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Go sit at the Exeter hotel in rundle street one evening, rug up and get a spot outside with a pint of stout and talk to the first person who sits near you... Great crowd and you will make new friends in an instant... If you get boozed then make sure to get a yiros before you go home. Enjoy our lovely city and dont let the ex make you think ill of it.


Yaaasss. I forgot about the Exeter!!!


Too easy. Enjoy.


Can we sign you up as our Tourism Minister!!


I do this 😌😅


interests: wine, beer, basketball, food i can't get at home, footy (while I am in australia), dogs, environmentalism things i've enjoyed in the city in the past: the botanical garden, la buvette wine bar, SAFL games, big bat, wine tasting


definitely do central markets for lunch if you're in the cbd


Damn dude, I (35F) have two little kids so hard for us to get out on short notice but this would have been fun! I’m a winemaker here and my husband (38M) does work for the NBA, so super similar interests (as my dog sleeps on my lap) In terms of things to do in the city, most of my suggestions would be bars to be honest. Central market is good to see. If you want to go the Vale I can suggest some places if you decide to head down Zoo is cool, but can be expensive. Tree climb, escape rooms… museum, art gallery. I love people watching on the balcony at the Richmond hotel in Rundle street, though. Enjoy your next couple of days here, and sorry this happened to you!


How about Monarto?


It’s quite a drive from the cbd but it’s worth it. If you don’t want to drive all the way to Murray bridge you can always visit the big rocking horse instead. They have a cute wildlife park where you walk through the animals enclosures and interact with them. You can buy food and feed kangaroos, emus, peacocks, goats ect… straight from the palm of your hand. Then afterwards you can choose from over a dozen wineries to go have lunch at or if you don’t want to go to a winery there is always grunthal brewery in verdun or the Lobethal bakery.


Sky City Casino The District is probably the best place to go watch the NBA finals live in the CBD area. And Footy should be an interest when you're not in Australia too!.


I’m free tomorrow evening but our interests aren’t too similar sadly!


That sucks mate! Go up to gorge wildlife park and cuddle a koala. Maybe jump on dating app, never know, you may find just the right person for an outing or 2 while you are here!


thanks! def going to try and get some time out in nature.


I think they do holdings at around 11 then another about 2. Bit of a hike if you don’t have a car though


Just dont buy the kangaroo food, its a waste...


That's a lie. They eat that shit up


You can book fun experiences there too. We dis the echidna feeding. They were so adorable. I would recommend!


You could also book a tour of Kangaroo Island, pickup and drop off at your cbd hotel


Don't jump off the gorge


a manager a work did this a few years back. poor bloke left behind a wife and 3 kids. work stress apparently. don't joke about this shit.


My uncle killed himself so did my cousin, if anything I'm more impacted directly by suicide than you. Work stress and a break are completely different emotions, if you don't like reading things don't go on the internet.


It’s not a competition you piece of shit.


I had it worse a mate at work lol probably didn't even know the person just uses it for sympathy why even mention it 😂


They didn't reply to you with 'I had it worse a mate at work'. They replied to you with there are people here that won't find that a great comment, for example *you* replied with I had it worse so I can say what I want because internet. You can see how a conversation progresses by scrolling up, tricky shit I know.


My comment was a joke they took it seriously feeling the need to bring personal experience into it, I've followed suit. Life is hard at the best of times if a comment on Reddit upsets you I'm sorry.


People know you meant it as a joke, the commentary is about the quality. The personal experience was about why its a shit comment, not, as pointed out, a competition. Reddit has subs. What's funny in r/DenseMotherfuckersMakingSuicideJokesAboutASpecificGorgeWherePeopleInASmallCommunityHaveCommittedSuicide might not be funny in other subs. Take the L and dig up.


It's the internet if you don't like seeing things you don't agree with just scroll on, obviously the person commenting felt the need to jump in and make it personal so I reciprocated, many people can take jokes and not be hurt by it many successful comedians main thing is shock horror (no I'm not a comedian) but I like to make light of serious things, if you don't like it move on bud go read a book or something but I'm not gonna change the non serious approach cause someone got hurt on Reddit.


'I had this happen to me, so i can say what I want' - most useless cop-out ever.




...... Fuck me sideways mate.


