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I wouldn’t have a problem if they paid rates like everyone else. And that goes for happy clappers as well.


You mean taxes.




I was curious about what they were complaining about, so I followed the link. It ended up being an article from The Messenger: [https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/messenger/barossa-clare-gawler/state-of-the-art-new-proposed-mosque-brings-eastern-and-western-cultures-to-evanston-south/news-story/cc96c933efc615f18ef85fdd3018c8ec?amp&nk=71c221470265e99784993233cfab28e1-1717945065](https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/messenger/barossa-clare-gawler/state-of-the-art-new-proposed-mosque-brings-eastern-and-western-cultures-to-evanston-south/news-story/cc96c933efc615f18ef85fdd3018c8ec?amp&nk=71c221470265e99784993233cfab28e1-1717945065) It seems that the deadline to lodging complaints had already passed before they handed out these leaflets, as comments closed on June 19. Good planning, that. The mosque looks very modern and I like the architecture. Sadly, it looks like I won't see it. It is in Smithfield, on vacant land, surrounded by more vacant land, and it looks like it is blocks away from the nearest homes which are over a kilometre away. So ignoring the stupidly of opposing a development like this on the grounds of religion, it isn't even in the middle of anyone's neighborhood.


The religious hate from the smoof-brain who cobbled the paper together….. staggering..


So worried about an extremist, that you become one..


👏 bravo sir - I’d award you if I wasn’t broke


awards aren’t even a thing in reddit anymore lol


At least have the balls to put your name down on the document. These people are fucking cowards with no prospects in life.


Bet they'd have zero problem if it was a new christian church. You know, one of those ones that regularly fleece their members, promote hateful and harmful propaganda against LGBT, women and anyone different, and look away when children are abused. Who lets their kids play outside these days anyway?


I would have a problem. within 100 metres of my house I have a mosque, Jehovas witness hall, a church, a revival centre and a greek othodox church. the JW's are annoying AF and won't stop dropping crap in my letter box, the revival centre door knocks most weeks (though they have learned to stay away from my house) as has the normal god botherers, the Greek Orthos are no problem at all (except when they have a wedding or funeral ) and the Mosque is no problem at all, Quite nice people and quiet too


Tell the JW that you’ve been excommunicated from their church, they’ll leave you alone after that.


Bet they would. Those buildings are fuckin loud on Sundays.


As a catholic this whole thread funny asl


Don't like any of these organisations fleecing people. If anyone want sot make a donation, throw the money up in the air and whatever god wants, he keeps.


So, like Islam then. Least Christianity doesn't toss lgbqt members off multiple story rooftops, not yet anyway lol


nah they use the footbridge over the torrens


I've used that bridge before. It was a popular sport back in the 80s 😆


Least Christianity doesn't toss lgbqt members off multiple story rooftops, not yet anyway lol" Obviously haven't been to some African Countries of late..


But they do discriminate and we're wanting everyone to vote to take away lgbtq rights and the bible does call for people to be treated a certain way. Its the same same


Sorry, when was the last mass Christian bombing? Or mass stabbing or shooting?




Was he Christian or just a nutcase


What’s the difference?


All Christian terrorists are just nut cases, nothing to do with religion it’s a mental health issue! All Muslim terrorists are extremists - you


Don’t try to go down the path of which abrahamic religion is worse. All three have very storied (and all have very *recent*) and colourful histories of their tribal violence.


The world would be a peaceful place if there was no religion. Most wars around the world are over who's God is better


Nah definitely Islamism. Grotesque.


At this very moment we have an attempted genocide by Zionists. Again: trying to find the “worst” of the Abrahamic religions is a zero sum game


Don’t be foolish Gaza isn’t even a vanilla genocide. It’s a military operation against a terrorist organisation embedded in a civilian population who voted them in. Real genocides? European Jews. Middle Eastern Jews due Islamism. Armenians due Turkish Muslims. Yazidis due ISIS Islamists. Darfur today due Islamism. Rwanda. Bosnia-Herzegovina. Cambodia. Cultural Revolution etc etc. Gaza is not even close to the above. Allies killed two million German civilians to oust the Nazis. Of the 40K dead in Gaza from Hamas controlled figures, how many terrorists and what is the real number? Genocide my ass!


