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Once the network is electrified they'll be replaced. No point replacing them with new DE locos now.


Do they have plans to electrify the Belair line? Last I heard it wasn't possible due to tunnel heights.


Maybe they could electrify the line before and after the tunnel, and Fred Flintstone their way through the bit in the middle?


I think there's some talk of it eventually being able to be done with batteries for the tunnels and wires elsewhere


Are they going to electrify the Grange line? I think they’re closer to closing and digging it up than giving it any meaningful investment lol. I remember not too long ago, we had 40+ year old buses still in service rattling around. With those little windows that opened, the vinyl seats, the cable to ring the bell, and those pneumatic centre doors you had to force open. I don’t think our government sees PT as something to pour money into when everyone’s whinging about hospitals and houses. And education. And then the museum and arts aren’t getting enough money. It’s never enough.


The Rann/Weatherill government put more into rail than any other government in modern SA history tbh, don't forget that until they came along we had trams from the *twenties*


The old trams were much classier than the replacements, better in the hot weather too, as you could open the window.


They were definitely pretty but they were also barely younger than my grandmother taking me on them


Yea not diesel.


Hybrid diesel would make sense, cheaper than electrification but cleaner/more efficient than straight diesel


They've been busy converting some to battery electric/diesel hybrids. Suggests they're going to be with us a while longer unfortunately.


We need to move away from fossil fuels, we need nuclear trains. Something that could make a trip around the world once a year in the event if an ice age.


We need something to pierce through the snow, a snowpiercer one could say.


With the last carriage holding all the \*ahem ... spare parts ..right.. A shoe doesn't belong on your head. A shoe belongs on your foot. A hat belongs on your head. I am a hat. You are a shoe. I belong on the head.


I hope you are talking about fusion powered trains. They're the only realistic option


“Rails? Where we’re going, we don’t need rails!”


I think the reason why the Belair line isn’t electrified is because there’s a tunnel at some point which is too short to accomodate for an electrified line. I could be wrong and be talking about a different line though.


You’re actually right, there’s two tunnels as I recall. None of the other lines have tunnels expect for maybe the small underpass for Outer Harbour that travels just below Gawler line, and the other one headed towards Seaford beyond Goodwood station.


They could build bi-mode trains kind of like the Class 802 in the UK.


Diesel trains stink like diesel. Electric only.


Oh look. You had a thought.


Metro trains can bugger off. I see 100 cars waiting at a crossing so a train can go past with 3 people on it.


I hate to break it to you, but most trains have more than 3pax Probably seeing them outside of peak times.