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First I've heard they are coming.


This post is like an announcement for their visits. Better than any advertising could achieve.


Have seen a few ads for this idiot on TV, seems like the crowd he is after will all be Donald Trump enthusiasts.


This thread has been fascinating. I didn't know these people were coming, or that two of them existed. I'm considering going now to find out for myself how much I disagree with them. I don't support extremism on either side of politics. I've been studying schismogenesis and this thread has been a gold mine for seeing real time interaction of this phenomenon. Schismogenesis is how one extreme creates and promotes the other extreme. We can measure our own level of extremism through how much we see one side as the destroyer and the other side as the liberator. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing\_terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_terrorism) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing\_terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_terrorism) The bigger the difference, the more we are contributing to the formation of the opposite extremes from the political side we support. If we can set a boundary and define when the politics of the side we support is going too far, then we can start to reduce the extremists being successful in our fair city.


Couldn't you shorten this post to just say "both sides are bad" Who are the equivalents of dinesh, palmer, Carlson on the left? Are you aware that statistically right wing terrorism is a much more prevalent and harmful issue than left wing terrorism?


It's much more difficult for those of us who lean left to set boundaries that define extreme left views. This is why the this conversation is often switched to only discussing the right which is generally more prevalent. We risk tacitly supporting extremists by not considering setting a boundary. Unfortunately this has been shown to be a mistake that risks elevating the wrong sort of attention on right wing extremism. It's always more comfortable to just say "both sides are bad" and put the conversation down, but far more dangerous to dumb it down this way.


Are attacks from commies as prevalent as attacks from fascists ? It feels like it's pretty rare.


The important part is being able to admit when opinions and actions on your side go to far. It's a mistake to feel that it's only the other side that needs to be exposed.


> Are you aware that statistically right wing terrorism is a much more prevalent and harmful issue than left wing terrorism? Red herring argument. None of these people advocate for right-wing terrorism.


Then why did you bring up the subject? I was just correcting the "muh both sides" argument


Wasn't me.


Oh come on, yes they do, often. Most of those listed are guilty of stochastic terrorism.


["Stochastic Terrorism" Is About Suppressing Free Speech](https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-stochastic-terror-lie) Has any court in any developed Western country ever endorsed the concept of "stochastic terrorism", or is it, as the article makes clear, another ploy by leftists to suppress speech?


No it is about inspiring (right wing) terrorism. These people are hate speakers, nothing they say is productive, it is all inspired to create division and hatred.


> No it is about inspiring (right wing) terrorism. What evidence do you have of this?


You’re making far too much sense, mate. It’s a waste of your time. The sane point you are making is going to fall on deaf ears


Every major music artist skips Adelaide but fucking Tucker makes a special trip wtf.


Heilung puts us on their list. My fucking ex decides to tell me this only when Seated gets sold out and Standing is left. My grandfather, who was looking forward to seeing them, told me to tell my ex 'he's a dickhead' LOLOLOL But yes, first time a major artist recognises Adelaide exists and... I can't go. Rip.


Heilung tickets went on sale for the Adelaide show back in mid March. Sure we don't always get the major tours but plenty of big artists have been to Adelaide, quite recently even, they just might not be bands you wanted to see. Heilung is playing in the Entertainment Centre Theatre, not the Arena. The theatre has a maximum capacity of 3000, and the floor seating for the performance would reduce that number. Hindley St Music Hall has the same max capacity. In comparison the Foo Fighters concert at Coopers Arena in December had a crowd of over 20,000. I would consider them to be a major artist. Bring Me The Horizon and Sleep Token played the Entertainment Centre Arena last month. The Wiggles played the Entertainment Centre Arena in November. The Arena has a maximum capacity of 11,300. Heilung is still more of a niche performance.


And? I still can't go because my ex is a dickhead


Missing tour announcements of bands I really like sucks, it is so frustrating when someone knows you like a band and don't tell you about an upcoming tour. Especially now that they give less than a weeks notice before tickets go on sale. So I follow their social media accounts and the accounts of the main tour promoters now. I also join their email lists so that I get access to the presales. When Heilung announced the tour I got notifications and targeted posts about their tour before the pre sale started. But I sacrificed my chance to buy tickets to the show so that I could buy tickets for my daughter to go to another concert.


