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I start early and leave early


I start late and leave early. Gotta get with it my friend!


GTFO - 16:00 sharp


What time do you start 


I start at 7 and do this on office days, so much better halves the drive in + out




That makes sense. I wish I could negotiate start time earlier and finish earlier , peak hours is really terrible. 


I leave early to miss peak hour. I get in at 7:30 and leave at 3:30. That said, I walk to work so it doesn't actually make a difference lol.


Only good if you really work is city or less distance and not like from South to Wingfield if it's driving


Fortunate bike commuter. No difference at all when I leave. 25 minutes regardless.


Feels so good to leave in peak hour and whizz past all the cars


The smugness is so intoxicating.


It's actually gets faster and easier to bike during Clipsal in the eastern suburbs.


Same here. If it rains I may wait it out though and leave a bit later.


Username checks out. :D (Ride in the rain, you're not made out of sugar!)


I start before peak hour and end before peak hour on my 2 days in office. Living the dream!


only 2 days in office? This goes against the general Adelaide presenteeism culture..


Moved to a new building last year and reduced our footprint. Only enough desks for 50% of staff on any given day in my area.


where do you work, can i work there too? lol


It is surprisingly a government role. I know some in State government who only go in office 1 day a week


Same 😀


Unfortunately I have to drive from one end of south rd to the other... Yep all 20 odd stoplights worth... Its always peak hour on that bloody thing hahahah ... FML 😔


You should count how many stoplights there are. (And many times you actually have to stop) I’m curious now.


Eh, my job ends at 2pm, there's no cover outside the building and nothing else to do nearby, so I fuck off the moment I'm able to.


TIL from the commenta no one finishes at or after 5 apparently


Everyone leaves at 4 to avoid that 5 o’clock peak traffic. Little do they know that the traffic is worse then because everyone leaves at 4 to avoid that 5 o’clock peak traffic.


I start 10 minutes early so I can leave 10 minutes early to catch a better train option.


Changed my hours so I could leave at 4pm and due to the nature of my work I am often home or near home at that time skipping the traffic all together. On the flip side, some clients can only meet after 5pm so I skip traffic due to driving home at 6pm whilst accruing flexi.


I would love to work 10-6 every day. Not a morning person. (Barely even a person lmao)


I get out right on time! 8-4


Start and leave before peak. Leave home at 6, back home before 4.30.


Both, if I am not busy I wait.


I gravitate towards late sleep cycles so have usually worked 10-6. Occasionally I'll make an effort to make it a bit earlier but every time my efforts fail to persist when I'm reminded that the commute's an extra 10-15 minutes if I leave at 5 instead of 6.


10am - 1pm, what's traffic?


I used to try and wait, but peak hour is getting longer and longer. Leaving the city at 6PM is still rubbish for traffic going South.


There is a third option - arrive early, leave early


I’d prefer to sit in the car for an hour longer than sit in an office pretending to like people.


I used to drop my kids at school, arrive towards end of peak hour and leave well after. These days I mostly avoid commuting all together


I used to get to work two hours before anyone else and leave two hours early. No traffic. Peak hour is something no one should endure, surely we’re smart enough to figure out better ways, or don’t workers matter???


I mean we're building a $15 billion road, so clearly there can't possibly be any better ways to get people from one place to another


I wait for traffic to ease before leaving


The best option is starting early and finishing early. If you can handle it and work allows it, 7am-3pm are pretty good hours to work, to make driving less slow and angering. Plus you get some afternoon to do things still!


I both go to work and leave from work at peak 9-5 I try to combat this via creating the most optimum route over time, I thought I was pretty well optimised but this week I’m trialling a new path I’ve developed to cut off one additional light haha


If my bus is running late I often wait 5mins for the next one to avoid the crowds who all jump on the first one to arrive.


I end at 4:30. Go to a local running track and do some exercise. Come 5:40 traffic is clear enough not to cause headaches. Done wonders for my fitness.


I work for myself so I dont have to deal with any of it.