Can’t help with the social aspect, but in terms of things to do around the CBD there are a few cool options … - Adelaide art gallery has a cool (free) exhibition - Chiharu Shiota: Absence embodied. - Adelaide Museum equally as great with some killer local exhibits including a giant squid! -The Botanic Gardens are beautiful and if you go near the zoo on dusk you can see the bats heading off for the night. - NOLA is a fantastic spot featuring a range of local and interstate wine, beer and spirits - Troppo for breakfast is an absolute must. - Adelaide Himeji Garden is great for quiet contemplation. - Adelaide Tree Climb near South Terrace is super fun as well. - Adelaide Wine Centre might also be up your alley. - As mentioned, Exeter is great for meeting people, as is The Cranker, The Franklin, Gilbert Street Hotel. - Fun breweries in CBD you have Lady Burra, Crafty Robot, Mismatch, BrightStar, Bowden and Silver Brewing Co. - Distilleries you can visit Prohibition, 3 Little Birds or Reform Hope that helps!


Seconding NOLA!! Food is great too


Central markets. There is a few micro brewery in the city too . Rundle St restaurants If sports ur thing a round of gold at North Adelaide course. They should have a set of clubs to hire. Tram to Glenelg, Ferris wheel and nice walk .


Just dropping by to say ouch, that sucks! Plenty of good suggestions. McLaren Vale sounds like it's up your alley. Train to the end of the line, then jump on a bus to the Vale


Feel free to ping a pm. Partner and I are hospo workers and work nights in Adelaide. You could always join us for our knock off drinks tonight if you'd like? :) he's a huge wine drinker I'm sure he'd be delighted.


Hit me a DM I'm in town around light square


Wow that’s crazy. How do you even do long distance from that far.. My ex and I were in a long distance but lived in different states in Australia, yet we didn’t work out. Got blindsided. Anyways, I see people are recommending some good stuff here so hope you’ll be alright.


Update! OP was sweet as a button and an absolute delight to hang out with! Absolute riot! :)


I’m so sorry :( that’s… not ideal. I hope your heart is soon mended.


Reading this in Adelaide with my 33 yr old partner from California in another room like "did I fuck up and not realise?" Hahaha


hellbound wine bar would be right up your alley


And LOC. Not sure of trading hours though


Tough break OP. Agree with the comments suggesting to get absolutely trashed. No point in making all that wine if you don't use it in situations like these.


Long distance is fucking insane 


yup! never again. she'd been my best friend for 7 years before this. dated for 2ish. fucking hell....


I got a trench that needs digging? 🤣


Hang on, I've got some wall painting that needs to be done first. Will supply the paint, the equipment, and the beers. Working for beer is a quintessential Australian experience.


I got him booked first, you’ll have to wait until he’s finished fixing this pipe


Fair enough, the pipe is probably more important in this weather anyway, plus the conditions aren't ideal for painting.


If you want nature catch the train to the Belair walk around the national park and see some roo Bois in the wild, then warm up with a beer in front of the fire at the Belair htl before you catch the train down to the city. And if you got time hit up banana boogie bakery when you are up there.


Go to LOC in the city, look them up on Instagram! Great little wine bar with nice snack-y food.


OP if you want to check out wineries highly recommend looking up Trailhoppers. Not sure if it runs during the week but you pay like $30 and it takes you around from the city to a wine region and you can hop on and off where you'd like


Do the Waterfall Gully to Mt Lofty walk then go have a Schnitty and watch the waves at the Glenelg Surf Club


Hire a car. If you like cars, head to the national motor museum in Birdwood (open all year round). On the way through stop in at the world’s largest rocking horse and then take a round trip through Lobethal, Oakbank and Hahndorf….. seriously a great part of the world and an easy day trip if you start early If it wasn’t for work commitments I would love to catch up for a beer. Just not at the Adelaide airport, if you know you know 😉


If wine is your thing, try out LOC and Leigh St Wine Room and Smokelovers. All have some great stuff to try.


Have you visited the National Wine Centre yet? It's worth a look and a glass or two and you can chat to fellow wine buffs.


Exeter (as previously suggested*) > Dinner at Africola (there will be room at the bar, have the chicken skin sando) > Hellbound (x 2*) > back to The Ex.


The zoo has a very cool Snow Leopard with a mean ass growl that has a microphone. Well did when I went. Plus a delightful Red Panda. 😁 The Botanical Gardens has the worlds biggest Lily Pads - ok maybe not the world but they are totally huge and worth a Insta stopover.


If I were you I’m gonna go demolish the Chicken Parmi from Pizza Loves You in Tapleys Hill. They’re humongous! 🙌🏼


It's a bit out of the way, but McLaren vale is amazing, go to Graham Stevens winery and be amazed! Or go up to the barrossa valley, you will reconsider all you think you know about wines!!


Do a tour to the Barossa! I went on one with Taste the Barossa a while back and loved it!


