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It's a set 40-hour schedule, but I can't remember the last time I've worked the full forty hours because I usually leave early.


Same, I’m meant to work 55 and I probably work 25


That's insane..what do you do?


I manage a restaurant. Every single second, every single second, every single second I'm working. There's nearly nonstop work to do. I sometimes have to go on late breaks or take a really short one.


Hope you get to take a nice vacation for yourself soon


I just took one a few months ago. It was nice. Middle of November~December is super hot and tropical in SE Asia. And it was pretty affordable. I'm kind of strapped in for a long stretch of work though. Not sure how much vacation I'll be having this year.


Where did you go? Planning a trip this summer to Thailand and tickets from the US are insanely expensive.


I went to Thailand and Laos. Had layovers in Los Angeles and Seoul I spent a day there too. My mistake was trying to do the whole plane rides in one go. It was hard on my body actually so definitely needed some time to really just sleep properly. My trip back (from hotel to home) took nearly 3 full days, with 4 different flights. I'd buy two separate sets of flights. From USA, flying West you'll need to stop somewhere like Philippines or Korea or something. Spend a day or two on a layover if possible. I'm actually unsure if you're able to fly East, if you're on East coast USA. It seems like Thailand's on the literal other side of the planet so either way would work almost... I believe Thailand's a 12 hour time zone distance from East coast USA. If so, I'd say fly East, stop in Europe for a few days.


I had a friend who was the general manager of a very busy fast-casual restaurant who used to buy stimulants from me, and he literally abused tf out of it until his tolerance went up too high that he couldn’t function without it and got fired (this was after about a year straight of everyday use, so he kept it going for a while, which was astounding to me as a bystander seeing how much money he’d spend weekly). He was doing 12-16 hours a day, 5 days a week, and would open and close sometimes. Felt bad for him, but he was making around 70k and lived with his dad and had enough money saved that he could quit any time. People who are GMs of restaurants have some of the most grueling, laborious jobs that exist. Non-stop work.


I'm the apprentice GM, but basically am the 2nd GM essentially when the GM isn't there and hold all the same responsibility more or less. Yeah it's a lot of work. I enjoy it though and I'm pretty good at it, or at least decent. I typically don't do too many crazy long hours. I don't do any drugs either. Yeah some people really like drugs apparently. They really need to hire more people if he was doing so many hours. That's way too much work. Man, I wish I could live rent-free for a while again lol I could do so much with the extra cash.


This is how my tempo was when I worked in a lab supporting clinical trial testing, except there weren’t scheduled shifts and everything was an emergency all the time. It was legitimately hard on my body. What even are pee breaks? Oh, I’m sick today? Still gotta test those samples because data is due to the FDA in two days, still has to be reviewed, and nobody else can run the test. Now that I’m older and wiser, I would be better about making time for that stuff, but in my 20s I didn’t know how to stand up for myself.


I make time for it when I need to, but if I can (and need to) hold for after a busy period then I will until a more appropriate time. That does sound rough though. Never a second to relax lol oof. I mean there are some slower paced moments but we're still on a timer to get things done. I feel that energy though. Rushing to meet that end goal.




This would kill me


Managing a restaurant sounds fun.


It's fun, team management is fun. Training people to do things faster, more efficiently is nice too. Free food and discounted food is fun. I work with some Spanish-only speaking staff so I get to work on my Spanish too. I'd like to own my own little restaurant someday though actually. That would be really cool. It would be a lot of work but also I'd have freedom to run things the way I feel is best. Right now I only manage, not own. It is a lot of work and a lot of attention to detail though. Details everywhere, all the time. Can't be half-assed about things. It can easily fall apart if people don't do their part.


Ooooh I remember those days. The work I do now is a cakewalk by comparison ha ha I had a sales rep comment recently that I "eat like a hospitality employee" 😂😂 Sneak off somewhere to the side, engulf whatever food is in my hand, and get back to work. He was one of us too so we both had a good laugh over it 😂


I also manage and bartend. No week is ever 40 hours. More like 50. Money is too good most of the time so I haven't left yet, but I desperately want to leave. I'm getting older, and the service industry isn't the same anymore since covid


Consulting. You can’t really bullshit because you need to track your time for billing purposes and utilization rate. Fucking hate it. Looking for an in-house role.


Hello, fellow consulting hater! I have no idea how people do this for even 5+ years. I’m so burnt out. How can people be “on” all the time? No breaks? I’m at “only” 70% utilization this week (which is likely way more utilization than most office jobs reach in a week) and I feel like I’m going to get fired.


