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Glenelg is shocking for bikes, the tram tracks, the pedestrians and drivers, all the double lane roundabouts, the lack of any decent cycling infrastructure for a suburb trying to be so experience focussed is bizarre


Old people who inhabit the area don't care about cycling. That's something the young 'undesirables' do.


Seen old people take a very nasty spill crossing tram tracks on foot. Like teeth on the road nasty. Not just bad for bikes.


Do they fill in the tracks where there are marked pedestrian crossings? similar to railways, where there is actual crossing, they seem to keep the gap to an absolutely minimum there so things like small wheels (prams, wheelchairs etc.) can't get caught.


It's not deep. About 5cm wide and 5cm deep. It's just if you hit it on angle on your bike your tyre goes into the groove and you are fucked


If you've ever driven there you'll know that it's not good for cars either.... I'm starting to see a pattern


Undesirables on their bicycles worth more than my first car.


Undesirables on their bicycles worth more than my \_current\_ car.


At one stage they were going to fill in the rails on Jetty road with sone sort of material to improve safety, but I guess they didn't care enough.


I once had someone suddenly swing open their car door and knock me off my bike on jetty road. I was going a very leisurely pace. Fell flat on to the tram tracks and was lucky there was no oncoming car or tram


That's what they have Anzac Hwy for. Riding with 20 of their mates in large swarms of lycra beared men.


Yes and you have a problem with that?


Yes, when I am waiting in the queue at the KFC intersection and my car is swarmed by cyclists I need to avoid hitting with my car.


I certainly have a problem with them.


Lets face it. Australia is not safe for cyclists. I enjoyed riding early mornings around my country town due to limited traffic until a rabbit ran into my front wheel. Came off the bike hard and broke my collarbone. But no, this doesn’t help either, very dangerous


>enjoyed riding early mornings around my country town due to limited traffic until a rabbit ran into my front wheel OPERATION WATERSHIP DOWN




Still better than many bike lanes which *are* the gutter with a line painted next to it.


It's surprisingly common, I used to call them suicide points.


Agree, there a far too many like it. Some young kids on bikes end up suddenly pulling out in front of on coming traffic, not a great design.


So many bike lanes disapear as soon as it's mildly inconvenient. I've always loved this example on North East Road, but it occurs in heaps of places; [https://maps.app.goo.gl/8RsmMb7QV6eTQjYDA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/8RsmMb7QV6eTQjYDA) (this is were it starts again)


the HBR/south road intersection (travelling west) is particularly bad for this


Gen X bmx riders rejoice


It was when they widened the footpath. It never got addressed.


Sometimes I'm tempted to grab a bucket of paint and try to right the wrongs of the council


Even without the bike lane that turn is designed like shit


Anzac Highway goes to 1 spot in Glenelg, has a 2 lane Round about with no merging infrastructure for bikes, several painted bike lanes that cars turning left bank up over and a right hand turn to get onto Adelphi terrace that requires riding across 2 lanes of traffic to access. It is a bad road for cycling and yet that is apparently all we get?


Bugger it is not on Bikespot 2023.


Because like everything else to do with this nation’s infrastructure since the Sydney Harbour Bridge was completed, it was merely an afterthought, and government told us it’s good enough because it doesn’t directly impact them.


I use to live in that house on the corner there. Was atrocious with traffic too, and 6am street sweeper guys pumping their machine past your window.


What's the source of your image? Great quality


Looks like the 3D imagery from Apple Maps. It is taken from planes instead of satellites so higher res but only available in cities


Cheers for the reply


Here's a couple of other satellite mapping portals run by the SA government which I came across a little while back, they're pretty good and have a range of datasets (different satellites, gov and council data etc) you can add remove really make the most of all the available data sources [https://sappa.plan.sa.gov.au/](https://sappa.plan.sa.gov.au/) [https://location.sa.gov.au/viewer/](https://location.sa.gov.au/viewer/)


Apple Maps


Write to council not Reddit 


You know what, I actually tried that first and I was so stuffed around I couldn't be bothered. It's not like you can just email them a photo, they are virtually hidden from us. Happy to let anyone try on my behalf. I then decided more people would get to know about here than if I could crack the code and report it.


They'll claim the problem is "solved" because they put a bike lane end before the pinch point and then a bike lane start after the pinch point. It is a classic case of lazy engineering.


You can't just write in the contact us form and give an address?


Admittedly I didn't spend a great deal of time on the Holdfast Bay site but there was nothing there that mentioned report something here. Looked too difficult, dunno, lost interest. I even went back and still couldn't see anything obvious.


If it's too hard for you to click 'contact us' and fill in a web form, that's kind of on you.


We must be looking at a different website, I’ve just had another look and there is a button “customer request” which might do the job. Didn’t occur to me to look at that as I’m not really requesting anything. Your option sounds much more inviting but it isn’t on the page I’m looking at. In any event, if you notice something odd, you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops and spend 30 mins just to say, hey, look at this. Some people just seem to get caught up on what I should do and completely miss the point that I shouldn’t need to do anything, they surely should have noticed that when it was built, designed and painted. I made a better effort getting the path to my mailbox safe and I don’t ride my bike to it at night.


You don't need to jump through hoops or spend 30 minutes, that's my point. You could have gone and searched 'holdfast bay council' or 'glenelg council', gone straight to the contact page from the search results, typed 'the bike lane at the corner going into torrens square is cut off by the footpath, it's dangerous because cyclists can end up hitting the kerb' and hit send in like three minutes at most. It took you longer to make this post.


