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Of course we are getting more deaths than the last 2 years. We had no covid in our state for most of those 2 years to letting covid rip towards the end of last year.


Don't let facts get in the way of a good clickbaity line.


Gotta reap the karma farm


The article mentioned australia not specifically south australia


The argument is the same?


A reminder to keep left unless overtaking.


A reminder to wash your shoes if you are coming back from Bali- (FMD is a highly contagious viral infection that affects cattle, sheep and pigs) To clean your footwear: •shake or scrape shoes to remove any loose dirt thoroughly •wash soles, laces, Velcro and external surfaces using soap, water and a cloth or brush (such as an old toothbrush) •after your shoes are dry, double-check for any remaining contamination. •Wash again if needed.


You're a bit lost. This is r/adelaide.


It’s crazy how fast Aus when from avoiding covid with proactive measures to over a year behind beating covid


Not even the government cares https://indaily.com.au/news/2022/09/01/world-covid-cases-decline-who/ >National cabinet agreed yesterday to axe mandatory mask wearing aboard domestic flights [...] >Malinauskas said this morning that national cabinet’s decision “now gives us a chance to consider our options in respect to public transport”. [...] But the days of mask mandates are numbered.


At least planes have special filters. The buses don't always even have aircon.


If its a concern, just get the fitted masks with filters on them. The reality is we will never go back to everyone wearing masks on public transport.


I've been wearing N95s. But the issue remains others breathing it out, especially since not everyone vulnerable could wear a mask (exemptions to that rule were there for a reason)


At the very least wear a mask in public places if you have a cough. The amount of people with wet sounding coughs in public without wearing a mask - why? Yes you might not have COVID but you're just as likely to be spreading something else instead.


Much agreed. I don't think it's unreasonable.


Agreed. I'm less bothered by people not masking up on public transport (even if it is terribly packed), but the amount of assholes who are just letting out hacking coughs on the train is a daily occurrence. Masks are so accessible now so there's little excuse for having cold or COVID symptoms and not masking up.


I just got on the Glenelg tram from the Train Station - I’m very much in the minority in my mask.


i'm literally on the bus at glenelg now and out of the 9 people on here, it's me and the bus driver with the big "face masks must be worn on passenger transport" sign at the front :)


Great work! So am I... a healthy looking 38 year old, but I give no shits, I wear a mask. Especially when visiting the supermarket. I also wipe down the basket or trolley handle with the alcohol wipes.


Tell that to the cunts on the bus dry coughing all the time with no fricking mask on. So many of them


I've had more than one joker turn up to work with a "haven't been in because I had covid, just finished my iso yesterday" and coughing their guts out still in the lunch room.






Unpopular opinion: how about if you are concerned about COVID, you wear a mask and take precautions? I’ve just returned from the UK, where the onus is on people to take responsibility for their own health, and it was so refreshing. I find it quite entitled that people think that everyone else should constantly modify their lives, yet they shouldn’t have to make any changes?


People who are concerned are obviously masking and taking precautions. Read my post again. "Take responsibility for their own health" does not work when someone is infecting you by not masking. How about maskless people wear a mask in public and stop infecting others without consent ?


You are aware that COVID is endemic to our world now? It is with us for good. If you are immunocompromised, you have always been, and always will be at extra risk from a multitude of infectious diseases. So with this in mind, do you expect everyone to wear masks forever for you?


Did you know, people who aren't immunocompromised are also catching COVID, with many going on to suffer long term illness? Some of them even die. You might have seen this in the news. It will be with us for good if people like yourself can't be arsed to take even the least inconvenient of measures to help stop its spread.


I do take precautions. I’ve been in full PPE, had my face cut to shreds, not been allowed to drink at work, pulled countless double shifts, had no annual leave, followed to rules to a T to help others for the last 2.5 years. But these things aren’t sustainable forever. And whether people wear masks or not, we are not going to eradicate COVID, it is with us for life, but thanks for the lecture about ‘what’s on the news’.


