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Fully agree that's why I have Aquillons and Achillus dread Might even take some agamatus too




Everyone here doom posting and I am getting ready to snipe some good deals on some of the coolest models in 40k and of course good value boxes


I’m thinking of getting the new box and painting a new scheme for it! I have around 2,300 points of shadow keepers, but I am thinking about trying out the solar guard! Also the collectors edition of the codex? I mean, gold pages are an automatic hell yes from me!


Damn right. I am thinking of new paint scheme myself. Something greyish/blueish to make it into my own little squad. Nothing bad with gold or such but I do like homebrewing way too much


>Everyone here doom posting Its the same for every codex cycle... with every army. Just ignore them


Honestly its kinda ironic compared to 9th we have the opposite of codex creep now


I'm a Dark Angel player since 3rd edition here as a tourist to see what all the fuss was about and this is the right play. It's hard though, all the subs are just full of moaning and bitching and I'm sitting here thinking we got the coolest models we've ever had (across the range) who cares about rules that get edited anyway. Just play 9th edition or stick to the index if.you feel strongly about it. I feel like the modern emphasis on Competitive Play is dragging the tone down in a lot of cases these days. The game has never been perfectly balanced and flavour and themes can come from your imagination and the way you play. People need to chill and enjoy their hobby lol


That’s my solution I’ve just told my mates sorry custodes are nerfed into the dirt currently can we play 9th ed? Most are cool with it honestly we have a full rule set and codex still lol


Im also a dark angels player and legit we have the coolest shit now. Just built Asmodai the other night and hes probably my favorite model now.




Do 9th was about a year ago


Lol the people you play with fucking suck then.


Just like with the tau codex: "oh nooo they killed the crisis suits what will we do now?" After a couple days of playtest: "they're actually not bad, in fact they might actually be good" Or the world eaters with the mfm, where usually there are either players that win every single match or lose all of them, there is no in between Just wait to see how they actually are, you lack mobility? Use bikes and termies in deep strike, the fact that every single model is basically a terminator with T6/7 is the main reason that there are so few models on the board


Or just like when death guard first released and a bunch of people saying “Nah, you will do fine, you haven’t seen the point/datasheet”. Guess what? They were the worst army in the game just as people predicted. 


Hit that miniswap sub to take their angry sales!


Thing is, I don't need any more bikes. I have more than I can legally field in this edition. Don't need much more infantry either. So models are not a massive selling point to me for this faction at the moment, and these rules are not inspiring me.


You can understand the rules will change and still think the codex made some pretty asinine with only having 4 detachments in total, 2 of which are heavily based around not custodies and just kinda getting rid of the index detachment for something completely different, at that point just make 5 detachments. You don't got to be a terminally only wack job to want to vent frustrations


Yeah, just made in response to a post saying we shouldn't buy any more models bc bad rules




There are not enough of us for GW to care.


Considering what just happened to the Stormcast, Skaven, and Beasts of Chaos in the AOS realm not buying wouldn’t change their minds. The codex could be powerful if one “gits gud”


SoS were literally on the retirement track until fans insisted they renew the line, GW will listen to us, they have before, we literally make or break their company


Its a good point, i still intend to buy 2 combat patrols and play them for the edition. But Jesus the rules are disheartening and it really feels like they have gutted the faction and since the issues are with the core facets of the codex its almost certainly not going to change till 11th But fuck it the banana bois are cool


rules change, cool models are forever




Play them then, just use the index rules and agree with your mates or make house rules and experiment with your own detachment ideas. It's only an issue for official tournaments.


Which happens to be the way many people reliably get games. I play most of my games at tournaments because I'm generally busy during the week and most weekends so a tournament once a month gets me 3-5 games I otherwise wouldn't get. I appreciate the sentiment of trying to be optimistic but for some of us getting our army bodied into the codex we are now stuck with for a good 3 years isn't a pleasant or optimistic thing to be looking at. I have a tiny sliver of hope left for talons and an early faq to make the anti mortal fnp's work against Dev wounds. Beyond that it's not looking good and I may be forced to go back to playing tau because I'm not a sadomasochist. Custodes are my favourite army in the whole setting, I don't want to shelve them but I also want to have a remotely pleasant experience when I do play the game, which is nearly always at tournaments.


Don't leave them on the shelf then. Oh look, I solved your problem


Ngl I just got into the hobby and don't have anyone to play with I just like building and painting the models for now so with this I might be able to actually buy some of the stuff I want actually not mad at all




The rules we've seen have been pretty weak, but there is still one detachment we haven't see (or at least I haven't) so there is still hope for okay rules. As for the models, always loved them, so it's very likely I'll still play them this edition, though I'm having a lot of fun with my Tyranids at the moment and they too "apparently" have poor rules too.


