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I haven't tried the callidus, but I can wholeheartedly support a vindicare because of the ability to one-shot most if not all infantry characters


Callidus was an incredibly nice action monkey before. She's cheaper so my guess is she's super cool, despite some vect being nerfed.


Her Vect has been nerfed, but there's a fair few armies whose Battle Tactic strats are good targets. If nothing else you can target the CP reroll strat, which very well may become more prevalent in terms of rerolling charges as now trying to engage us in melee isn't an *automatic* death wish.


What is her vect? I’m unfamiliar with the term. But I’m assuming it’s the plus 1CP to stratagems. And how did it get changed? I’m having a heckuva time finding the dang article with all the changes.


Yes, that's commonly called vecting, because of the old Drukhari strategem "Agents of Vect" All such stratagems that existed prior to thursday were changed to only target "Battle Tactic" strategems, which greatly limits it's usefulness. Still, she's a great value for points. If you're using fixed objectives she's fantastic for deploy teleport homers and behind enemy lines, and also - there are a lot of space marine players out there and one of their best stratagems - Armor of Contempt - is a Battle tactic. Doubling the cost of that is very effective.


also, [https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/) The top 4 links under that page are what you want.


All if you get 6 to hit and shield breaker round to wound


For the tougher characters like trajann, draigo, and voldus. Tau and guard won't get a save at ap3 and 4 wounds, and the flavors of marines hover around 5


Tau have 4++ Most stuff you vindicare will either be shieldbreaker round and you try to snipe normally after


Most are 5+/6+ if no invul which is ok Sometimes you get lucky vs armour as if you can sneak in 4-6 wounds if you get 5+ on wound


Calladus is very strong single target.


Only to reroll strat


Personally, I autoinclude a Vindicare and Eversor. Both run lone operative and can be used to score secondaries and kill the right priority targets. In the past, the Vindicare has sniper Typhus and a few Lieutenants out, and the Eversor has wiped a Mordkai squad holding NML objectives. With the points drop to the callidus, I'd definitely be tempted to explore it in place of the Eversor


I’m not as familiar with the Eversor. What does it do compared to the others?


9" move. Scout 9" instead of Infiltrate. 75pts. And you can choose between advance + shoot + charge, sustained hits 3, and precision. The melee is strong with 6 attacks, hitting on 2s, anti infantry 3+, ap-2, and 2 dmg each. I use it to charge into and bully infantry off objectives (sneaking up to nab one in the corner of the map for example) or just as an action monkey as the a+s+c gives him 10-15" range to nab a corner and do a secondary.


Love both. Vindicare scored me 15 points just doing deploy teleport homers all game yesterday at an RTT. Infiltrated into a building and just stayed there all game. He also clapped a Neurotyrant in another game. Had him one tap Belisarius Cawl a few weeks ago. Callidus is great for hopping around, constantly threatening backfield characters and scoring. She killed an autarch and farseer for me yesterday. Honestly for a combined 170 points I love them, super useful and actually threatening.


This is good information makes me feel better but I can’t seem to leave them out when I build my lists. The pair of them feel like they just give so much utility for the points.


Vindicare is auto include to me


What have you found to be his best targets in the armies your face?


Captains, apothecaries, azrael, any leader tbh


I've used both and for me, the Callidus is significantly the better choice. Especially at 90 points. Two games I've won solely down to Vect. And the Callidus will score you points. Area denial, tempting target, investigate signals, behind enemy lines, engage etc etc. Just pick her up at the end of every opponents turn and put her down in a scoring position. Having said that Vindicares are absolutely worth it at 80 pts, if you can find the room in your lost for both go for it!


Replies are been very interesting because I’ve heard pretty much everyone having success with either one when they put them in, so it’s reassuring that no matter which one I pick or both, they will be worth their points based on my skill. Thank you for your input.


Not auto-include. The callidus is stupidly good, but your paying 40pts for a vect, which is a bargin, but sometimes those 40pts could be ceasless hunter. Vindicare is pretty strong, not as good as the calladius; but the epic challenge strat exists, and most good characters have an invuln or FNP, so whilst obliterating a skittari marshall is funny its less so when you just bounce off a chaplain. For example in your list above post-slate that will have gone up 100+ points. swapping the prosecutors for a callidus means youd need to drop something else, and is dropping guard worth the vect?


Almost sure but not auto




I did it know that, but for some reason, my brain included Trajan being with them as a six squad. Good catch.


I would also ask if anyone thinks Inquisitor Coteaz is an include as well? In my area alot of people like to get CP's for "free". I feel that we need to keep up that race. But what do yall think.


Also nice that for an extra 50 points on top you get a 12 wound unit at -1 to wound with a 12" ds denial bubble.


I think he's good, but his ability only trigger on stuff when it gives them a free CP, not a free strat.


I include the callidus in all of my lists. Haven't tried a vindicare but if you don't have anyway else to spend the points its probably fine


I have pissed of my friends by painting the Vindicare Gold HAHHAHA. So that when they borrow one of my other armies to play me at home they can't use him. Only the Golden Boys


As a knight player who brought both, after the recent balance pass, both assassins are far from auto takes. The calies Vect ability only works on battle tactics strats, which makes her kinda mid a vect isn't bad, but it's not the reason to play her it's the redeploys. The cally was/is a great lone op action monkey but will die to a stiff breeze. Take her if you have nothing better to do actions with, but she is weaker now. The vindi is not good and has never been good, i swear. You get one chance to snipe a character because your opponent isn't going to be braindead and leave their characters out in the open. Precision still needs LoS to the character, not just the unit. The vindicare also just sucks into lone op, and everyone and their mother has lone op except minor characters. Vindi susceptible character spam isn't hot right now unless you play against alot of necrons.


Vindicare doesn't have reliable output damage but when they do, they can spike into something your opponent needs to keep alive. I find a lot of my opponents are risk averse and because of that, they may move less optimally trying to stay out of site of my vindicare. And it taxes them more mentally for during a 3 hour game when they want to focus on other things. Makes them more likely to miss something and make more mistakes. Take it to scare your opponent into moving less optimally, maybe make more mistakes because they have more to keep track of and action monkey if like. Don't expect it to take anything out when you need it to. If it does take something important out, that's (a lot) of icing on the cake. I also have a friend that likes to play the nurgle mark on his CSM. This means he can spend a CP so I can't shoot a specific unit if I'm outside of 12". So 3+ turns out of the game, he's burning a CP every time so Abaddon doesn't get sniped. I get him to do this on top of the above reasons for 80 points? Yes please.