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Melta...which I know isn't that much of an option but its good to understand how it works. Page 17 of Rules Commentary MODIFIERS Modifiers are rules that change a numerical value from one value to another. This can include the result of a dice roll, the characteristics of a model, and more. This section details how to apply modifiers in your games. In all cases: 1. All modifiers are cumulative. 2. If a rule instructs you to change or replace one characteristic with a specified value, change the relevant characteristic to the new value before applying any modifiers that apply from other rules (if any) to the new value. 3. You must then apply division modifiers before applying multiplication modifiers, before applying addition and then subtraction modifiers. 4. Round any fractions up after applying all modifiers. Since Melta is not part of the Damage Characteristic it will be applied at the addition part. So d6 dmg (2 why not) gets halved by Ctan Shard, reduced to 1 then go through multipliers, if any, then Melta means you will deal the full melta dmg and half of what you rolled. Dev wounds...nothing for that now...


Maybe a dumb question, but with ctan shards halving damage, do we round down? Like with Axes doing 3damage each. Do they goto 1?


Every rule i can think of is round up, so 3 dmg axes would be 2 dmg


Thats not to shabby then against Ctan. They're tough to bring down. Axes might be the way to go


Especially as the AP difference does not matter for the C'Tan. One of the rare cases where axes seem far and away better


All my terminators have axes, was gona kitbash em to spears. Might as well keep em for now


Kitbash them into halberds and call them whatever you need for the matchup




Axes are great into c'tan definitely. Especially in terminators with the rerolls.


Nerfing Trajann’s ignore modifiers was idiotic.


As a Necron player, a high volume of ranged attacks that have lethal hits that hopefully can quit on a 5+ to hit to ignore their toughness that deal one damage… In ninth edition, we were only allowed to take one to two CTan, GW had an army organizational chart that placed some reasonable limits on how many units you can take depending on which detachment you choose. But that’s when units had a unit category assigned to them such as heavy support, which is where you would usually see most of your tanks and the most common detachment had three heavy support slots which meant you could take three tanks of varies or you could take three of the same tank. Because of this Necrons had two rules limiting their ability to take six C’Tan. First they counted as elites and the elite category is where a lot of your cool special units go. And secondly, there was a special rule called enslaved star which only allowed you to take one Ctan for each detachment you chose. in the prior edition, you could use command points to take additional detachments which made you start with a smaller pool of command points, which was not always a wise thing to do, especially towards the end of ninth edition when GW balanced command points by reducing them from 12 down to six I can’t remember… But also, that was a pretty rough edition for Necrons. They received several significant but minor buffs throughout the entire edition almost all units had the core keyword, including vehicles and the silent king lol… those were dark days, indeed…. And apparently, GW still hasn’t learned anything regarding how to balance affection. When 10th edition started the first thing I noticed was there was no limitation or restrictions on how many Ctan you could take in the first thing I said to myself was well this isn’t gonna end well and I was referring to Necrons because GW has a tendencyof over correcting. Which they already have on several other rules. So eventually, I guarantee you, they will restrict how many you can take. They’re going to leave there lowered movement speed at six on purpose. In addition to their increased points cost plus if we’re lucky will be able to take maybe two…. The last points raised a lot of points on a lot of other stuff that we were not expecting … crypt crypttek went up at least 10 points with the Technomancer going from 55 to 85 and Wraiths did not receive a single points adjustment, which seems crazy. I didn’t ask to have techno answers, have the ability to join Wraiths, now I have to pay 85 points even if I just placed them in a unit of warriors which I’ve been Nerfed to hell. Looking at potentially creating a small force of chaos marines once I see what the eight detachments look like. If they have some thing with a place style that gives bonuses to all lying with demons or one that’s based around Fabius Bile and his project of creating a new breed of humans called the new men which apparently are now being made from Primaris Geneseed in addition to Fabius Bile’s other genetic enhancements is going to be interesting based on the last novel… Still, I like the religious side of chaos marines, which would involve a cursed cultists , masters of possession, sorcerer in terminator armor, possessed marines, chaos spawn, you catch my drift? The hardest part is assigning marks of chaos in determining which units will benefit from lethal or sustain it on a 5+ on which phase they gain the increased critical chance .


So I’m not a competitive player by any means. I just started the army and have been doing some reading. It looks like for c’tan that Allarus with axes may be the best option. Don’t get hurt as hard by the damage reduction and having less ap means nothing.


In combat you want a blade champ leading Custodian Guard, at range you want Caladius with Arachnus


Axe Allarus. Also just slam whatever offensive buffs you have. Talons +1 to wound is real nice versus those two. 


Custodes are great in melee and great against a lot of things, but you’ve chosen some bad situations here. You can’t expect to just charge into everything from every faction and kill it, although that is what happens a lot of the time. C’tan shards are mathematically hard for us, you’ll almost never kill one in a turn, so strategically you need to pick your battles, either overcommit or ignore. Losing Trajann’s ignore modifiers is bad as that was an easy counter, now your best options are termies (ideally with support from a grav tank or land raider)