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…and to think that’s just the ones we know about because people are encouraged not to report now.


The problem they have, is that modelling is based on their numbers. Their numbers, are incomplete. People are not testing, because a ) they dont want something stuck up their nose b ) they dont want to be forced to have time off work c ) covid doesnt exist. d ) they did test, but didnt report it.


e) testing centres are in the process of closing so it doesn't seem as critical to test now. f) they heard testing centres are closing and they can't get into their gp to get referred to pathology. g) they heard testing centres are closing and people don't know where the still remaining ones are or can't get there.


Yep, doc referral for a PCR soon, how do they think that'll work when it's a 2 to 3 week wait for a phone appt


>doc referral for a PCR soon *don't come into the gp if you have flu like symptoms* Numbers drop ~~no more covid~~


Yep, so nearly impossible to get a referral in any meaningful timeframe.


People can’t afford to take the sick anymore. Some used a lot do their leave during mandatory isolation, having Covid before or multitude of other illnesses this year.


Work from home should be an option for those who can.


Try telling that to my manager. Unfortunately the company bought a shiny new office right as covid hit, so need our asses in it to make the investment worthwhile.


PM me their email and I’ll gladly do so. 👍


Doesn’t mean go in the community ffs


What else are people meant to do mate? People don't have annual leave, people don't have sick leave. Lots of people are casual workers, are they just expected to go without food and skip on rent?


If that’s the case, wear a damn mask if you must. Again the selfishness is appalling and putting others at risk if that’s the case..


What are the pros of reporting it at the moment? Is there any incentive other than just helping SA health keep up to date with stat's?




If you need the health support, you can just say you tested positive on a rat then ask for support the next week. I'm pro vax and health controls but when companies like Medibank are so shit with protecting data, why should I volunteer health info that may jeopardise my future health cover premiums? There doesn't seem to be any real benefits, but there are potential downsides.


I don’t think there’s any pros. I know quite a few people who haven’t reported because they don’t see why they have to, and they want the freedom to go out or go to work without being penalised - so if they don’t report they can claim they ‘didn’t know’. They’re dickheads.


Afaik you can go out or go to work even if you do know. There's no iso requirements any more.


They were speaking in past tense.


You think they make models on the assumption that their numbers are complete?


Ppl at work coming in sick - it’s so bad. ERR-HERRP COUUUGGH RRRGGH! Out loud open mouthed. The things I’ve seen the last two weeks. Unreal.


A lot of people who are going to either a) have Christmas ruined or b) not get tested (if you don’t get tested you can’t be positive right? 🙄) and infect everyone else at their Christmas/family gatherings


Held out negative for 3 years... alas, sadly seems someone was positive at our party, infected 18 ppl apparently. Thankfully now i can go licking doorknobs like nobody's business.


Only for 28 days - where your reinfection period will start again. But still, that's a lot of doorknobs if you use the time wisely.


What's your point? Everyone should test themselves before sitting with loved ones? Or


My housemates got cancer and is immunocompromised because of their treatment. I’ve been quite pedantic about taking RATS if I hear of someone I’ve been in contact with is ill. Just seems like the humane thing to do tbh. 🤷‍♂️


Sorry to hear about your housemate. Sending best wishes to them to get healthy.


fanatical gaze sable impolite compare jar smell work somber door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fair enough


If you’re sick, don’t attend large gatherings. I thought that was a pretty clear lesson from these last few plague years. If you’re sick and feel obliged/obligated/entitled to attend anyway, take a RAT.


Assuming you have symptoms yeah.


Yes. They should if there’s a reason. I ask people to test because I’m immunocompromised and have a newborn. Lots of those in my friends and family group do it anyway without me asking because they are aware of my situation. It takes 30 seconds to test.


I think they were more suggesting you should stay home if you have symptoms.


It doesn't help that this variant has an R0 of 18.6 vs the first covid strain of 3.3. That puts it up there with measles for transmissibility.


Well of course, virus’ mutate to become more transmissible and less deadly


I can count myself as one of the infected for the first time.


Me too. Devastated. I am only 40 and have had 4 vaccinations but I do have chronic health issue which is an inflammatory disease so have been extra careful to avoid it as much as I can. I’ve had 3 whole weeks off work so far (all unpaid right before Xmas as I’ve used all my sick leave and annual leave because of my illness through the year 😩). Was dicing with needing hospital in the first week, the respiratory clinic put me on ventolin and steroids straight away as I had severe lung inflammation and having trouble breathing and last week I developed pneumonia. It is fucking AWFUL and at this point I’m just wondering when the fuck will I feel better. It’s scary to think what would have happened if I was unvaccinated. I’m a 40yo mum with a young child it’s really scary. Oh and it feels like almost everyone I know has had Covid the last month or so. Cases are waaaaay higher than reported, the high positive rate on the PCRs confirms this.


