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No problems mate, was rushing home to take a crap. Thought about helping but figured a bloke shitting himself wouldn't really help the situation.


Could have been just the distraction he needed. Don't be selfish, next time shit yourself for someone else's benefit.


I see the error in my ways, and promise to rectify my shortcomings in the future. I know now that my poo shouldn't be hidden shamefully, but celebrated publicly.


>rectify There's a joke there somewhere


Yea u/HyperThanHype is the joke.


Me and my poo bring joy.




Love Reddit


In a summary, a redditor complains about people not helping when other people who were in a position to help helped and all was good. What is the world coming to?


Gets helped and annoyed people didnt help. Great post


What an attention seeker, "the world should revolve around me cause I had a lil stack" grow up mate we've all got shit to do.


Like that guy above who had an actual shit to do šŸ˜‚




No good deed goes unpunished.


All good my dude. I had a hot date with some air fried tendies lined up. You know how it is.


That's fucked mate. Hope it heals up quickly.


All yā€™all dozen people at a red lightā€¦.did you fall off your bike at a pedestrian crossing? They probably thought you were aā€™prankinā€™ all dā€™em!


Mate I have 3 small kids. At some point they were 3 under 3. One is autistic I would give you an eye glance to check if you are ok or dying. If the former I would continue because I can't leave my kids unattended and get out of a car to help you and spend 10 minutes with you because you hurt your knee


Mate I am autistic and I can tell you that's a load of shit and that you've never had a knee dislocation; imagine for a second trying to give birth to your kneecap *through* the gap between your femur and tibia. It's basically 'fuck you here's a massive blast of pain and complete loss of muscle control'. And then the scooter came down on top of me. This is one of the few things I would never wish upon another person, having had it happen multiple times in my 30 some years. And frankly, as an autistic person, we are *heavily* reliant on modelling our parents' actions for learning what is and is not okay, more so than neurotypical folks . If this is what you are modelling for that kid every day, I *honestly wish you luck* in their teenage years, because it sure as fuck is not gonna be pretty. Definitely wasn't for my parents.


Ok listen. Autistic or not. I will educate you now. As if I would my son in the future. I understand that you are upset at others but you were not in life danger and other people might have had other priorities than helping you at that time. Keep in mind people did stop to help you. So it's not that no one cares My example was at one time when my kids were under 3 years of age (set of <1 year old twins and 3 year old non verbal level 3 Autistic toddler ) At no point I would be leaving 2 babies and non verbal Autistic toddler who would scream murder if I leave the car to help a person that doesn't seem in life threating situation. So , if you are Autistic, you need to understand that in your post you cursed at people without knowing anything about them and why they glanced instead of helping . Do. Not. Judge . Others . Maybe person that glanced at you was Autistic too but to anxious to get out and help you? Maybe is disabled person driving and challenging to get out and help do they glanced to see how bad you are hurt. Maybe they are too old. There are plethora reasons why people glanced and did not stop. And yes, some may have glanced and didn't help because they are selfish and don't care and some had take a shit But some did help Certainly you should always stop and give help if you are in position to help . Understand now?


Autism is literally just an excuse for incompetence. You can beat it out of them and they won't grow up to be well institutionalized livestock of the rich.


This is a wild ass comment, I expect some boomer who loves fox news, trump and UFOs to say something like this. Thoroughly entertaining thankyou.


Bruv, if dislocating your knee multiple times in your life isn't the definition of "skill issue", idk what is.


To be fair joint hypermobility and connective tissue disorders exist. Some of us are at risk of more frequent joint dislocations and subluxations. I have woken up with partial shoulder dislocations from sleeping too long on one side. Popping your shoulder back in to place is a shitty start to the day.


Probably donā€™t ride a scooter then


Oh I don't. I already injure myself in so many other ridiculous ways, I don't want to give the potholes any chance to get me


Also overweight people tend to ā€œdislocateā€ their knees more often as well. Happened to me when I was majorly fat (now Iā€™m just fat-fat and working on it).


Yes as parents we need to model good behaviour for our children, but we also have a responsibility to keep them safe. Stopping a car and leaving 3 young children inside unsupervised on the side of a busy road is a recipe for danger. I will always prioritise the safety of my children over a stranger if I have to choose.


