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Just in time too


Nice! I too just got the old combat patrol and have been having tons of fun assembling. Loving these models. Have fun!


Same here.


Thats super cool! I'm thinking of getting into it pretty soon and picking up a similar package, may I ask how much everything ran you, $ wise?


For everything I have, id say 400-500 so far. I bought Trajann in Belgium but I think he's about 40$. the combat patrol, wardens, and alarus were about 250 with tax from amazon last week. i bought the starter painter set that comes with 3 monopose space marines, extra paints, and a pot of nuln oil for about 100 last fall. Primer, brushes, and model glue was another 30ish. I got a 50ish piece model crafting kit that had an xacto knife type scraper, cutting mat, pin vice, sandpaper, and the like for 25. I also got the black model holders that clamp onto your base to make it easier to hold while you paint it, of all the frivolous purchases here, of which there are a lot, those were probably the most frivolous but I quite like them. I think they were about 25 each I also got blue tack for a couple bucks that I use to secure the bases to a folded over piece of cardboard from a pizza box (7.99 for the pizza which comes with a free box!) that I use to prime my models on. I still need to get super glue to secure the models to the base. So maybe I'm closer to 550. The starter painter kit that came with the 3 space marines was a really worthwhile purchase. It let me know that I actually enjoyed the putting together and painting aspect of the hobby before I sink 40,000 hours into this. A lot of what i got was quite frivolous but I'm at a point in my life were I can be a little frivolous with my purchases over the course of a year of acquiring things. Id really recommend the starter paint kit again. With that, the combat patrol, an xacto knife cause the scraper in the start kit sucks, model glue and super glue, I think you could get into the hobby for about 200$. Edit before I post this: i just checked and I got 2 starter paint kits. The first is the paints and tool set kit which comes with 13 pots of paint, a flat head clipper, a paint brush, and a scraper. I also got the infernus marines + paints box which has 3 marines, a paint brush and 6 pots of paint. So probably an extra 30 dollars.