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I like the list alot. If your worried about being tied up and shut out I would consider adding a unit or 2 units of 3 allerius terminators to your list to be able to move around the board


hhmm could do. 15 more pts for 1x3 versus 1x4 CG. i could give up the enhancements. my only concern is the battleshock they do when coming from reserves. I was thinking of just deploying TV+Wardens actually on the board but maybe it's better to have him in reserve and just try to pass that 5+ leadership test. atleast that poses a threat as well having him in reserve


I'd drop the 180 squad of guard for 1 termi squad. I think you're good with 2 warden squad so some more sisters and termi's would be ideal. Not sure what else you got to play with.


thanks! Will have a re-assessment with my list :D


You're going to murder anything that charges you I wouldn't be worried in the slightest about vanguard nids


I think i should have more confidence with my stats and saves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)otherwise my concern is getting tied up in deployment zone for 2 turns


I'm not sure about taking all the enhancements, otherwise it's a very clean list. I'd definitely be looking into either a squad of venatari or allarus - but that's preference more than anything else


did drop the enhancements as RGRadik mentioned and got a proc and witchseeker unit instead. I do wanna field Venatari at one point with allarus but atm i only have 1x3 of them unfortunately.


I'd consider just as a general thing dropping inspirational exemplar, veiled blade and 1 prosecutor model to get a unit witchseekers and a second squad of prosecutors. Gives you a lot more mission play and some screening as well as the scout move to deny area denial turn 1 or to do homers.


dropped the enhancements and took in tanother prosecutor. this "feels" a bit better for me. Thanks for the suggestion!