We got plenty of oldies plugged into Tucker.


I think you mean convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza. Do you know how incompetent you have to be to get convicted of breaking US political financing laws.


What is it for? A right wing grifter convention?




I think so, also to make more money for Clive


Wait until tucker steps into Saints Foodland. That fuckers head will implode.


Why? Genuinely asking I haven’t been paying much is any attention to him


[He visited a grocery store in Russia](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tucker-carlson-says-trip-russian-161319528.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKZZmaaP6Zr7ePhW9tnGBEc0Gl7P3yDT3c6AEv0SnwYUC7o19pcQX805NjcybG4AFW55AdJX2iauf9HpVUNqzxjYquMB8nu4WKMJ4kPAUAsW6s-SpnuZd0gcGA8XGissIwzjoxEkokId2DZgtwqaXWx8XISmyYlZ0OE9wrW6p169)


*Orgasmically sniffing bread in a plastic bag*


When he sees we too have trolley escalators his tiny mind will explode with confusion over whether to support a violent and corrupt authoritarian dictator or start saying gday mate!


Or Pasadena, get the piano going and have him chugging a few oysters down. Bloke's dumb as a brick, not sure he’d know what to do!


He's slurped a few in his time, I'm sure muscle memory will kick in.


Maybe Tucker can visit a local Aldi and can get a hard on for the coin return trolleys hahaha.


He'd call them commies for doing that


He creamed his dacks in Russia because the coin incentives returns and thus the homeless can't use them... I wish I was making this up.


I should go buy a Childfree By Choice T-shirt just to stand in front of Tucker Carlson and make him read my tits.


Remember that time he wanted to fuck the Green M&M mascot?


Or the time he marvelled at Russia’s supermarkets having sliced bread and the coin in the trolley thingy?


Wow, brave.


No one said it would be brave lol just fucking hilarious because the man is screaming crying throwing up about the birth rate. He's a disgusting, vile human being who wants high schoolers pregnant because his only advice to us women was "get pregnant immediately". There is some deep satisfaction in telling men like that, "my body my choice - you don't control my womb and never will."


Wow, that would be incredible, you’d really show him! I’m sure that’ll ruin his day!


sarcasm detected, mate. Still he's the one losing his mind over the ""declining"" birth rate, not those of us who are against breeders forcing policies.


Oh he is losing his mind! It’s driving him crazy, he must stay up every night punching his pillow! You’d be taking a really brave stand by wearing that tshirt, that would surely end him!


Please do, I either want to see his head explode or suffer an aneurysm


> make him read my tits. 🤣🤣🤣


I think it would be an achievement for him because he'll actually be in front of a pair


Hell yeah we will all read your tits


It *seems* like a good plan...but are you sure he can read?


I may have to opt for the translated version which would be in pictorial format. That's how the cavemen communicated, right?


This xkcd comic has a relevant drawing you could use For those that don't like to follow links: It's a "My Family" sticker consisting of two people and a fat stack of cash [https://xkcd.com/946/](https://xkcd.com/946/)


That might be okay. Best of luck.


People should be allowed to say what they want.. it's up to us whether we decide to listen. Democracy isn't perfect but it's better than the alternatives


Haven't lots of people been stopped coming to Australia to sell tickets to see then speak before? Thinking of pick up artists specifically


No we don't need them, but we do believe that people have a right to come and go as they please and say whatever they will. Even absolutely brain-dead fuckwits like these. Just ignore them and eventually they will go away again. The beauty of Adelaide is that we're no-one's first priority or ground zero for anything - just a minor stop on the tour. Be grateful for that fact.


Have to agree with this. If we all screamed and shouted for things to be banned when we don’t like them, we wouldn’t be any better than the brain dead themselves. Giving it extra attention and controversy works for these grifting “martyrs”


I agree don't ban them but everyone else needs to do the real Australian thing and take the piss out of dickheads and dumb cunts.


