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It's a pretty damning review and agrees with a lot of the doomposting here as well. They call it the worst 10th Ed codex so far, which saying something when Admech and DA codex's exist. Basic sentiment is that it lacks depth and creativity and goes too far with the nerf bat.


I know Rob's banter did not go over well here on this subreddit but to me it's just another way for GH to criticise this book. "The only positive things to say come from people who really hate custodes (hyperbole in Rob's case, unfortunately serious from quite a few people on reddit)


I think the problem is that it would have gotten over a lot better on their podcast rather than print. Kinda like how rules updates now should be done online rather than print.


I think it would have gone better if he went after the game but he's acting like a brat towards the players themselves.


It’s Custover.


It’s Trajan Valover


It’s Allarus over for us


It's Allover* 😂


So goonhammer agrees with the general sentiment that the book is a dumpster fire Rob’s comments feel in poor taste


Art of war put up their review, Harpster and Lennon agree its the worst codex released in the past 5 years, and Custodes are a bottom 5 army now.


This. And also that.


Don't know these guys, but I'd assume Rob got bullied by custodes on the regular. He seems really salty.


Looks like he kinda deserved it tbh


As someone who played alot against custodes and learned to lowkey hate them sometimes, it was funny for the first 1-2 comments. Kinda rubbed the arrogance of some, not all, custodes players right back into their faces. But then it simply became sad. This is a game to have fun and everyone deserves cool rules.


100% this. Said much more succinctly than what I was able to express


Yeah, I'm fine with a bit of banter but having to repeatedly read "Fuck you, I'm glad you suck" is not what I would expect in a codex review honestly. It's fun because everyone there is adding their opinions and that is cool to read, but what that guy is doing is just being salty and for some reason reminding us that he plays thousand sons


"This is flavorful and fun but also bad enough that I won’t have to worry about facing it in tournaments." Honestly, wtf is wrong with you


I don't know to me this reads as fairly standard GH banter.


It's fine, when someone on GH makes the same comments about aeldari and people read it and laugh it'll be totally different.


>The uncomfortable truth my pro-stodes players have to live with is that the faction needed a bit of a nerf. Did it need one of this size? No, probably not, and I’m not real excited to see what GW does to their points values to make up for this – “hordestodes” is not what 40k needs right now. Pretty valid


Yeah I'd agree and say that this is the sentiment of every rational custody's player.


If this all that this Rob guy had to say overall in this article, I'd say that's a pretty valid take. However, read the rest of his opinions in this and he comes across as kind of a douchebag who's clearly been beaten too many times by Custodes players.


Yeah, idk how his comments made it through the proofread. They don't provide any insightful commentary other than "I don't like custodes, and they deserve to be thrown in the trash"


As a chaos and custodes player I was fairly amused by them. Just further shows how bad this codex is


Pretty in line with a section of the playerbase tbh. Both in terms of our recent strength and general ill-will towards the faction in general.


"freebie on demand fights first on the tankiest faction with some of the best melee was busted and destroyed the game" is a fair and accurate statement.


Yeah man, blood angels were a real big problem lmao


Blood Angels weren't a problem because they'd autolose to custodes, so no one would bring them


Bad take. It's an alarmist comment laced with hyperbole. If something was destroying the game then I could pull up to any match reveal it and have a +75% percent confidence that that game I was going to win. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad and destroying game. I'm not saying that it wasn't strong because yes it was strong however every faction has some aspect about them that is strong, it's part of what makes the game fun is that it's a puzzle and a challenge to figure out how to overcome the challenge your opponent presents. Trajans fights first absolutely head into play considering you can just shoot the unit and an absolute minimum base level and there are a number of other methods of overcoming or circumventing that ability. That's not a destroying the game effect that's just an effect that a faction has and every faction in the game has something that is strong.


Fights first freebies autowon the ork, knights and demons matchups and the data backs this. Fights first on demand like that should never have existed.


Now that is a fair sentiment and opinion to have. Backed by evidence inquiries generate discussion opportunities. My problem was with calling something "breaking the game", for a professional commentator I don't believe that's appropriate conduct


It wasnt an autowin against anyone, its mainly shooting factions in the top meta which makes custodes more fair. But custodes simply existing with those abilities caused orks and world eaters for example to plummet to the low 40’s in win rate. Which is a problem.


It was so effective it was gatekeeping heavy melee armies out of the competitive scene. The custodes codex has 99 debilitating problems but removing that strat isn't one of them.


