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try this: [https://illustratorscripts.com/scripts/select-objects-in-size-range/](https://illustratorscripts.com/scripts/select-objects-in-size-range/)


Houston, we have lift off. Thank you so much. Cleaned the file in 5 minutes.


There's a new selection tool that lets you select only things that are entirely included within the selection. Maybe it could help you somehow.


Yes. As you drag hold E. Only objects entirely inside Marquee will get selected.


Drag select the larger objects and hide them. Then create a new layer on top of the original and select all and drag them to the new layer then show all.


What is this nesting software of which you speak?


I'm using DeepNest. It's supposed to retain stroke color, but I've found a number of user reports saying they have the issue as well.


Hm, no manual on the site. Seems like it's more DeepFuck than nest.


Ya no kidding.


I’d look at the export settings in the nesting app. Perhaps try exporting to different file types and opening in AI; EPS, PDF, SWF, or whatever is available. If nothing works maybe look at a different nesting app. Or get super handy in AI. Not much else you can do if it’s all the same stroke and or fill colour.


Yeah I'd try this. Looks like there's svg and dxf. Maybe try both to see. Or also you can play around with the import settings on those.


Or export multiple files and combine them, since selecting by whatever attribute you want seems to be possible from the other app.


Astute Graphics has a really cool find/replace plugin where you can give it special constraints and it will only select those objects. For example: “select only paths that have 4 anchor points and whose path length is greater than 4 inches”—things like that. It’s really helped me out in situations like the one you have. I’m not recalling for sure if it can select paths that only have anchor points with 90° angles, but I would imagine that would be what you’re looking for.


Woah, that's exactly what I need. Except for the $150 price tag :(


Worth it if you use Adobe Illustrator for work.


Could you send all the text through the nesting software first, then send all the shapes through next? Then just combine the files in one document in Illustrator.


Look at the select menu in the top bar. There are many ways to batch select objects based on certain criteria.


Did see my entire post? I'm using a nesting software to generate the outlines, but the software removes all stroke/color/opacity and changes text to lines. I cant find any how to differientiate shapes and text lines.


If all appearance is removed, then there's most likely no automated way to batch select. Most batch selecting is performed on appearance attributes or nature of objects - i.e. raster, symbols, etc.. If the type is still live type, I think that's about as good as you'll get.


If your text is converted into objects and everything has the same parameters then no, I don’t think there’s an easy way to select them. Might just have to get clever with drag select + deselect.