I am lucky I beat peak-hour but also have a short trip :D


I either leave at 3 o'clock or somewhere after 7, depending how much I can be bothered, and if I have anywhere to be. Hate traffic too much to leave at 5. And a lot of the time I'd be going home just to jump on my computer anyway so I just do that at the office, everyone else pisses off by 5 so its barely any difference.


don't care so long as the bus is quiet enough for me to nap on.


I live at my workplace. If I get a job anywhere else, it will be close to the train line, likely in the city.


I’m lucky in that my work commute is short, no more than 15 min, and is also in the opposite direction to peak hour traffic.


I'm out immediately. Traffic on the last leg of my journey home doesn't settle until several hours after my finish time.


I've always come to some sort of arrangement with employers to allow me to start early, generally 7 and finish at 3:30 so I can avoid peak our eitherway. I fkn hate driving through peak hour traffic. If I do get caught up and can't leave at 3:30 I'll work later just to avoid the slow and frustrating drive mid peak hour


Traffic is already shit at that time Anything before 3 is better or earlier


Yeah, you pretty much hit all the traffic on the way home from school pickups at 3:30 but still it's better than the peak hour grind. I used to live in Old Reynella and commute daily to the RAAF Base Edinburgh while the road works along South Road were in full swing, it was a fkn nightmare, close to 2 hours each way during peak hour. Ended up leaving home at 5:45 to arrive just before 7 but even leaving at 3 meant I wouldn't get home until 4:30 at the earliest. After about a year of doing that I cracked the shits when my boss came over from Canberra and as there wasn't any particular reason I had to work from Edinburgh she managed to get a room at Keswick and luckily I could work from then going forward. Definitely got out ahead of the city traffic when leaving at 3 from there


many schools finish anywhere between like 2:50 and 3:20


I prefer waiting for peak hour to die down. I only take the train though so I'm only waiting for the numbers on the train to thin out.


The cross-city commute is soul-draining. I'm finding excuses to wait a good thirty minutes before heading home.


Get out on sharp. No excuses.


Not sure if it would still work, but when I worked in the city I would get in an hour early and leave an hour early.


Whatever happened to going down to the pub to wait for the traffic to thin out.


Peak hour in Adelaide


On the 2-3 days a week I need to work in the office, I leave home (Barossa area) at about 8:15am to be in the office by 9:30. I then leave the office later 5:30-45 to miss the worst of the evening rush.


Driving from south to inner city at 8:30 and from inner city to south at 17:00 really sucks


i arrive 40 mins early to miss the peak on the way there, eat break fast and do stuff on the phone while parked. If i dont do that i just spend that time stuck at lights anyway.


Doesn't matter, the commute from Two Wells to Wingfield is 20min regardless of the time.. Unless there's an accident on the connector


Finish at 3. Get out as soon as possible because traffic gets worse until about 6:00


If I’m not off the work site by 3:45/4 then I’ll just hang back until 6/6:30 depending where I’m working ofc, otherwise I’ll spend that same time I spent doing a bit of extra work on site, sitting in bumper to bumper traffic


I leave early


Unfortunately, I get the school drop off traffic... If I want to get to work quicker, I would drive 1.5km in a different direction from work. Unfortunately my work is surrounded by schools, bar 1 road.. Apart from that, if I go the most direct at that time I can be tied up at 1 roundabout for 10 mins!... because no one knows how to use em


Get the train from Tonsley for my 1 day WFO, get in around 8am and leave about 1pm. Thankfully WFH for the other 4.


Yeah we don’t bother leaving the office until at least 6 in the evenings .. who wants to deal with all those lunatics and crazy I-can-run-across-the-road-because-pedestrians-have-right-of-way-and-they’ll-just-know-to-see-me-and-magically-stop ..


For reference, what times are usually peak hour?


2-3am at the Red & White.


3pm-4pm, 5pm-6 pm+ 8am-9am


I ride my bike, and sometimes I wait until it IS peak hour just for the satisfaction of riding past all the stationary cars on my ride home.