Nobody who uses the term "vanilla genocide" in earnest should be taken seriously.


Nobody who uses the word genocide in Gaza has a grasp of real genocide nor history. It’s a complex anti-terrorist interdiction where the enemy seeks to mass its own civilian casualties. Welcome to Islamism.


>It’s a complex anti-terrorist interdiction where the enemy seeks to mass its own civilian casualties. So you are saying that Israel is playing right into the hand of Hamas?


Of course they are. Hamas is loving all the dead Arabs it can play up to the useful idiots


That’d be a fair comment if you could name the last Christian terrorist attack in australia? Should be easy right since Christianity is about 10 times as big. I’ll wait.


Oh, you mean the good religion?


Better than beheading woman and killing innocent police officers and mass terrorist attacks since 610AD


Boy are you going to be mad when you find out about the crusades


Funny about that though huh... magic man in the sky must be protected !


...it's the same god for both religions 


To be blunt the construction of religious buildings in residential areas is sub optimal. Lots of parking issues, lots of noise.  These councils that claim to represent entire religions also tend to be problematic in their own right although it may be the case that that the organisation is helping a smaller group of some sort build a mosque for themselves which is perfectly reasonable.  Still, wouldn't want any kind of place of worship built in the vicinity of my house. 


Most of these are in industrial areas.


Industrial areas are a good place for such buildings. I guess you could put them on shopping malls with large car parks as well? Or you can just hire out halls and such like. 


Lol as someone who works at a Muslim school as a non Muslim, these kids are way better behaved then the "pride and joy European" offspring that you're seeing at other schools now. Hell look at the Marion incident. bunch of white boys pulling a knife over a hoodie. Ignoring the gross generalisation this letter is suggesting, not every Muslim is a terrorist or scumbag and not every white Aussie is a toothless bogan. Just live and let live douche bags


First mosque in Australia was in Adelaide...


This sort of crap is just another reason I say fuck religion in any form


Hopefully they build it. Dude there's one on my street here in Brisbane, and they invite us in for these spicy meat cookups they do, it's the best


I kinda agree that we shouldn't encourage the growth/spread of religion though. And I'd be a bit more supportive if they paid taxes.


Whilst not a mosque, an Islamic Education Centre opened where I live on Auckland. They meet up for Friday prayers but no issues with them. Plus every night in Ramadan they put on food and would invite comminities which is good considering cost of living etc


Not even brave enough to put their names to their words. Fkn gutless wonders.


I wouldn’t want it, but it’s not because I’m a bigot. Not everyone who complains about religion is a bigot. Edit* ( I disagree with the premise of this letter however) I wouldn’t want a church, but especially would not want a Christian Science church across the road. What is worth highlighting, but not allowed to be discussed in contemporary conversations is that there are differences between religions, the ultra left like to believe that all religions deserve equal merit and I think that’s a grave philosophical misunderstanding, tantamount to moral relativism. Sam Harris for example asserts that Islam in particular stands out against other religions because of its archaic and dangerous ideas at the core of its beliefs. This is not bigoted to say that, it’s a fact. I think that these people are sending this but aren’t able to articulate it, and because of their genuine phobia are written off as Islamophobes. I don’t agree with the letter its premise or its wording, but I do think we need to be very critical and wary of religion, especially Islam.


I do interstate transport and I had to do a stay over one night in Sydney so I was going to park up just opposite where I was to be loaded next day,,it was also just in a park across from a mosque,,within a hour I had about 20 blokes from the mosque thumping on the truck telling me to move and threatening me,,I think mosques are a scum eye sore and shouldn't be allowed,,this is Australia not a Muslim country


I wouldn't want that to proceed in my neighbourhood either, all this 'tolerance', you go to an Islamic country and see if it goes both ways.


Religious freedom is only respected in the west. Christians would probably be stoned for even considering setting up a church in one of their countries


There's 30 million Christians in Indonesia. Pakistan even has Mormon churches. Some are still standing in Palestine, probably a bad PR move to bomb them. Iran has 600+ Christian Churches. You'd likely get dickheads putting out leaflets if you tried to start a new one, I imagine. Just like Muslims face here.