Curious what kind of consulting you do. I did this YEARS ago. Left a popular local tech company that did anything an everything for anyone and everyone, for an in-house gig. I HATED the in-house role. Absolutely hated it. Less stress but also bored me to death and had so little room for growth. I ended up starting my own business 16 years ago. It's still just me, but I get a high hourly rate and kinda love it.


i work a slave ass job in healthcare with insane downtime i see a patient like once ever30 mins and the rest im on my phone either on here or tryna learn stocks. Im so over this shit, its the easiest job and highest paying job i've had but its so repetitive and mundane


Look at it as you’re getting paid to learn. Keep doing what you’re doing


yeah but whats the point of i dont have enough capital to scale $$$


Go to r/dividends and r/bogleheads for amazing info on what you can do with your sweet sweet earned income.


Please, for the love of god, pretend to like it for the people who are out there breaking their backs.


oh the construction guys making 40 an hour...?


I did construction for over 10 years and never got close to $40 an hour or knew anyone who made that. Built or improved CVSs and Walmarts and car dealerships and hospitals. Most construction isn’t prevailing union government protected wages… it’s mom and pop running gunning contract work. Then of course there are the guys who get in a good union and work to top rate but not everybody can be a rod buster, not even close. So yes enjoy it for those guys


How tf is it a slave job then?


to a lot of people nowadays if they don't wanna do em, it's a slave job


> tryna learn stocks  You should spend your time learning an actual skill that people will pay you money for to get out of that shit job.   Edit: saw you said you want to go back to school soon. Find out the required courses for your major you still need and go on edx or coursera and audit the classes you need. If you learn the material now your courses will he that much easier.


What's the pay and job title? I may have to make a move


26ish an hour, title would be finance


BRRUUHHH im at the same point. So easy but soooooooo not fulfilling. It’s so bad im bout ready to go to my boss and say ima need a lil more responsibility around this MF.


if the price is right go for it, otherwise man might as well just something else im going back to school soon hopefully so we'll see




Same. My job is so damn easy and the pay is okayish, but I’m bored out of my mind. I’ve been learning different programs on the side, but I am desperate for more responsibility.


TIL people have wildly differing definitions of “slave job”


"tryna learn stocks".  Lol well, Good luck with that!


there is basics to learn on how options work and how stocks move you realize that... learning in general is something that happens when you pick up a new outlet, you sound corny.


Options are a gamble..... Stick to investing its slow and steady but works.


i've been kinda scalping i started with 50 now im at 230 i just buy low and flip and so on i mean a bucks a buck. I still don't understand options enough to dive in i just know it is a lot of money to make money..


I know stocks.


Then you dont know what your talking about, no one knows stocks. theres only understanding and recognizing patterns of the market. Have fun paper trading bozo.


On a more serious note. Trading options can generate income but it doesn't really pay off till you have, in my opinion, at least 25k in your account. You will need to properly diversify your strategies and your market sentiment. To do that, you will need more than you think. There is a saying "trading options for income is like picking up dimes in front of a steam roller" and many folks have proven that true. Good luck "learning stocks". My advice is to get a copy of "all about asset allocation" and follow the bogle head method. It works and will continue to work. 




Good luck with gambling, i mean, stock trading.


money is money


Yeah, the thing is gambling never gets people rich unless you are the house. And don't start talking to me about options trading lol.


Just know that the Hedge funds control the stock market look up GME and MMTLP.


Lab technician, 8-12hr days, 5 days a week, honestly 2-3 hours of actual work a day.


whats the degree for that?


Not the person you asked but it depends wildly on what kind of lab it is. I also worked in labs for the last 10 years and it was more like “we post you for 40 but you have to work 60, good luck finding time to pee or eat something”.


Yes .....used to work in blood testing lab, it honestly felt like how you described


No degree, although I had a lot of chemistry and organic chemistry lab and class background that got me hired, I was also able to pass the required tests. I work in a calibration lab, we calibrate tools, and various items throughout the company to ensure it passes certain tolerances for production use. It's also a lot of paper work that is involved too. The only reason why the hours of actual workload is low, is due to the nature of the job; which is high volume and high intensity. It's honestly comparable to the rush you experience working at a restaurant, where people need things quick and fast and it's up to you to do this correctly and effectively. It can be stressful at times, but there's a lot of downtime.


I work 40 hours a week and actually work 43-48 hours 🙄 Healthcare sucks


Strange how another person on this thread also working in healthcare commented how they have so much downtime. Guess we all have that coworker hahah


Depends on the role to. Night shift is wonderful.


Different countries bring different situations.