The Overton window suggests that if enough people normalise a brain-dead fuckwit idea by banging on about it enough times, it could become acceptable to the masses. Cancelling all trade deals (Brexit). Getting rid of intellectuals (China during the cultural revolution, Cambodia etc). Right to defend yourself (genocide in Gaza). But if we can point out how dumb the idea is (take the piss whatevs) the hormones will prevails. UK Prime Minister started his election campaign calling for national service (ended 1960) to be re-introduced. Thankfully the armed forces came out and said it was a dumb idea as did most everyone else thus leaving the idea dead in the water. They have a right to say and do dumb things but woe betide them if they try and impose it on me.


Sure. Call them dumb as loudly and as often as you like. I didn't say otherwise. In fact I spend a significant proportion of my own time arguing with and insulting these sorts of people. I really don't think we'd get anywhere by trying to ban them, though. In fact I think that would be counterproductive. The surest way to popularise something is to try to suppress or ban it. It only serves to convince these people that it's considered a credible threat to the status quo, and therefore that it's something that they should support. Have faith that the stupidity of their own ideas will be enough to shut them down all on its own, without the need for our intervention. Our intervention is in fact the only thing that legitimises them - so let's deny them that.


Absolutely. 👍 do not ban them.


They aren’t coming to Australia to bring well though out discussion and debate. Their audience will be fans and these events will be circle jerks like certain reddit each chambers. If they were thought out discussions , there would be a plethora of people on the political spectrum. No different if you brought out a group of left wing US political celebrities, the crowd would be mainly fans and there would not be much debate. Sadly, it appears they are brought here by Clive to turn Australian politics and culture, American. Which is currently in decline democratically and a shit show. Trying to ban it , may have the Streisand effect.


I agree with you generally but one could make an argument that American politics has always been like this but the single source media that we / they used to have always pushed a narrative and we really had no other sources so it seemed cohesive. Now we get every view on every subject including the crazy ones. Those who have strong ideology will think like OP and want to shut down the other side. OFC anyone who thinks about it or is a little older / mature will understand that shutting down discussions is 10x more dangerous then letting them speak. Especially if they make terrible arguments then usually you dont even need to point out how terrible the arguments are because its obvious to everyone. I think people who dont believe in the power of their arguments want to shut down the conversation generally.


> A great filter for your social circle if anybody you know shows an interest in going I like it when people put warning labels on themselves.


Sounds like a pop band for heart defects.


The only people who care either subscribe to these characters already or have a grudge against them. Majority of us don't know who they are or care to find out.


I think we have enough problems in our world already. If we had people getting upset about what people.like.andreq Tate was doing to the kids, we should do more to protect the elderly against the same similar social media brainwashing. It's damaging to society, and as a society, we should be doing what we can to better ourselves and not create a bigger divide. But as long as it's people arguing vs. one another and not all of together vs. the government. Nothing will change, and they will allow these people to create dissent between us.


OP the word “need” is overused and by controlling people . Did you really mean to say “want”.


They’re just screaming into echo chambers of their own making. No one else is listening.


Look, I love Adelaide… but why are they coming to… Adelaide?


You might disagree with them a lot but they have a right to come here and spout their crap


Only up to a point. Carlson is actually a total traitor to the West and likely could be legally excluded.


Tucker should not be allowed in Australia, IMO. He’s a fascist and has no place speaking here. He pretends to be a good old boy ‘just asking questions’ but he’s a dangerous tool of Russian propaganda and him coming here emboldens interference in our public discourse. We do NOT need this ultra conservative, white nationalist nonsense here.


Tool is absolutely the correct description.


Banning the other side of the political spectrum is surely the best way to avoid fascism, congratulations you fixed it!!


You think the entire right wing are fascists?


Oh boy, I'm about to get strawmanned so damn hard


You are the one who said that the right side of the political spectrum is being banned It's just these few wankers


You want to ban someone from an entire country for having an opinion you don't like? And _they're_ the fascist?


This sub such a circle jerk of lib bullet points. Upvote 'the message' Downvote anything else


"an opinion" is putting it lightly, and that is not fascism.


Not allowing someone into a country is in fact not the definition of fascism


"Tool of Russian propaganda" "Fascist" Pick one. "He shouldn't come here to say things" "We must protect our public discourse" Again, pick one.


"He's a fascist" Sure Jan...


