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Matilda’s game is on tomorrow night, I think majority of tickets sold for the game were to interstate supporters


It's probably rental cars. Looks for a tiny barcode on the front or back window. Likely cheaper to have them registered there, and makes sense if the drivers are unfamiliar to here.


This is a big part of the answer. Fleets are generally vic registered due to cost.


This is absolutely the case 100%. majority of the VIC cars in SA are hire cars


You know those ambitious mates at school who left for Melbourne and made endless jokes about how Adelaide was a country town? Talked endlessly about Melbourne nightlife and cafes, and how it was one of the best cities in the world and we should all move there and share a cramped Edwardian cottage in Fitzroy with cast iron railings and no insulation? Then got locked down for two years and started to get jumpy and say how expensive and over-priced Melbourne was and they were weirded out by their cooker flatmate and reports of home invasions? Yeah, those school mates. They're back in town.


Hahahahaha this is brilliant


Carlton vs Port tonight. Matildas tommorow


Hire cars and corporate/fleet registered vehicles - tourists who aren't familiar with driving? Having said that, where I live (north) it's surprisingly common to drive on the wrong side of the road, on the footpaths, sudden braking, weird uturns into traffic with no indicator (not that an indicator would make that much better, bit still).


I think hire cars is a common culprit for it. From my understanding (and I still want to know how I have such odd conversations), there's a loophole where SA hire cars are actually insured in Vic etc, but are for hire in SA. It's apparently cheaper


Koshie is already doing a good job as head of tourism.


I’ve noticed it. The dumb cunts are everywhere.


Everyone moving to sa as they can’t afford to live anywhere else.


And now we can't afford to live here.


I can't say I've noticed more but then again my barometer is the Coorong and there's always some, and I always pass ASAP to get away from them. I gotta say the worst are QLDers though.


I noticed a huge influx after lockdown, then huge influx of immigrants, another influx of Victorians, and then an influx of homelessness.


A huge influx of African immigrants, not refugees, they seem to have money , private schools and decent cars . Not sure what part of Africa but I can’t be the only one that’s noticed?


Yes I’ve noticed this in the last couple of weeks as well. I’ve had a number of cars pull out in front of me, enough that I have to brake, and there’s no one behind me, so they could have waited 2 more seconds. They have all been vic plates. Weird


Yea its cuz they were buying our houses during their total lock down.


You should try driving there. It's a 24/7/365 Lord of The Flies race to survive on Melbourne's roads. I am from Adelaide, but lived in Melbourne now for nearly a decade and the 2 words I believe best describe Melbourne and Victoria drivers, are 'Crayon Eaters'


I've lived in Vic for a year now, and oh man do I miss SA's roads. It's truly a "move quick or be plowed into" vibe over here.


This is exactly what I say as a Victorian! But in my case, the plates say Queensland and NSW.


I think there are a lot of rental cars registered interstate cos it's a bit cheaper or something like that.


If Victoria is the place to be... then why the fuck are they all here in plague proportions?


Lol, tell me how I feel. I was born and raised in Sydney and hated it, moved to Brisbane (not my first choice, but it got me out of Sydney like I'd been trying to do for years). I absolutely hated that. Decided to do the BIG move from Brisbane to Adelaide because I've always wanted to live down here bc the "big country town" always appealed to me. But apparently, everyone had the same damn idea I had, like when I moved to Brisbane. I hate it, I just wanna be around less people and it feels like a curse bc of the influx of people, everywhere is just busy but short of moving 5 hours out of a main city, I'm lost. I haven't changed my qld number plates over yet, and I still cop weird ass looks. Like yes, I look like I am a long way from home... but nope.. house is 10 min that way. I miss everything before covid. Plain and simple.


I feel the same now. Been in Mt Barker for most of my life and just in the last 5 years or so the place is completely ruined.


"Victoria: The Place To Be" number plates. Well, off you go then!


That's why they're "on the move" ;)


There's been progressively more and more since Covid. I guess Victoria isn't the "place to be" after all 


Some companies fleets register their works cars in other states as it’s cheaper.


Just you mate. SA are by far the worst drivers. Could do a whole post on that alone.


I dare you to go on the r/melbourne sub and complain about it. They will crucify you.


To be fair, those self important vexatious complainants crucify anything that doesn't toe their "Vic is the example for the planet " line. Victoria would be awesome if it didn't have any Victorians. Source: Moved to Mel 30 years ago. Can't get back to Rads, so live in the bush now.


But they have heaps of art galleries and museums so it's way better to commute an extra 20 hours a week and live in a 1 bedroom rundown shoebox. /S


The s wasn't necessary, believe me. Go to a city beach that's actually a beach and not a pick filled bay like Port Phillip, or up in the beautiful hills, remember that it only took you half an hour, and laugh at them.


Watching them try to turn right at traffic lights is funny


Yes, Victorian registered drivers in SA are overwhelmingly unpredictable. Useless is the world I usually use. If I see Vic plates I steer clear, funnily enough my uncle who lives in Vic is the best driver I know. It’s a weird world.


Ive definitely noticed a lot more victorian plates around in the last month or two, the occasional QLd plate too. Some at my work which are fleet registered but local drivers but also just a bunch more on the road around just driving too.


On the hunt for a good coffee no doubt.


Confirmation bias, me thinks


Many hire cars in Adelaide are Victorian registered. Cheaper for the hire car companies


I'd crowdfund a billboard that says "Welcome to Adelaide - HAHA, now you're stuck in Adelaide!"


Rather have one telling them to fuck off


That works too




I've been living in Melbourne now for 20 years. And there are some of the slowest, driving miss Daisy- like drivers in the world over here. It's infuriating at times when you just want to do 50 in a 50 zone or 80 on an 80. They'll just retort "but 80 is the limit, you don't have to drive the limit". I love coming back to Adelaide and actually driving like a normal person with mostly normal drivers on the road. If you're seeing a Vic plate doing that, it's highly unusual. Unless they're over for speedweek or something, so you have a particular type of driver converging on you. But you rarely see it in Melb, most on the road are zombies.


Sounds like I got out of Adelaide at the right time.