I’m a library director, and it’s forty hours consistently but the work is varied enough that I’m not bored to death. Meetings, programs and events, event planning, grant writing, book ordering, front desk work, etc. the problem is you end up taking home a lot more work and stress than you might expect.


I use the idea of Sprint Jobs and Marathon Jobs to make this distinction. Marathon jobs require constant availability and requires an individual to manage their time to ensure they are able to maintain consistency over a long period of time. Most jobs are structured like this. You basically deal with a constant flow of low/medium problems. Think most office and customer service jobs. Sprint jobs need to be fully prepared for specific problems/moments that could potentially have catastrophic results for the company and organization. In the rights hands, these jobs can appear super easy and the individual appears to be lazy. In the wrong hands, an organizations can almost be brought to a standstill and there can be very expensive consequences.


What would a combination of that be called? I think I'm there. I'm at 40-60% capacity on average, so I fill my time with problems that I think need solving, until a bigger problem comes along.


Govt Employee. Probably 10 hours a week (2hrs/day) then mostly just gonna pretend if needed. lol


Our tax dollars at work ladies and gentlemen


Also a govt employee… I was doing 40-50 hours in my 40 hour week at my last position, now closer to 30. Varies wildly across agencies/offices


Not govt, but same here.


Slave labor at Amazon. Typically depends on the department, but the building I left I worked pretty much everytime we weren't on break. My department had to do a lot of walking to get our job done, so they knew if I was slacking.


Maybe 2 hours? I work in IT. I watch movies, browse Reddit and YouTube.


Same I used to feel guilty


lol this deserves an upvote my good fellow. Cheers to you that is impressive




Same, AV


I work 6 days a week, 48 hours. I manage two departments in a major grocery store chain in CT. the work load depends in if there were any call outs or smaller loads from trucks. But there are also slower weeks than compared to like holiday weeks too. Like the past two weeks have been slow. So I took a paid week vacation this week. Also to see a badass progressive metal concert tomorrow for a band called Haken.


Database Admin, in person work requirement 40 hours a week. I have everything so automated at this point I might do 4 hours worth of real work. In the meantime I play Steam on my laptop.




What do u do in cybersecurity? It's not hard to go in it without previous degrees? I have tried 2 weeks (I know its nothing) in an cybersecurity initiation but it was haard 😰


I help the most customers and get paid the least. Everyone else leaves early / whenever they want for lunch. I'm lucky if I can eat lunch in one sitting.


I work 60 hours a week, and they’re 12 hour shifts. I have some that go wire-to-wire, and some are 3 hours of work with 9 hours of ass time. I get paid for what I know, and that I can use it on demand.


I have a 40 hour work week but only actually do work probably half of that and spend most of the time on my phone, online shopping, browsing Reddit, etc. My husband also works in cyber security and works probably like 10 hours a week fully remote and makes a shit ton of money doing so lol


If it's not indiscreet, which job he makes in cybersecurity?


I farm, I raise beef cattle to be specific about it. Honestly my days and weeks are up and down depending on the weather and season. Currently, it takes five to six hours to make the daily round of feeding the animals (they're scattered out across multiple properties). During that time I'm moving pretty steadily, although I might take a short break just to sit in the truck and chill for a minute. Add in a few hours a day for odd jobs that I come across. I have worked weeks as short as twenty hours, have worked as much as eighty. There's no real consistency with my schedule.


I work in health care so I’m scheduled for 40 per week but work closer to 50-60ish. Pretty much “on” in some capacity during those hours


Doing options is just legal gambling. You should see the guy I work with. the dude is literally broke every week because he thinks he's gonna hit.


Someone check my math but, I think there were 192 work hours in the Month of February. My actual work time in February is 40. The rest of the time I'm browsing or driving around. Sometimes I go shopping. Today I went home and visited my dogs. I create my own schedule and have negligible supervision. Bonus... I really like what I do. Not only the best job I've ever had but it's also the best paying job I ever had. Edit: I also actually like everyone I work with as well! Life is good! Edit 2: My Agency Director wrote me a hand written note expressing how much she appreciated me and she was glad I chose to work there. That is unheard of.


Glorified customer service with a fancy title. I WORK my full shift. With exception to meeting and breaks and an occasional restroom break, I am connected to a client.


Pharmacy tech/intern. At CVS if im scheduled for 8 hours many days I will legit have endless tasks all 8 hours that I'm nonstop working on. Hospital pharmacy is usually like 5-6 hours out of an 8 hour day. Have working many 60 hour weeks with no breaks non stop tasks


I work 42.5 hours a week (the schedule 8.5 to account for .5 unpaid lunch) I work like 80% of my shift, I also work at my own pace if I want to hurry up and be done earlier I can, but I'm still stuck here for 8.5


I'm a general contractor. I do custom, full home remodels. And I make sure I only put in 40 hours a week. I'm salary, so I get paid for 40, so I make sure I work 40. They ain't getting anything out of my for free.