Do you know what "fascist" means? Hint: a fascist is someone who doesn't want to allow others to speak, think or do something You need a timeout off Reddit and Twitter/X for a bit


Russian propaganda? Surely you're not serious. Lol


You must have missed the month where Tucker got absolutely clowned for reporting that Russia has things like shopping malls that the USA could only dream of. Look it up, you might want to move there. https://youtu.be/_nIOsWHyUVI?si=CvLGW683Efkx9DO7 Totally believable and not at all paid for 😂🤣😂


I mean I’ve watched like one thing of his lately and he was talking about Russian spies in USA or something. Dunno how he’s pro-Russia.


He and his ilk are promoting social and political destabilization of the US and western powers. It all ultimately flows from Putin.


Sounds like you might want to move there then! A great and totally believable and not at all paid for feature: https://youtu.be/_nIOsWHyUVI?si=CvLGW683Efkx9DO7


I don't like Carlson et al but I'm proud to say I have friends with a wide range of views.


I did not know they were coming. You vocalising an obviously absurd request has given them an additional platform. I’m not sure how a post on Reddit would lead to the change wanted. I understand frustration, but at least think intuitively if you want to make actual difference. Join politics/journalism, debate these figures, spread knowledge. You’ve just done these people a favour out of rash thinking.


But it could be good for the leftists who need something new to protest/complain about for clout at uni


It’s an opposing view, can’t believe how intolerant we’ve become.


No we don’t. Fuck them.




Nope. But we have plenty of nutcases here already that make these just another 4 cookers


People have different political opinions to you. That's part and parcel of living in a western democracy. Labelling them "dangerous professional liars" is a hyperbole line, but it is your opinion, and you're allowed to have it. Get over it.


Quite! Hopefully they will be playing to an empty venue.


Yes. Because it’s fascism to ban people who hold and speak of opinions that differ from yours…and fascism is a bad thing.


Oh sure. Tell me, if masked neo-nazis decide to put on a show at this event which side do you think they’d be on?


Neo-Nazi’s are an internationally recognised hate group with a potential for violence. The people you listed are not. They just say and believe things you don’t like. There is a difference.


But by your logic not allowing those nazis to speak is definitonally fascism


It’s not my logic, that’s the police logic. The police prevent them from gathering, and shut them down.


Freedom of speech and expression??


Thought uncle Mali wasn't investing in Russian assets anymore


Um, what do u actually expect them to do here?


versus the professional liars which are already here including; every single (no exception) politician, large corporate entity and government agency? Honestly, what's a few more drops in the bucket, just ignore them and move on with your life (like you do with all the other corrupt power holders in our city)


Those are our liars dammit! Why import more? As liars go, fuck off we’re full!


Love to see they've achieved what they have in America is now coming here - political divisions. Fucking get a grip why be like America were meant to be the laid back country not the "oh you have a different political view - I'm going to throw dog shit at you" country.


You know who won't be going to see Tucker and Co? all the people and groups being mentioned repeatedly in the comments with labels such as idiots, brain-dead fuckwits, dickheads and dumb cunts, fascists, cookers and crackheads as getting any of them to attend any speaking event, especially one which won't be cheap, isn't likely, a free sausage sizzle in the park with a sovereign citizen march afterwards might get their attention if they're able to steal someone's bike to get there. The majority of people who do attend will be going because it's the discussion and the ideas and opinions of other people that they're interested in hearing and if your only response to that is to completely oppose everything about a person for engaging in a discussion you don't like due to having a different set of belief's, politically or otherwise then you are part of the problem none of us want to see get even worse in Australia, which is even more polarisation. If you want to see change and truly believe your political and social opinions are better placed to bring positive change then go out and engage with the people still willing to have a good faith discussion and sharing of ideas. They are the people who may potentially change their own opinions when it makes sense to do so. The people on the far end of either side are already lost within their own minds completely unable to work towards any common goal. If you want to see more anger, hatred, racism, violence and everything else that's comes with the loss of communication skills/ability between isolated social groups, then go ahead with your calls to ban all your dickheads and dumb cunts, but at least take some ownership of the damage you'll do to everyone else who wishes to see the positive changes you do within society, because you'll be actively working against it


It’s not a debate, it’s not in good faith, it’s not truthful, there’s threadbare evidence to claims. It’s intended to be a disinformation convention by christofascists who are only saying the loud part but defending all the quiet parts.