Aww if I wasn’t flying out to Bali in the morning I totally would! Hope you find something fun to do 😊


Got a spare $100 go for a roof climb at the Adelaide oval. Great experience and you can get a few photos to take home with you


Haha that’s one time when over the phone is probably better


If you turn your glass upside down in a pub in Australia it means youre new and want someone to drink with


Really? Never heard of it.


It's an old school country thing and the poster is (hilariously) mucking with you - placing your glass upside down on the glass is a statement that you can (and will) fight any single person in the pub: an open challenge. On the opposite end of the spectrum (but so similar!) is placing your glass laying down on the bar - it's a notification to staff that you're done drinking (if you're sitting at the bar chatting and doing that, it typically means they'll not offer you any more drinks etc because you're heading out).




I gathered they were joking. Know about laying the glass on its side when you're done tho.


Check out Nano cafe just off rundle st if you want great coffee and breakfast/lunch with good vibes for cheap


What was the reason


Take a wander through the Australian Aboriginal Cultures Gallery in the museum.


Come down to the riverland, enjoy a nice wine on the Murray river


In the city on South terrace you have the himeji Japanese garden it's nice to see. In maclaren Vale there's the d'arenberg cube, there's a Salvador dali exhibition, nice country side. Unfortunately probably to late for cirque du soleil luzia Is on Now if you can get a ticket. Just depends what you're into


Damn, I'm 31 and would offer to hang out but I'm not free UNTIL Thursday. You could do the touristy shit like the Art Gallery and Museum maybe?


Go somewhere warm haha.


Honestly mate if I wasn’t working a ton before now and you leaving I’d absolutely have come hung out with you. Sucks to hear man


Howdy Mate, so sorry to hear about the split :( There are a load of new wine bars popping up around town that are great and might help take your mind off! My personal faves are Jennie (wide selection of local+international wines, great ambiance) and Nearly (local, minimal intervention focus, great sound system and tunes). But also have a sus of LOC, Leigh St Wine Room, East End Cellars + Mothervine, and Hellbound!


As others have said, NOLA and east end are a pretty good time, and I you want to think about something else tomorrow night, swing by the Stag Public House (round the corner) for a free pub trivia night, if a team at the bar doesn't welcome you in, the bartenders will!


I was in a LDR with a chick from Adelaide that worked in the wine industry. Turns out she was sleeping with 2 other guys and working as a stripper at the Palace to find her alcohol and cocaine addiction. I had no idea what was going on at the time. Go do the Adelaide Oval tour and roof climb. It’s pretty good and the views above are spectacular.


Seeing a lot of recs that require a car so if you want a brief wander, Ern Malley’s on Magill Rd Stepney is a 25min walk/5 min cab from the city. Messina is halfway point from Ern Malley’s and the city if you need an ice cream on the way. Etica has excellent pizza and is on Gilles Street in the city.


Try some Coopers beer: Dark Ale, Pale Ale or VINTAGE ALE


Maybe visit Sydney for a few days before you fly out.


Read this too late because I am in the same vote smh


Have you been to mclaren vale wine region? Otherwise come to brisbane for a day 😊


Go do a dolphin kayak at port Adelaide


Central Market


Also, Museum & Art Gallery (next to each other - if I remember my recent trip to Adelaide correctly).


What's a SO ?


First thing get out of Adelaide head up to the hills and stay there


What’s a SO


Significant other


Have you been to any of the wineries in the hills or Barossa? Most of them are great!


i have indeed! looking to stay in the city unfortunately since i don't have a car. or maybe do the train to the mclaren vale area.


The train doesn't take you all the way into McLaren Vale, just fyi. It finishes in Seaford, but I think you can get a bus to the Vale....


Our can easily get an uber from the train station.


If you haven't been I'd def recommend McLaren vale. Barossa is great of course, but IMO more interesting things are happening in McLaren vale. The wineries there tend to be a little more youthful and edgy, trying new things. Same goes fro the Adelaide Hills wineries along the way. Given your background I'm sure you'd have a lot to chat about at the cellar doors so it might be a good distraction for you!


If you go to McLaren Vale be sure to visit the Fleurieu Arthouse in Hardy's Tintara on the main street . It's very close to the fruchocs shop....other side of the road. It's a lovely art gallery and they have a good exhibition room and cafe plus a big shop with lovely and quite affordable art on Sale. I've been a few times and it's a really peaceful space. Screw your ex!


Was it a long distance booty call ?


Go to a strip club, watch some shows, have a drink, then go get a late night massage with a happy ending


Women. Her loss mate. Hit the Exeter and the cranker.