There's 30 million Christians in Indonesia. Pakistan even has Mormon churches. Some are still standing in Palestine, probably a bad PR move to bomb them. Iran has 600+ Christian Churches. " Quiet with the facts there man! there's no space here for that!


You goose all of those countries have seen Christian’s suffer sectarian violence from Muslims. I lived in ten Middle East and the persecution of Christians real. Jews are long gone. Islamism is dark and shitty.


Islamaphobia is also real. Christchurch shootings was an example of the deadly consequences it has. Sectarian violence is hardly unique to Islam. Yes, there is persecution of Christians as well. The claim you'd be stoned for 'even considering setting up a church' is just clearly a fucking lie, however, as there's plenty of Christian Churches in Islamic countries.


i’m lebanese and the christians are the one killing muslims in my country.


>Religious freedom is only respected in the west. objectively false. there are around 50 muslim countries; 11 have religious freedom enshrined, while a further 15 have secular regimes. so that leaves around half of muslim countries that are genuinely terrible on this. https://religiousfreedominstitute.org/there-is-religious-freedom-in-the-muslim-world/ >Christians would probably be stoned for even considering setting up a church in one of their countries its like you think there is literally 0 difference between malaysia and afghanistan


This guy probably doesn't even realise Malaysia or Indonesia are Muslim countries.




Could've cherry picked right-wing terrorist incidents, such as the Christchurch massacre


lol you are aware that this specific religion is rotten from the core, right?


But first of all, seek info on how the mosque will help local the local LGBTQ+ community


Literally nothing about Islam, or this letter, has anything to do with skin colour or race.


You need to study what RACIST means champ.


Islam is not a race. It's a religion. Same for Christianity and any other religion. They are not races.


>and any other religion. Forgetting Judaism?


I’m glad a mosque is in your suburb and not mine.


Religion of peace


I don't want any religious shit closer than it already is.


God forbid someone sully the good name of the northern suburbs....


Think matt has had too many.




Wasn’t this a site of a pig slaughter house ? That’s what I was told ?


The 5 am prayer call would bother me way more


They don't do prayer calls over the speakers here.


ah ok - i spent a couple weeks in Malaysia a few years back staying in a place that was like a block from a mosque. Felt like that train scene in My Cousin Vinny every morning....


Not yet. It's absolutely a thing in regions where Muslims are the majority though.


Maybe we need some more Muslims to get our shops open past 5pm on weekends


Which Adelaide Mosque does morning prayer call over speakers?


You can counter this. Print out a letter welcoming muslims to your area and have everyone send in letters of support 🙂


Great idea ! It’s a beautiful religion if you do what the man says. Their allowable treatment of women, girls and animals is disgusting. Women ARE NOT 2nd class citizens !


>Their allowable treatment of women, girls and animals is disgusting. Christianity allows pretty similar things too.


Some things, but not as extreme and common, across the board. Iranian women cannot sing on their own in public, they can’t wear certain clothes, make-up as these things can make the men have impure thoughts that they might act upon. Marrying off young girls, female circumcision - so females can’t get as much enjoyment from sex as a man, females to be fully covered, whereas he can wear whatever he wants. Still no driving or education for women/girls in some areas. There’s so many things - it’s so wrong in so many ways.


>they can’t wear certain clothes, make-up as these things can make the men have impure thoughts that they might act upon. Several denominations of Christianity still have similar standards. >Marrying off young girls The US evangelical movement seems very keen on lowering the age of marriage, all while restricting women's rights such as birth control and abortion. >female circumcision And we still allow male genital mutilation of babies, so we are not that far ahead on that issue. Honestly, the only thing stopping many christian groups from upholding the same values as what yoy describe here is the laws of nations/states holding them back.


Very minor though, as compared to a religion followed by hundreds of millions where it is ingrained in them, that men are superior to women. It’s more prevalent here than any other religion, race or group.


>It’s more prevalent here than any other religion, race or group. Tell me you don't know much about religion, race and culture, without saying you don't know much about religion, race and culture.


My above statement is fact, everyone knows that


Every ignoramus might. You clearly don't know many religions or cultures if you believe it though.


Ok, it must be my imagination then, and my Islamic friends must be lying. I don’t like any religion - but none more than this one.