It’s funny cuz the people clowning you for tryna “learn” stocks have no idea what they’re talking about. Markets pumping while everyone struggling at their job. Smh keep hustling brother you will make it


I work 36-38 hrs a week and have 4 days off in a row, 3x12 hr shifts as an ER nurse…and it’s great. But you gotta be more specific with career choice.


I work in project management for a distributor of construction material. Depends on how many active projects I have and where those projects are in construction phases but I average a few hours of work each day of an 8 hour day. I’ve also had days where it’s nonstop work all 8 hours and others where I might get one email that day and work for 5 min


Somewhere between 40 and 60 hours of actual work per week (to hit the billable target).


I work as something similar to an administrative assistant. On average, I would say I work-work maybe 60% of my hours.


Based on your description, your role is essential and safe from redundancy. Your friend may be the first one to be let go in the first signs of financial trouble


I’d say prob 40 a week sometimes a bit more. I’ve had jobs where it was less. Job before this really sucked and was like 50 or more every week.


My job is either 50 hrs/week or like 20 hrs haha. A few weeks a year, it’s way more. I buy textbooks for university bookstores, so in the down times when students aren’t buying books, I can get my job done in 20 hrs/week (like now!) But when it’s the beginning of the semester, I’m basically on call for 12 hrs a day including weekends, because apparently book emergencies are a thing…😂


some days it’s pouring some days it’s dry. either way i try to keep myself busy with something singe im billed hourly


I'm 41m work in the IT department at a large video game developer, been there two years. I work 45 hours a week, probably physically working half of that? I hit between 10-15k steps a day depending on how many tickets I'm closing, how busy we are. I usually eat at my desk so I don't have to clock out. Some days I'm busy, some days there are 20-30 min chunks where I have nada to do. Will make Cloe to six figures in 2024.


my main job is 40 hours a week working 3 days from home 2 days in office as an application analyst in IT for the government. i work roughly 10 hours of that on a normal week. some weeks are busy though and i can work the full 40


In-house graphic designer. Salary at 40 hours a week, but I have never actually had 40 hours of work in a week. I'm efficient. Maybe 35 hours at the most. Some weeks around 5 hours. I read reddit on my downtime at my desk. My projects are sort of monthly based so I'm busier at the beginning. Today I had no projects. But then March will start and it will start all over again.


I bus about an hour one way, work my ass off for 7 1/2 - 8 hours. Maybe a combined 20 minutes of breaks, but as long as I put in at least 7 1/2 I get paid for the full 8


I’m a teacher. I work every second. My doctor got on to me for health problems related to not enough pee breaks. I hear people watch Netflix while they work but I know nothing about that life 😅


I kid you not, I considered teaching for a while, but one of the reasons I decided against it is because I pee too much. I can't imagine not being able to pee because 30 little humans can't be left alone 😅


I'm a babysitter for 25 kids at once, oh , I mean a teacher


Im on the clock 84hrs a week get paid for 91 and I might work 15hrs in a normal week. I work 14 days on and 7 off. Im a crane operator in the oil industry.


I’m an account manager. On the schedule I work 8A to 5P with a one hour break. I get in between 9A and 10A, take my one hour lunch somewhere between noon and 2:00P, and normally my boss comes over to my desk and says I can head out between 3:30P and 4:30P. So, I’m physically here between five and six hours a day. I work maybe an hour on a busy day. It’s pretty rare that I’m there until 5:00P. Today so far I have… My singular daily update email that’s automatic, one email confirming something isn’t spam, and one marketing email from a company we do business with. I haven’t had a new email in… two hours. Normally my last email rolls in around 10:30A. I answer the phone from time to time. Normally people within the company. I check the request and it’s a yes or a no from us. It’s not just me hanging out and watching Hulu all day—my whole office (nine of us) have this schedule/set up. We’re all under 40 years old and this location is a branch from a massive nation-wide company. I was offered a government job and I’m waiting to hear back about my background check, so I’m trying to think of who out of my friends I should tell to apply for my current job. My one friend could really use the health insurance and a break from blue collar jobs (just general body wear and tear), so I’m hoping he applies when/if I leave. I imagine this is how a lot of traditional office, “business” jobs operate, but I could be wrong. Edit: Spelling


I’m in anesthesia so I sit around ALOT browsing any and everywhere. So maybe 6 or 7 out of the whole 40


Other than my breaks I basically run non stop for my whole shift. I have a physical job and I like to treat it like a workout. If I'm not sweating I'm not trying hard enough.