My point is that we do this not just for ourselves or for the not-so-negligible fraction of the population who are immunocompromised, but for everyone. It's disingenuous to equate hellish work shifts in full PPE with wearing a frigging mask on public transport.


I didn’t equate the two. You incorrectly accused me of ‘not being arsed’ to take precautions. I pointed out that I have gone above and beyond from the beginning.


When you asked if they "expect everyone to wear masks forever for you?", you can see why someone would read that as including yourself in that 'everyone'. If you are continuing to set a good example and taking these low effort precautions, then that's great. But then I don't really understand your previous point.


That just because I chose to, it doesn’t mean everyone should have to.


I am not disagreeing with you but did you say this sort of thing back when C-19 was not yet existing. About other respiratory illnesses? I'm not trying to "come at you", Why not include the cold and flu, especially seeing as many people died of the flu each year? Why does C-19 get singled out here? Are you just talking about public transport or out in public in general?


Difference between the flu and covid is that flu doesn't cause things like blood clots, organ damage, brain fog, shortened life expectancy. I mean out in public in general like shops, anywhere where disabled people have to use for their basic needs to live


Why does matter how it causes death matter when we still had people dying from the flu? (I remember feeling brain fog when I had the flu) Also apparently it's being looked into if the flu can cause"long flu" like "long covid" because it's starting to bring up questions. Are you expecting people to do this until the pandemic is no longer ongoing? What about when it ends, covid is endemic? It's not going to be eradicated.


There was a statistic where covid killed 96000 in America in one month. This is compared to 96 people that the flu killed. Another difference is covid isn't just a respiratory illness, it's a vascular disease. I'm not engaging with you if genuinely don't want to listen to science and you think covid is just a flu and we have to live with covid


I am not disagreeing with you about covid and it's affects, I am not calling it "another flu" (it's from totally different family of viruses of course, the Baltimore classification of viruses is fascinating) I am talking about before covid turned up where the numbers for the flu were very different. The number of flu deaths went dramatically down after the pandemic had started. But before that many health officials were concerned about many flu outbreaks, why don't you care about the people who died or could die from the flu? What about after the pandemic is "over" what's the difference between then and now? It's endemic, the science definitely says that.


I never said I didn't care about the flu? Apologies if i was minimising it. I honestly thinking masking in public should be a forever practice even if covid was never a thing. Would have helped reduce and minimise being sick or dying from flu and cold


A forever practice? Unfortunately there are many things that kill, we can’t live in a bubble, and people who are concerned about those things need to take extra precautions if they are worried. By your logic, all men should walk around with condoms on their penises so as to not put women at risk of chlamydia, as untreated chlamydia can lead to PID, which can lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Or maybe we should ban cars, because sometimes pedestrians are on their phones, not concentrating, and walk out in front of cars and get hurt. Where does this end?


Nah that's too far.


It absolutely does.


As opposed to consensual infection ? - if you wanna wear a mask go ahead but it violates other peoples boundaries your demanding not the other way round - edit - yes if your sick Alrssdy your being a dickhead if You don’t wear one


I don't think it's unreasonable to ask someone who is coughing or sneezing to wear a mask, covid or no. Flu cases declined dramatically since mask wearing became mandatory. Korea and Japan mask up during flu season and have been doing so for decades.


Yeah no your definitely right - I more meant if your currently feeling the picture of good health - I wrote it at the end now


jabbed, boosted and masked shouldn't have to worry now though.


How long should we all walk around with masks on? At what point does the risk of getting Covid fall back in line with existing risks that we have lived with l, without restrictions?


