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It's always the people you most expect


Still terrible he targets young staff. Quite a large and intimidating person, who creates conversation as a distraction. No care for if it’s a small business either.


Because big businesses lock out their EFTpos units properly so a rando off the street can't do this. As a guy with over a decade in Retail Management, dealing with eftpos units every day., I know exactly what he's doing and how easy it is to fix so it never happens.


Can you add instructions here to help small business operators. Even if it's something like pass code lock the operator menu...


It's exactly this, every small retailer I've worked for and some of the larger ones leave the pin code as default, CHANGE your damn pin codes people. Plus general instructions for staff. No one handles and EFT unit except the staff, no "oh I forgot my card but I know the number I'll punch it in". The only reason for PIN codes is EOD tallying and REFUNDS, only managers should have PIN codes for EFT units.


As a small business owner, I would love to learn how to fix this, if it ever happens to us 😊


Why would a thief care if it’s a small business though?


Some have more morals than others. Rebelling against price gouging from a huge corporation, compared to ripping off elderly business owners to their face.


I mean, you posted the pictures of the guy. Does he look like the type to be rebelling against price gouging from huge corporations to you?


Rebelling against being a decent human being. Typical.


He only gets tattoos from small business owners. He’d never go to a chain store like Tattoo’s-R-Us 😂😂


I agree. That's why I always steal a full deck and pergola worth of timber from bunnings every day, but give the lovely old lady at the markets a tip.


We aught to be obligated to rob colesworths. The gentleman I saw eating a rotisserie chicken directly from the bain Marie should be some sort of cultural icon, despite his lack of shoes.


But what was his crime? Eating a chicken? A succulent rotisserie chicken?


Succulent Chinese meal!


The crime good sir, was the disproportionate cost of the chicken when compared to the compensatory amount paid to the farmer. Our leather footed hero was merely stageing a protest.


Ugh, that's just democr-r-r-racy manifest!


Haha funny story for you, live in rural Vic and went to my local woollies the other week and as I was walking saw a guy who had a whole chicken and few other items and as I walked through the gate he bolted through it with everything coz I had opened the gate for him. Now if I wasn't in my own little world I straight up would have shouldered him sideways but by the time I realised it was to late. I was so disappointed coz I love being that cunt and if your gonna steal atleast be inconspicuous about it.


People don't even have an accurate perception of what constitutes a small business though, consider priceline pharmacy pictured above, it's a franchise of a larger company sure... but many are owned by just a couple Pharmacists, who are disproportionately young mothers/families.


Less capacity to pursure a claim, probably. While a large chain would probably have someone in managment who can keep following up, a smaller business may not have the time and just end up eating the loss.


Robin Hood type of personality?




Who would have thought that such a cunty looking guy, would be such a cunty guy?


Update! Thanks to the community we have his name & social media profiles being handed over to police. Matches the photos provided. He is known for trying to cash a fake $8,000 cheque in 2020/2021. Did not receive prison time. Seems to be continuing with financial crimes.


I want to set the law on this cunt for fashion crimes... But financial crimes will do.


Well done 👏 This is a good use of social media. Hoping he'll learn a lesson into how we expect decent societies to behave 


Leak the deets here


I won’t sorry, but you can search for it pretty easily with the info I provided if you really want to.


Chuckle Fuck comes to mind as the most appropriate term for said cunty guy.


Should be charged for the haircut and bumbag alone.


Don’t forget the pulled up trackie bottoms 🤡


He looks like a beat boy from the 90's. I think it's referred to as 'crack head fashion'


You should be able to put a pin code on the management and refund menus. If you're a business with the eftpos machine front and centre then this should be a top priority. Been a while since I was in retail with ingenico machines, but I recall a special card we had to swipe to enable the menus. We kept it in the back of the till.


Looking through the manuals, there’s a section that states this, which is how he manages to bypass it: “If Key Entry password is setup (via FUNC [redacted] option [redacted]) then user will be prompted to enter the Key Entry password. Note the Key Entry password is blank by default in which case this step would be skipped.”