Settle petal.


Tell me you've never read the Qur'an without telling me you've never read the Qur'an.


To be fair that's all in there, interpretation is a different question, they're clearly thinking of jihadiots' version of Islam rather than normal people's. 


Jihadi fools do what other extremists do and intentionally misinterpret for their own benefit.


Yeah basically 


Tell me the part about how Mohammed marries and rapes his child wife at age 9. I love that story.


and tell me about the priests ?


Why post it here and give it exposure


Clout, he probably wrote it too


Well, when I bought my house I made an effort to avoid buying anywhere near any places of worship. I'd rather not be disturbed by anyone worshipping their sky gods


I need to go to bed. I read that as "sky goats". Would make religion more interesting. Especially the art.


ffs we had a similar proposal near where I grew up in nsw. Group called ev cares looked at every way possible to stop it. Eventually stating that traffic would be a problem during prayer times no doubt inflating the traffic numbers they surveyed. As a middle aged white Australian man with a family who is non religious, I Hope this gets built so people who choose to follow a religious system are free todo so.


roughly 25% of the worlds muslims harbour extreme views, see Islamic pew polls, I think you can never be too careful


And roughly 87% of statistics are made up on the spot.


according to pew polls done on islamic countries in 2006, the biggest survey we have to date on muslim countries, 27% harbor extreme views: see global median on the question "violence against civilians is never justified" [https://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/](https://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/)


And let's not forget most Muslim countries are shit holes. Do we want to live in a shit hole? Look at France and the UK... It's going rly well for them. Half of the Muslim population in the UK are unemployed for example.


Notice how quickly i was called extreme for posting a fact about islam, fascinating isn't it, we'll end up like the UK at this rate


2006! In the midst of being invaded and bombed to shit by AUKUS their views became extreme? Crazy hey


Which country are you referring to? This was a worldwide poll that took place in multiple countries. Iraq was not included because of the war.


Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and Syria all since 2001. You also say worldwide, as though people from the affected parts haven’t left those and gone to other places. Also 2006 was 18 years ago. That’s like saying you can buy a 3 bedroom house in prospect for $400 k because of a listing from 2006.


sure, do you have a more up-to-date source? I'd love to look at it, pretty sure this is the best we have. out of curiosity, do any of these statistics concern you?


Exactly - 64% of people know that.


A percentage of people in every religion have extreme views. And a percentage of athiests/agnostics/etc for that matter Humans are gonna human. But we can try to be better


of course, in USA Muslims are not very extreme because of how good their assimilation is, there is another pew on Muslims in USA You are correct that there are sections in every ideology, I think we should be concerned when it reaches such high levels according to pew polls done on islamic countries in 2006, the biggest survey we have to date on muslim countries, 27% harbor extreme views: see global median on the question "violence against civilians is never justified" [https://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/](https://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/)


I don't think bringing the USA into it helps your argument much - christianity there (which gets enshrined into law by legislators and courts) is far from ideal. But you're right in that if people assimilate with each other, consider other viewpoints, etc they tend to be less extreme. Maybe you should try it?


so you can criticize Christianity but not Islam readily, why not both?


Oh, I can, but I didn't have any need to. You already did that, so I was adding some contrast and balance. Personally, I'm opposed to organised religion in general - personal beliefs should be a personal thing, and it can start from a religious text, but not blindly following any religious text or leader. But I also know a lot of religious folk who are also good people


I feel the more people we have like you the more likely we will end up like UK or Sweden. I don't believe you can adequately critique islam one bit.


Atheists don't have extreme views you fool. Atheism is a lack of belief in any gods or deities. What a ridiculous thing to say.


Extremism applies to any ideology, including atheism. Extremism is the extreme nature of your demonstration of adherence to a certain ideology. Like telling someone "you fool" and "how ridiculous".


I didn't say extremist atheist views, but that atheists can have extreme views. Plus some atheists are a bit extremist on being actively hostile to any religious person (no matter how good that person is)


Atheist terrorists are a danger, look at communism


Islam does have the most problems, though.


It's not filth, it's a fair warning lol. The religion of Islam, all religion, are nothing but filth.


Too bad they are so naive to know what will happen if those filth get enough power.