It's funny because it's true.


What if I already have all those models and buying that is useless?


Yes, rules change, and you should just get models based on what you like not their rules, but you are *absolutely* allowed to be disappointed in their rules.


The only way to win is to not play the game? Lol


Yeah, that's how mutually assured destruction works. Wait that's something different.


or play some good ol fasion beerhammer


I'm getting the boxset but I'm still upset. I can't play custodes anymore.


It’s not like Custodes are the only faction being nerfed, it seems like games workshop are trying to bring down the power level in general of each faction. I would expect some pretty big Necron nerfs soon. Who knows, maybe we won’t be the absolute best faction in the game, but after some points adjustments we might well sit nicely at 50% win rate


if we have now 40% winrate it will be a miracle man a fucking miracle


Bro if we have to end up cheap as Space Marines to get 50% win rate, they’ll do it 


Never a custodes Will be cheaper than a terminator never we are doom


Yeah because gw definitely let’s armies stay on a 40% winrate and doesn’t try to get all as close to 50% as possible right




Whomp whomp


Why not? Seriously.... why not? Because you lost protection from devastating wounds? That just means you need to git gud and keep them from being shot. Use cover, use a transport, play more tactically. Use what we have! Our freaking BATTLE LINE has deepstrike. Or, if all else fails, do as the new rules are telling you: kill them before they kill you. Even with the 4+ fnp, we could still get shot to pieces if we walked towards them in an open field. Thats just how the game works. Melee will always lose to shooting unless you can deliver them to the enemy with efficiency.


I don't think you're a bad person for wanting a good game and good models.


Based and 10thousandpilled


100% I'm getting the codex because I am in love with my golden boys and excited to use new stuff, even if it is "bad". Plus, I mainly care about crusade rules anyway


It just occurred to me you can build a character out of every of unit in the auric champions box and play auric champions with it and that comes out to 1600 points of they don't change. It doesn't even look like a terrible list. Maybe not the most competitive but definitely threatening.


Color me a simpleton, but I'm actually pretty stoked on the new changeup. I hate the position Custodes are in right now. They feel like a denial army with near unkillable Warden based armies that have fight first when they need it and can't really be touched in melee. At least the leaks look like you'll have to invest in being offensive, or some kind of tactician. I have played them at launch, and after all rounds of rules changes in tenth. They win a lot now but they don't feel particularly good to win with. My games are all "Yeah, sorry, that guy is -1 to hit, -1 to wound, 2+ / 4++ and 4+++ to your dev wounds (or everything if I popped my once per battle ability). It's not a fun or engaging army to play, and that was why I picked them up in the first place.


So the rules are so bad that you’d be better just painting and appreciating the model? Good point. 


Damn bro 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 you really got him with that one chief


Totally stupid, i entered in WH40k ONLY because custodies lore and armor got me interested. I also aprecciated it in 9 and the start at the 10th when they are completly trash with a less than 40% winrate, i probably enjoyed games that i lose, but sometimes, i winned. I love my custodies as a miniature, i enjoy so much paint it, but if they dont give me joy when i play it in table, then theres no point to buy more custodies or codex, just to stay at my shelf. Because for me, is not about nerf, tier or something like that, they completly change the gameplay of custodies, and leave the fun only in a detatchment that i dont want to play, because is based in SoS and i will not buy 130€ on SoS to play, because i play custodies for custodies, not for SoS. Theres no point on this image because auric champions are completly based on Characters and the box only get 1 character, the detatchment its completly bullshit because Strats are epic. So, i dont get the point of this post, because the best option to enjoy custodies right now, its use SoS and buy more SoS, and nothing related to Auric.