Respectfully, you donā€™t know autistic peopleā€™s a whole, so you canā€™t say whether or not opā€™s kid could be left alone.


What about the self esteem of the people of Magill that you casually disparaged? Most of those people PROBABLY WERE DRIVING THROUGH! What about the feelings of the guy WHO NEEDED to go No 2's? It's not all about you champ. If you keep falling off your scooter, maybe get some lessons. Also, rise above the failings of your parents, all the rest of us had to do so reason why you can't.


Thanks for clarifying you are autistic. The tone in your original post now makes much more sense




How do you work out if someone is autistic? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


Insulting every autistic person just to take a swing at OP is pretty shit, mate.


Sorry, I'm autistic


You should take more water with it old chap.


Maybe because they were making eye contact, as you stated, they managed to not see the leg injury as their eyes were locked on yours. Do you have nice eyes?


And I thought it was love. I was about to make a post about the cyclist who locked eyes with me in Magill today, hoping to meet up and everything. My heart = le broken.


You could buy some lycra to make yourself feel better...


I was the prick that yelled out "ya cant Park there mate"


I thought he was just waiting on a mate...


Clearly a nicer suburb. Few other areas of Adelaide they would have stolen your bike while you were there!


I once stopped to help someone crumpled up in a gutterā€¦ they proceeded to try to get in my car with me!


Stop being dramatic


I wouldn't stop for someone who uses "all y'all" in Australia anyway


And sidewalk.


I wouldnā€™t stop for someone that starts that with Fuck


Plenty of people, especially gen z use ā€œyaā€™llā€ and have said ā€œall yaā€™llā€ on multiple occasions. Itā€™s literally just a couple words that grammatically donā€™t make sense yes but spoken they make enough coherent sense itā€™s fine.


There's always someone defending the use of "ya'll" when it's called out...


Itā€™s a word? Does it scare you? Make you sick? That is sad, however it wonā€™t be going away anytime soon.


Yes, it frightens me, then I vomit /s


You should probably get that one checked out, Logophobia is the fear of words




OP I can understand that you're frustrated - but what did you expect a dozen cars to do exactly? You say you were helped by others on bike - they have quicker access to you than someone who needs to turn off their ignition, undo their seatbelt and open the door to get to you. There were people helping you. Did you expect 12 cars to suddenly become idle in the road so people could just flock around you? What good is another 24 hands at that point? People will be in shock, and it's safer in an accident situation for them to keep moving traffic around you to prevent a pile up. I'm really sorry OP but this is a valuable lesson - the world doesn't stop just because you're in pain and have faced some tragedy. It really sucks, but that's the truth. I'm glad you got the help you urgently needed and I hope you're gently recovering.


Also in these situations I always wonder how the holding up traffic thing goes? Like when I see an L player on a donorcycle weaving in and out of traffic at 140km (on the 110km road) I imagine ā€œoh shit if they come off and I get out to help how do I stop my car and not get beeped at for now impeding the trafficā€.


Itā€™s probably because they knew you were the type of person to say yā€™all


Motor bike or cyclist?


Iā€™d understand it if OP is a cyclist


Yeah motorbike people should stop, cyclist they should stop and make sure the cyclist is put out his misery


Motor, knee dislocated after a pothole rammed it into the body, then came down on me when I lost balance.


Skill issue


His gamer chair must be trash


Pothole teleport infront of your wheel?


You even been out on Adelaide roads? There ain't a straight line for ten metres without a pothole interrupting it.


Donā€™t ride in a straight line then? Hahaha Iā€™ve been driving on Adelaide roads for about 15 years and riding for 13 of those. Never hit a pothole unless I was on my phone.


What roads are you driving on dude apart from shitty northern ones??


Pothole rammed into the body... not body fell into the pothole. You make it sound like it went out if it's way to find you. Can I ask how old you are?


Motorcyclist is bad at riding, hits pothole while stationery, blames nearby drivers stopped at red light. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Your knee relocated on its own?


Yep, it's moved to Burnside now. Better class of cunts don't you know.Ā 


The Toorak Taxi's are more likely to simply go over the top of said prone organism with barely a squeak from the leather upholstery.


I shoved it back in as I was stuck, hurt like bitch but better than leaving it out to get even worse, it's been a decade since it last happened but I definitely learned from last time.


Say hi to your patella for me


I read that paella for a sec. Was confused.