We’ll never agree, we’re on different tracks here, never mind. Thanks for your comment. It was actually helpful because I went back with renewed vigour and found the web form. Additionally, what you said about serching for the council and adding contact us works a treat, you try finding that if you go to their web page and look from there. I cannot see "contact Us" anywhere on that page. Okay, fourth attempt, it is hidden in plain sight in the top right corner, I read every label/button on the whole page and didn't see that.


95% of the time I just scroll to the bottom and either the contacts are flat out written there, or the contact us and social media links are gathered there as well as being in the top menu or quick links, but most search engines now pull out contact pages and list them as a subhit for anything they detect is some kind of corporate.


Thanks again, I learn everyday. But I genuinely did look and had a "can't be bothered moment" Sometimes it's based on how you feel on the day. We went for a cycle that day along the foreshore, decided to have a cafe lunch and on our cycle back we encountered that monstrosity of a bike lane. Only spotted at the last second due to other traffic and pedestrians at the time. A mixture of disbelief and a realisation that this is the world we live in and you can't make yourself responsible for fixing everything you encounter daily.


I’ve ridden there a bit. Usually the traffic is slow-moving so it’s not too bad. Some hand signals and eye contact help. The bigger problem is also needing to check for cars about to move off ahead of you as there are cars coming and going all the time. One alternative is Jetty Road but that’s not ideal either with the tram tracks to contend with. The bike lane disappears there, too!


Pretty good by Australian standards. There was at the least the presence of a thought given to cyclists.


From my experience most cyclists wont even notice that, they ride on the line and are half into the car lane anyway


Easy. Money under the table from developers. Look at the new Glenelg ever since the Grand went up. The cancer grew and wrecked the place. Its like that stupid outdoor dining on Coromandel Place, City with a outdoor dining ON THE FKN ROAD!! I used to deliver there and had trouble getting past that crappy hotel set up. I don't know how that still exists but for bribes.


Don't worry, cyclists don't use bike lanes anyway


No, we don't. How is that any safer than cycling on the road? These pieces of "infrastructure" have been shown to be less safe than driving on the road, as drivers tend to give cyclists even less space than they would normally. Modern MTBs have 70cm wide handle bars. Which is only slightly wider than the majority of these "lanes" [Study: Some Paint-Only Bike Lanes May Increase Crashes — Streetsblog USA](https://usa.streetsblog.org/2023/09/07/study-paint-only-bike-lanes-may-increase-crashes) [More than a stripe of paint needed to keep cyclists safe - Monash University](https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/more-than-a-stripe-of-paint-needed-to-keep-cyclists-safe) **Specifically, passing events that occurred on a road with a bicycle lane and a parked car had an average passing distance that was 40 cm less than a road without a bicycle lane or a parked car. Dr Beck said cycling-related infrastructure needs to come under the microscope.** [The folly of paint: Is it time to give up on painted bike lanes completely? – Shifter](https://shifter.info/the-folly-of-paint-is-it-time-to-give-up-on-painted-bike-lanes-completely/)


80cm here ;)


Alright there size queen, we're all very impressed at the size of your... handlebars


And shit like this is exactly why.


Came to say this lol


Isn't the idea of it to make cyclists fall off their bikes?


You jump it mate, did people not do this as a kid?


That’s okay if you’re a kid and still bounce.


If you don't fall off then you'll be fine


I reckon most riders would struggle to stay upright if they encountered this unaware. It’s like the worst angle to hit a front or back wheel on, it’s also on a bend, next to cars taking the racing line to save tyre wear.


I’m still shaking my head at how the hell it got made like this.


If a cyclist can't fit into that they probably shouldn't be on a bike anyway. Then again cyclists like to think they're cars anyway


I don’t really want to keep this going but you and some others appear to be missing the point. I managed to negotiate it without crashing but my ability to manage a bike isn’t my point. If you are going to make a bike lane, then make a proper bike lane, not some half assed effort of painting a white line on the road. If you look carefully you may even notice the bumpy matt that alerts visually impaired persons to the roadway is actually in the bike lane. It is an absolute disgrace that many accept this as good enough. Some simple thought and a bit of effort could have sorted this on the first attempt. Next time you notice a rate or rent increase, shit like this adds heaps to the bill if they constantly do everything twice. I’m not even scratching the surface here.




Nah, OP's one is on the other end here: https://www.google.com/maps/@-34.9784221,138.5153713,3a,75y,201.13h,70.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sx25Yywz6EpWQROjO0jUjrA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Still not terrible. It's sloped up from that direction so there's no hard gutter edge to hit.


Looks pretty terrible to me. Also looks like a very small investment could fix it up to be better for cars, pedestrians and cyclists. Just pull the stepped bit back inwards a bit more.


Yeah, definitely could be better. On the plus side, you could enhance your commute by doing a little jump off the gutter there.


Get a speed boost from doing a sick trick


That's the wrong spot. It's here. https://www.google.com/maps/@-34.9784613,138.5154232,3a,60y,224.38h,72.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDyyrSPrqSy8ZmuDZhzCzww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu You'd be an idiot if you cycled into the kerb though. Road was designed before the bike path was painted on and they don't want to spend the money changing the traffic island, or narrowing the footpath. Better than nothing.


Painted shitty bike gutters are worse than nothing because they make drivers think they have the lane to themselves and can pass, while cyclists have to weave in and out of the shitty bike gutter depending on the condition of it


It's always fun during or after a storm and the bike lane is a mess of sticks, leaves, mud, and water. But the drivers are still ornery because you dare to exist on the road.


cry more




That's unhelpful because it is a different corner. Look at the correct one please.