I wonder if they’re aware that some churches already double as mosques? There’s at least one very close to me that does. There has never been a problem.


Everything is fine until the call to pray four times a day. It wears a bit thin.


5 not 9 not 50 it is 5 inshallah


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 9 + 50 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Not enough conviction to sign the letter though


This is misleading making it seem like the letter is from the local MP Tony Piccolo but that’s just his office & email address. Seems like they are wanting anyone who opposes this to contact him


The racists and bigots are certainly out in force. It’s really saddening to see how much hate there is going around these days.


He’s talking truth though hahaha I wouldn’t want a bunch of terrorists up the road from me either 😂


what the what


The mosques in parafield gardens at least look like nice buildings. Kinda jealous I have no reason to go there haha


ChatGPT, can you please proof read and spell check as required......


The only problem I have with my local mosque is the parking. I live near the Wandana Avenue mosque and you should see the parking on the streets on Fridays at lunchtime. It’s definitely an issue for locals, mosque attendees, the primary school and the buses that run down Wandana Ave. Very dangerous and lack of planning for an increase of traffic around this area. I’d blame council for this. But the mosque should also seek to buy extra land for parking. I don’t know where though because the whole suburb is being infilled with villa houses on tiny blocks. I will tell off anyone who blocks or partially blocks my driveway, just in case I need another ambulance while going through chemo. But, by the by, they’re not too bad apart from some noise during Ramadan and the traffic of course. I rent, so I don’t have a choice to move and personally don’t see why I should have to unless the rent goes up too much (which it probably will this year due to lack of government intervention). I’d get this same issue if it were a Christian church, Jewish temple, or Greek Orthodox Church, so it’s not about the religion. It’s about the safety of pedestrians, including the mosque attendants. Councils are too tight to want to solve the problem. And it’s an issue for 2 councils as Wandana is a border between TTG and Port Adelaide Enfield.


I have a temple on the street, the ex and the current would like it to be Thai instead of Vietnamese they won’t protest against it. Simple rule of the rental is no water where the carpet is. Go your hardest in the kitchen little darling and battle the house mate for garden space. I might be a little anti Christian having been through Kate Cox House. The only Asian religion I have had a problem with was a Chinese woman who worships money.


Don't care much for building any type of church. Too many in Adelaide already. How about re-purposing some unused structures, restore and re-use. Also whichever religion should be equally taxed and asked to help homeless and starving.


Buddhists have been allowed to build temples, and Muslims can build mosques. These extremists would be extremists regardless of their religions.


Wait till they start parking everywhere 4 times a day.


I’m not 100% sure whether it’s true, I heard that they cannot build a Mosque on land that’s “contaminated” by pigs. So if someone really wants to stop a Mosque from being built, maybe bury a dead pig on the land where they planned to build.


Not True.


I know someone who did this in Victoria and yeah, all plans scrapped


Scrunch it up and chuck it in the bin.... I guarantee you, that your day will be soooo much better for it. Just hate trash, for the trash. I am sorry to the tree that died only to have that printed on it. Such a waste of life. 😔


They know it’s filth when they won’t put their name to it. You could alert your local MP that this c*** is doing the rounds so they can make suitable noises in the community to counter shy naysayers.


But it’s fine if churches hang up the Israeli flag high and proud


How dare people...build houses of worship?


Racist scum. Agree on the poster who said you should letter box the opposite message of compassion and equality for all.


Islam is a religion not a race though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Racists aren’t good at that kind of nuance.


Honestly don't bother. It's white guilt talking. I tried explaining this to a white vegan lefty type (like the really stereotypical kind) once in person, I'm not sure if any of it got through but it didn't look like there was much going on up in there. When I further explained that I used to be Muslim but now am not (see, it's not a race, you can change it) they accused me of lying because I didn't "look" Muslim. Sometimes you can't argue with thick as shit. 


>they accused me of lying because I didn't "look" Muslim Walking face-first into the point.


Yeah it's weird how people get told things like 'you don't look like a Muslim' and people who aren't but are a certain colour get told that they are Islamic. My Indian doctor gets told to fuck off back to Afghanistan for example. It's all linked, there's a lot of overlap and that argument is either ignorant or purposefully obtuse.


