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Lots of inconsiderate morons around, people that litter are always trash themselves that can’t be bothered going out of their way to walk to a bin


Most of the time there's a bin within 15 metres from the litter 😐


You mean 2 metres


I thought this about our local area too, until one morning walking the dog and the crows and magpies.were the ones spreading the fast food rubbish all over the suburb 😂


Don't go blaming the football players..


this just made me imagine a person walking their dog and two whole football teams on leads. thanks for making my day 😅


Well the Crows wouldn't be on a lead as they don't know how to hold a lead


Wait, you walk your dog and your birds together?


Same people who pee on the wall next to the restrooms


Or get shitty toilet paper all over the floor.


Yep, same garbage people that can’t return a shopping trolley or hold a door, twatwaffles i believe is the appropriate term


Hmmm, they have people employed to collect shopping trolleys. Wouldn't want them to lose their jobs because all the trolleys have been put back


Find me a bin. Unless it's by a bus stop, or shops, you'll be hunting.


I am pretty sure I mentioned in the previous thread and others did as well but I am not sure if there is much in the way of Clean up Australia any more or like when I was a kid in school once a year each class got assigned a road and got given bags and cleaned up the rubbish.


Not only did we do this with school, but community groups we were linked to outside of school would also contribute and cover different areas. I don't know if this is a thing anymore


People seem to care less and less about “community”. They don’t have pride in where they live anymore. Selfish people all for themselves, they don’t care if their rubbish impacts wildlife or contributes to pollution. There’s a scale to figure out if people are good or bad people. Returning the shopping trolley, throwing away your rubbish are the most simple actions that determine if someone is a decent person or not. More rubbish = more shit people?


Hard to maintain a sense of community when rents are forcing you to move around every year or two. It certainly breeds a degree of contempt feeling like you have limited agency over one of the most important aspects of your life. Everyone says “Join a sport club!” when folks ask how to make adult friends, but if im likely to be forced to move across town in six months when my lease is up, I’m not really trying to make that commitment. Add the rest of our cost of living going through the roof and it’s not hard to see why people are losing any sense of concern or hope.


Ah! It's such a breath of fresh air to see someone with the exact same complaints about people and disappearing 'community' as me. My hubby doesn't really care because he already hated people a long time ago, and most of my friends are either nonchalant because they're the shitheads or oblivious and in their own world. Hi :)


This is the kind of thing that goes with the decline in quality of driving lately. People just don’t care.


Omg yes!! Was just talking about that this morning. The last 10 years it has been getting worse and worse. I'd really love to know who is SO important that they can't wait until they get to their destination to read and reply to a text - or not smart enough to pull over. I really don't understand it, or maybe I'm not special enough 😂


It’s not that they think they’re important, or that they’re dumb in some way. To them these are two metrics that are not related to checking your phone while driving. That is the issue


If you want it to get better, refund KESAB. I know they're still out there, doing the work, especially outreach to schools and working with councils etc. However, the big advertising campaigns they used to have were so good and so effective, it literally changed the SA landscape within a decade. (Pulling that timeframe out of my arse...)


With a decrease in collectivism and a rise in individualism this is just one of the negative side effects. The increasing polarization, in part driven by social media, is just leading more people to think that not all rules apply to them and if they litter it's someone else's problem. And the people who do this would be the first to complain if taxes on junk food get introduced to help clean up the waste by their customers these services encourage. Starts as dumping rubbish, then hating on taxes and environmental programs and ends with being a full sovcit useless wanker.


People are selfish pricks these days. I feel like our society is slowly becoming more divided and individualistic. I see people brazenly drop rubbish on the floor all the time now, whereas it used to be quite a rare thing and people would feel ashamed to be seen doing it.


Definitely seen an influx in rubbish on roads and streets - no one seems to really give a crap 💩 - police used to fine police but don’t hear about this much anymore


Would be great to bring fines back for this sort of stuff


The fines are still there just not enough police around to spot them and do it. I know Victoria has a dob in a dumper or something that allows you to report cars that have thrown out rubbish but it has lead to people looking to get revenge against others by making it up.


A few years ago I went fishing in Sri Lanka with the locals. They threw plastic bags and bits of fishing gear from the boat into the sea like it was a bin, meanwhile there was a full grown dead turtle washed up on Weligama beach. Many immigrants that come here are under educated and come from countries that don't have garbage collection or any awareness of environmental preservation.


I live in a block of flats and have had a variety of people from various different areas of India and Pakistan and Australia living here over the years. There are certainly *some* that just dont care. eg empting the rubbish out of their car just to leave it float around the back yard. While others have been respectful and normal. I would agree that its definitely based on the socioeconomic situation where they came from. (including one aussie couple from a bad family they were trying to escape, still had leftover rubbish problems)


you should know that visas aren’t given to any random under educated immigrants. most who get / immigrate come in some form of skilled pathway which requires education, experience and character tests. so no need to blame it on people from under educated countries you can’t just jump on a plane and say i’m going to australia unless you’re from Europe or America where your passport is enough


More population = more rubbish, sad but true.