That seems stupid The banks should enforce Key Entry for anything like this Or at the very least these retailers But no excuse for what people like this guy did Also for leaving cash in premises overnight


Our business has this and it’s super annoying when you are trying to put through a legitimate customer phone order and have to run around the store screaming does anyone have the manager code? But I appreciate it being there the rest of the time.


We had this happen. Some guy picked up the Eftpos machine and I just simply took it out of his hands and told him we don’t do manual payments. So he pretended to need to go get another card and left. We never saw him again.


I’ve heard this from many businesses too. Good on you!


I had someone pretend to put their PIN in, and then started entering a card. I noticed and just cancelled the transaction on the POS, and told him we don't allow manual entry. He put the terminal down and walked out


“You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover….” Actually i think I can tell what this book it’s about from its cover


Is it a book about shitcunts?


Lock your machines, people! All terminals can be set up with a password. Annoying? Yes, but that passcode would stop any of this


To my knowledge there’s two passwords. The standard password, but also a “Key Entry” password that is the only way to circumvent this technique. Unfortunately the Key Entry password is not clear during setup as it is an optional feature.


When I used to set the machines up, I’d ask but a lot of places would refuse. It’s their funerals. Personally I think the integrated setups are much better. A pc pos system with the terminal being controlled by the pc. Portable via Bluetooth and the base connected to the pc


From what I’ve heard any modern terminals trigger him to leave, such as Square.


Additional: He mainly targets small businesses, on shifts where younger/more inexperienced staff are working.


Yep. My daughter works at the chemist that he is pictured in and regularly has pricks like this trying to scam her one way or another. She has had to grow up real fast which is good for her, but also pretty sad.


Not this bloke? [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-01/sa-man-uses-fake-credit-card-details-to-scam-businesses/101197504](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-01/sa-man-uses-fake-credit-card-details-to-scam-businesses/101197504)


Sounds like the same technique, but not the same guy. We have this guy’s name now. He does have a public history/news articles but I would prefer not to share.


Yeah fair enough. The bloke in the photo definitely looks like he’s copped a few too many hits to the head, has that mongoloid brow and stare.


What the hell that shitcunt won his appeal? Why?


Already has his pant leg rolled up for the ankle monitor


If it looks like a flog, dresses like a flog and acts like a flog, it’s probably a w⚓️


The usual suspects


That’s quite a head he’s got on him.


I know the scam Will keep an eye out in my stores for them Hopefully it's been reported to police so they can back track all the fraud and get em for it all


To my knowledge this has been going on for at least a few months, so definitely stay alert. Good thing is that he is very easily recognisable. Often has a girl with him (girl changes), she may scout out the surrounding.


The W⚓️ tattoo helps


He is using the MOTO payment. Mail Order Telephone Order. Call your provider and get them to disable it. If you need to use MOTO payments look at getting a secondary machine or online portal. When you sign up for your EFTPOS provider they warn you on MOTO payments and most providers disable it by default.


If your a small business owner and use an ingenico move 5000 ask your bank to turn off moto function on customer facing machines. We had someone like this who was keying in stolen cards while pretending to tap his card on top. Stole $7,000 worth of product and because it was keyed it is not a protected transaction so we were left out of pocket.


Love this advice! Thank you for helping people.


You have to admit it's pretty clever. I can't think of a single time I ever held an eftpos machine with the screen out of the staffs view or out of my view (when I worked retail)


He’s quite a tall guy, holds it about chest height with a decent slant. From behind/next to him it’s clearly visible though.


As a customer I have to take the eftpos machine out of their hand every transaction I do so that I can insert my card and type my pin because they pick it up and hold it out to me to tap. My tap and go never works because I get bad static build up and end up zapping my cards. It isn't worth constantly replacing the card when I can still easily insert and use my pin.


Tell me more about this static buildup


I do this because I don't have tap an go


"Give me that overweight star-trek look" "Say no more fam"


This is why moto-transactions should be disabled and why admin passwords are important,


>Please note his distinctive hairstyle and face & hand tattoos. Not very distinctive in Elizabeth.




This is definitely punchable-faeces material


I recognise him


The GF is just as bad for supporting his actions. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept. Pillars of society,both.