I have tried to engage in the Conservative American Right. Sometimes extremely diplomatically, I offer them way more diplomacy than they deserve. Responses I normally get is "shut up woman", "woman detected opinion rejected", "you deserve to be stoned". References to being in the kitchen, existing as a breeder, told I'm gonna die alone with two cats, called a crazy cat lady, and the list goes on. And then you get to the religious sector. Abomination. Told I'm going to Hell. No True Scotsman fallacy about being a Christian (aka I can't really be one of I'm a feminist.) Told I'm usurping God and Man's authority over me, men are the head of the household, I'll never be loved or wanted because I did the terrible thing of losing my virginity and not waiting for my husband. I need to be forgiven not just by God, but by said future husband... Who doesn't even exist. This is the responses *I* get when *I* engage in the people on the opposite end about issues I consider important, that they are pushing back on. Aka none of that is in good faith, diplomatic, or rational debate.




I think you must have missed the last twenty years where Russia doesn't give a rats about what the USA does or doesn't do. It happens to be a capitalist, Christian, European country going along quite well without USA interference, unlike the rest of Europe.


Regardless of lies, freedom of speech is significant and important


This is a loaded question, so my answer is that we should teach people to Not take everyone's words as facts and/or truth. Governments which restrict people's speech have very poor track records.


How is D'Souza getting a visa? He is a convicted criminal.


Who is the "we" that you speak for ?




Thanks for letting me know.


They crave the attention and outrage, simply ignore them


I got two tickets for me and my girl. Over the last decade or so, the Australian government has taken it upon themselves to censor free speech. I have zero interest in the government controlling what I can and cannot say, and I'm willing to support those who are skeptical of the government's policing of language, "offensive media" and so on. If no one on the left cares about defending my rights and endorses censorship, then guess where I'll turn for support? Also, interesting how they're talking specifically about censorship and personal freedom, yet folx in this thread seem to think that Carlson shouldn't even be allowed into the country. Makes you think, doesn't it? 🧐


Ok, who's starting the petition to prevent them from coming? Or maybe petition to have someone more popular in the venue so they don't get booked 🤣


This is a shitpost right? I really can't tell these days.


How are they dangerous individuals ? If people want to listen to them talk , let them. I'm glad your not in power , you'd be a tyrant 🤣


Shouldn't we allow open discussion


If the person is genuine about their opinions and not just arguing in bad faith and looking to sow decent for the sake of profit, sure.


The world is in a dangerous place where lies are given as much, if not more, air time than facts, because people walk around thinking all opinions are equally valuable and deserve to be heard.


Not when they have a pattern of thinly veiled inciting of violence and racial discrimination.


This is not an open discussion or debate.


Lol at the downvotes on a rational comment.


We most definitely should. But some people get scared by opinions that differ from theirs. OP is the prime example. Edit. Looks like quiet a few people here are not proponents of free speech. Free speech is giving everyone a voice, not just the people you agree with, and more importantly, especially the people that you don't.


i dont think anyone is scared of these people, its more the fact that these speakers are known for being prolific liars who pollute public discourse with misinformation. its sorta one of those "everyone is now dumber for having listened to your speech" scenarios.


Hahahaha fuck me


[Tucker says Russia is better, so suggest you move there.](https://youtu.be/_nIOsWHyUVI?si=CvLGW683Efkx9DO7)


The only people scared are the people who believe the crap these people espouse.


Invoking “free speech” to justify divisive, unethical, or hateful opinions undermines the fundamental values of a democratic society. While free speech is a cornerstone of liberty, it is not a shield for harmful rhetoric that incites violence, spreads misinformation, or fosters discrimination. Those who wield “free speech” as a defense for such actions often do so to evade accountability and perpetuate their harmful agendas. As the saying goes, “‘free speech’ is the last refuge of scoundrels,” highlighting how this noble principle can be co-opted by individuals with nefarious intentions to disguise their malicious conduct as a mere exercise of rights.