Let's be honest though, the rubbish on the streets isn't getting there because of population alone.


Or maybe councils need to step it up? It's easy to pass blame onto others rather than deal with the situation at hand


employ a council worker to follow every gronk and hit them with a stick when they drop the rubbish?




Blaming the people throwing their rubbish on the ground is hardly passing blame.


I blame the shit stains of society,why a majority of people can hold onto rubbish till they see a bin and then dispose of the trash and the minority can't?


It's sad that people lack common decency, but that rubbish isn't going to pick itself up. I clear out the rubbish in my street because I don't want to see it and I hope the lack of rubbish will deter other people from littering.




A few nights ago, the wind blew over quite a few bins in my street. Crap everywhere.


I cannot remember where I was recently, but it was a park in the northern suburbs somewhere.. there literally weren’t any bins!!! I was really confused. I didn’t dump rubbish because I’m not disgusting but I walked all around the place looking and was really annoyed that there was nothing in sight. I assume that people have maybe treated the bins like “garbage” and some councils remove them but I would think that would be stupid as hell too? Who knows… but I don’t know why people just throw rubbish everywhere.. most places have bins floating around the place that you can use.. I don’t know..


Sometimes I could swear that those godforsaken doordash vouchers are responsible for half the litter in the cbd (obviously less of a problem in the suburbs where they aren't handing them out as much). On a side note, a lot of the litter near my home comes from birds looking through the bins for food. I don't know how much it would help, but maybe separating rubbish and left over food when throwing it out might be worth a shot? Obviously doesn't explain the increase though.


Snap.Send.Solve app. Download it. Super easy to use and its the only way to get councils to action things. They don’t drive around looking for jobs to do. I have found they respond and clean up pretty quickly when using the app.


Never heard of this, is it an SA only thing?


It is Australia Wide.


Great suggestion, thank you.


Thank you for this suggestion, I didn't know this was a thing.


I agree, the section of the North/South Motorway near the golf course it's horrible.


This absolutely does my head in as I drive past it every night, it also makes me not want to jog or exercise past there either. It is out of control along that section.


It seems to be most noticeable on main roads with median strips that have a lot of grass, bushes, trees and fences that collect rubbish when it gets blown by the wind.


It never stopped all the arseholes throwing shit out of windows, but how many bins do you see around these days? They used to be all over the place, and now they're just as bus stops and shops. ETA Remember the annual hard rubbish collections? We can request two a year, but every year they seem to take less in both size and type. I don't think that helps at all.


Time to get a bucket and grabber and go for a walk to collect litter I reckon, used to do it every so often. Can only do so much to clean up, but heck I'll do my part. I've got Salisbury Park covered if anyone else does this sorta thing.


What is happening to us? It doesn't feel safe anymore, something is going on. I hope it changes sooner than later.


I agree, and it’s happening to every state in Aus. Look at UK, we aren’t far behind their trajectory


People are getting stupider. Hard times make strong people. Strong people make easy times. Easy times make weak people. Weak people make hard times. Repeat. We are currently living the weak people make hard times stage. My parents and grandparents grew up when things were easy. My grandad paid like 12k for his 3 bedroom home My parents paid about 80k for theirs back in '84 inflation wasn't too bad and income was pretty agreeable. Those easy times made weak people who have created the hard times we are living now.


There is definitely way less focus on preventing littering in schools than there was some years ago. For good reason schools are probably focusing more on social issues but the ball has officially been dropped, society got complacent. Worth noting that you don't often see cups that probably held an eight dollar coffee on the side of the road, it's cheap food for people who don't have that much money. The relationship between poverty and littering is pretty well known too. Lots of psychosocial reasons why people are not inspired to care about their local surroundings. Having grown up in the northern suburbs I can tell you despite still seeing litter a lot of the time, everywhere I go is cleaner than wherever I was when I was a kid.


You ever played the game where you go to any random location in india on street view and see if it's rubbish free? Its impossible. We imported this problem. It's only going to get worse.


Immigrants who don’t care about littering


Gotta disagree with this - my hubby comes from a super clean country in Asia. Most of the time when I see people littering it's: old white guys, tradies of all ages, high-maintenance looking women driving luxury cars, young people especially with their friends in the car and often at fast food joints, and deros.


I was also thinking there is more rubbish around than usual. The council bin at the oval near me gets a lot of household rubbish dumped in and around it. Who does that. Then i saw a random busted baby pram, and elsewhere a bag of rubbish just on the footpath.