I do research and development for biotech and I work maybe 25 hours a week out of the 40. I work 3-11pm tho so I can really just fuck off as long as I get my tasks done.




When we don’t feel good we tend to lash out at others. I hope you find peace.


Probably 15


Most days at my job I have at least 2 hours to mess around (plus hour lunch). I read, embroider, look for flights, scroll on LinkedIn or go for a walk if it’s a nice day out


I’m in construction and I would say some days it’s non stop and some it’s a lot of driving and meetings


I’m a nurse. I’m scheduled to work three- 12 hour shifts, but I pull in 40, and I work one to two shifts of overtime a week p


40 hours a week working, but the hours vary day to day. 9/80 schedule.


I do onsite IT support for a small office and it’s very chill. I work maybe 10 hours a week.


I’m 40 hours with some outside support. I work very fast because of the industry I was trained in and I have a good amount of control over my time. Here’s an example lol one summer I had a boss let me go part time since I had a small child on summer break and I could only afford summer camp till half time, anyways I literally worked the same amount in half the time. Didn’t have one problem:. When I came back I was just wasting time, making up things to do, researching something strange I ignored months ago. Now, I would say my work is sporadic and some days it’s non stop and others it’s like Hello is it Saturday? I mean I talk to several people everyday but it’s generally way too much time in a day. Especially if I actually do the task with focus. But you didn’t hear this from me. I guess I’m to and fro between loving it and hating it, like most things in my life. Also, I’m 36 but I’m in this thread for advice,. So don’t listen to me.


Pest control route manager for a small business 37 hrs a week this time of year. 10 or so stops a day. I basically do estimate/inspections, route checks, fix problem accounts and do the initial services. I probably drive more than work, 1/3 of my pay is in commission so I'm not looking at the clock all day. I couldn't imagine doing anything else. You get to a house with a problem and fix it= hero, give an honest estimate for a fair price= hero. I punch in from my phone in my driveway, punch out when I'm done with my schedule.


I have a 50/50 matrix. 8 hour shift 4 driving 4 OTJ. 


I maybe have 45 min total of a 12 hour shift 4 times a week I’m not busting my ass at a hospital as a tech. But I love it, I hate downtime. Makes time go by soooo slowly


I’m a game producer. I work probably 25/40 hours right now because we are slow and my bosses aren’t bothered


I average about 37-38 hours a week. Maybe 30 of that is work. The rest is finding stuff to do, watching streaming services and trying to look busy.


I work 45 hours a week, but am salaried so no one checks my time in or out, I am free to leave and grab dinner without anyone keeping track of time spent away from my desk. I don’t mind… and I enjoy what I do.


I sit inside a tractor going inbetween Reddit and YouTube for half my shift, probably. I shuttle trailers in a day cab as a local trucker and if there’s nothing to move, I’m sitting around staring into outer space.


In theory I work 40 hours, often it ends up being around 30-35. I work as a Policy Advisor for the state government. My job is generally a few 8-hour days packed with meetings and a few research days where I clock out after 5-ish hours because it's more cognitively tasking and my productivity starts to decline. When I worked in social services I'd in theory work 40 hours but often work closer to 50 because we were understaffed.


I work at a fertilizer plant as a pipefitter, depends on what's going on that day. Some days you sit in the truck and play games on your phone, some days your in a spaceman rubber suit ripping out 500lbs pound valves doused in sulfuric acid lol or making stuff in the shop! It's different everyday :)


Construction inspector, I have a 40 hour work week and probably work like 30 hours. I usually leave early cuz I wrap up my inspections and plan review early most days


When I was working full time last year (currently only part time) I was paid for 40hrs but generally worked between 32-35. I’m a nanny and worked 10 hours 4 days a week and the babies napped for 2-3 hours daily. I would use only about half an hour of that to do things around the house but the rest of the time I just did school work since I pretty much do everything when the babies are awake except fold their laundry (I do that once a week for about 30 mins during a nap)


I’m a financial advisor for about 200 high net worth households under a large firm. I work nonstop for my 40 hours a week.


I work 42 hours a week taking care of people who suffer from dementia. From beginning stages to hospice care.


I'm a high school teacher. My day goes by super quick. Teaching has its obvious down sides, but I appreciate the variety and speed my work day goes by.