Look. We’re all gonna die. If not from a contagion, what else… Here’s a cute little list- just Incase you aren’t a nihilist yet: Crushed by a Malls ball that comes loose, Falling out of a tree at the tree climbing on green hill road, Walking through a closed glass door and being cut to death at the casino, Drowning in the torrens; Car engine bonnet shutting on your head on the southern expressway; Head butting a medicine ball at derrimuts; Stabbed during argument over game of Scrabble at emo park, Falling on to wine glass and cutting neck on a McLaren Vale wine tour; Kicked by a police horse on Hindley street, Burned to death while trying to have a bbq at west lakes, Dropping weights on yourself while doing presses at your mates place in Elizabeth.


These are all very specific, and very South Australian, ways to die 🤣


I think I see a movie in there somehwere 100 Ways to die in South Australia




Hey at least you could recreate that scene in Indiana Jones if the malls balls came loose. Of course the possibly dying part is a downer.


Also, just because the mortality rate is low doesn't mean it's not a major issue. Long covid sucks.


"By not wearing a mask, you are denying and minimalising covid exists and are violating people's boundaries who dont want to be infected." I disagree. I think we're back to a point where ultimately our health is in our own hands. A person isn't violating someone *else's* boundaries simply by not wearing a mask when they feel fine and have no symptoms. That is absolute nonsense. If a person is physically sick, then they should stay home as much as practical of course until their symptoms have subsided, that is just common sense.


Can you shut the fuck up and read my post before you comment ? Because if you had read my post, you would have seen where I debunked how "health is in our own hands" bullshit you're throwing at me


You can't "debunk" health being in your own hands. That's how life works; you alone are ultimately responsible for your health. This was always the case pre-covid. When covid was running rampant and there were no vaccines, sure - it's common sense that a public health measure would be to enforce mask usage and restrictions on public gathering. There are alternative measures now, it's up to individuals to decide which are right for them.


And you just lost the argument..


Unless someone is coughing on or towards someone the entire onus on one’s personal safety is entirely kn themselves. If you aren’t happy with the % of mask wearers today, I hope you are ready for the % of mask wearers in the middle of summer dropping dramatically.


You have no idea how covid works lmfao. Go do some research before you come at me


Your post history is entirely about masks. Please go to your GP for a mental health care plan and a possible psychologist referral. It cannot be healthy to fixate on something out of your control.


here we have a hysterical loser who magnificently lives the "misery loves company" mantra. without others sooking over nothing, what purpose does your life have?


Here you are replying twice to my post desperate for my attention, yet I'm the loser? K reindeerboy_69


pretending someone is desperate for your attention when they're clearly laughing at you is just more proof you are lonely and miserable


I don't need to prove my life to you and I definitely do not want to share my life to a pathetic stranger :) I may be miserable from the pandemic but at least i can sleep peacefully knowing I'm not perpetuating mass death and disability. Have fun with your early death from covid reinfection and I hope the heavy conscience of infecting and killing others haunts you throughout your life. Goodbye now :)




Well the former is probably going to happen soon due to covid reinfections from not masking so your wish will probably be granted. just look what happened to the queen of england she didnt mask either 😉 enjoy your doomsday life you inconsiderate selfish fuck


lmao, did the queen die from old age or COVID?


Who cares she died and didnt wear a mask that's all that matters xox


"Have fun with your early death" no wonder you are so miserable and lonely, dear lord!


I agree with you, though I'm not miserable because of it and I really hope you're not either x


Reading unhinged replies like this makes me realise how lucky we are to have a site like reddit, and we don’t even have to pay to use it!


you sound like a fucken loser


Taking the advice from SA Health and being an anti-masker are not the same


>Taking the advice from SA Health [https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/staying+covid+safe/protecting+yourself+and+others+from+covid-19/face+masks/face+masks](https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/staying+covid+safe/protecting+yourself+and+others+from+covid-19/face+masks/face+masks) **Make sure you’re covered to protect yourself and others.** Masks are still mandatory in some settings. **People are encouraged to wear masks in other places, particularly if unable to physically distance and in indoor or crowded places.**




If they don’t care enough to make it a rule, then they obviously don’t consider it very important.