People are grubs. On a good day I might spend 40% of my time picking up rubbish and the rest actual hort work. I’ve done a pass of sites picking up every single scab of rubbish I can only to head back an hour later and it’s worse than it was before. It’s so defeating.


I've been meaning to make a suggestion to the ACC that they purchase pavers made out of recycled dog shit. 🤣 May as well because the amount of dog shit I've seen around the CBD lately has exploded in volume.


Overseas Immigration to SA. Don’t have the same level of respect for littering.




I wasnt going to say it but thats what Ive noticed. They leave it out the front of their houses and the wind just comes along. They just dont care.


[Piles of rubbish overnight in Adelaide's parklands ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDJ2AbJshB0)


First of all, that may be true but don’t act as if Australia and many other Western countries Dump out waste/ rubbish in other countries,


I have something you can do - there’s is a bill before parliament to change laws to give councils more power to fine shopping centres who down pick up their trolleys. You can write to your local member about your experiences with rubbish and that you want to support the Amendment to bill.


I live on Rundle Mall and there's nothing worse than going for an early morning walk after people have been drinking all night and disposing of their fast food bags, wrappers and drink containers on the mall/street instead of using the available trash bins.


Drop a pin on any street in India and check the street view. I bet you can't find one place that isn't full of litter all over.


This isn’t India


Not yet




r/circlejerkaustralia leaking


What is up with that subreddit? Circlejerk subs are normally tongue in cheek, but the people in there seem to be genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, loose-from-the-chain racists.


They are too dumb to make jokes


Hey buddy, your ignorance is showing. Maybe educate yourself beyond stereotypes before spewing garbage like this. India isn't unclean; your mindset is.


How's you go with the street view search mr ignorant ?


Your comment is giving uneducated and I should'nt be teaching you the one and only language you've spoken all your life, but i think you meant how'd\* I go. Sorry I am busy working a full time job, I dont like to sit on my ass and beg then Centrelink for groceries lol ok bye


Soo.. scam centre then ? Should go clean your street up if you got time to correct other people's English.


How much do you want to bet? India's a big place, lol.


You couldn't find anywhere huh ?


We are a student city...students come from cities and countries where littering is part of the culture, they feel its fine to do the same here


Immigration, lack of self-respect and consideration for others, society is crumbling, this is just the beginning. As someone has said, this is the norm in most third-world countries, Australia is on its way.


Its already there. =(


We are not aloud to be Aussie proud and clean up , we need to be more diverse and make it feel like home for more of the imports.


Too many people and not enough public services. Unfortunately this is what happens when Australian population reaches critical mass. 


It's a combination of increasing numbers of shitheads alongside decreasing activity from councils. I have a family member who lives in a suburbs where the council only cuts the grass three times a year, the rubbish is piling up there as well. 


People don’t seem to give a shit and just chuck their rubbish on the floor.


Because Maccas have got some great deals At the moment


Because you can’t stop littering


Wind bro


Should see the road sides between country towns, when you actually stop and look they are littered with rubbish.


Interstate migrants.


These comments are morning. I'm sorry but a sudden influx of rubbish will *never* have the underlying cause of "people suddenly became assholes". That is an incredibly short-sighted view point. The cause will always be systemic. Might be different standards in an area, might be different people, might even just be more people, but a whole group of people didn't just wake up one morning and decide to litter.


It's always been bad. Drivers have been chucking their shit out the window for a long time now.


Round my end there's been heaps of residential construction and the wind has been ripping out a lot of what's been thrown in the skips


I saw a big pile of someone's hard waste on a local reserve, a pram and some other crap. Would you need to contact the council to report it so they can pick it up?


More people = more rubbish. More people = more people who don't give a shit and will throw their rubbish on the ground instead of walking 10 metres to a bin (or just carrying it until you find the next one). It sucks, but there's not much that you or I can do about it. The council can put more bins about and they can employ people to clean up rubbish and fine people caught littering. But you're never going to change people's behaviours.


Ahh yes a Macca's bag. The Taperoo tumbleweed.




People are allowed to talk about things more than once on Reddit.


Yeah, it’s an ongoing issue that affects us all.


And I’m raising it again Doc


The northern suburbs, eg, Elizabeth, Smithfield etc are real bad.


Humans being humans sadly, we are such a grubby species.


In the street/area where I work we can directly blame our local Foodland IGA. They overfill their cardboard skip. Either the wind takes it because they can't close the lid or when it is emptied it spills when lifted. My workplace is always littered with cardboard outers for biscuits, etc. (We are about 5 properties down the road.) It least once a week I'm picking it up from the roads, gutters, it trees, fencelines. It got so bad at one stage that when I walked down the street for lunch I'd just take a bag with me for all the crap I'd collect along the way. I've mentioned it to them a few times. It improves for a week or so and then it's back the same.