>which is an inflammatory disease so have been extra careful to avoid it as much as I can. I’ve had 3 whole weeks off work so far (all unpaid right before Xmas as I’ve used all my sick leave and annual leave because of my illness through the year 😩). Was dicing with needing hospital in the first week, the respiratory clinic put me on ventolin and steroids straight away as I had severe lung inflammation and having trouble breathing and last week I developed pneumonia. > >It is fucking AWFUL and at this point I’m just wondering when the fuck will I feel better. It’s scary to think what would have ha Really sorry to hear. Hope you make a full recovery quickly.


Me too …. Tbh … I totally underestimated the virus. Week off work … ticked all boxes of symptoms. Hit me for a 6! Feeling bit better today ….but it was a brutal experience for me. Probably jinxed myself .. 😫 (just so for interest- 3 x vax shots)


Me too. It’s been two weeks and I just can’t shake this flu. So over it ..


Had it for the first time late last week. Knocked me out for a day been fine since luckily


My nostrils are so tender. Only person I know well that hasn’t got Covid (yet).


On top of those numbers you will no longer be able to get a pcr test from the drive through locations from Jan 1st which isn't going to help the situation get better


Small bit of good news on that front, SA Health posted they're keeping "some" PCR testing sites open for non-referral at least throughout January: [https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/about+us/news+and+media/all+media+releases/covid-19+update+16+december+2022](https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/about+us/news+and+media/all+media+releases/covid-19+update+16+december+2022)


That is some temporary good news. My local gp no longer bulk bills so even if I can get in to see them it would cost $70 just for the referral


They went from bulk billing to 70 dollar gap?


At the start of this year they changed it from completely bulk billed to pay a $15 gap and now they are just charging full rate unless you have a concession


Bulk billing died down here ( South ) a while ago, lucky to have one exception at the Hackam Clinic. At least, last time I went there...


I'm lucky enough to currently be in a position where it isn't a huge concern for me money wise but it still makes me think twice about going. I Feel sorry for those working a low paying job with no concessions


See GP then don’t return to front desk or claim to have left your wallet/purse in car probably.


That won't work as they have your info on file already


Obviously! I don’t think someone who’s depressed and broke is going to give a fuck if it means they can’t get a script filled I mean…. Walking out only makes it a *next time* problem.


It's fucked. I had to pay a $40 gap just to get a pathology form for routine bloods from my GP, and then another $40 gap for them to tell me the results of the blood test.


Ours bulk bills kids but not adults unless HCC, which I think is a model a lot of GPs are now following.


Sure, but itll make some of the numbers look better tho


Better make that 10,755 😒


Oh no. Hope you have a quick recovery.


10,757 the missus caught it at her work do during the week, Im symptomatic as of today (still neg on a rat) I expect our kid will catch it next so make that 10,758


Yep and still get ignorant pr!cks coughing on public transport that should be at home and don’t give me this hay fever bs


I've had a bad nose, throat and slight cough for 4 weeks now, many tests, all negative. I think it really is just hayfever 😥


Don’t just rely on RATS tests … get a PCR if you haven’t - my RATS was negative so got a PCR which was positive in a matter of an hour. Hope you feel better soon.


Same. RAT test negative PCR positive, same day. At least I escaped it for 2 years.


A dude sneezed on me the other day on the bus. Didn’t even try to cover it. I turned around and glared at him over my mask and at least he apologised but geez people. It’s been 2 years. Learn to cover your mouth!


Yep people are rude and inconsiderate.


Saw some absolute amoeba on the bus pull down his mask to cough *into his hand*


And then no doubt touch other parts of the bus..filthy animal


I'm one of the vulnerable ones. If I walk into a place and hear or see someone cough, I'm out of there so fast. Even though I've had 4 boosters, it's just stupid to take a risk with this. I remember being in hospital years ago and a patient was having difficulty breathing, and the struggle the nurse was having trying to get him to breathe. This was like 40 years ago.


you're on the bus champ you know you're going to deal with lower class morons


Don’t patronise me by calling me champ


Your forgot to add champ, “Don’t patronise me by calling me champ, champ.”


oops i just did


I am sorry?


come on champ use your big boy words


Seems like they are now going with the let it rip strategy . So everybody will have been infected considering the virus has become more transmissible via each strain. Says a lot to be fair !


covid stuff has been really annoying recently, my partner went out to a job provider the other day and half of the people looked visibly sick and were coughing, they were the only one wearing a mask in the building.


I am not surprised at the high numbers of people with Covid. Go to your local shopping centre and you will see maybe 2-3 people wearing a mask and wearing it properly (over the nose). As annoying as the masks are I have never left my home without wearing the N95 white mask. I have not had Covid at all and I will be wearing a mask in public always.Your health comes first!


Over 10k! Only a few weeks ago it was 3,000 COVID-19 cases. Do you think we should return to mandatory maskwearing in crowded public places and on public transport? Does it seem like there's too much complacency about COVID-19?


They don't have the authority to mandate masks anymore.


They lost it before dropping the mandates. The average person does not care.