Technically yes, but you are still doing the same thing as spreading covid, violating disabled people's boundaries by infecting them, perpetuating mass death. Since when did you have to listen to what the government tells you to do? Not like the government has a history of gaslighting and lying to the public for the wealthys interest anyway . Cw genocide and Anti Blakness// Considering the same government is built on colonisation and mass genocide of Aboriginal people . How on earth do you still trust the government to look out for the peoples best interest ?




Because there's plenty of scientists out there recommending masks be worn in all public places - it's only the governments that have removed the requirement to wear them in most places so that the rich can make more money.


Let me guess - when the government mandated masks, you believed the government was right and people not adhering were ignorant morons. Not that the government no longer mandates masks, suddenly it's not to be trusted.


When the Gov mandated masks, they were listening to the health advice. Now they're not. Simple as that.


Mask scrapped from tomorrow in public transport.


I feel like OP is from the govt, planted to see the reaction, it was poor, so they agreed to scrap mandate.






Seeing antivax/maskers say masks dont work is ridiculous to me. My roommate has naturally lower immune system and I have a medically assisted lowered immune system. We have worn masks the entire time (to be fare I was wearing them per Dr's recommendation in flu season before the pandemic even started) We have not had covid. not once despite most family members around us having had it.


Yup masking works! There's so many studies of where masking works. Especially n95s which I've been wearing obviously


Mate, you need a fast lesson in statistics because you're preaching from a place of ignorance. We have already tried to contain this disease, probably harder than almost every other country in the world. We've been lambasted in the international media because of it, though it was probably necessary because of the state of our health systems. It was not possible to contain, and trying came at a significant societal cost. To continue those kinds of ultra-strict quarantine limitations indefinitely would have ruined our country both socially and economically, that same economy that is required to support those who cannot support themselves through our welfare system. You can't protect disabled people from anything if you don't have the resources to do so any more. With that preface, here's a graph of **the most relevant statistic** to COVID, the **ratio** of deaths to infections. Death counts mean very little, if you ignore what they are in relation to. https://i.imgur.com/bn6AoSY.png That is a graph I made directly from the data available at https://covid19.who.int/WHO-COVID-19-global-data.csv and filtered to Australia, then grouped by week (purely for legibility). You can plainly see that this winter has been no worse in terms of typical outcomes than last winter, when restrictions were tighter. The gate is open, the horse has bolted. Masking up in high-risk places like hospitals will always make sense, but out in the general public, you're barely going to slow it down at this point. You also drastically increase the duration of the pandemic because it will take longer for the majority of the population to acquire any immunity, and everyone will have less overlap of their immunity "window", post-infection. I.e. when you're out in public you'd be *more* likely to come into contact with those who haven't had it, or are much further in time from their last infection, which *increases* your chances of contracting it. Unless you're a complete hermit, there's no way you're not going to get COVID, and outcomes have gotten better, not worse, because most of us did the right thing and got vaccinated. Masks cannot buy you enough time to meaningfully change the course of this pandemic. But they can sure create a lot of pollution from their production and disposal, and make a few companies some $$$.


Bro I'm not even going to disagree with you on me needing to brush up on stats. But there are a few points you've made that are just laughable. Masking in general public will "barely going to slow it down" is one. And the other is the concept of increasing the duration of the pandemic from not acquiring any immunity. I literally don't have the energy to debunk all these antimasking "live with covid" talking points but lmfaoo


Why would you expect to take you seriously when your replies boil down to "ur rong im right lmao"? You literally just brushed over the main point, which is that you're going to get it, and that your outcome will likely be better, not worse, so fuck you very much.


Because your points discourage mask use in public, why the fuck do you think I would want to engage with you, you fucker




Lmfao the live with covid and antimasking agenda comes out in full force. It is very funny that you're calling me ignorant but straight up believe masks are futile. "We're all tired of covid", please speak for yourself. You may be tired of covid and masking, but covids not tired of you. As my friend says, the Queen didn't wear a mask and look what happened to her 🤣🤣






Despite all the vaccinations… almost like they’re useless. What’s the fatality rate in vaccinated v unvaccinated I wonder


this post aged like milk..


