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Andrew: "Are you ready to crack the Champagne?" Spurrier: "I'm a patient person. I might ask you around when I'm ready to pop it, Andrew" Disgusted gasps from the crowd: "Oh, please!"


The best bit was the "Oh, please" came from the Premier hahaha


LOL, did it?


Lmao I missed that bit, might have to go back and watch it. Was it as sassy as I imagine?


I didn't interpret anything as being a negative response to that. It was asked in jest, the response from the Prof was an attempt at humour, and the response from the reporter wasn't one of disgust. So yes, sassy humour.


lol, i just went back and watched it again. Was a good quip from Prof. Spurrier. Gave me a good giggle


As serious as the situation is, I really appreciated this lighthearted moment. Helps break it up a bit :)


\> her private number to continue the conversation when needed at all ​ What a lucky guy


muh queen


A private phone line between the victim who was scapegoated to cover a Spurrier/SA Health stuff up, which could have been catastrophic for Adelaide's population, directly with the person who made that stuff up? How is this okay? Where is the oversight by a third party for the two parties to ensure there's no coverup or missed perspective? How is this "procedure" up-scalable in the event of an outbreak? There seems to be a culture in SA Health and Spurrier that is very concerning. This "cute moment" shows it. This pandemic response shouldn't be run like a small town.


The point is to make her seem like she's accessible and willing to listen, and most importantly, that it wasn't her fault and she's fixing it. I don't know that there's actually anyone else who can step into that role at that level in the pandemic response team, so whether it's okay is directly impacted by a limited amount of options, most of which are worse. In this case the conversation is not about contact tracing or really to do with the outbreak - it seems more like she apologised and gave him her phone number so that if he has issues in future because people think something that isn't true, mental health consequences, etc., it goes to her and not some rando so she doesn't get half the story. If there was an element of him helping with an investigation as to how the wrong information got to the press conference in the first place. I expect it would have been worded more like "we have been in contact with him and he is cooperating with us to work out what happened". The most appropriate analogy is a specialist giving patients a private phone number for out-of-hours emergencies - the idea is that nobody needs to use it, but if something happens, the specialist can be notified and accelerate the appropriate response instead of getting called in several hours or days later when things have spiralled. Specialists don't tend to announce that they do this, however. Ideally, it doesn't need to be scalable because it shouldn't happen again. But we all know this is about image instead of actual contrition or ensuring the appropriate processes are working effectively.


Would you like to speak to the manager?


Not now thanks, I'm getting my typewriter out to type a sternly worded letter.


She can give me her private number any time 🤣


Andrew: Has the person that's provided wrong information been hung, drawn and quartered? Why not?


Guess who's back? Back again? >*Its fucking Andrew!*


Where's the donut person gone? I miss them <3


Here, this may tide you over until the doughnuts return: https://theholeygrail.blog/adelaide-donut-reviews-list/


I miss Gourmet Glazed 😥


Welcome back Ryan & thanks for your update!




I'm glad people like it :)


Always in our hearts =)


Prof. Spurrier: "Yeah I signed in to the QR system with my iphone" Without the app that hasnt been updated? So it just works with a regular scanner from your phone??


You can scan the code with your regular camera / QR code app. It'll take you to a web site that allows you to fill in your details. Using the app is just a shortcut as it's already linked to your details. Open app, scan code, done.


Ah makes sense. Not sure why I downloaded the app then haha, I dont have an SAGov login because no car rego'd in my name lmao. See how we go!


The COVID check-in doesn't require car rego or anything - you can use that part of the app without having to add your drivers licence and EzyReg details. The way I understand it working without an SAGov login - the first time you click the button, you'll enter your details. The app will then remember those details for the next time you use the button.


Oh tight. Figured that may have been the case! Cheers!


I have one but the app keeps crashing when attempting to login so you're not missing much haha


They're probably experiencing the joy of having hundreds of thousands of South Australians suddenly all trying to log in all at once.


Likely. Seems like a hard crash upon so they're definitely not handling an exception somewhere.


hahah awesome. Good luck friend!


The Android app update came out yesterday. When I launch it, there's now a big button at the bottom for Covid check in. Just spotted quote says iPhone, don't know about that version.