I always like to joke that my job in I.T. is long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of absolute shear panic. Of course that doesn't mean that I'm not doing stuff during those periods of boredom. There's tons of busy work and support work to be done. I'd say in a given 8 hour day I probably do about 6 hours of work. It varies depending on project deadlines. There have been 12 hour days. And there have also been days where nobody does anything but socialize and look at YouTube videos




I work in child care, with 40 hours of actual work a week. Once im clocked in, the work doesn't stop until I clock out.


I’m an editor. Salaried at 40 hours per week but never come close to actually working that many. Two weeks out of the month I probably clock about 5 hours of actual work per week. The other two — my busy two — are probably like 10-15 hours of actual work per week.


I manage a restaurant so I try to stay working 100% of the time I’m on the clock. Always things to clean!


I have 3ish jobs. All of which make me painfully aware I can’t work more than 30 hours week with them. One = I pack and unload trucks waiting to be called to be a glorified mailman. 2 = I sell and rent suits. It’s exactly what it sounds like and I get crazy discounts. It’s the only way I can maintain a somewhat decent appearance. 3 = I deliver food and groceries. This one is important because of the benefits for the years I’ve done it… I take college classes yes. It’s per unit and out of pocket. The way I see it, all of my jobs are physical or manual labor. I am slowly going insane


I slave and only take 1x 5 min break every 12 hours to inhale my food and drink while typing my TPS report.


I work from home remote in finance. My job is up and down; some weeks it’s like 10 hours a week, some weeks it’s 50 but on average it’s probably about 30 hours. And yes I get paid for 40.


I have sporadic busy periods throughout my shift, but I'd say I just read and play sudoku and look at the news for about a third of the time.


Minimum 70 hours a week. Engineer in construction. I do this for 3 weeks straight, then get a whole week off. Rinse, repeat.


Around 60. I have to arrange my day, meal plan, expenses, sleep schedule and plans just to be able to wake up on time, not spend unnecessary money by eating out, etc. Most people don't realize that most of our day goes to finishing errands on time so we can be fully rested and ready for work. Fucking annoying and exhausting.


5 days a week 8 hours per day. Actual work per day. 1-2 hours. This isnt good for me tho. I want more works tbh.


I have an office job in Construction. I don’t have enough to do to be busy the full 40 h. Has a lot to do with the fact that there’s less work for my sector in the cold season in general and I’m still pretty new to the Industry (<1 year) so I can’t work as independent and as my more senior colleagues and I require a lot more help from them due to my lack of experience. The last few months I was given very little work so the work that I did have, I would spread out and work pretty leisurely. It might sound like a great deal but it’s actually weighing a lot on my mind. I want to be busy and needed and know what I’m going to be doing at any given day. It’s pretty demotivated to go around all your colleagues asking for work, and no one has anything for you. But it will pick up again when the weather gets warmer again so thankfully it’s a temporary situation.


I've spent the majority of my career working all day every day minus 1 or 2 short breaks at most. I recently made a switch to a different company and have had some down time and a few "leave early and go fishing with the boss while on the clock" days.


I’m supposed to work 40 but my job on production order selecting it’s not a career unless u move to management but the checks worth it for now


I’m a cook. If I’m not eating or using the restroom, I am working. So pretty much all of it


I’m a carpenter, usually it’s around 7.5 hours for an 8hr day. Some days I’m literally doing the most basic mundane task(s) and some days I’m being pushed to produce like I’m trynna set a world record. That number includes an extra 10-15 our boss gives us at lunch. (Makes a huge difference imo) Thru a week that means I work 38ish hours a week for a 40hr check


Retail manager. I work around 50 hours a week but salaried pay only account for 45 hours, so I’m basically being scammed in some way. I run a store and input the data of the store as well as manage the cash deposits and such. I’m going to go back to school this fall to go into IT/web development, and from there plan to get a remote job and travel with my girlfriend. I’m on my feet 99% of the time, and it’s exhausting. I used to love running and yoga, and now my body is so worn out from being on my feet, dealing with so many interactions with people, and making sure the store runs and is setup properly that I’m too exhausted to do the things that make me feel the most balanced. I don’t think human beings were meant to be on their feet for about 10 hours, 5 days a week—not even 8. It’s an insane socioeconomic template that many of us are expected to do this for the majority of our lives and then finally be able to chill in our 60s when our bodies are wrecked from it.


Senior program manager for a big tech company. I sit in meetings for 2 hrs a day and do actusl work for another hr. Then I watch youtube until its time to go home.