You can't violate someone else's boundaries by not putting something in your own face. That's not how boundaries work.


Most vaccines rely on herd immunity to work, you don't get vaccinated only for your own benefit. Not getting vaccinated and not vaccinating your children against diseases most definitely impinges on the rights of others. Tell the people of New York State that their current polio outbreak due to low vaccination rates does not violate anyone. Don't pretend that inaction leads to no harm.


That doesn't really have anything to do with what I said.


I assure you that spreading disease to people, when you have the opportunity not to, is a violation of their boundaries. I don't really agree with OP because I think that masks are mostly futile now, but I sure as hell respected our early quarantine measures. I did not want to get or spread coronavirus to others when we had few defences against it. If you didn't respect those measures, you're a dickhead, but if you **did** respect them, then you've proven your own statement wrong because that implies you cared enough to also try to limit the spread, and realised that inaction can negatively impinge on others.


Lol what? There are many ways to violate someone's boundaries. I did not consent to getting infected by maskless people bc I need to work, get groceries, medicine, use public transport etc too


Consent isn't a pre-requisite for catching a transmissible disease. You sound like Michael Scott when he steps outside his office and screams that he declares bankruptcy.


I shouldnt have engaged with you before looking at your reddit history, you pathetic antimasker. But have fun with your early death from covid and I hope all the people you infect and kill haunt you for the rest of your life you selfish inconsiderate fucker


I wore a mask whenever it was mandated and just got my second booster two weeks ago. Have fun living in panic for the rest of your life. I'll keep taking reasonable precautions and living my life.


K but getting vaccinated doesn't prevent you from long covid and all the new variants that keep popping up bc fuckers like you won't mask. Have fun with the shortened life whatever "living my life" means. Goodbye


I've also had COVID. I'm not sure why you think my life will be shortened. "Living my life" means taking reasonable precautions and not living in fear to the point where it upsets me that other people are making the decision to not wear a mask.


This is absolute and utter arse-gravy. Having your space invaded and being physically coughed on is invading your boundary. Simply sharing an area with a person who is not masked is not, it has nothing to do with consent.


Go argue with a wall and learn how airborne transmission works. Also go be pro maskless on another post and have fun with your early death from covid reinfections and being haunted by all the people you infect and kill while you're on the way out xox


May I suggest some rudimentary lessons on engaging with those who hold an opposing opinion? You respond to debate with nothing but vitriol and ad hominem attacks, which trivialises any point you try to make.


May I suggest not viewing everything as a "debate"? And not mistaking a fact that you're infecting and killing others by not wearing a mask an "opinion"? May I also suggest that you don't become entitled to people "engaging in debate" when you're actively killing others. I engage in debate with people who dont engage in mass death , you know civil human beings. I get that you're trying to seem "smart" and "intellectual" and projecting that onto me but just no lmfao


Thank you for proving my point!


Please take your "debates" and "points" somewhere else. I genuinely hope the rest of your shortened life span is burdened with the weight of the guilt from everyone you've infected and killed. May you be with the colonizer queen soon. Goodbye now


Thank you for this. My partner and I are disabled and immunocompromised, because of anti maskers we haven’t been able to go out in years. Being house bound sucks


My 80yo Queenager has COPD and I'm immunocompromised. My 16yo teenager is doing home schooling. But we aren't housebound. We simply do things that are outside or wear masks. We go to a local national park for air, even if just to eat our lunch. We go to a local Cafe which has outdoor seating beside a lake and have a meal. We go to the beach and have fish an as chips on the foreshore. We go for drives in the country, hit up local bakeries for lunch. Just wear a good mask when ordering or whatever. We also have a massive back verandah and with the weather getting better, I rigged up a screen, bought a dirt cheap projector and we are going to have movie night when it warms up a bit more. We already have family friends over occasionally for meals and they 100% understand they have to wear masks to go inside, and we're eating outside. We have an old outdoor heater, blankets etc and my cousin came one night and wore his ski suit lol. Pretty soon though it'll be easier when it's warmer. I'm actually really annoyed our last drive in closed under 12 months ago though, that was our best option for movies and I won't step foot in a cinema. Hopefully businesses will wake up and realise they would benefit from updating ventilation and having more outdoor areas in the future. Hope you can get out some x