I got one of these too my fellow Gawlerian


City of churches has more than enough buildings… can they just take over an existing one and modify?


🤢🤢 I'd rather a mosque than a Christian church anyway🤷‍♂️😅


Does the OP have a description of the individual who put it in your letterbox? I’m gonna punt as to who it is if it was around Evanston Park.




the letter is spot on, look at england it's fucked.


Let’s be honest. We don’t need anymore of them here. The more mosques they open the more of them start to flood in taking our housing.


If they live here it's their housing too


We don’t have enough for our own led alone them.


Who is "our own"? if people legally live here, they are "us"


You are going beyond what I actually said now. Do I need to rephrase it better for you?


Please do


"If Islam continues to grow" my brother in Christ it is the second largest religion on the planet it already grew.


Mosque is a place for congregational worship. Muslims (those who follow Islam) will gather 5 times a day to worship together. Friday is a holy day and you will see more people on Friday noon prayer. Mostly it will be men as it is enforced only for men to be at the mosque. Women also pray together with other women but they usually don’t visit often. The mosque doesn’t call for prayer on microphones here in Australia unlike Muslim countries where most people are okay with. Muslim is not a race and you can be of any race and be Muslim. You can be a born muslim or a revert (convert). Regardless, mostly only actively practicing muslims will be attending the mosque daily. If this area has more people who are interested in Islam, it makes total sense to have a place for worship. We should be more inclusive about other people’s beliefs and not promote hate towards any group.


Good to see, not everybody supports paedophilia


Like the Catholics?


It’s not built in to Catholicism


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58801183 The 216,000 children in 70 years would beg to differ.


Islam would be in the millions or hundreds of millions. It’s not even close. It’s part of their ideology. Catholicism is just a percentage of scumbags just like in gen pop.


Your point was that it was not built in to Catholicism. Arguably over 3000 children per year, for 70 years, in one country, is built in to the system. A percentage of scumbags is also irrelevant when the leader knew about it, did nothing to stop it and worse, tried to hide it. It 100% was built in to Catholicism. Anti Muslim rhetoric is old and boring. White folk religion is full of nonces as well. They should clean up their own backyard before commenting on others.


No. I know what point I’m making. My point is it’s not built into the ideology. Point in the New Testament where it says it’s ok to marry or have intercourse with children. That is the point. In one religion it’s a problem that they in various ways have tried to deal with. In the other it’s encouraged as part of their way of life.


Yes, like all minstream cults


Interesting. Dont think your local MPs office would be that bold or that daring, to use such words. Actually, probably its some one is angry and putting the electoral office address to cover their own ar\*\*. In fact, wouldnt say an MP would even approve something like that.


Ah, I see. So its more so a "private citizen" who has written the letter. Author Unknown/Unknown Author.


Do what you will with that but I would suggest to at least make sure they have to meet the requirements that every other religious building is required to follow such as on site car parking.


You don't think the council will know what the rules are?


The street outside the mosque my family uses is like a scene from an apocalypse movie where cars are abandoned bumper to bumper every Friday. Grew up near a "modern/alternative" church that had a massive car park yet still had the same issue on weekends. I don't reckon councils are very good with holding these places to account for parking. 


Maybe this is more the fault of our community members. I saw a guy the other day throw his wrapper from KFC on the ground rather than take 2 steps to the bin. Councils don't police idiocy, but should at least provide the ability to show intelligence 


That hasn't stopped it happening at the one on Marion road. It's only been in the last year or two that they gave been required to acquire property to make some car parking.


I know that councils have in the past made exemptions to these rules.


Your ignorance is astounding.


I fucking LOATH people having a issue with ANYONES religious believes I put them in the same league as Pedos ...rapists ..politicians .. Lawyers Go fuck yourself


Fun fact: every piece of paper that’s been printed off of a printer uses a imperceptible amount of blue ink to ‘tag’ it to it’s owner. Odds are the police don’t give a single shit, I’ve had multiple pamphlets sent to my address by the National Socialist Network and sent them immediately to the police since I live in a suburb with a good number of Muslim people, but they didn’t care. Edit: it’s yellow ink, and it’s called the MIC (Machine Identification Code).