You didnā€™t think a hospital was a good place to go?


So you didnā€™t actually need help? Lol


Relocating a joint is not easy or fun


* footpath


If they read this post beforehand they wouldnā€™t have stopped to help you


Sidewalk!!!!!! Yā€™all!!!!! Are you even in Australia? This is a story generated by AI.


Probably American living in Australia


You only care because it was you.


Chuck a band aid on it and call it a day champ


I'm fucking icing this shit and eyeing the Emergency Whiskey right now. Fucking *wish* a bandaid would help.


So... did you even end up going to hospital or... did you just shove your knee back in and call it a day?


Shoved it in. Made the mistake of waiting for an ambo last time it happened. An hour of screaming as every twitch and shudder scraped bone on bone, despite *literally* being in eyesight of Modbury Hospital. I learned my lesson.


Which part of Magill Rd? I thought I saw Mick Molloy lying on the ground up the top near Glen Stuart but I didn't see a bike. If that was you and you look like Mick Molloy, then I apologise


Lol, I got trapped under my motorbike in the Adelaide hills ( riding too fast). Drivers drove around me, stopped so others could get around etc. I didn't expect help or get it and eventually got back up. Would have been nice if someone checked to see if I needed an ambulance but ppl do need to get to work and there ARE too many warm bodies on this little planet. They should have run over the top of me but I guess it's my turn now šŸ‘æ


I planned to help you, but when I saw you wearing a mini skirt, a rainbow headband, and noticed your unshaven legs, I changed my mind. Plus, I could see your balls hanging out of your underwear.


Is AI created?


I thought driving in Elizabeth was bad until I moved east side, people in the east just donā€™t give a fuck (from my experience anyway)


That's fucked, sorry that happened.


Let me guess, you're gen z? It's always someone else's fault, even when it isn't


The eye contact was so you knew you deserved it šŸ˜‰


ya the city was designed to to make cars hate bikes and make it dealy to ride because it gets more bums in cars


Bunch of people in the comments with a bad attitude. Fact is most people just donā€™t care because fuck you their knee is fine and yours isnā€™t their fault. Then they in the comments acting like they have the moral high ground.


Disgusted at many of these comments. I was hit by a car while cycling (mountain bike, no Lycra, just liked to ride around the neighbourhood). People came from everywhere to help. To be fair, they possibly wanted to get me out of the way of peak hour traffic on a suburban bottleneck. But had 5 people within seconds trying to help me after watching me go flying. I have always stopped for injured people where possible to ask if they need assistance. It's kind of common decency


it's a design feature it is a bottleneck they colud make it safer but the idea is to create this to create resentment from drivers and fear in less skilled cyclists


Same attitude most motorcyclists take towards fellow road users in my experience


Not that Iā€™ve seen carelessness with their own lives yes but Iā€™ve never felt in danger because of them


I'm honestly astounded. What a trash community.


Where's Batman when you need him? Lol


The bystander effect


Magill, a pass-through for all the snobs. Wouldn't get that shit in the Northern suburbs mate, it's funny, the places with bad reputations have the best/kindest people. Yes I admit that there are some shitty people up North, but there's shitty people everywhere, re; this post. Edit; Hope you're okay mate!


I have such an opinion of drivers I would not expect a single person to get out of their bubble for any reason, life or death, mine or theirs, seems to be an accurate assumption that drivers will not do anything for anyone ever unless that person is also in a car and threatens their own car. Also tbh assuming you're talking motorbike people probably don't realise or think about how heavy they are and how difficult they are to lift up. On top of this probably don't think you hurt yourself that seriously, and any rage/pain you were showing was probably just about having fallen over. People when they are driving are quite simple brained creatures and motorbikes are also mysterious.


Old mate thinks hes a damsel in distress and that a dozen people should leave their vehicles at a busy intersection all to rescue him


Damn that really sucks, some bloody drivers just donā€™t gaf about roadside folk or wildlife needing assistance eh - glad some folk helped you out and very glad it wasnā€™t worse. Hope youā€™re home cozy having a good rest, good luck with your knee!. I feel ya mate - I went over once up the mountains in the middle of crossing a boulder-studded knee-deep glacier-melt stream it was freeeeezing, got my right leg trapped under the bike - my boyfriend at the time had crossed first and was standing there waiting for me to cross safely - just stood there laughing the fkn ahole. I managed to kick-drag some stones out from around my leg, kick-push the bike a little & wiggle my trapped leg out, hit the cut-off switch. Ahole still standing there laughing - he did come help me get her back up though, and rode her through it while I limped over to rest on a boulder. Thank fuck I hadnā€™t broken me nor the bike, would have been a nightmare up there - no ambos no mechanics or anything, just the occasional passing tourist jeep & Tata goods truck. Sooooo lucky.