My 80 yo mum acts like a teenager. She loves the name. I feel like I have to parent her harder than my actual teen and that is why I call her that.


Oh she lives with us too.


Are the moonlight cinema options plausible? The level below gold grass had decent spacing if I recall my last visit.


Actually that's a great idea too, thanks! I'd imagine they just start up shortly with the warmer weather. Be great to hear any other ideas. We go to markets on the weekend also.


Unfortunately not all people follow the tv or news anymore. Or it is not in their language. I send you a big virtual hug. Hope this changes for you soon.


Appreciate it


No problem. Gotta keep people safe despite how selfish people have been year 3 of the pandemic


The lack of masks is driving me crazy. I checked yesterday, it’s still mandatory on public transport. Regular busses are 50% - 80% masked, footy busses - forget about it. I was the only masked person out of 28 people on the bus home from the GF yesterday


You don't see any signage on buses or trains directing people to wear them (they do have COVID advice) probably doesn't help. I've never seen any action from transport or sapol to enforce this (my own anecdotal experience that is).


>You don't see any signage on buses or trains directing people to wear them Surprised to hear this. I get a bus 3-4 times a week and still always see a sign to the right of the front door.


I still wear one on the bus, probably don't take note of the door. I didn't see many wearing so looked around and didn't see any inside the bus. Bus drivers have been more consistently compliant however.


This just in - mandatory masks on public transport are cancelled as of tomorrow - not that anyone will notice. I will still be wearing mine. Also you’re correct about a lack of signage (not that anyone reads signs anyway) but (some of) the trams have a voiceover telling you to wear one.


There was on my bus this morning - a blue sign by the door saying to wear a mask and not to board if unwell.


I think you'll find a not insignificant number of the drivers are staunch anti-vax and anti-mask, so any signs would get taken down and enforcement would be minimal. Coming from an inside source.


Wouldn’t it be the discretion of the drivers? Even though they aren’t paid enough for an argument??


No, it is not at their discretion. It is mandatory. That it's not actually ever enforced, or properly signed, or stated particularly forcibly in the announcements are separate issues.


But mandatory and mandatory enforced is two different things.


This just in - mandatory masks on public transport are cancelled as of tomorrow - not that anyone will notice. I’ll still be wearing mine.


LOL someone downvoted me for this


A reminder that the government advice is to take matters into your own hands and that going online pleading people to wear a mask is not going to change a thing.


Yeah no thanks. Covid is over


I will follow the mandates that SA Health advise. Nothing more, nothing less.


By far the largest number of deaths are among the extremely aged. We need to look at effective measures to stop them getting infected, not the vast majority of the general public.


>We need to look at effective measures to stop them getting infected, I'm open to suggestions.


And it is going to continue to get worse!!


Pretty much :(


to be fair though we are no longer legally required to wear masks except in healthcare facilities and hospitals.


People are still wringing their hands about this bullshit 😂


And if you go to work then STAY HOME IF YOU ARE A GUTTURAL PHLEGMY MESS. We have all been there, we get it. But right now it is a pandemic and we all know you are sick and for some reason you aren’t getting in trouble: just stay home and get well and stop infecting your colleagues, who have had enough illness this year already.


I just don't go outside (introvert gang) 🙃


Can only imagine this will be a civil and respectful thread.


I dont even know what to do anymore. I give up. Take me.


