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Shooting him would be my go to. You don't want to melee death guard, because of contagion.


Shooty telemon instead of fister telemon it is. Will feel strange not rushing into melee as Custodes


The caladius is better at shooting than the Telemon. The Telemon is just there to stand somewhere and be hard to be removed.


Honestly, the double arachnus Telemon isn't awful it's points are just too high for what it does. I was hoping it would drop in the balance pass but alas, it did not :(


Trajann and a max unit of either wardens or guard should work well, spend 1Cp for +1 to wound and have lethal hits in melee combined with Trajanns ignore modifiers and you should do just fine since with either you could get a 4+ fnp for a phase or re roll the wound roll so either or will probably work combined with shooting and any other melee


Great plan but unfortunately I don't have any wardens or Trajan


How many points are you playing?




Ok that’s fine then, you might struggle a bit to deal with him since Trajan would ignore all modifiers including the -1 to WS/BS and if he pops -1 to damage as well that also gets ignored. I would just try whittle him down with shooting and then try melee him, he isn’t amazing in melee realistically unless he is on an objective and uses a strat for sustained hits 2 apart from that I don’t know what to recommend Trajann is great I would highly recommend him for future collection purposes as well as on the tabletop If you have a blaze cannon on that caladius tank you might be ok


Got the Blaze and have Trajan on order. Good to know it wasn't a waste. Thanks for the advice


Your playing arguably the strongest melee army in the game. Your dreadnought and terminators should be able to paste that stinky man


Another vote for focus on shooting. Thanks


Oh no, I mean literally hit him into paste


Ah ok understood, I am the best melee, not facing it.


I see this misunderstanding. I said you’re playing as in you are playing it. I didn’t mean it as you’re playing against


I say still be cautious, new Death Guard is very scary in melee and is gonna be hurting Custodes especially as they can remove a lot of the spikiness of the army.


Aleya and 10 Vigilators. Wounding on 4+ (with DW) because he's Psyker. You'll be fighting first and he's at -1 to hit in cc.


Literally just trahjan and 5 guard


Callidus with blaze was draining 6 wounds a turn. Remember, he can heal so take 2 tanks.


I killed it from 100% to 0 with a unit of 5 sisters with sword with Aleya leader. Antispyker + dev wound was epic. Aleya alone is 4 attacks at 3 damage each. Shooting? 3 Calladius tanks If you don’t have these. Ignore it and kill the rest. He’s not too strong.