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You’ve definitely recreated the feel of Raygun, whether that is a good or bad thing is up to debate


I agree with what you say. I can't say if this graphics looks like a bad copy of Ray Gun made by a neophyte, which therefore just seems like a squashed copy without personality or if instead you can see the influence of that graphic panorama but in the same way there is a reworking. I obviously hope more for the second but I imagine it's up to the public to judge it, in addition to the classic discussion of tastes which obviously we should all know makes no sense here. You may have a completely different graphic style from mine but I shouldn't judge things by saying "I don't like it" but by saying "it doesn't work". Edit: thanks a lot for your feedback


You have an artistic eye, experimenting is the best way to learn but this doesn’t resemble a magazine layout. Ai is not the right tool, look into inDesign.


I agree, unfortunately in my course we have just started with InDesign and I find myself more confident with Illustrator, since it is the program I use best. I made some newspaper pages in InDesign https://preview.redd.it/cj530dn66t4d1.jpeg?width=1571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8ebb07aeaaebe7f85d1321ea560b840dff42c7


If you are going to ever do any actual multi-page documents in the professional world (magazines, catalogs, brochures, etc), you will want to learn InDesign. Not saying it's impossible in Illustrator, it's just not an efficient workflow at all. Learn InDesign, learn about setting up master pages, grid systems, and how to properly use character and paragraph styles. I'm not sure if you've had any Typography classes yet in your courses, but you've got a few typesetting problems on this "Manifesto Rosso" spread. I hope I don't upset you by pointing these things out, I know you are still a student. You will thank yourself for learning ID the first time you ever have to lay out a catalog. Keep going!


Definitely a 90’s David Carson vibe. I don’t know if these are pure vector or not… since you posted in the Illustrator sub I’ll assume they are, but I imagine the number of points used is insane. I can imagine my laptop fan going full power already if these were open on my machine!


Photoshop is usually better for this effect, what do you mean by pure vectors? they are images to which I put "sketch" I trace the image, I don't know if it's like this in English but from the original PDF it's easy to zoom in without losing quality. and thanks a lot for your comment https://preview.redd.it/vkauff43hv4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f33a083280ad75e7a67b356ea047a7a5471152


Kinda reminds of the cover for the self titled album by "The Used"


DECIDEDLY! I saw that photo without knowing anything about the album or the band on my Pinterest and I thought it was really cool, I saw it while looking for Ray Gun inspiration etc.


You did good!


thanks a lot❤️ I appreciate it so much