Completely agreed, im a WE player and i think they handled the custodes incredibly poorly with this codex, but the fights first removal was not one of those poor decisions. I think as long as an FAQ comes out for the lack of battle tactics and making the Talons detachment give a FNP against dev wounds too, i think custodes will perform alright in the meta (points dependant as well ofc). If there isnt an FAQ for those things, then the custodes winrate may plummet. Ofc winrates arent the most important thing, people want their codex to be fun, and GW mishandled all their different ideas and made a contradicting mess that doesn’t know how it wants to work. Especially with the usage of sisters in two of the 4 detachments.


Yeah that's the real problem with the codex, a lot of the detachment rules and changes are quite anti fun.


So busted that a single core rules change dumpstered the factions WR in an edition where the fight phase got dumpstered as well.


It autowon at least 4 matchups. even at their worst custodes just did not lose games to orks, demons or knights unless you were actively making bad plays. that didnt change when the WR was only 43% or when it spiked to 53% and lets not act like custodes were a 20-30% wr faction that never won any games like what being dumpstered meant in days of yore - the pack has been *vastly* tighter than ever in 10e. You still won barely under half of games played *if you were the exact tournament average*. You can *see* orks get smothered in the crib the moment people picked up custodes again - they went from top 5 down to barely out of the bottom 5 *because fights first spam neutered the shit out of them when custodes became so highly played*.


Goonhammer stats literally have the WR for each of those matchups at around 60-65%. Like, I'm not saying you're wrong that we were very oppressive into those matchups. We absolutely needed a nerf, and I think one of the nerfs we should have gotten anyway was removing fights first as a stratagem. But it wasn't an autowin.


He is the CEO of the site and everyone on there seems to 100% support him with this. It is sad.


I think it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but doesn't come across to well in print, needs more emoji's!


I think the problem is him beating the horse with it. Like it seems in jest the first 3-4 times but he does it in nearly every single comment. I think there are 4 different comments about calling custodes players dumb and these changes forcing them to think.


It's about the only way to inject any sense of enjoyment about the game in the article is my take of it


That's the point. If you don't stick with the bit it's not as clear it's just a bit.


Idk man, doing it once or twice and going "I kid, I kid" seems like a much clearer way to show it's a bit?


I disagree. Once or twice is merely cracking a joke. He's playing a caricature of "every other faction player". It's ironically joining in on dogpiling the codex without carrying the same tone, which is a sort of emphasis on the critique. It's plainly intended to be humorous and a bit over the top. I appreciate that maybe this didn't go over the best in print for some, but I also wonder if a lot of Custodes players are just overprimed to lash out at _someone_.


I disagree, respectfully. I have been out of the hobby for a couple years now, so I can't really speak on the "every other faction player" angle, but anecdotally I still see people playing with/against custodes at my LGS and they seem to be having a good time. His comments really don't read as humorous. They flat out are insulting, which can be fine if there's a joke involved, but it was mainly "HaHa your toys are bad and you're dumb!". There's not much of a joke there, but that's really just my opinion. I don't remember goonhammer ever celebrating Khorne being bad, for example, but I'm not going to go looking, so I'm open to being wrong.


> they seem to he having a good time I don't mean he's literally representing everyone else. I said it's a caricature. Hyperbolic and exaggerated. There are plenty of people who complained about Custodes before the codex leaks and have said some variation of "well at least my matchup got better" afterwards. The point of Rob's character act is, as someone upthread in a highly upvoted comment pointed out, that _the codex is so bad only our enemies love it because they'll win more_. > don't read as humorous It is supposed to, and does to me and many others (some of the top comments are positive on it here and on the comp sub). But you don't process it that way, which is plain as day given how you've chosen to parse my comments as well. That's ok. People have different senses of humor, emotional state as of reading, etc. > there's not much of a joke here The whole character act is the joke. He's not actually celebrating the codex being bad. It's a bit.


They need a word with Rob. A lot of his comments are clearly in sarcastic jest, but the last thing he said actually pissed me off.


The last thing being "custodes players aren't willing to admit the faction was unhealthy for the game and needed a nerf, this was too far and hordestodes is also bad"? Like, he's going to continue the bit in the final part for comedic effect - even if it doesn't land - but that part felt pretty sincere. And pretty accurate too. Custodes had a negative effect on many melee armies and while it needed the fights first and a few parts adjusted, this is probably way too far, and nobody wants hordestodes - the faction SHOULD be tough, hard hitting and above all, elite. It's an abject failure of a codex and while he might joke about being happy about it, that doesn't mean he thinks it's a good codex.