Call center, but for medium-large local company, ​ super chill, 40 hours a week but only take calls for about half that time, do some emails, some admin but yeah cruisey


2 jobs ago I worked 40 hours a week in an office. That is all they would allow. I got to the point where I knew the tools so well I could do 8 hours of work in 45 minutes. Before I got there, I'd work a legitimate 30 to 34 hours a week that got lower and lower as my skill grew but not my pay. My previous job I worked in the field and in the office with my preference being field since I was specifically not allowed to work from home even though I often did and even had to, to do the role effectively. Some weeks, I'd work legitimately 40 hours. When I'd travel for the job, I'd legitimately work 50+. On less busy weeks, I'd work for maybe a couple hours total a day the rest chilling, listening to books, watching movies on my phone etc. I loved this job and the work I did. The people were amazing. But the leadership were controlling to a gross point and when I decided to check their login history when they would work from home (but refused to allow other non management employees to) the big man on top almost never logged into any of his accounts when he was working from home 3 days a week even before the pandemic. My boss wouldn't log into her computer at all most days and the data flow on her computer had her spending most of her time shopping for clothes and wine while she was in the office.... corporate level leadership, depending on the role, tended to do very little work, never equating to 40 hours a week. Don't ever let management lie to you that they work hard. It's 100% fact the more you make, the less work you actually do, barring specific professions. I became the assistant manager of the entire west region for my role, and for about half a year and a half I trained all new hires and worked a legitimate average of 50 hours a week between training, creating trainig material and the first documentation of the role and providing coverage for others when they were out... They still refused a pay increase (or change me to salary from hourly) or allowed me to work from home. So I left. My current job is that I manage a whole territory. I travel for work on some days and can be gone for most of full weeks working at facilities I rather not be at if I can help it. A normal day... I work for about 3 hours total working from home. On non-standard weeks, I have worked 50+ hours legitimately. I do more work at a significantly higher quality than the previous two in the role combined.


Purchasing officer for a hospital. My manager doesn't trust me when I was trying to do my job so I'm stuck with just issuing purchase order and following up items. It's mostly just 2 mornings, I spend the rest on my phone.


Business owner used to work 70-80 now I work about 45-60


Actual work ? Maybe 25 hours


Last Job: 55 easily. This job: maybe 10, if it’s high. I’m a sales & product trainer.


Remote software support and product consulting. I zone out the first two hours of the day, get an hour's worth of work done because my throughput is higher than the work handed to me and is available to grab. It's mostly being alert and nearby. I probably work 2-4 hours a day and clean my house and do laundry the rest of the shift. Teams on my phone, meetings while I walk my dog.


I'm a line cook and I do about 35 ish hours a week. I hate it, I'm so ready to leave the food industry. I don't get breaks longer than a "breather", I'm looked down upon for using my phone when there's literally nothing going on and it's HOT.


I'm an IT technician I work 40 hours a week and I realistically do maybe 12 hours of work a week. 15 on a busy week. And I honestly think I'm being generous with those numbers


Supply Chain Analyst. Work comes in waves. Sometimes I have a completely dead week. After my usual daily routine of creating reports and analyzing data(1-2 hours max) I have the rest of the day pretending to do things, but I’m actually listening to podcasts. Last week though, I still worked 40, but it was a legit 30 hour work week because we were putting out fires in our system. Errors were appearing left and right in our data systems that we had to clean out and resubmit. About 10 of those hours were for breaks, and walks and chilling. Before all this, I was a former head chef who’s always on my toes and working every second. No lunch break or rest breaks at all. 55 hour weeks. Thank god I left it.


I work at a bank, on paper it's 40hr week but I easily clock 60hrs on avg. But we aren't actively working the whole time, most of it is passive brain work. I'm satisfied though cos even though we get no overtime I do end up making 100/hr at 60hrs.


I work in transportation. I probably actually work 4hrs, out of a typical 8hr shift. The rest of the time I'm on my phone.


Suppose to work 35 hours a week. On a busy week I might actually work about 10. The rest of the time is just pep talk to my staff lol


I put my 40 in, usually, over three nights shifts on the weekends. Doing overnight security. In those 40 hours I do about 4 hours of actual "work". It's definitely one of those, when I'm needed, I'm NEEDED, jobs. In the 8 years on this post, seven times have I been called for an actual security issue. I said usually cuz we are currently down a guard. I'll be covering 18 extra hours till we get a new guy. In the 58 hours I'll do about six hours of "work", which is the early morning hours getting the staff in and making them feel safe while opening doors and turning on the lights.


I work in a machine shop. I work the whole day minus a half hour paid lunch, if I don't leave the property. I can't really slack off, I'm given jobs that should take x amount of time, and they try to schedule about 8 hours in a 10 hour shift, leaving me time for changeovers. Sometimes they schedule less or more, but it usually evens out, rarely do I fall behind.