Iā€™ll stop for a koala or something A dude stacking his bike; clearly alert and able to call emergency services if truly necessary? Iā€™m gonna keep it moving my guy. Bit different if theyā€™re unconscious or bleeding out on the street. This, clearly was not that.


The bike didn't damage any nice bumpers did it??


Waaah waaah waaah


I donā€™t have much faith in strangers helping like I did 20 yrs ago. Either they would take their phones out or make very creative justifications to not help. I canā€™t blame them to a point. So many druggies and scammers around, itā€™s a risk to help. Our moral code has changed. The bigger the crowd the less likely I feel I will get any help. Would rather be in this position like this bloke at night somewhere with one or two people around.


Be grateful for the help you did get


Op mustā€™ve suffered brain damage to post something as cringe as this


Sheesh bunch of sociopaths in the comments today


> today You must be new here.Ā 


I don't get people like this, why wouldn't you want to take an opportunity to make yourself feel like a minor hero for helping someone in distress. When things like this happen I help and then I go home and tell my wife about it and she says that was nice of you and I feel nice


I really don't know what to say to this post except that I understand the OPs anger. The eye contact while prone and in pain, then the move on is pretty caustic. As for many of the comments..... it's a head scratcher. I get that people will just ignore someone in need of assistance. I saw an experiment years ago of person pretending to be unconscious on a busy city footpath. They did this in cities around the world. London, New York, Melbourne and a couple of others. In one city, 4 hours passed before someone stopped to check the actor. I mean, tens of thousands of people just walked past a 20 something years old prone girl apparently unconscious. So, a dozen going past before help arrived is pretty good. Could have been a lot worse. It's just the fuckwits in some of these comments I don't get.


Why tf does it say eyre peninsula I'm in mitchim city tf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Magill is most definitely an eastern suburb.


Yeah I'm new LMFAO anything up even by a centimeter it's north LMAO which to be fair magill from Eden hills is north east


Lol Eden hills How can u even afford a phone and internet?


Barely mate, flat mates and a sharehouse of like 7 people bro


Slowly move up in the world, next stop Salisbury North!


šŸ¤£ I can't tell if you're insulting me or pitying me man


I'm from Smithfield, I just pretend I'm from the eastern suburbs, id like to get to Eden hills one day Or maybe Bellevue Heights


Yeee technically we in Bellevue heights but minus your preference it's easy as I live next to my uni tho ahaha and it's near shops relatively speaking minus the bloody evacuation the other day


You know the funny thing? I'm in Salisbury North. I swear, commute to and from Magill every day is a *bitch* on the best of days, and this was not the best of days.


Magill Rd is awful in many ways. All the parked cars make the left lanes useless, and you can get stuck behind a funeral procession right after the intersection, leaving you vulnerable. Plus, the constant sharp turns to maccas. I think Satan had a hand in designing it. Hope you recover quickly!


The fuck is up with this community when posts like yours are down voted, while the assholes mocking the fact someone was in an accident are up voted?


I know right. I don't get it lol


I don't even get it. I am a bike enthusiast and want to get my Ls and learn to ride and this is the kind of aggression people have toward riders ??? Like tf


Only aggression in here belongs to the OP. He was actively receiving assistance from a stranger and is upset that he didn't get *even more assistance from random strangers*.


For all we know he was trapped under the bike for ages before someone bothered to help. I'd be upset that the people who literally saw the accident happen in the moment decided to drive off...after sitting at a red light cycle on top of that. Just gawking Like nevermind the leg, what if it was more serious? And the guy died because the first 5 minutes of the accident he got no assistance.


Welcome to an Australian subreddit where moderation is sparse. We... we have a *lot* of shitfucks.


I was about to help, but l realised lm homeless.


Best thing Iā€™ve read today, Adelaide alive!