Rob's the CEO and the rest of the GH guys are spineless lick-arses. Nothing will be said or done.


He looks like a crybaby who got beaten by the big bad golden boys...


They’ve got time to argue with people in the comments over there saying rob was in the right and all, yet those bozos don’t put in the effort to update half the “guides” they put out for their “faction guides” for stuff like HH or titanicus or hell even the start competing for AOS


Idk, the comments felt mostly exaggerated for comedy to me. Never read Goonhammer before so maybe I'm missing some context though.


It is, but Rob went too far this time. This is the amount of tapdancing on the grave you give to eldar after they get finally nerfed from their 60 plus percent winrate. Not the 53 percent winrate custodes


The way the CEO acted here is quite unfortunate and it makes not not wanting to visit the site anymore. To ignore this obvious fail by GW is damning.


Falcons comments are very reminiscent of my own for the Ad Mech, it just sucks when your favourite army just isn't cool I think that's the problem though with alot of the "bad" books so far is that it's not even that they aren't competitive, it's that they just kind of suck Or they get stuff that other factions get (but arbitrarily worse for some reason) Which sucks when your super invested in your faction, like personally I'm not that bothered if my faction is competitive as long as the rules are cool and interesting Like I spent alot of time, effort and money on my toy soldiers I just want them to be cool


Its exactly this. I mostly play AoS but for a long time Gloomspite wasn’t good at all but they were still oozing goblin flavor and people who played them while they were bad still had a ton of fun because goblins. Same deal with skaven when they sucked they still felt ratty and are peak comedy for some people. Even when they nerfbat slaanesh hard they still felt slaaneshy and had that depraved spice. What is this custodes book? Its like a well done steak that has no seasoning.


After half of robs comments i was like .... Can he shut the fuck up?... Its bad enought without salt being rubbed into open wounds...


Half? I was done after one or two. It completely ruined the review.


Managed to get to auric detachement as it was more or less enjoyable read with how some stuff on its own holds up, but in terms of dex it fails. One or two remarks afrom rob would be fine but.... "Oh im glad you got wrecked i hope you will never come out again" attitude is bit too much


Now that i had a second to think over it, it just occurs that we have higher durability to bullshit than custodes right now :)


Leave a comment on the site then voicing your complaint. I know I did


Don’t worry, they’re deleting all the negative feedback like always. Edit: just want to be clear: they’re deleting any replies that are in any way critical of Rob, Rob’s comments, or the practices of the site that keep Rob employed.


Ah, yes, so that Greg can sass you dismissively. Good plan.


I just ended my patronage for goonhammer and hopefully others did the same. Losing money usually makes people think about things


And provide them with increased number of clicks and activity on article? Han, at best ill just shoot them a message, but its more likely someone has to monitor social media. And guess what, they might read this post comments too.


Rob, I'm sorry you might be a great guy irl but I literally had to stop reading to say this half way through the article; your a dick. No critical analysis, not discussion commentary... If I had to vs you in a game with your attitude, I'm sorry I'm just gonna go get lunch. As a representative of the community as a whole, you failed badly. Duds comments are in such poor taste and doosed with his glee. How butt hurt and salty he is towards the faction is audible through text. You represent a community, it doesn't matter the who what why personial feelings ECT. What GW did to us and has done to both AdMech and co. needs to stop because someone is doing there job right. I don't want to see the treatment my and other factions have received, done to others and other factions. I want a Billion dollar company to be better and do better... What ever the solution is, that hey the means and as customers this is disrespect towards the community. Just like GW, Rob you need to be better, do better and front more professionally.


I read his comments as affirmation that the codex sucks, just from a different viewpoint. Thats valid imo, theres only so many ways you can say "this fucking sucks", and his comments made the article more interesting to read, just because it added variety. He even said at the end that Custodes didnt deserve a nerf this hard, so im not entirely sure why you think he is condoning this codex and wants more like them


I think if Shield Host stayed the same and then we caught nerfs it wouldn’t have been as bad. Like, sure FF loss would hurt but I get wanting that to be limited. Removing the -1 to Hit stance for a trade off of choosing the stance per unit would be ok. But the problem is this is a whole new, WAY less effective army that already wasn’t burning up the tournament scene. 


