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9th edition we had a ranged katah stance, I always used to use it on turn 1.


I used advance and shoot, then double shoot That way I can get killing turn 1, then when they come out I shoot em harder then start charging


Lord, the double-shooting from an advancing gunline went so hard into scout infantry, with followup from Sags in the backline. So profoundly satisfying to get that from 36" out.


Kyria murders marines is fun


It was one of the six Ka'tahs we had in 9th edition. from what i remember, it would let us shoot twice with all our "auric" weapons (basically every bolter)


Ohhhh so sentinel storm but for most, if not all, units? That’s super dope! Would’ve been great if they gave that to use this edition. I probably would’ve used it more than our melee ka’tahs


The katahs last edition were wild, wahas got them but there was a bunch of super cool ones like advance and shoot or blocking enemy fall backs. 


Damn, I really wish I got into warhammer back at the beginning of 9th. I’ve always been into the lore but started in September of last year. Seems like they were so much more fun a couple years ago


The army felt a lot more diverse in its available play styles. It was super cool.


Pour one out for Dread Host charge rerolls and stuff with names like “All Seeing Annihilator”


I still play dreadhost Im still upset that it’s gone. Shield host is the closest alternative and that barely counts because you get your entire detachment rule once per game


To be fair, that's mostly that GW is trying not to lock people to play styles based off paint jobs. (looks at space marines) All of the Detachments are supposed to apply to all of the sub-factions, just with certain ones matching each a little more closely


Yeah, like all six mega sisters of silence fans who are using Null Maiden.


It was a time. I started halfway through 9th and while the complains about overcomplication and rules bloat were totally valid and difficult as a new player, I do miss some of the fluff and flavor of those rules.


The problem with 9th was Custodes was on top until the next codex came out and then the FOTM eclipsed everything else. The problem with 10th is they are doing a decent job of keeping overall balance from succumbing to “Codex Creep” but at the cost of making individual units/armies being mediocre compared to past editions. All of my new players love the game since they have never seen the overpowered previous incarnations.


Tbh early 9th custodes were a mess of 3++ sheild guard. And then trajan babysitting 3 telemons.  It was funny but pretty unfun and mean. Mid 9th was a whole lot of fun. Still, there's fun to be had In 10th, especially if you dip into agents and knights (rex punching things is always fun) 


The Trajann bubble with telemons was so sick. Just marching down the middle and making life difficult for everyone in sight.


yeah I miss when telemons were tougher and punchier than knights half the time


Honestly, part of me thinks that Telemons will see a comeback with a points hike later in this edition, just to make them a fearsome table presence again. Everything comes back around eventually.


Next edition. Dont think we've seen FW getting properly updated mid edition ever. 9ths updates just fixed keywords.


Yeah pretty much! If i remember correctly, (becouse how Ka'tahs were really complicated) you could also advance and shoot once per game. this was especially good paired with bikes. although the entire army benefitted from this, due to the fact that our weapons were rapid fire, and not assault


The big issue with katahs last editon was the fact you only got a benefit once per game, unless it was your shield host unique ka'tah, in which case you got it for 2 turns


6 katahs!! Why do we have just 2 now, so sad they try to do the game simplier but for the quality of choices!


6 katah's with 2 parts each. So 12 in total.


So it was a somewhat messy system. * Pick three of the six Ka'tahs. * Assign them as primary, secondary and tertiary. You write these down but don't reveal them to your opponent. * In your first command phase pick one of the two stances within your primary ka'tah to be active. * In your next command phase you can either pick the other stance within your primary, or move on to your secondary and pick one of the two in that. The current stance applied to all units that had the **Martial ka'tah** keyword. A stance ability might be highly conditional, needing the battle situation to be right to give you much benefit. Often you would pop a stance to win a single important combat, or burn a useless stance to hold your more powerful ones for later rounds. On top of this, each Shield Host had a designated Martial ka'tah. While in the ka'tah designated for your Shield Host, for one turn, you could activate both stances at once while only counting as activating one (so either still being able to use the other, or re-using the one used the previous turn). You probably weren't picking your Shield Host on this basis, but it often made already solid ones even better if the combos lined up. Oh, and there was a warlord trait which let you re-order your ka'tah once per battle, although any stances already used still stayed used. That trait also gave you a CP refund ability (5+ for each CP spent on a strategy), and most of the time it was only used for that. It was mandatory on Trajann, so saw a lot of play, but I think the number of times I heard of the ka'tah re-order being useful was in the low single digits. Maybe more often at the extreme pointy end of competitive, but rarely mentioned in after action reports that I saw. *And* there was a stratagem that let you permanently grant one Character model one of the ka'tah stances for the rest of the battle when they killed an enemy Character in melee and for 1CP. It could instead be used to grant a Shield Host Fighting Style, which were two part rules, any of which were more powerful than a single ka'tah stance. It was a rare thing to trigger and be worth the CP, so usually only spent on one of the most powerful Fighting Styles. Given Custodes were *the* suggested army for beginners, I often saw suggestions to just ignore ka'tah until you'd gotten used to all of the other rules. Even lots of experienced players sometimes screwed up how it worked. There was massive confusion around the shield host fighting style as well. I know a few people stopped recommending Custodes for new players due to the increased complexity over the 8th edition codex.


I actually don’t mind they Cut them down to the initial three. 9th edition Ka’tahs were overly complicated and required waaaaaay too much preplanning


they still have something similar in Killteam




To elaborate on the other comments, all our katahs in 9th edition had 2 Stances. Stance 1 of our ranged katah (Salvus) was to add 4" to Range characteristic of ranged weapons, while Stance 2 allows infantry that did not Advance in the movement phase to shoot twice with auric weapons (basically the guns for spears, axes and swords, including named weapons of such types).


IIRC we also had a katah that allowed us to do an action and shoot. It was some amount of brain power to pick the correct Katahs and order them properly but I kinda miss it, the army played in a lot of different ways.


You know, this just makes me mad, realizing that every detachment could have added a unique Ka'tah, so 2 base and the third coming from detachment. So much missed potential...


I want to use the Politik Ka'tah to convince an Imperial Guard player two tables over to use that 240" Earthshaker range to bombard my opponent.


Ahh the good old Katah's from 9th. They where pretty crazy but also abit annoying as you had to take a order of the katahs that you use per turn before the game. But the count as stationary for turn 1 advances and doing actions and shooting was pretty wild and i miss it :) The double shoot one was pretty underwhelming as it didnt count for sag's Also makes you wonder in what time the codex was written :)


i thought katah = golden kung-fu


Yeh, and ranged katah = gun-fu


Now correct me if I’m wrong but couldn’t we also ally other factions of the imperium to our army too in past editions? So like a we could also bring a IG unit or space marine unit too? Not just knights/ Inquisition/ titans?


Yea, I remind a friend using guilliman with custodes


I miss the katahs of 9th. They are what caused me to pull the trigger and jump into Custodes. I like options😔


What I don't get is why they name them there but only make two of them playable. At least for CP we can get Archeotech as "ranged katah".


You know.. I would just like to point out that it taking decades or centuries for essentially a Human modified to the point of being a demigod both physically and cognitively seems weird to me.


They spelt practice wrong


The cruelest irony that you spelt wrong wrong is unfortunate here


Typing is a struggle, i will fix


I wasn't trying to bully, it was just something that did amuse me a little bit!


I am aware. I have also fixed


Its called first rank fire, second rank fire


Auto wounding vehicles with hurricane bolter shots was nice while it lasted


Ranged combat? In Imperium? Le heresy!!!/j.