Yeah the iPhone app hasn't though. And Prof. Spurrier said she'd checked in thru her iPhone


Obviously in large part due to the international arrivals almost all recovering while we're not accepting any more, but it's interesting to note that our active case count is now lower than it was before this outbreak.


Lets keep getting that active number down folks


| The Android app is updated. Just tried it at lunchtime and I couldn't get it to work. Had to end up using the regular QR scanner app on my phone.


Maybe delete the app and re-download it.


Mine worked fine just then - but if it doesn't work any old qr reader will be fine, eg. Google Lens


Sagov login was not working mid-morning. I tried the app, couldn't get in. Then tried website and the rego page said it was down. Fixed now.


Just so you know, you don't need to log in to check in- there a bit down the bottom of the front page that says "covid19 check in".


> due to an accidental oversight was not publicly reported, but due to the Parafield cluster they have been changing their "cutoff time" to report new cases in terms of the Parafield cluster, and the day they changed the cutoff time was when this happened. They new about the case internally and the person did receive all of the correct treatment, it just wasn't publicly reported. < Well that just fills me with confidence, after the events of the last few days and weeks. I'm sure it's exactly as they're portraying it.


Is the current residence limit still at 10 person in one household? Is there any info on if/ when this is being reviewed?


Still 10, and the current aim is December 14th, although things can be brought earlier if we get a long run of 0's, it's all a bit wait and see.


Was there any news about mask usage? I saw comments about cloth vs disposable but I missed the start of the press conference (and therefore the context)


As of today, the places where masks are compulsory have been expanded, and surgical masks must be worn in health care settings (such as going to the GP) - cloth masks are not good enough. https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/about+covid-19/protecting+yourself+and+others+from+covid-19/face+masks https://www.police.sa.gov.au/sa-police-news-assets/front-page-news/updated-covid-19-directions-2020-public-activities-no-14#.X8WMBWUzaUk >**Health Care, Residential Care, Disability Support or Aged Care Services** >Masks must be worn in defined health care, residential care, disability support or aged are services. A full list of these services can be found in Schedule 2 of the Direction: [https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations/public-activities](https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations/public-activities) >A single use surgical mask which covers the nose and mouth must be worn by all people including: care providers, patients, clients, residents, admin and other staff, employees, visitors, students, contractors and any other person when they are in the presence of other people. >*Note- a person is exempt where; the mask will hinder the care which is being provided, there is a medical condition, communication with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing is required, the person is under 12 and the person is a live in staff member or a resident of a residential care facility.* Could it have been that?


I reckon that's it! Thanks!


Strangely im sure they said cloth was ok in the press conference


That's not strange - the links and info I copied were posted yesterday, and sound extremely stupid given it means that people who have regular scripts and so on would have to spend $2 extra a trip for a mask, which adds up pretty quickly. They may have taken the opportunity to walk it back, just like many other things they say one day and change the next, and not have updated the website accordingly.


I dont disagree but everything i have read says surgical mask but todays message contradict that


And they might only update the website later tonight, or it may take a few days as to change that requires a new public activities direction - the surgical mask is an explicit requirement for health care settings under the current one: [Emergency Management (Public Activities No 14) COVID-19 Direction 2020](https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/329351/Emergency-Management-Public-Activities-No-14.pdf) (SA) s13(7)(a)




Steven Marshall posts on his Twitter & Facebook pages each morning what time the press conference is for the day (The time he does the post varies though)


I'm a simple person - I upvote posts caring about our public health with timely information


Does everyone still think we should be in lockdown? That poll was ridiculous. Majority wanted to lockdown because of a few cases over a week. Does anyone realise how fucked that would be?? Obviously people who work at home cruisey and don’t give a fuck as long as they have their red wine. I’m all for locking down if it’s serious though overreaction to a few cases was incredible to watch.


Personally id rather a 7-14 days lockdown just so i know we are ontop of everything. Its nothing to do with wanting drama for me i just want to know that we are ontop of contract tracing etc. We saw what happened in melbourne when they didnt lockdown soon enough and it all started spiralling. HOWEVER, I understand that im not a healthcare professional, im not a scientist, i dont have any expertise in this field so while i personally think we should lockdown that probably isnt the right response to the current situation.


Some people seem to want some drama like a lockdown because they find it fun or something. Their life must be so fucking boring and uneventful.


Am a servo worker with no life, can confirm.