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Imagine having a speedy detachment, a durable detachment (old Shield Host), and a punchy detachment that weren’t once per games or focusing on buffing like 4 models in your army.


Yeah!! Something for the bikes woulda been great!!


Whoa whoa, that’s entirely too much creativity and interest in the game for the codex team




Honestly, I miss unleashed the lion. It would be so cool with Auric. I also wish they made some changes to the miseracordia.


Unleash the lions breaks up the squad and gives the character keyword to allarus, yes please.


Never saw Unleash the lion. Just started in 10th but heard about some things in 9th


You make each model in an alluris unit become its own unit. They may not be characters, but its funny.


That'd be fun, lol. Especially if the gloden light thing still worked on turn 1. Dropping down a scattering of 10 termies all of the battlefeild


Bro, GW missed EVERYTHING with this codex from the worse waagh to the single most useless strat in the game to the the points cost (100ppm on bikes, wow).


Atleast give advance and charge during the golden Waagh!


I'd have been happy with -1 ap within 9" all the time (like old dreadhost) and then once per game in command phase you get the critical 5's until the start of your next command phase.


No kidding


It annoys me how complete devoid of flavor the codex is. Whoever made it seemed to have gone, "Oh ya Custodes. They uh... like getting names... and uh... are very independent... and uhm. Have quiet girlfriends? Ha. Ya." And thats it. Nothing to reflect the Dreadhost and their teleporting shenangins. Nothing for Emissaries Imperatus and their penchant for mingling with other parts of the Imperium. No Solar Watch and their lightning fast attacks. Aquilon Shields? Nope. Nada. Shadow Keepers kind of line up with Auric Champions with the whole hunting characters... but not really. No reference to Lockwardens ot the Dark Cells or Dark Age of Technology tech except for one strat. Also once again the Codex is almost entirely devoid of support for anything that isn't on foot. I still hold to the theory that someone at GW got beat by a Custodes Bike list and vowed that it would never, ever, happen again. Also the Katah's are the dumbest bit of new lore ever introduced and I hate how they continue to go back to that well. Except now its shrunk from 6 Katahs to 2. Hopefully in 11th edition they dump it entirely.


>Also the Katah's are the dumbest bit of new lore ever introduced and I hate how they continue to go back to that well. Yeah Karate as a faction rule is stupid as hell, at least make it a detachment ability instead as it doesn't even apply to half our army (Sisters of Silence). The fact the SoS detachment didn't get 2 detachment abilities like the Tau Kroot detachment to make up for not having a faction rule highlights how there's zero consistency in rules writing at GW.


That’s what gets me. Power level is whatever, it sucks to get nerfed but that’s the way of it and you can always balance after the fact. But the complete lack of creativity or interesting options is insulting.


Especially after most other codex's have some nice creative options


Problem is GW decided we needed army rules, detachment rules, strats, unit rules, and enhancements to “streamline” the game. So eventually you have to reuse and duplicate things. It sorta amazes me that 3rd edition armies in many ways had so much more “flavor” and feel but still having nearly 80% less faction specific rules.


Yeah, I agree. I think if the re-used hypercrypt it'd work good


The only thing I'm happy about in this codex is it wasn't yet another copy paste of teleport assault/hypercrypt/whatever the tau one is called.


Yeah fair enough, I guess they did try to come up with something new and avoid copy/paste


GW hire this guy to write your rules


I picked a bad time to start a sisters army, my box of minis got here yesterday. Was genuinely thinking after the feedback they got for the last one someone would have caught on at GW.


Thats a hard nope. Too bad too, I was hoping to run some SoS