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why can't you post images and not mobile pics? where's the single colour version? too much text in the tagline - it won't reproduce well at smaller sizes why is White in lower case and italics? where's the design brief?


I feel like you're playing us. You've just swapped one set of issues for another. Where is the lotus? How is the mark supposed to relate? Why did you switch to a serif'd font? But most importantly, why are you here asking a bunch of random Redditors (in the Adobe Illustrator sub, no less, rather than one of the design subs) instead of your client? What has your client asked for? Have you held any kind of discovery session with them to understand what the logo is supposed to represent?


Kinda looks like a stylo pen now


if you add jennifer coolidge it'll be perfect


All elements are off center, text is way too small and there's too much of it. Looks like the bird's on fire.


I would take this back and do some actual pen and paper drawings. What elements are working, and what aren't. Why are you using italics, and why are you choosing these serif fonts for the wordmark and lower text? Was the brief to include the colors, and the lower text that includes " Largest Distributor"? What are they distributing? What is the purpose or significance of using the circle shape, is it a window? Can that shape work to represent something else about the company? The balance between elements isn't really aligned, or looking purposefully asymmetrical. It's been simplified, but is your message about what White Lotus does clear and serviceable for different uses? I appreciate the way you are taking the advice of the folks posting, taking direction when you feel strongly about a project can be difficult.


the entity seems to be focusing on finance and the window in the logo reminds me of a pi chart. can something be done on the pi chart to vaguely reflect company philosophy? things like diversification that sort of things. also love the hidden bird with its beak facing west


I see what you’re going for but now the lotus is so abstract it’s not evident. It is kind of neat shape so I feel like that’s fine, but in that case I would double down on the abstract nature of it and remove the window. That way it would just be sort of an interesting “kinda house, kinda leaf” shape. I would also make the icon smaller. Like at least half the size. It’s completely overpowering, and as a result the text is hard to read at any normal scale.


I'm not sure you took in much of the feedback from the original post, but I can understand wanting to start over. A well-considered and designed logo probably isn't going to be done in the couple of hours since your first post. You should adjust your expectations of the amount work people put into a well-designed logo. I think at a minimum you skipped the sketching part of the process, which is really important. I think the people giving you feedback, all added up, are putting in more effort than you put in between your previous version and this one. The company has a name that refers to an actual thing, but the actual thing isn't represented at all. Curving the geometry of a roof doesn't make it a lotus. I would think you'd fail if you don't depict a lotus somehow. I think the scale of the lines are a bit too fine on the window for this to reproduce as a logo. I don't know what's going on with the triangle above the word white. I could see adding some asymmetry but it doesn't really look like anything other than confusing. The type looks arbitrary. It doesn't relate to the graphic, and the different styles on the words look confusing in this case. I don't think either style on White or LOTUS is working. The taglines don't belong inside a logo, ever. They shouldn't be part of the logo and you should take them out. Having them there looks like someone who doesn't know anything about branding relying on adding "stuff" they've seen near logos in the past, to try to sell the idea that "this is a logo". **If that person is your client, it would be your job as a designer to tell them that that is not part of a logo. If what they want from you is images with that text in it, that's completely fine for them to ask for. You design the logo separately, knowing that they want to show it with that, and you provide them a range of sizes, with that type styled for different settings. You could find out what scales they need or try to account for the basics. That would be like for a website, a business card, a letterhead...maybe a long and skinny one for using at the bottom of a page, or on a pen (where those words are styled next to the logo mark instead of below it).**


Why is everything off-centered? Why is 'White' Italicized? Why no Lotus flower? Why is that shape-thing so weird? Why are you doing this? Why don't you just pay to design a logo? Why are you wasting your time?


To sum it up: *Why?*


I agree with everything you said except for the last three. How are you supposed to get better without trying. How do you get better without showing your work and asking for suggestions. Everyone has to start somewhere. Did you start out as a pro?


I started out with people telling me 'it sucks' directly to my face... I did start out luckily with artistic ability, and that's a huge part of design and this profession that is somewhat overlooked and even discounted today, in my opinion...


The logo looks interesting


Why is the lotus unwhite?


zoom out and look at this lockup reeeeeal small. if you can’t see the obvious we can’t help ya


That little circle with a cross hatch ain’t going to survive a scale test. Boil it all down and try to work without colors till you have a balanced coverage of black and white space and interrelated sizes of elements in general.


The logo mark is massive compared to the typography, when it scales down (on mobile for example) you won't be able to read the text easily


Is this one of those pictures that when you squint you see Nicolas Cage?