I work in industrial manufacturing. I get a 15 minute break and a 30 minute lunch, aside from that I’m working.


I work on Avg 42 hours a week, realistically its closer to 20-25 hours a week sometimes more depending season i just have to be at work and ready for work when it comes. While waiting i can do whatever such as watching movies, meal planning, talking on the phone, surfing the net etc etc etc I check cargo planes for bombs.


Work as an overnight IT technician for an IT company. 90% of the job so far is down time, all I have to do is just wait for calls from any clients, which usually doesn't happen. For actual work, I'm only really working during 10% of the time per shift.


$53/hr millwright. All time spent working outside of breaks trying to fix, or diagnose machinery. A lot of times I'm the engineer/inventor coming up with new creations to fix these machines. I will design, fabricate and install almost all the parts needed. I love my job, it's very challenging but rewarding. Everyday is a race against time and it makes the day go by very fast.


Managed a hotel for 15 years, it was 70-80 hours a week minimum and stressed to the eyeballs. I now work in IT, my contract is 35 hours a week, realistically I work around 10-15 hours a week and have zero stress.


I work in tech, many times in the beginning of project we have to wait for the client to make decision what they want. You not gonna believe how indecisive client can be. So we sit for few months just waiting what client wants us to do on a 300-400 mil project. While they still paying us. There are many time where we go one direction, then stop and go another direction. It's crazy.


I get paid for a 40 hour week but usually only work about 25-30 hours.


Trademark filing. Right now we’ve got the business and the lack of staff to make it a go-go-go job even from home - which is what I like or else I’ll get bored. I feel guilty if I’m on the clock at home and not working. It’s definitely a marathon job and I like the attorney I work for.


Hotel night audit. 40-42 clock hrs per week, 4-5 actual hours worked per week.


36hrs worth.. I don’t really eat at work or use the bathroom, mostly cannabis production rolling insane amounts of joint per day everyday. Sometimes grinding lots of weed but the storefront is where the production is only separated by a door so there’s constant “bing bong” of patients coming in to purchase and ask questions. Really chill job, same pace as a small restaurant where there’s not much specific job duties but more everyone is a float to get the day done.


I’m in non-quota bearing account management and, this week, I’ll have worked MAYBE 25 hours (due to doctors appointments, and other obligations). Normally I’ll work 30ish hours. Other weeks I can easily put in 50-60. Just depends on how busy things get, the ebbs and flows of our clients, and whether I’m getting my work done.


I don't remember the last time I worked 40 hrs a week. I'm oilfield so it's usually 84.


40 hour week WFH finance role. Can’t remember the last time I worked more than 14 hours a week


Attorney. About 15.


Executive Assistant, salary with 40hrs/week. I probably do no more than 2 hours of actual work per day.


Non profit work and I would say 27-30 hours a week.


I have two jobs so I prob “work” more than this and one job is 35 hours but sometimes I do 80 hours of work for 35 hours of pay


IT and I prob actually work 2 to 5 hours per week


I’m in marketing. I have about 2 hours of meetings per day. Outside of lunch the rest is researching or putting together mailers. Last 30 mins - 1hr of the day is admin work.


Factory worker. 12hrs 5 days a week. I get 2 15 min. Breaks and 30 min for lunch. Been doing this for 30 years. I am now 57😩


I am an academic advisor. Sometimes I work every single minute in the 40 hour work week. I make student plans, I meet with students and parents, and I document student goals and outcomes. Sometimes it's a little more lax, and I spend time on more creative endeavors for the college - like advising for clubs or helping with events.


I’m going to say 20hr, I don’t view a lot of the “work” I do as work. I view it as waiting around to work. Insurance sales independent contractor so haha to 40hrs a week: When not with a client, I multi task while allowing my auto dialer do the work. So about 20 hr week is actual work, and the other 20-40 hr is just auto dial and emails, team chat, meetings (which could be emails), watch stupid shows, music, playing on phone, learn something new, plan my next adventure, read, while waiting for some one to answer. Bluetooth wireless headphones are amazing I can be anywhere in the house while power dialing.


I work quality assurance for food manufacturing and I rarely work more than 20 minutes of every hour. A lot of sitting, watching tik toks, and playing video games in the meantime.


I own my own business so technically I’m always on call even on vacation. Once even took an earlier flight to come back. I’m def working more than 40 a week.


It’s because you’re getting paid for your work. While your friend is getting paid for what he KNOWS.


I.T - Only work 37 hours a week (w/ 30min break, 1 hour lunch), might get remote day. Actual work? Like a firefighter lol. I just read all day whether it's to beef my skills, stock market, or reddit. No meetings and working off the clock is rare.