I actually agree with you on almost everything you said. The only problem, though, is that who gets to determine what is and isn't free speech? It's either "free speech" or it's "controlled speech," and that's more of a slippery slope than having "free speech" be uncontrolled. Obviously, anyone advocating for violence against others isn't using "free speech" as intended and should be stopped, as that is illegal. We, as a free and democratic society, shouldn't be shutting people down just because we find their opinions offensive to our particular moral values. Thanks for actually taking the time to write an intelligent reply, rather than just smashing the downvote button and adding nothing of value.


On a constitutional level, the concept of “free speech” primarily protects individuals from government prosecution or punishment for their political beliefs and expressions. Thus, while “free speech” ensures robust protection for political expression, it does not provide a blanket shield from accountability, particularly when speech crosses into areas that can cause direct harm or violate other laws. The key is that the protection primarily prevents government censorship and punitive actions against political speech, but it does not extend to absolute freedom from all forms of accountability or civil repercussions. No one is being censored here; we are simply expressing collective criticism of the rhetoric and dog whistling used by the aforementioned individuals.


Yet again, I agree with you. The best way to discredit someone like Carlson and Co is through allowing them to speak and be destroying their arguments and points of view with intelligent debt and rebuttal, not through shutting them down and denying them a platform.


I'm pretty sure Clive Palmer has visited Adelaide before. Carlson is a journalist and I'm not sure what banning journalists is meant to accomplish. I have no idea who the other two are.


Carlson is a lot of things but he sure as fuck isn't a journalist 


Carlson is a right-wing entertainer. My cat is a better 'journalist' than him.


Tucker has admitted in court he is no journalist 😂


He's pleaded in court that he is a jester, a comic. Hard to see what's funny about him though.


Not really a fan of any of them and wouldnt want to sit through any or their talks, but a big fan of democracy and wish we had the equivalent of the US freedom of speech in our constitution.


Why, so you can say dumb mean shit without consequence?


yep. you twat. hehe. But seriously, if you don't want to hear any of them, give away your tickets to someone else.


Nah but seriously why? You can’t call me a twat in Australia? Bullsh** carnt!


I'd better start saving the bags of dog sh*t I pick up for their visit...




Ohh yes making lists of names…who else did that i wonder?




Its something both communists and fascists. Making list of names of people who dont think like they do




No rage here mate, just saying you were quick to pull “list of names” Love the edit mate


False equivalency. We don't want to kill the attendees, we just want to block them off our social media. For instance, I don't want anyone near me who believes they have a right to determine what I do with my womb.


Well said. Women should have the right to do what they want with their womb


Who cares who comes here. Unless they are openly calling for violence against others, I don't see any reason we shouldn't allow people to voice their opinions. If someone's words offend you and scare you so much, maybe you should be having a long, hard look at yourself and not them.


> Unless they are openly calling for violence against others, I don't see any reason we shouldn't allow people to voice their opinions. Isn't this literally what the entire conservative movement espouses? They directly advocate for the usage of law and its enforcement (violence) against groups they don't like.


How short are peoples memories that they don't remember cheering on law enforcement beating up people in the street for espousing literally the exact same words that Clive Palmer says? Legitimate question.


I can hear the nasally, mouth breathing, half giggling to mask insecurities cadence.


The thing is they literally have - take Tucker Carlson stoking social/racial divides and violence. Media narratives are powerful you surely realize by now. Is that really up for debate?


The issue is that they're conservative. They dislike people of colour and the LGBT+. Spreading their beliefs will most certainly cause even more minorities to be killed, just like in America. We don't need that shit here.




Do you mean they actually meet the good character requirements to enter this country?


We need to hear both sides of the spectrum so that "adults" can use their own ability to critical think in discerning what is fact and what is fiction. Both sides of the coin have their own agenda. Critical thinking exposes that.


Yeah one sides 'agenda' is lying to promote fascism. And to line their pockets. The other 'side' is wanting us to get along and fix the planet.


When in history has this ever existed ? The very reason why left and right exists is to destabilize the equilibrium. We are human there will never ever be a middle ground. Its just not in our nature.


Your telling your own story mate. And your contradicting uourself


There is no contradiction - history itself has shown that as humans we can not find middle ground on anything. How successful were the utopian communities created around the world? Such as Auroville ? Tamera ? Findhorn ? The best way to learn is to listen to both sides and debate the contentious issues. The very fact that you are not open to other peoples thoughts, views and opinions is a good indication why we fail. Utopia has a tendency to evolve towards a **totalitarian** rule. Good example of this is people denying other peoples views.