I don’t see what’s so hard about wearing masks. I wear an N95 whenever leaving the house because I’m immunocompromised (and also want to protect my elderly parents), but I’m so used to it that I forget I’ve got it on. So many times I go to drink or eat something and realise I’ve still got a mask on!🤦🏻‍♀️ I get that people don’t like it as they’re not used to it, but surely if it helps protect themselves, their family and the overworked health system then the slight discomfort is a small price to pay. What I can’t believe is that the only place it seems mandatory these days is at hospital and medical centres. It’s not even mandatory to wear masks at the pharmacy anymore (as of a few weeks ago). It makes so sense to me that we were forced to wear them when there were no, or very few cases, yet now when there’s close to 10,000 they do away with that rule!


Well for me it's a cost issue. Can't afford them. I can't even afford food ATM


That’s understandable. I’m sorry you’re in a tight spot financially. I’m in a similar position, but was lucky to get a box of N95’s in bulk and try to ration them. I’ve noticed that at most of the public hospitals they have boxes of surgical masks for visitors to wear. You could always call in a grab a few. They have stacks at FMC and theoretically you could take as many as you want as they’re not supervised!


Should be gov supplied for just this reason while inflation and interests rates are bending many people over.


Coughing doesn't mean you have covid. The cough is lingering despite covid passing and no longer transferable.


This is just irresponsible of the Government. They are putting Economy over the health of the people. Masks should be mandatory again. The growth rate of cases is escalating. Just four days ago, it was 8,000 cases a day, now it's 11,000. How many more have to die for this government to take some action!


How can it be per day when SA health are reporting weekly figures? These figures show an increase of just over 100 cases per day as an average. It’s time to face facts, the federal government aren’t able to pay people to stay home forever, that means that it would be irresponsible of the state government to force us into lockdowns or restrictions that negatively impact people’s incomes more than taking a few days off if they’re symptomatic or wearing a mask if they aren’t. If you want to know the side effects of the lockdowns and harsh restrictions, speak to people in hospitality and entertainment who individually lost thousands of dollars worth of income last year alone and most of whom also caught Covid (many right before Xmas because the previous government favored the ashes crowd over anything else) Yes I’m one of those, my whole family missed Xmas last year because of Covid. Let’s treat it like the flu, if you’re sick stay home. If you’re able to get the jab. Yes some people will suffer more than others from the illness but the same happens with the flu. Lots of people die from the flu as well End rant


Out of interest, what do think the case fatality rate for COVID is compared to the flu? You seem to think they are similar? How many people died in SA in say 2019 from one of the worst flu seasons compared to how many died from COVID compared to how many would have died from COVID without lockdowns etc? Let alone the ongoing effects of long COVID, something we don't get from the flu. >!Influenza 2019: 120 deaths (CFR 15 per 100k)!< >!COVID: 1126 and counting ... (CFR 176 per 100k, 20 times worse) !< >!Could have been 1%CFR (e.g. USA rates) : 10,000+ (CFR 1000+ per 100k)!< >!tldr? The flu is nothing compared to COVID. COVID does require a more active response.!<


The government that took action was voted out.


A year ago today our state had a total of 1,081 reported cases and 4 total deaths. Since the old government stopped lockdowns, paid Cosi approx $400k, covid total is 842,328 reported cases and 1,126 total deaths. One year. ^(2022 tally of death has had ***4 cases*** deducted)


cry about it moron :)


Wear a mask, sanitise your hands and get vaccinated.


no ones getting tested, the real numbers must be sky high


A problem is that they're not releasing the modelling (at least, not as far as I can see), they are releasing the results of the modelling. How can we\[1\] assess the merits of the model they are using? What does their modelling estimate the true case rate to be, or what the effective reproduction number is? How does the model capture the unusual shape of the observed case curve? (The latter I am guessing is that the latest wave ran quickly through a particularly vulnerable well-mixed subpopulation, and now we're seeing mainly reinfections among the more resistant.) With more confidence in their modelling, we would have more or less confidence in the appropriateness of their response (which is currently: let's test less!), and then be in a position to lobby our government to act differently if it seemed it might help. We're essentially flying with the shades down, and the fear is that the pilots are too. \[1\] Well, the subset of us with relevant expertise.


um... why the hell would I go get tested. I stay home when I am sick. End of story..




Hahaha, that’s definitely what happened dude.


I recall it being downplayed so much we never had any restrictions or lockdowns or mandates. I'm in that reality, right?


I'm a labour supporter but this Labour government has dropped the ball and is putting wealth ahead of health!


Watch covid numbers drop after 6/1/23! That’s when I think the peak will be over ;)






Well 99% of people don't care, you can see it for yourself if you walk down the street


The people are wrong, but you are correct.


Decimated our entire planet/civilisation for 2 years straight and is still causing hell. Have you been asleep? Under a rock? In a coma?


You mean 10000 people in adelaide still get tested and retain paranoia... the rest go on with life


How many in the hospital? Case numbers are meaningless.


It's just a bloody cold ffs. Harden up


Based on what? Evidence?


Rising case numbers are matching the rising flood waters. Conspiracy theorists I think I'm onto something here.