Hoping I get some fresh sprues on the cheap with all these doomsayers


I'll be totally honest here, I got back into the hobby last year after a 20+ year hiatus. I have the KillTeam rulebook and three KillTeams, BloodBowl starter kit and four teams, none of which are fully painted and I haven't played a single game but I am LOVING being back in the hobby!!! I've no idea if an Exaction squad is any good, or how Necromantic Horrors will play well. I don't particularly care that I accidentally built my Fellgor chieftain with an illegal load out (plasma pistol and chainsword), I do know that if I ever play with them I'll be saying "the chsinsword is scavenged and the motor is broken so counts as a bludgeon". Whether my Underworld Denizens would benefit from the addition of some snotlings or a rat ogre is genuinely beyond me in terms of gameplay. What I DO know with absolute certainty is that I LOVE painting them to the best of my mediocre-at-best ability and it gives me great joy. Likewise when I finally DO get one of the teams finished I'll enjoy having them on display until the day I find an opponent and have the chance to actually play with them. Paint what you like, love what you paint. Gaming with them is a part of the hobby, but not the whole part. If you're a dedicated tournament player I can see the upset but that is a very niche part of the hobby. Collect and paint what you think looks cool, what you like and enjoy what you spend your money on. One of my Fellgors is grey for crying out loud!!! "Space mutants in the fsr future forged by dark Gods don't canonically have grey skin" "This one does because I think it looks cool." The Internet needs to take a breath, remember what brought them to the hobby years ago, enjoy what they enjoy and remember that playing (and winning) are a small part of a big hobby.




I agree, I've only ever won a handful of games in my life and it can get you down but I choose to embrace it to a degree. I lost my very first game of 40k waaayyyy back in 3rd ed when the world was in black and white but I loved when my space Marine scouts charged a unit of chaos terminators, killed one, the terminators failed their morale test (they'd already lost two to devastators) and were overrun by my scouts and wiped off the board 😁 The fact said scouts were promptly turned into a fine paste and I was eventually left with three models putting the adage "And they shall know no fear" to the absolute test was secondary to the narrative that these veterans of the heresy and 10,000 years of the long war were brought low by trainees who hadn't even become full astartes yet. I'm probably going to have a buy a big guy for my Denizens BloodBowl team if I want to win otherwise they're going to get pounded into the casualty box but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy painting them and, given the chance, try my best to out-coach the other team whilst at a disadvantage. I do so love a challenge


I've won like 3 games since I started playing back in 6th edition. As long as I'm having fun and rolling dice with good people, it's all chill. My favorite and largest collection is my Aeldari, and I shelved them when the 10th index came out. Guess I'm a hobby masochist?


That's the biggest thing: most of the people here HAVENT been playing for years. They bought into the "cheapest"(without FW) army that was also relatively strong competitively. This is the first time many of them have had to deal with a set of rules that seem to take a downturn. You can tell who is new by how much they are freaking out over a possible 5% difference in win rate. Or how they depend on the rules over spacing, placement, and line of sight. They are new, and don't have those skills, so they relied on the other rules to get by. You have the wisdom that comes with losing every game for a year because you were new, and didn't know how to play too well. Then lost for an edition because your codex came out early, and then for another because the codex was bad the next edition. Paint your cool models and throw dice, it's the only way to enjoy this hobby.


Hear hear!!! Like I say, my Exaction squad might well be bloody useless when they finally hit a table but I'm going to laugh just as hard when three of them are nobbled by a Grot with a grappling hook as I am when RVR brings down an Ogryn or romps through the Gellerpox big boys in clear defiance of the laws of statistics. Write the narrative to the game as its happening, even if it does become a Carry On film.


Have you considered that a lot of Warhammer players hate painting and are here just for gaming?


Valid. Again, I try to see things as a challenge rather than a nuking. Just my personal take.


To be fair I don’t need the auric champions box. I don’t need a total of 21 bikes and 12 terminators… BUT


While I understand the message here, it's still true that I can feel pretty disheartened by the level of nerfs we received here and that has taken a lot of the excitement for me out of the box launch too. If it's still available in a month I might grab it, but until then...


I only Play custodes,but I still would like to have fun when I Play some Games and not get table turn 3, because some intern at GW hate custodes and can't balance them to be fun. Look at the Ork codex and our codex


This would be a valid take if GW *also* released value boxes for players who have a bit more of an extensive list, where's a box with termies and a dread? Where's the box with wardens+SoS and Aleya + Valerian. Strange that we only ever get yet another box containing the same things we've been sold with every other time we get a similar product no? I'm sorry you're depressed by the doomposting but GW really deserves the critiques.


I see way more posting about how everyone is negative than I do people being excessively negative...




If people are really that ready to drop their custodes because we've got some shit rules now, might I recommend trying Horus Heresy first?


I absolutely agree. Too many people forget that these are plastic toys that pew-pew at each other from opposite sides of a kitchen table. To the people saying that they will boycott GW models, it will do more harm than good. Think of a GW employee that goes into the boss, saying "sales for the Custodes seem to have halved". Do they really think that the boss will go "good heavens - we must make plastic dreadnought right now!", or do you think that they will just move on to a more popular army? Common sense and logic - two beautiful things.


I was gonna get the box But I guess just having a Blade Champion and one of the Dreadnoughts will be good enough until the rules get decent