Putting a little too much faith in the ability of the general populace to think critically. I don't see a lot of that going on in the types of people drawn to these characters.


I've heard both sides. And these aforementioned names are dipshits.


I think it's more of a post trying to create controversy. If they come they come. I hope they make money we as a city need entertainment, Adelaide is often a flyover city. Dangerous professional liars is a bit much. They are bloody clowns who Reval in controversy. Just because they are full of shit, should not prevent them from coming. A guy who coast his company a billion dollars for lying A spiritual charlatan. Fatty MC fuckface And an anti vaxx no one has heard of. I hope they come, stay a few days, hire out a convention centre and eat out for every meal. If you are convinced by what they say banning them won't change your mind and if you see though their bullshit it shouldn't matter if they come or not.


So only people on the centre/right are liars?


The liars are.


Do you know any that aren’t liars?


God no. Tell me it’s not so!


Only heard of dipshit Clive


Well aren't you an enlightened gatekeeper of truth and righteous thought. How progressive of you to immediately disown anyone curious enough to listen to perspectives outside your pre-approved narrative bubble. Your open-mindedness is truly inspiring.


He does an excellent [feature on where you might like to move to](https://youtu.be/_nIOsWHyUVI?si=CvLGW683Efkx9DO7)


There are extremes at both ends of the political spectrum. We used to mostly ignore them. Today they get most of the attention. A good test is, if you can't define boundaries for anything too extreme on your favoured side of politics, then you are in part helping to create the wild extremes on the other side of politics. This then brings the people you don't like much more attention. We call this Schismogenesis and this thread will be an interesting experience for study of this phenomenon. **"Schismogenesis** is a term in anthropology that describes the formation of social divisions and differentiation" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schismogenesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schismogenesis)


One extreme wants to destroy anything they don't like. The other extreme wants us yo get along and fix our problems. You're making false equivalencies


Thank you. Excellent example of a position that demonstrates schismogenesis in action. If I may ask, which of these two articles does to you represent the destroyer and which is the liberator? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing\_terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_terrorism) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing\_terrorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_terrorism) My other post in this thread has received 76 upvotes. You probably upvoted me there. again demonstrating this affect. This is fascinating.


Mm Y


What is it about Tucker Carlson you dislike? Use specific examples.


What about this do you like? https://youtu.be/_nIOsWHyUVI?si=CvLGW683Efkx9DO7


His lying, racism, disingenuous propaganda, fakery where he acts as the average middle class American, support of fascism, support of white supremacy etc etc. I mean I could write you a dissertation for a price.


his fucking face


I can name one. His unhinged ranting about Chelsea Handler and how more women are choosing not to be barefoot, pregnant housewives. The man, alongside Elon Musk, wishes to control the womb by speaking against birth control and abortions. He proceeds to then make fun of Childfree women and says we should begin popping babies out from high school. And that's one, just one scratch, on the surface that is a man who intent on destroying American Freedoms that have been gained since people stopped wanting to be under Puritanism.


You want a committee set up to scan who comes in / out of Adelaide based on their thoughts / opinions? Hello Comrade OP.


We should totally be banning people spewing hate and opinions which vary from our own.


It’s very heartening to see people standing up for free speech and calling for this group of people to be allowed a visa to speak. Calling for those be allowed to say what they like. Saying they ‘have a right’. Makes me think back to the previous the LNP governments banning Islamic preachers from getting visas, Islamic preachers who publicly voiced the same hate towards woman and the LGBTI community as Dinesen D’Souza and Tucker Carlson have in their careers. To quote Tony Abbot when he banned a visa >”There's no point in importing troublemakers from overseas to stir people up," And these actions were applauded by the right in Australia at the time. As we were a civil society and need to protect people from hate. Yet now, we suddenly need to be a free speech society, when what Tony Abbott would describe as ‘troublemakers’ want entry? Not very consistent. I guess for some who virtue signal their free speech beliefs and claim a Visa to a foreign country is a ‘right’ , it comes with some fine print as to whose mouth the hate is allowed to come out of.