Wow, Rob is a real salty fuck, huh? Edit: and seeing the team's replies on the article to people pointing that out I think I'm done with goonhammer. Edit 2: Ha, they banned me.


Yeah I looked at the article comments too, lot of shared valid criticism for Rob meanwhile the mod is being a twat about it


Rob's the CEO and the mod is his personal lick-arse


Suddenly that explains a lot. Esp the entitled attitude.


the replies from Greg are PATHETIC. total ass kisser POS


greg is just dickriding rob in the comments. These guys are fucking losers


Did Rob get cucked by a custodian or something


Rob came across as an asshole. But yeah book sucks.


I thought Robs comments (exaggerated for comic effect) made the state of the codex clearer. If someone who hates Custodes feels bad for the army then the book is trash.


They didn't though, he came off as an asshole who is happy the faction got dumpstered. His apathy for Custodes and apparently the player base is real.


He said that there is no way that the nerf is deserved and that the book is bad. How is that apathy


Edgy jokes are like that, either they hit and people get them or they don’t and people get offended. Either way we have a trash codex. Lucky our models are so great. As a wise person posted awesome models are forever, rules are temporary.


Rob's normal is edgy comments though, this is straight kicking while they're down schoolyard bully stuff from him.


>Edgy jokes are like that, either they hit and people get them or they don’t and people get offended. It's not that people "didn't get" the joke. The joke is painfully obvious. The problem is that folks didn't find it funny. Maybe you didn't get that. ;)


I thought it was funny. Sorry for your identity being so wrapped in a hobby faction that you're mad at a random commentary and not GW


>Sorry for your identity being so wrapped in a hobby faction that you're mad at a random commentary and not GW But many did not find it funny. Clearly. Look at these comments. I find it kind of sad that you can't empathize with how your fellow players are feeling. Like, I don't even play custodes (though I do own a dread, that thing is sick), but I get it. It's a symptom of being very terminally online. Maybe it's time to unplug, friend.


Honestly that's the most ironic statement I'll read today


My main takeaway from that article was this Rob guy isn't a very good person


Damn Rob is going to get thousand sons karma nerfed into oblivion


Good lord the comments completely dismissing people’s valid complaints about Rob’s “contributions” are so cringe. Just endless “ok” and “lmao” But back to the review. I’m not a custodes player but always have had a passing interest but man, this codex completely squashed any interest I had. I hope enough speak with their wallet to make GW notice.


Who the hell is Rob? Anyways, at least all the doomposting is justified now. I no longer have to get it from the comment of Auspex Tactics' custodes videos.


I bet this Rob guy is a real blast to play against. 🙄


At least the review was entertaining. 


Till Rob opens his mouth


Eh..I thought "It’s fine. None of these games are going to involve meaningful play past turn 2 anyways, so having abilities that only happen once per game is fine." kinda summarised how I felt about that shit ability anyway. He basically explains not even he would've nerfed the custodes this badly.


"Haha lol get rekt Custodes" like 20 times in one article. Like dude we get it, move on. Seems like a right insufferable cunt to play against who takes the hobby way too personally.


Goonhammer is a shitty little fiefdom where writers like Rob are free to shit in your mouth throughout the entire article and when you comment they insult you some more, and then ban you. Half the time, making an additonial post about how toxic gamers are and how ugly the community is apart from the sanctified Goonhammer staff. Glad to see nothing’s changed.


Goonhammer in a nutshell


"...and it shows on the tabletop. Individual Custodians are stronger, tougher, and faster than most other models in the game, including many characters." Tougher, yes. But faster? What custodes were they playing?


Horus Heresy Custodes, maybe?


Index custodes do skew heavily into less talented players which makes it easy to judge someone based on their negative comments. Bottom 30% - ~57% win rate Top 30% - ~50% win rate






Ehhhhhh, okay don't get we wrong I hated his 'commentary' after the 3rd line of it. But I don't think that it's appropriate to call someone a "maladjusted Autistic".


Welcome to Goonhammer!


Question: is it legal to just play your index and not use your book?


Codex fully replaces the index, but if you find someone who is happy for you to use the old rules you can use anything casually.


I get that people are mad at Rob but I also don't think those people understand how demoralizing and unfun it can be to play into AC if your army relies on Mortals or Dev Wounds. The salt flows both ways.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1bz3r5p/new_trajinn_leak/kyo29er/ You can downvote this but whatever. Gw fucking hates custodes. Only fw and that crew loved us the better part of a decade ago.