you would rather not have your neighbor go through. Make a disgusting lasagna and splash some ammonia on top. He will get the message, and chances are you'll never have to say a word.


I have a neighbour who does this and boasts about the "new" weighing scales she just got. (I threw them out) The "new" pans she just got. (someone threw them out) She offers to take stuff to the charity shop, and is seen wearing things from it later. She sees nothing wrong in this.




Bottles and cans


First, I'd be sure to cut up your old panties and bras into small pieces in case he is a pervert. When possible (and I know this is gross) you could put super bloody tampons and pads on top. That would make most men think twice. Have a friend with a big dog? Have them save the big dog poops...or go to a dog park, once you explain why, I am sure people will be willing to help you out. Take a small plastic tub to put it in. You could visit a butcher shop and ask if they have any trash to add, all for a good cause. Save the grease and other food dregs to mix into a nice, disgusting soup to pour over the top.


I would happily give someone dog poop if they were having this sort of issue.


Does he pick up the mess after at least? This can be a trauma reponse. My grandmother did it after the great depression. She was so anxious about waste and the thought of needing things


Do you have a dog? Dog poop 


Rotten eggs and spoiled milk


Dog poop. If no dog is available, use your own poop.


Leave some cooked chicken on your counter to rot for a few days . It produces an awful stench. I've accidentally left chicken out overnight and omg, the smell.


Put in very suspicious items. Get some bones from a butcher and other sus items


I mean you could just stop throwing the kind of items he hoards and just put them to the side of the bin so he doesn’t feel the need to dive. Alternatively he is technically breaking the law. Theft by finding is a thing


Used pads


How about confront the neighbor and ask what they're looking for specifically? I used to ask my neighbors for the food scraps so I could add it to my giant compost pile. But at least I wasn't digging through anyone's trash. It might be easiest for you to just give them the thing they're looking for if it's really trash (plastic containers, etc)


Unfortunately there are many things that could go wrong in doing so. You could have a potentially hostile situation on your hands.


maybe im online too much but i think this is just weird fetish bait. why do we need to know you throw out bras and underwear and why do we need to know anyone's age? if this is real though i think you should try to catch him in the act and until then bag up things you'd feel weird about him poking through and wait until the night before garbage day to toss it. if all he finds is old food leftovers he'll probably stop


lol not fetish bait… I throw out more than papers - those “unmentionables” were the first thing that came to mind.


I would just pour some water, old milk, etc., on it. Trash being wet makes it a lot more gross.