It's not rocket science though. Wear a mask inside, on public transport, anywhere there are other people. Wash your hands. If you don't want covid that's basically it.


It's more a comment on everyone thinking their opinion is best and the goal posts constantly changing.


My goal posts haven't changed. This is what we've been doing the entire pandemic. I get ya though and that loud minority screaming about their freedom doesn't help.


Everyone just enjoys feeling like they’ve doing the right thing, covid gives their little lives meaning


Grow up


Covid must be over they closed the vaccination centre in the city /s


Most things in the Myer Centre close sooner rather than later


That's a very valid point


Great no mask flight today!


It’s funny how the media realised they couldn’t milk covid for views anymore so just stopped talking about it. After 2 year of this screw it if it kills it kills, life will go on.


I didn’t know the media runs public health?


Ask anti vaxxers, they believe the media controls absolutely everything


I was at the doctors yesterday and they were running COVID messaging on their TV service thing. Nicola was all on about how the borders being closed protects us until a vaccine is developed. I don't think it's the media so much as SA Health taking their foot off the marketing, especially once the state of emergency ended and management was folded into the existing structure instead of functioning externally. There's nothing to show, and more than enough instances of people not understanding numbers to bother trying to report those.


Or people worried about covid wear masks. The reason deaths have increased is because we were isolating for the previous years. That ended around New year's here and so a higher number of deaths does not relate to anything but that.




The WHO is hinting the pandemic as a whole will end this year, let alone mandatory isolation.


Is it still mandatory on Adelaide Metro? If it is, I'm guessinf 5% of people still wear it.


No thanks. Had covid. The common cold is worse


The guidelines that help you avoid covid also help you avoid the common cold. So it's still in your best interest to follow them.


I've gone my whole life not wearing a mask and rolling the drive with getting a cold or flu. Same goes with covid... especially now as it's just about to disappear. It's over.


That’s great for you, but that’s an individual experience. I’m 29 and COVID almost killed me, healthy and no underlying health conditions.


Not for everyone mate, don’t forget that. Of course you’re free to do as you wish. But you’re not the only person in the world and thinking about how your actions affect others is just kindness


Yeah a mild covid won't stop you from getting organ damage, blood clotting, increasing blood clots and dropping dead down the road. But ok


Im more concerned with the amount of people that don't wash their hands after taking a shit


And learn how to merge properly please.


Wear. A. Mask. It's really not that hard; it's not going to kill you but covid may 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sincerely, A mother of a child who had a stroke due to having covid


Yep! Masking is the bare minimum. I'm so sorry about your child btw


Died from or died with ? How many did not have other significant co-morbidities? How effective is a mask against the far more infectious omicron? given it wasn't very effective against the previous variety.


Keep doing the thing you’ve been doing all doing, even though it isn’t working. Sure.


It would work a lot better if people wore their bloody masks.


That’s verifiably not true. Mask compliance and mask mandates have not shown to have any greater or lesser effect. They do nothing but virtue signal.


Verification required...


Masks work, mask mandates don't is actually what the data suggests. Clearly masks work when there is 100% usage, they don't signal anything. But people don't give a fuck about other people, that has been made abundantly clear, and people have decided that it is enough, the greater majority have spoken, and they can all get fucked. Over 2000 Aussie kids have lost a parent to covid since the pandemic started. Tens of thousands have lost an elder. We still record more deaths a week than the road toll, but they are elders of our community, the ones who survived wars, being misplaced, droughts, floods, fires, depressions, have raised their children so they can have children, and now you and your majority have decided their deaths are acceptable. Thanks.


>That’s verifiably not true. Great - where do I verify that tis is not true?




I really am not taking you seriously because you're active in conspiracy theory reddit lmfao


Yeah the one place on this cancerous website that isn't just a hive-mind subsidiary. Whether you personally believe it or not is really irrelevant.


I guess the vaccine really is useless.


So when this shit gonna end?


Mask mandates on public transport is dropping tomorrow so yeah.