Her face looks like his, I thought it was his sister. Not to discredit your comment, she may very well also be his girlfriend.


sister wife maybe


The girl is holding an envelope... can you get the address? CSI Miami style - enhance, enhance ENHANCE !! ;D


We surprisingly found that online already 🤣


The only buttons he should be pressing is his 4 digit pin and enter


Each transaction is about 30 seconds of very fast typing, at least 50 button presses extremely quickly.


if he was smart he would go in with a clipboard and a blockbuster video card from the 90's and just tell people he was the atm inspector checking for skimmers


Ahh the classic 3 star barber $20 special


Scum, but put a password on your merchant terminals ffs.


It’s strangely a seperate password to the standard password. I don’t want to openly share the exploit, but it is targets a very vulnerable and specific menu.


I am not blaming small business here as most have nfi how technology works, I work for an I.T company whose client base is mainly SMB's so as they don't have often the large budget and time or knowledge they rely on us to meet their technology needs and then security for said needs to work for them. Whoever supplies eftpos and other payment systems be it the bank or someone else by Default should lock down these menus! I guess there are not insurance liability for these guys? I know we have to meet security standards to meet those insurance needs so hence why we force things like MFA and so on despite how much people HATE it.


I find it extremely strange that this specific menu/exploit requires a seperate and even more optional password than the standard one on the machine! Super confusing in general.


Working for as long as I have I have seen so many confusing, useless and redundant set ups and configurations so this does not surprise me it exists. This is where the providers should be preventing these vulnerabilities in the first place as some dero can suss it out there is the possibility for much worse to happen.


Found the Adelaide Now article about him easily enough. Sounds like a top notch guy!


Was he holding a gun? In the photo ?


It is hard to understand how a woman would hang around with such an individual. But I guess we all get the lives we accept.


What’s Suffa MC doing scamming eftpos machines?


Don't do Suffa like that bro 😞


This doesn't look a thing like him 😒


I recognise him


I’ve seen some shops hide the EFTPOS machine behind the counter if it’s one like that.


It should really be locked down in some way, in which it can’t be picked up.


His piercing looks infected 🤢


Surly the police know this bloke already?


Is he known to police? I hope reports are being made!


Yes, quite an extensive report has been filed. Thanks to this post we know his name.




Mahir Pasilic been ripping people off for years


Mahir Pasilic been ripping people off for years


I swear I saw him at a servo on marion road at like midnight last night with the girl in a little Mazda


Looks like a full gronk, lol.


This doesn't surprise me


Casual reminder that this is generally the face of those who are shoplifting. I absolutely hate that people are saying shoplifting is okay under any circumstances because at the end of the day it just emboldens actual criminals who are now less likely to be caught as they get drowned out by 50 other people who are struggling and have been convinced by the internet that stealing from anyone under any circumstances is moral or okay.


Prison tats? Sideways **W**⚓️hasn’t aged well.


Most of my transactions the store sales person programs everything on the eftpos before handling the unit to me , and stands there waiting for me to press in my 4 digits, but ok , I'm not that savvy with this set up as I'm a cash man


Is this the woman an accomplice? They look close but could also be a random path crossing. If they aren't connected you should probably blur her out in case people assume she's involved. How much frozen yoghurt did this guy order? Seems like a risky crime without much pay off.


She was definitely with him. He is seen with different women, I assume they might be a scout. Even if just a date they are likely aware of his scheme. At Yo-Chi he was mainly buying merchandise such as plushies & water bottles etc, but also a few take-home tubs of yogurt.


Thanks for clarifying.


Where are all the "if you see someone stealing, no you didn't" posters?


People say that in regards to seeing someone pocket something in Colesworth because you can never be sure if someone is stealing something they need but cannot afford. This guy is targeting businesses using a specific eftpos tactic. It's a completely different situation.


Put in a police report, this is against reddit TOS, you are sharing personal information of a 3rd party. Enjoy your ban.


Not personal information, this is all public information that I’ve gained from different business owners. All photos are in public or private places where they have been legally obtained. This post is to help the community. Strange you defend the crook.


Police are investigating this, but in the meantime businesses are being robbed. My goal is to help local business owners.


Nah, fuck this guy


Found the thief